Midgard Serpent

Turn Forty-Five

Brief Recap: Last turn the party took care of the six brigands, but was left with a slightly worse problem...

The Beast Revealed

The Panther leaps at Humphrey, but the old mage speaks a word of magic and lifts himself straight into the air, off his mount and out of immediate danger. The beast instead lands on Humphrey's horse, which cries as its life is taken by the oversized cat.

Ghotu runs to Bibi as she tears Humphrey's horse's throat out. Approaching her from behind, he runs by and snatches the amulet from around her neck. He is only half surprised when she does not transform back to her human form.

As Ghotu runs by, the panther raises her head, ready to attack. But before she can spring after Ghotu, Bronk and Bardock fall on her, Bronk on her front half and Bardock grabbing her hind legs. The two try to pin her down with their body weight, but the panther turns beneath them and rakes them both with her claws, barely missing Bronk's jugular with its incisors. [Bronk takes 13 damage.]

Humphrey casts strength on Bronk Beareye. He then cast web on the panther.

Blade still waits, holding his action. He hopes that the others can subdue Bibi with either raw force or magic before he is forced to use his silver daggers

Bronk pulls his right fist back and starts pummeling the cats head(He realizes that this thing is stout!!!). He does not hold back at all...He is trying to knock the shit outta this big ass cat.

"BARDOCK......START PUNCHING LIKE WE USE TO ON ALL WARRIORS EVE!!!!" Bardock hearing this from his brother starts punching like a mad man possessed!! Every year the Rasheman Clans would come together as one for games and feast. Wars between the clans would cease for 4 days and 4 nights. Culminating in the last day and night called "GornaVin Schkatz" which meant literally..."The Last One". It was a contest that put ALL men and boys alike into one huge grove. They would pummel at each other until the last one was standing. This one had power over all the clans to stop ANY ONE THING from happening or from conntinuing to happen. One war between 2 clans or one marriage between 2 people.....even the appointing of a leader!!! No one had beaten Bronk since he was 14...except one. Bronk realizes in his heart.....that....this one man....is the only man he still is even slightly affraid of.

Posting Instructions:Please post two rounds of combat. Everyone rolls initiative separately for this combat, so you may want to state your intent as "if...then..." statements.

Humphrey is 15 feet in the air above his horse. The red "X"s are the brigands we subdued.

Current Hit Points
Characters Hit Points Plot Points
Ghotu Graver 136/136 2
Bibi 72/72 1
Blade 125/125 0
Bronk 99/112 2
Mog 108/108 1
Humphrey 35/35 0

The Cyclopedia of the Wurld is a lexicon of people, places, and things in the story. Feel free to submit suggestions for additions, just post'em.
Check out the Trophy Room for running totals of all the creatures killed, experience points earned, and treasure gathered so far.
Here is a Combat Summary Table with basic combat information for all the player characters tabulated for easy reference.
The Rules and Matrices page has, you guessed it, rules and matrices. Combat charts, saving throws, armor class and weapon damage.
Of course, we always post consistent with the Posting Manifesto, and here it is in its full glory.
We are using Plot Points in this game, find out about them here.
See the Art Gallery of original art for the Eternal Warriors pbem.
Check the Message List to see the latest post.
Meta Earth Home Page: Keith's lame-ass super hero website. It doesn't even have any of Keith's original art. All Keith's original art is on MY site. ;) (Actually, Meta-earth is where our PBEM experience started, and it's still going. Keith is a Wonder Woman. Where does he find the time?)
Brian's Western Shores supporting website can be found here. It has clerical spell tables, Bibi's original background (which we are basically using), and some very nice pop-up banner ads.
DiabloII.net website: a good diablo website for you Diablo Addicts Micah.

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