[insert shieldbar here]

Mog Toltec

Estranged orc shaman

first left hand table
STR 11 0
INT 16 +2
WIS 18 +4
DEX 14 0
CON 17 +3
CHA 8 0

[second left hand column table--stats]
Combat Stats
Hit Points 118
Armor Class 6
Level 17
XPs 1,350,000
Next Level 1,350,001

[third left hand column table--abilities]
Special Abilities
Spells (10/10/9/7/5/3/1 @ 17th lvl+Wisdom bonus)
Infravision '120
ID plant, animal, pure water
Pass w/o Trace
Change form 3/day (coyote, crow, gecko)

-1 to hit in daylight

[first rt hand column table--equipment]
Cloak & Cowl
2 Quivers x12 Javelins w/ Atlatl
Standard Pack
Religious Symbol--Wheel of Life
Star Journal
Codex of Goil-Ward Adz

[insert 2d rt hand table--magic items]
Magic Items
Spell Razor (+3 ceremonial knife)
Ring of Reneration (relic)
Bracelets of Defense (AC 6)
Rod of Absorption (30 charges, 10 stored)
Token of Spell Storing (6th: Blade Barrier (8d8); 5th: Flame Strike (6d8); 4th: Undetectable Lie, Tongues; 3rd: Bestow Curse; 2d: Hold Person)
Hewards Handy Haversack
Keoghtom's Ointment (3x5 applications, cure poison, disease, d4+18 hp)
Sovereign Glue
Potion of Flying
Crude Telescope
Scroll (5th lvl: Flame strike (6d8); 6th lvl: Harm, Stone Tell; 7th lvl: Astral Spell, Resurrection, Holy Word)
6 Heal Potions (5d6)

[insert shieldbar here]

[insert 3d rt hand table--story elements]
Story Elements
Mog Toltec, high priest of the Tolteki people, an enlightened civilization of orcs, is lost. In a freak accident, he was thrown in a mysterious gate to Gruumsh knows where. Or when. Since the accident, Mog has wandered the earth in search of his people, but he has found no sign. He recognizes the gutteral speech of other orcs, but none know his own dialect, or the high tongue in which his sacred magic is spoken.

The Tolteki were a great people who occupied most of a continent. Mog recognizes some constellations, but some are shifted, telling him that perhaps either a great time as passed, or that his perspective has changed by moving a great distance. (The Tolteki knew much astronomy, and even made telescopes with lenses.)

Being an Orc, Mog has found it difficult to function in Human society. Mog is a blood shaman, and he bears tattoos over large portions of his body, including the left half of his face. He is a powerful spellcaster who has walked the astral planes, and he has an inkling that he is a pawn in some greater game.

Mog's particular brand of magic requires the psychic energy of pain to fuel spells, with bloodlettings required for more powerful invocations. Mog believes in the Wheel of Life and carries this symbol of his people.

Mog is hunted by a goblin tribe that has been his enemy since the days of the Company of the Thorn.

[insert 4th rt hand table--combat summary]
Combat Summary
[insert weapon stats]


Shield Bar