[insert char image here]

Sir Ghotu Graver

Human Fighter, Windmane Farm

first left hand table
STR 17 +3
INT 15 +1
POW 14 0
DEX 17 -3
CON 18 +4
CHA 13 0

[second left hand column table--stats]
Combat Stats
Hit Points 150
Armor Class -3
Level 15
XPs 1,750,001
Next Level 2,000,001

[third left hand column table--abilities]
Special Abilities
Expert Riding (15-)
Woodsman (12-)
# attacks: 3/2

Weapon Skills
Axe: +6 damage
Spears: +1 damage

[first rt hand column table--equipment]
Plate Mail Armor (base ac=3)
Dagger (d4)
X-bow, heavy (2d6+2) (extra string)
Quiver/60 bolts
100' good rope

[insert 2d rt hand table--magic items]
Magic Items
Shield +2
Rod of Lordly Might (50 charges)
    Paralyzation--1 charge
    Fear upon all enemies, 6"--1 charge
    Drain 2-8 hp on hit and bestow on wielder--1 charge
    +2 mace
    +1 flame sword
    +4 battle axe/great axe
    +3 spear
    climbing pole, 50', 4000 lbs
    open doors, etc.
    indicate magnetic north

1-h Battle Axe +3 (d8+2)
Lance +1 (d10)
6x Javelin +3 (d6+d6 w/atlatl)
10xjavelin +5 (d6+d6 w/atlatl)
12 Javelins of Giant Slaying (one use, hit kills)
4 Heal Potions (5d6)
Net of Entrapment
("After discussing the merits of being a gladiator, Mfume gives Ghotu a demonstration of the Net. It is nearly indesctuctible, withstanding Ghotu's toughtest axe attacks. It is ten feet square and has quarter foot mesh. It can be thrown 20 feet so as to cover and close upon opponents. It can be suspended from the ceiling and drop on a command word. It can be laid on the floor and will likewise close up on command. The net can cover a 5' cube. It can be loosed by command. Ghotu guys it for 7,000 gold pieces, which he pays form his personal stash of gems he carries."--Turn 36)

[insert 3d rt hand table--story elements]
Story Elements
Ghotu Graver is a mercenary fighter who wanders Aelgard in search of adventure and battle. He is a veteran adventurer who has rarely met his match in combat. Though he does not know it, he is one of the most ancient of the Eternal Warriors, and he is sometimes haunted by dreams of his many past lives. He doesn't let it bother him too much, though. Like Gilgamesh, his motto is, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we may die!"

[insert 4th rt hand table--combat summary]
Combat Summary
Axe Attack: +7 to hit, d8+15 dmg
+3 Javelin: +6 to hit, d6+4 dmg
+5 jav w/atlatl: +8, 2d6+6 dmg
Lance: +4 to hit, d10+5 dmg
[insert shieldbar here]


Shield Bar