Sir Humphrey Beauregard
Human Mage, Lord of Humphreyville
first left hand table
Characteristics |
8 |
0 |
18 |
+4 |
14 |
0 |
17 |
+3 |
8 |
0 |
17 |
+3 |
[second left hand column table--stats]
Combat Stats |
Hit Points |
37 |
Armor Class |
4 |
Level |
15 |
XPs |
1,875,001 |
Next Level |
2,250,001 |
[third left hand column table--abilities]
Special Abilities |
Spells (5/5/5/5/5/2/1)
[first rt hand column table--equipment]
Equipment |
Standard Pack
Master's Ancient History Book
[insert 2d rt hand table--magic items]
Magic Items |
Staff of the Magi:
+2 to saves v. magic
Absorbs spells (10? charges max)
No charges: det. magic, enlarge, hold portal, light, pro. good/evil
One charge: invisibility, knock, pyrotechnics, web, dispel magic, fireball, lightning bolt, ice storm, wall of fire, passwall
Two charges: whirlwind, plane travel, conjure elemental, telekinesis
Necklace: The Nine Fingers of Drick:
(All powers 1 use until recharged)
Left Pinky: Darkness 15'
Left Ring: Identify
Left Middle: Feather Fall
Left Index: Strength
Left Thumb: Teleport
Right Index: Infravision
Right Middle: Write
Right Ring: Charm Person
Right Pinky: Light
Crystal Ball
Oil of Etherealness
Potion of Growth
Ring Pro. +3
Scroll of Protection from Fire (15' radius, immune to fire for 20-50 minutes)
Scroll of Mage Spells (4th:Stoneskin, 3d:Vampiric Touch)
Potion of Fire Giant Control (one target 20-50 minutes)
Scroll of Mage Spells (Gate, Incendiary Cloud, Cacodemon, Geas, Wall of Iron, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Fly)
Crown and Scepter of Acererak
Bag of Holding (250 lbs)
Boccobs Blessed Book
Manual of Golems
[insert 3d rt hand table--story elements]
Story Elements |
The obsidian stone made its way south, into the hands of the Guilds of Magic there. Some of the guild mages suspected the origins of the obsidian stone were not of this plane of existence. One mage, Humphrey's master Hector, one of the most powerful mages of the Guilds, recognized it for what it was, the fabled centerstone to the Rod of Seven Parts. Hector spoke of the ancient tome of history he studied which described the Rod's origins; that it was made by a great heroic sorceror to save his people from a dreadful evil. In the hero's final struggle, he was victorious but the Rod was disbursed, scattered throughout the cosmos in seven separate parts. The other mages laughed at him, saying the Rod was a myth and the origins of his history tome unknown.
Whether because of actual disbelief or greed to use the power of the stone, the guild mages refused to believe Hector's tale. They put the stone to their own, admittedly well intentioned, work. It's power was great, and the mages knew how to harness such power.
Their use of the stone made He who held the remainder of the Rod aware of the stones location. He sent Tha-Rune Ibn to retrieve it, which he did in bloody fashion, killing seven adept mages of the War Cabal who interfered.
Some in the guilds swore revenge, and scapegoated Humphrey's master. Humphrey stood by Hector when they came for him but the two were overcome. Humphrey barely escaped with his master's ancient history tome, having fled only because one of them had to live to stop the dark one. For the book told another secret.
The Rod of Seven Parts, if assembled, would be one of the most powerful artifacts of the current age. It would allow the Boundary between the prime material plane and the outer planes to be penetrated. Something in the outer planes, home to demons and gods, would have access to the prime material plane, and the portal would be on this world. The dark one had to be stopped.
Humphrey also knows who scapegoated and killed Hector. They were an underground organization of mages within the Guilds, whose work subverts that of the Guilds. They may have helped the dark one steal the obsidian stone.
The Guilds of Magic are dedicated to the use of magic for the common good, and are the largest organization of magic-users of all types, covering virtually the entire southern continent and spanning several sovereign kingdoms. Membership in the Guilds is not mandatory for magic-users, but it has great benefit as it allows access to much collected knowledge. And the Guilds enforce their laws on all magic-users, members and non-members alike.
[insert 4th rt hand table--combat summary]
[insert char image here]
[insert shieldbar here]