Midgard Serpent

The Posting Manifesto

New posting protocol for the game, cooked up by The Evil One. This is the posting manifesto.

There is a spectre haunting our egroup.

It is the spectre of confusion. It is known by both the Players and by the DM. This confusion is caused by a player reading the latest Turn on the Eternal Warriors website and posting a reply, while others do the same, only later reading the posts of their comrades who asked the same questions or took contradictory actions; responses to queries are difficult to get; courses of action are nigh impossible to decide; and the Confusion reigns.

This manifesto will change all that.

It will only require following a few simple rules. It will lead us to the Promised Land of Gaming Progress.

A new Turn will begin with a post by the DM setting the scene and providing other info. It will have a subject line with a number. (For example, the next Turn will START WITH subject line "Turn 13-1".)

Every time anyone posts, they must:

1. Only reply to the LATEST version of the post.

2. INCREMENT the number in the subject line (e.g., change Turn 13-1 to Turn 13-2).

INSERT or ADD whatever you want to the story, but do not delete anything and be sure to insert it where it goes (not just at the end). Write narrative, like in a book.

For example, the first PLAYER to respond to the post the DM sent out will CHANGE the subject line to "Turn 13-2". The next PLAYER to post (1) make sure it is the last version of the post and NOT respond to ANY earlier versions, (2) change the subject line, (3) insert or add whatever they want. They would reply only to "Turn 13-2" and change the subject line to "Turn 13-3". Und so weiter.

The reason you only reply to the last version is so that only one document is totally updated and has EVERY post by EVERY person. If people reply to earlier versions, then two threads have been started, and for anyone to have all the posts they must search every post. Following the manifesto will allow every player to know everything that has been posted since the beginning of the turn by reading a single email. That email will be the only one with the highest subject line number.

When you add your commentary to the message, write narrative, so I can post it as closely as possible to the way you write it. Use [brackets] for out of character instructions or comments concerning the game (to be taken into account but deleted before being put on the website). Any non directly game related comments should go AT THE END of the whole thing, or in another email altogether.

There are flaws to this system.

If two people post nearly at the same time, then two threads will be started. If this occurs, the DM will correct it and unify the threads as soon as the DM sees it, so everything is in a single message again.

Following the Manifesto will work if the Players check their email often, preferably once (or even more) a day, at least a couple of times a week. Depending on circumstances of course. Some turns will be busier than others.

One final rule:

No More Dancing.


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