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Turn Eighty-Two
Brief Recap: Last turn, Bibi discovered that Bruce had Blade on a ship about to leave. She and Mog tried to stop them. Bibi cast Turn Wood, which repels wood with a powerful force, while Mog tried to sneak on board as a bird. Bruce threatened to dump Blade overboard if Bibi did not release her spell on the ship, and she ignored his threat. Bruce then dumped Blade, in an iron cage, overboard, also commanding his men to shoot at Blade with crossbows. Meanwhile, Fyona and Gayrlana talked, Fyona asking for help in rescuing Blade, Gayrlana refusing and instead asking Fyona to join her company. Fyona refused and left to find the party. Ghotu's Plan While Bibi and Mog were out scouting for signs of Blade, Ghotu found Fyona in town, outside the Inn in which they were staying. She told him about her conversation with Gayrlana, and that she had tried to get Gayrlana's help, and that Gayrlana refused. "Did you offer to hire her?" asks Ghotu. Fyona admits she did not offer her mother any money. Ghotu asks Fyona where Gayrlana was staying, and goes there. [Anne, I took a little liberty with Fyona here, but I tried to keep it to a minimum. I didn't see any reason why she would not tell Ghotu what he asks. If she has a reason not to, please post and we can revise.] Ghotu makes his way to where Fyona told him Gayrlana was staying. Outside he sees two mercenaries in red cloaks, and recognizes them as Gayrlana's men. He walks up to them and they straighten, as if to show their worth. Ghotu says, "I wish to speak with Gayrlana." Without asking who he is or why, one of the man turns and heads inside. The other says, "We were afraid you'd come, Ghotu Graver. When you meet with Gayrlana, remember, it was just business." Ghotu nods once without expression, hoping he doesn't have to kill this man. The other guard returns quickly and ushers Ghotu in. He takes Ghotu into a living room of the house, and there stands Gayrlana, rapier at her hip. "So, you've come. Doubtless Fyona told you where I was. What do you want, Graver." Gayrlana is polite but clearly on guard, not knowing what to expect from the warrior. Her ever-present grin shows her pearly whites, but her eyes betray the seriousness of the situation. Of all the warriors she has run across, Ghotu Graver is not one she wanted to cross. Ghotu tosses a pouch to her, which she catches. "I want your services. The way I see it, if you won't take my money, then I have to take what you did to our party as personal. But if it was strictly business, then my money should be as good as Bruce's. I want to hire you to get Blade back. Take the job, and there will be no vendetta between us." Gayrlana eyes Ghotu, and the notched battle axe at his side. "Of course I'll take the job. But it's going to cost you." She opens the pouch, and her eyes widen for a brief moment. "And this should do it." She smiles, saying, "I'll meet you at the docks on Umma street, as soon as you can gather your equipment. That's where Bruce will be departing with Blade." Ghotu nods once, and leaves. ___________ Meanwhile, at the docks... Bruce can barely stand on the deck of the ship, as it begins to rock violently with the force of Bibi's spell. They are now rapidly moving toward shore, but the ship is moving nearly sideways, and is now listing heavily toward shore. The deck tilts dangerously, and everyone must grab for something to hold onto. As this is happening, Sylphie, on Bruce's orders, drops Blade's cage into the water on the side nearest shore. Bibi's spell transmutes the cage Blade is in to wood just as it is released from Sylphie's telekinetic grasp. It hits the water, jarring Blade badly (the drop is several feet). The cage, though made of wood, can only just stay afloat with Blade's weight, and the cage sinks until he can barely keep his face above water, pressing his face between the bars that are now on the top of the cage. Only a few inches are between the water and the top of the cage, and Blade's ears are both in the water but his nose and mouth are in the air. He can breathe, though he coughs seawater as waves lap over him. Blade realizes the cage has been turned to wood through the feel of teh bars and teh cage not sinking immediately. He takes a large gulp of air and ducks under teh water momentarily. Straining with all of his might he attempts to break the now wooden locking mechanism of the cage as this is now the weak point of the cage, having the smallest wooden mechanisms. . [Attempting a bend /bars lift weights roll to see if he can bust the wooden lock and swim away prior to the boat running over the cage. I think it is only fair that I be given a chance to escape prior to teh boat drowning me. Also, The cage could just as easily been pushed out of teh path of teh boat. Was taht rolled for? I think it should have been if it wasn't. Otherwise I am being railroaded into my character living or dying with one percentile roll with no chance of escape.. Are their rules for drowning? ] Then the ship, under the influence of Bibi's spell, plows over the cage, driving it deep under water and causing it to tumble beneath the ship. [Blade will have to make a CONx5% roll, or be drowned.] [If Blade is still in the cage at this point , I believe that there should be some chance that the cage was busted open by the impact of the ship or that the lock was jarred open. Or he can just die unceromoneously again.Are their rules for drowning? ] The crossbowmen also lose grip on their weapons, which fly from their grasps because of the young druid's magic. Then, with a loud snap, the mast of the ship splits and begins to fall toward shore. This causes the ship to rock violently the other direction, and everyone on board is slung back and forth. [Everyone on deck must make a DEXx3% to keep their feet, and a DEXx5% to stay on the ship. No one on the ship can take normal actions.] The captain curses in rage. Sylphie ATTEMPTS TO telekenetically lifts Blade from the water, sparing his life. IF SUCCESSFUL, She then holds him in front of her and cast teleport on herself, Bruce, and Blade. The sound of horses is barely audible to those on the ship, but Bibi notices that Ghotu and Fyona are standing on the docks watching, while Gayrlana and a group of mercenaries is riding down the street behind them, toward the docks.
Bibi lowers herself just a few feet in the air so that the ship steadies just a bit. But not so much that it would become easy for Sylphie to cast a spell. She then begins casting her spell. As soon as Fyona see's Blade go over-board she removes her armor and heavy clothing. She hands Ghotu her sword and slips her pearl of sirens under her tongue. Fyona then dives into the water caring only a dagger. [Brian, Anne, Micah, what do your characters do?] ______________________________ Meanwhile, in Galay, hundreds of leagues north... Humphrey waits throughout the night for the apprentice's return, but to no avail. He hides out all day long, dozing in the gutter in view of the corner where he commanded the apprentice to meet him with his spell book. But the apprentice does not come. Throughout the day, it becomes harder and harder for Humphrey to ignore the people walking by. The hunger in him grows as the hours pass, until a burning in his stomach arises each time someone walks within a few meters of him. The Hellfire within him draws his eyes to each person who passes him, some of whom begin to drop a coin in his lap--until they see the look in his eyes. Those that do see Humphrey's face quickly walk away, an expression of fear and loathing overcoming them. Around noon, Humphrey hears the tread of mailed soldiers. He looks down the street and sees a platoon of Protectors, the dedicated garrison of the Keep, heading his way. Something foul deep inside Humphrey welcomes the approach of the armed men. The leader of the men spots Humphrey where he lies in the trash, and says, "You there! Stay where you are." They approach. Humphrey bolts away from them, down the alley and ducks into an old abandoned warehouse where he has been sleeping, waiting for the apprentice's return. He then looks for a way out, away from them and ultimately, out of the area, eventually out of the city. [What does Humphrey do?]
Posting Instructions: The forest is kind of dim, as it is pretty dense overhead.
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