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Turn Seventy-Six
Brief Recap: To begin: A Scene from Last Turn: [Begin Flashback Scene:] "We are too few to protect them all!" Humphrey yells, as he watches a Bugbear die. He turns to the next five Bugbears that come his way and says, "You, Bugbear, protect me." He then looks up into the sky and yells, "Bring me a lightning storm!!!" His hair blows violenty (from some unseen wind) as he yells this. As he does this and they gather around him, he pulls the crown from atop his head and places it in its satchel. He then yells to the party. Bring the slaves in close. I am going to put up a ring of fire to hold them off. He then reads a scroll, Protection from Fire 15' radius. After this, he casts a wall of fire around the perimeter, [assuming he can do all this in the few rounds of approaching combat]. He then prepares to rain fireballs down on the approaching attackers. [Note: His nipples get hard as he does all this]... [...End Flashback.] The Journey Onward The party trudges east through the rain, exhausted, grimy, singed, wet, and miserable. Their horses were stolen and equipment looted by fleeing slavers. Bibi recovered two of the slavers' horses wandering about after the battle, and the four surviving slaves ride these while the party walks. A rainstorm that began immediately after the battle batters them still, a deluge of water that makes the plains a bog. The battle scene had been one of carnage. As the humans and orcs closed in on the party's' position, Humphrey called a ring of fire to protect them. Not all the slaves had made it inside the circle of protection in time, try as the party did to hold off the onslaught of enemies. There were too many attackers, two many to protect, two few defenders. The ring of fire the mage conjured incinerated both friend and foe who entered it. The sheer mass of attackers at first pressed their own front ranks into the flames to die screaming, the flesh dropping from their skeletons before they made it through the perimeter. Still, nearly fifteen slaves were alive at that time, huddled with the party within Humphrey's protective circle. The slavers, after they saw what was happening, began to fire arrows and bolts into the fire. Though the wall offered some protection, deflecting many bolts with convective air currents, two slaves quickly died. Humphrey began raining fireball after fireball all around the party, causing the firewall to expel great gouts of flame into the attackers. Still, they merely retreated and continued firing missiles at the party. Then the lightning began. The skies were indiscriminate in their response to Humphrey's Command, black thunder clouds withholding their rain but letting loose a storm of electricity that covered the field for many miles, Ghotu and Mog judged from the condition of the grasslands. Everyone in the party felt the electric fields and arcing blue discharge. Many were struck by major bolts of lightning, including Humphrey himself and several of the remaining slaves. Mog and Bibi exhausted their healing magic, but still most of the remaining slaves died. There was just no protection from the lightning storm. All the slaver parties fled for their lives, scattering in all directions. After over an hour, the storm ended. The party was basically alone in the plains. The rain started immediately after the lightning abated, as if the clouds had ruptured themselves in their effort to serve Acererak's magic. That was three days ago. The clouds continue spilling their contents on the party. Now the party silently makes its way toward the forest, hungry and sore from slogging through the mud. Their ire for Humphrey has grown intensely since the battle. * * * [Long time passes. Please feel free to type anything you want about dropping the surviving slaves off at Chu-tek's Tribal Headquarters.] It is a happy reunion for the few tribesmen that see their loved ones returned. For the rest... The rain that falls on the village during the party's brief visit is fitting, as the people of Chu-tek's tribe hold that rain is the tears of the gods. One night during the brief stay Bibi goes to Mog and tells him she will be traveling (via plant) to see Azreal and that she will return by morning. Once Bibi reaches Dunore she will attempt to see Azreal without being detected by any other. "Azreal, it Bibi may we speak?" Bibi waits for his response, she was speaking in a very low tone so not to surprise him. Azrael was kneeling in meditative prayer, and he seems pleased to see Bibi. "It is too seldom you visit us, Bibi. I am glad to see you." "I feel great uneasy about the passing of the Grand Druid and not just the mourning but an unsetteledness about the future. I do not feel comfortable leaving the stone here without his presence. I will not ask you to promote this action only to watch over the stone until I arrive with my companions." Azrael looks worried, a small frown bending his features. "What 'action' are you suggesting, Bibi? I understand your uneasiness, but Aria will become the Grand Druid. She is the wisest among us, and I believe she has a noble heart. She was also closest among us all to the Grand Druid, may the goddess preserve his soul. Besides, only the Grand Druid is privy to the secrets of the Obsidian Stone. I do not know where it is." Bibi calms herself and begins again in a softer tone "Please Azreal, do not mistake my intentions. I would never bring shame to you and I hope that you will always be my advisor. But as you know there are forces at work that outsiders know nothing of and I fear that the time grows very near that they will once again seek to fill this world with darkness. My Companions and I will not see what we accomplished be undone." Azrael answers, "The druids understand the great accomplishment you have achieved in wresting the stone from the githyanki, Bibi. Your name is already on the books of lore as a great heroin of our people. Few on the Wurld even know of the githyanki's existence. But we here in Dunore do know of them and the threat they pose. That is why the Grand Druid asked you to return the stone to him, may he rest, so it could be protected by the strength and secrecy of our entire order, rather than only one of our order." Bibi says, "I'm sure you are right. I will take time on the journey reconsider and I will look forward to putting my faith into Aria as I hope she will in me." Bibi continues: "I have also been wondering what has been or will be done to protect the villagers against the slavers?" Bibi has been ill since the battle trying to free the slave. She is filled with disappointment and disgust with herself in that matter. But she has just realized that she was not the only one that let down these people. Those of power here in Dunore should have protected them. Azrael says, "Other villages have also been raided. Some are able to fight off the attackers, such as our home village. The fighters there drove the slavers off with little loss. We ambushed them nearly five weeks ago." Azrael holds up a bone necklace Bibi had not noticed before. "This is a reminder of one we lost in the battle. But the slavers lost more. Since the raids started, we have been traveling throughout the forest by the plant doors to lend what help we may. The tribe of Chingachkook was hit hardest of all, as they were among the first to be raided, and they are also closest to the Warring States--where I believe the slavers mostly come from. The Huttites to our north have also made some raids recently, but not like those from the south. In short, Bibi, we are doing what we can, mainly by preparing the villagers themselves for battle." * * * [Long more time passes.] After many more weeks of journeying, the company, led by Bibi, arrives at Dunore, Seat of power of the Druids. The forest about the city is a wilderness maze, and without Bibi to guide them, most of the company doubt they would have been able to find the place--or their way back out either. Stone obelisks mark the entrance, druidic runes proclaiming the sacred nature of the city within. The rains still fall, as they have every day since the battle with the slavers, though it is at present merely a steady shower. They are greeted by an acolyte dressed in red robes, the color of death. The Grand Druid, whom Bibi, Ghotu, Bronk, and Mog met their last visit here, is dead. He was buried weeks ago, but the city will be in mourning for one year. Blade and Fyona appear from a side avenue between stone buildings, and greet the party. Aria appears behind them, smiling. "I am glad you made it, Bibi and company. You are welcome in Dunore. [Have Blade and Fyona been able to get into the magic stream or whatever it is yet? I can't really post for Blade until I know the answer to this. ] * * * Trenin, a half elven ranger/cleric, has traveleld many miles to pay his respects to the fallen Grand Druid and to honor the new Grand Druid, Aria, who will take her new position during the ceremony teh following night. He is rueful that he misssed the former Grand Druid's funeral, but he had been away invesigating matters to the south.--more rumours of unicorn poaching. A fellow Brother, Sturgis , had been dispatched to follow up on the investigation more thoroughly. The news of the unicorns troubled him, but the matter was in good hands. The death of one Grand Druid and teh initiation of another was equally important. Such matters might happen once in a lifetime and the druids were counted as important allies. The party is given a vacant building to live in while they are there. Blade and Fyona already have their possessions within. Everyone settles in. Aria appears before dinner, and informs the party that there will be a banquet tomorrow evening, in honor of the new Grand Druid. She introduces Trenin to the party, saying, "This is Trenin half-elven. He is from the Sylvan Brotherhood, and is a friend to the Druids." Trenin gives a bow to teh party. "It is an honor to meet you all. Aria has told me of your many acts of heroism. Especially those of the druid-progeny Bibi. If you need teh help of the Sylvan Brotherhood you have but to ask." Trenin has a strange mix of human and elvish featuires that make him intriguing to look uppon. Slighty pointed ears appear from beneath his light brown shoulder lenghth hair and his almond shaped eyes are a brilliant sky blue. His frame is still tall , but denser and more muscualr tahn a full blooded elf. Their is a hint of light stubble on his chin, yet another reminder of his mixed heritage. He dresses n the traditionalk grey, green and brown clothing common to rengers or other outdoorsmen. He, like most of teh other deniuizens in this forest, seemed to be a part of it somehow. [I am introducing this guy because I may want to retire Blade in the near future. It would make more sense for he and Fyona to carry on southwards in search of the Prophet rather tahn trying to help Humphrey with his cursed crown. This could take quite awhile I am aware and I'd rather Blade just take a hiatus from gameplay as He and Fyona journey, journey, journey to the South. Of course it is up to Anne also since it direcly involves one of her charatcers. But it looks as if Bibi is going to be taking on a much more central part at this part in the story so it may not matter if Fyona makes an exit for awhile. . I want to be able to flesh out the Sylvan Brotherhood a bit more as well as the clerical aspects of this guy. Maybe he can get involved because the crown is somehow "against" the natural order of things or something. Distorts and makes a mockery of the natural world by bending reality to the wearer's will. Somehow threatening in a way that regular magic is not (I don't know just making shit up). It would be his responsibility as a ranger and member of the Brotherhood to get involved. ] Aria explains that the Grand Druid was to be chosen by combat from the three Arch Druids--Aria, Azreal, and Sinest. However, Azreal and Sinest both abdicated their chance at the highest position, in deference to Aria's seniority. She is to become the Grand Druid in a ceremony tomorrow, before the banquet. But for now, she wants to help the party. She asks them all, gathered together in the kitchen of the stone house they occupy, why they have come to Dunore. Her tone is suddenly formal. "Your grace. It is perhaps best that your acolyte Bibi adress this question." Humphrey turns to look at Bibi, the intensity of his visage unusual even for the old Mage. [Note Bibi is no Acolyte, she is a full Druid. That is like calling Humphrey an apprentice.] "The most pressing reason for our visit is that I beleive that our party may all have been effect by a curse and that we all need to visit the healing water at once." Bibi's tone is very absolute. Aria, still speaking in formal tones, addresses Bibi. "The healing waters are open to those in need, but I must first know, what type of curse are we dealing with? What type of magic?" Her eyes stray meaningfully to Humphrey. "Are we here in Dunore threatened by it?" "I would never knowingly bring danger to this most holiest of places." Bibi's eyes also turn to Humphrey. "I cannot tell you the type of magic that has plagued us because I do not know the origins that fuel it." Aria answers, "How then do you even know you are cursed? I have questioned others of your party as well," here she refers to her talk with Blade, "and they have been reluctant to disclose the nature of this curse. I gather that it centers on this mage," she gestures to Humphrey without looking at him. "Though our healing waters are potent, our prayers add to its powers, and guide them. Knowledge of the curse would greatly aid the powers of the healing waters. And the more potent this curse, the more important that we know everything about it we can. Is there nothing more you can tell me besides that you are all cursed?" She says this with doubt in her voice. "I am sure that the waters will heal us all because this is the same curse that Mog was under when he was last here and he was healed without question by the Grand Druid, may he rest." Bibi briefly pauses to compose herself. She is feeling quite defensive. She again addresses Aria "Is it your intention to make us feel as though we are being accused of some malicious scheme?" "I am to be the new Grand Druid. Great responsibility rests with me now. I cannot risk the safety of this haven, and as you point out, I am now responsible for many lives--countless lives, given that the Wurld as we know it is under threat." Humphrey speaks: "I bear the Crown and Sceptre of Acererak. You are only threatened by this curse if I choose to threaten you. I shall not. However, as this young acolyte fails to tell you, we are here seeking the fate of the Obsidian stone. Bibi erroneously handed possession of this item over to you. The item does not belong here and it is endangering both this grove and the kingdoms of the world if Thae Rune Ibn, keeper of the stone, discovers its location. No power here can guard against him." Aria addresses Humphrey, calmly saying, "Twice you refer to Bibi as an Acolyte. She is a Druid, higher among her peers than you are among yours, unless the mages guild has decayed much since last I walked the halls of the Keep in Galay. Her giving of the stone was a choice, not an error. At least while you are in this city, you will show her the respect she has earned. "As for this crown and scepter, I have never before heard of them. But of the sorceror Acererak, I know the legends. He was evil and foul, and whatever he touched fell into evil. And if you truly wield his magic, then you too will fall into evil." She pauses, looking into Humphrey's eyes as if testing his mettle, and says, "Finally, the obsidian stone belongs to you no more than it belongs to us. We have it now. None but I know its location, and no one can find it without this knowledge, be they githyanki or demon or accursed mage. If the safety of the stone is truly your concern, then it can be made no safer. Be satisfed with this, and go in peace. You cannot take the stone by force." She then looks at the rest of her party. "If the magic of Acererak is the source of your curse, I will go immediately to prepare the healing waters. And, Bibi, when last you were here to heal your friend Mog, it was not this curse that the Grand Druid informed us made him ill, though what he said now makes sense. Mog was afflicted by the mind powers of the githyanki. But the Grand Druid also said some other evil hung over Mog at the time, and now I realize that he must also have been affected by this curse, as you have said." As an afterthought, Aria adds, "Though, if the curse only threatens those whom this mage wishes, I fail to comprehend why all his companions have been cursed. "The healing waters will be ready by midnight. I will send for you when it is time." When she is gone, Humphrey turns to Bibi, his anger evident, but subdued. "For the sake of the party, I shall hold my tongue in the presence of that shaman. However, do not think that I am above taking the stone as I see fit--if I find it to be necessary... acolyte." He turns and walks out the door. [Unless someone replies to her] Aria turns to go. Blade is relieved to hear that he is so close to having the curse lifted. Not being in control of his own mind was both unsettling and infuriating. It seemed he always fell prey to such magics which only reinforced his natuaral suspicion and dislike of wizards. No longer in Humphrey's presence, Blade releases his tight grip on the thorny rose stem he clenches in his hand. He sees that his hand is quit bloody now and wraps it in a handkerchief. He had learned how to be in Humphreys presence by drowning out his cursed thoughts with pain. Seeking to lighten his mood, he wipes the blood from the rose and makes a theatrical bow to Fyona as he presents it to her. "This flower is both beautiful and dangerous...much like yourself. I think it appropraite that you should have it. Besides, I would look silly with flowers in my hair." He turns to Bibi, "Don't let the old man anger you Bibi. He is trying to save face. It will be resolved soon." Trenin looks concerned. Such magic was unnatuaral. Bending the laws of nature to its will and distorting teh ntural order of things retaher than working with them was unthinkable to him. This is most troubling, he thinks.
Posting Instructions: The forest is kind of dim, as it is pretty dense overhead.
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