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Turn Sixty-Nine
Turn 69 Brief Recap: Last turn, Blade and Fyona were banished from theNorthern Kingdom by King Ozrik for slaying Count Vingrot. Devoid oftheir wealth, they set out in search of Bibi and Mog. Humphrey andNepal also decided to split up, Nepal going to the Guild of Magic tolook for information about the Crown, Humphrey seeking out Bibi andMog. It is now the end of winter, beginning of spring. Reunited! (And it feels so good...) Bibi/Ghotu/Mog Bibi's temple is nearly complete. The three acolytes that came withher from Dunore worked wonders with the place, blessing the sanctuarywith Bibi's help and working with a few orcs who are interested inthe druidic religion. [Anne, I don't know exactly what has beendiscussed with respect to your sanctuary and the acolytes, but unlessthis contradicts what has been written before, three acolytes cameback with you and have been helping to build the temple/sanctuary. Wecan discuss if you want to add or change details.] Mog seems perfectly healed, at least psychologically. No trace of hisearlier insanity remains. He has also recovered physically from hisordeal, and has gained back nearly all of the weight he lost whilecatatonic. This took many weeks, as the healing waters of Dunore didnot aid his physical body, only his mind. Ghotu and Bronk are still staying in the forest with Bibi and Mog to help them with thesanctuary. They plan to head south very soon, returning to their own lands. * * * Humphrey The old mage is not designed for travel. After several days on aship, he rode northward to Thedrickstand Keep. When he arrived there,weary and roadsore, he was surprised to learn that his old companionBlade was banished from the Kingdom. Patrons in a inn where Humphreystayed discussed Blade's fate, Humphrey silently listening from a fewseats down at the bar: "Ol' Vingrot got what was comin' to him, I reckon. Though, I'm kindasurprised Blade could take'im, Vingrot's magic sword'n all." "Whut? Yoo kiddin'? Blade's the fastest there is, magic swords or no.Taint nobody can stand toe to toe with The Blade." The innkeeper hadjoined the conversation at the bar, adding his comments withauthority. "Look here, see that?" The innkeeper points to somethingscratched in the surface of the bar. "Cain't read it no more, but itwas carved by the very hand that carved up Vingrot-- says, "Blade washere." I hear'd ol' Blade carved that in Vingrot's sorry carcass whenhe gutted him, I did." "Well, I hear'd it was a woman killed the count, ol' `one-armedFyona' they call'er." "Who ever hear'd tell of a woman killin' a count?" "Well, King Ozrik `parently, since he banished'em both!" * * * Blade and Fyona Blade and Fyona journey southward on their horses, trying to makegood time. They will have to really stretch their rations on thejourney ahead, and they are thankful for the grass to feed theirhorses. They circle around the southern end of the mountain range (see map),and then head northward on the eastern side. Once they encounter acaravan where they are able to make favorable trades for more food,exchanging some of their less important equipment. Better equippedfor the journey ahead, they depart the caravan. Several weeks later, the two pass Thedrickstand Keep, visible on itsperch to the west of the travelers. They bypass the keep, where theyfear they would be recognized, and head straight to the forest wherethey hope to find Bibi, Mog, Ghotu, and Bronk. * * * Serendipity steps in and, lo and behold, Blade and Fyona arrive in Bibi's forest the same day Humphrey arrives. Bibi and Mog are outgathering herbs (with Bronk and Ghotu riding nearby) south of the sanctuary in a large treeless valley, when they hear and see their old companions arrive. Humphrey tops a western hill as Blade and Fyona top an eastern hill. They all meet together in the valley floor, in a wide meadow. Flowers are just beginning to sense spring in the air, and colorful yellow buds are scattered across the valley. For the first time in months, a warm wind blows from the southwest. Humphrey says, bowing his head is greeting, "Blade. Fyona, or shouldI call you one-armed Fyona, as the villagers throughout the realm arecoming to know you. You are both becoming quite famous, or infamous,as one might have it, you know. What twists of fate brought you intobattle with the ever acrimonious Count Vingrot? Or is it a tale uspure-hearts should avoid." Humphrey laughs when he says this. Hearing Humphrey mock her, Fyona start to lash out but Blade beats her to it. Blade scowls at Humphrey, with no humour in his voice says, "I'mglad you think it's comical wizard. Perhaps I should chop off yourarmand see how funny it is? Disrespect Fyona in that manner again andthat is what shall happen. Fate had nothing to do with our situation.It was the usual trickery and lies I've come to expect from wizardsand politicians." Blade spits on the ground in disgust. "A plague onthem both." "Aaahh, so the great and powerful Blade has tasted the dark bile oftrickery and deceit and it has sapped his carefree spirit. I thoughttrickery was what you worshipped oh great one?" "Luck has nothing to do with trickery you old fool." says Blade hismoodgrowing even darker. The very sound of Humphrey's voice seems to fillhim witth anger. Each word more irritating than the last. Perhaps heshould cut his throat. That would make him shut up. Humphrey glares at Blade for a moment longer, thinking. Yes, hethinks, heis an agent of chaos. Perhaps I should cut his throat. That wouldmake himshut up. Humphrey turns to Fyona, "As for the Lady Fyona, from what Iunderstand, she can handle herself in a battle much more adeptly thanher companion." Humphrey smiles at her "Nonetheless, I meant nodisrespect. In the realm of trickery and deceit such as wizardspractice, the loss of extremities is often dealt with and can also beremedied, if one can find the right healer--though it willundoubtedly take a cleric of powers greater than any in thesurrounding kingdoms. But rest assured it is something that can beremedied, though your companion has surely told you of his manyencounters with death, so you must know remedies to lesser injuriesexist as well." Fyona still sayes nothing but her anger subsides with the talk ofhealing. "What of you Mog? Do you not possess such power?" Mog replies, "No. Only the most potent magics can raise the dead, orrestore a missing limb. But Mog has heard of the great clerics of thesouthern lands who can accomplish such feats. "And perhaps the Druids of Dunore can repair Fyona. Mog receivedgreat healing of mind from them. Bibi, can your Great Druid bringback a lost limb?" "I'm afraid there is nothing any Druid can do for Fyona." Bibi turnstolookat Fyona, she notices that her face is very red. She moves to standnext toher. [Anne, the answer to this question is "No." The magic that healed Mogis spiritual/mental, and won't heal hit points or severed limbes orresurrect anyone. I am posting it this way becuase Bibi would knowbetter than Mog. So please have Bibi answer.] Humphrey then says to Bibi, "Well met, chosen. How fares the stone ofobsidian. I trust you keepit well and well-hidden?" "We will all discuss that very soon" Bibi can now see that Fyona isstartingto cry. "Fyona is there anything I can do to help you." Fyona's cries reaching almost hysteria when she screams out "I'mjust sotired." Fyona realizes how weak she must sound but she has just beenholding it backas long as she possibly could and now it must get out. Bibi extends her hand to Fyona and helps her dismount. She thenmotions toBlade to come to her. "We should all go rest." "I shall be there momentarily. I want to tell the others what hasoccurred since last we met. Please do what you can for her Bibi, shehassuffered as much emotionally as physically, and I am not much goodathealing either." says Blade. Bibi casts a look upon Blade showing her disapproval. She then walkswithFyona toward the new temple. Ghotu and Bronk harken to Blade. Blade then tells the others everything, nevertaking his eyes off of Humphrey or removing his hand from hissword. "Sothat is the story. I am tired and teh thought of traveling southagainonly makes me more tired. We have been on teh run for months nowwithhardly a days rest. I made a vow to Fyona that I would help make herwhole again and that is what I intend to do. Her sadness is painfultome. " "What, do you expect to slay me with your hand upon your swordBlade? I amno friend of Bruce's, if that is what you fear. But I assure you,your veiledthreats do not frighten me. I grow very weary of your constantparanoia. Itnearly cost you your life once, as you have just related. Be carefulthat itdoes not grip you again." Humphrey turns his back to Blade and beginsto walkinto thewoods, in pursuit of Bibi. Mog watches Humphrey and Blade face off, then says, "Blade, where isBruce now? It is good that you failed to kill him, for he has beenyour brother in this company for many years. Have you tried toreconcile with him since you fled Pastille?" "As far as I know he is still in Pastille, but I can't be certain.Hishome was destroyed in the fire.I had no time to try to reconcile since there were city guardsseekingto capture Fyona and I, plus Bruce seems to have forgotten about anyold ties. He was issuing threats and demanding services from me longbefore any of Vingrot's plans came to light. He was more concernedaboutabout a botched sword sale than any friendship we shared in the past.Even after teh return of teh sword we parted on bad terms, not tomention I returned and tried to kill him. Regardless of thecircumstances that lead to it, I'm afraid the damage that has beendoneis of teh permanent sort." Humphrey says "Yes, regardless of the fact that you stole hisproperty and tried to kill him he is angry with you. I wonder why?Perhaps you should look within your own heart to discover trickeryand deceit before accusing others of such things. No, don't bother,for the Lady Luck has granted you not only luck but amazing powers ofrationalization and transference." Mog does not address Humphrey's statement, trying to smooth thingsover between party members. "Blade's story tells Mog that Bruce didnot intend to kill Blade, and that Vingrot made the brothers fight byhis trickery. Will not Bruce also realize this?" Blade seems to not even hear Mog. Humphrey's mocking words burn inhisears and sweat begins to bead on his brow. He had never hated anyoneasmuch as he hates this man right now. He begins violently trembling asheimagines killing Humphrey. He draws his swords with an insane look inhis eyes and says. "Perhaps I'll just look into your heart instead."He moves toward Humphrey with a murderous glint in his eye as spittlebegins to run down his chin in gleeful anticipation. Seeing Blade's distress, Mog quickly steps between Blade andHumphrey, physically grabbing Blade by the shoulders, heedless of hisown danger. "BLADE!" Mog says, trying to snap Blade back toreality. "Would you attack another of the companions?! Sheath yourswords!" Mog looks closely into Blade's eyes, trying to understandwhy Blade is acting this way. Ghotu and Bronk help keep Blade away from Humphrey. Blade screams as if he is in great pain, then calms down. "I'm sorry . Idon't know what came over me. "He says to Mog. "every time Humphreyspeaks I want to kill him. There is no love lost between us, but i donot wish him dead." Blade sheathes his swords. Humphrey never flinched. He merely watches Blade's actions, frowns,and whenthe situation seems contained, turns and walks away, muttering tohimself..."the crown," Mog seems to hear him say. Mog relaxes, but looks to Humphrey with concern for Blade. He thenfollows Bibi and Fyona into the forest, along with Ghotu and Bronk. Ghotu is disturbed by the extent of Blade's and Bruce's fued, but realizes it is partly the result of the Count's machinations. Partly. Bibi takes Fyona inside to were she sleeps. Thinking that her bed isprobably the most comfortable she offers it to Fyona. "I'll be backshortly withsomething for you to eat." [Assuming he finds her] "Bibi, show me the stone. I must know thatit issafe, for it is I who gave it to you, remember!" "Humphrey, there is nothing to worry about the stone issafe." "Safe? Let me see it." "I'm sorry but I can't. I found out that it was not meant for me tohave."Bibi then tells Humphrey of their visit Dunore. [including the storyofher father and the demon] "Good, good. the Druids of Dunore will care for the stone as it mustbe. I wish I had thought to take it to them in the first place as theywill be sure to protect it from the Gith or any others who might seekit. They would never think to look there for it! It is the place ofits origin!! Perhaps we should have just handed it to the Gith so theymay reconstitute their plans again!!! Aries be damned girl!!! Why doyou think it was stolen from them in the first place? Because thetheives knew where to look! We must go to Dunore to retrieve the stoneand probably to destroy it!" Blade hears Humphrey shouting and goes to investigate.Bibi had been expecting this reaction. "The Grand Druid has promisedmethat thestone will always be presented upon my request. So if you would likefor me toaccompany you, please tell me why we should destroy the stone and howwewould do so."Humphrey's sarcasm and disrespect infuriates Bibi, and she thinks oftelling him to leave here at once but she thinks better of it. In thelast few months she has thought of Humphrey often, dreading when thisday would come and thinking of what she would say. She had alsothoughtof previous altercations with the old mage and haddecided that she had often behaved childishly. She thinks thatgaining hisrespect may be impossible but that it is a worthwhile goal. Blade, hiding in the shadows of teh forest, watches the exchangemaking sure taht Bibi is in no danger from teh wizard. Mog looks at Humphrey questioningly, and says, "The Gith did notsteal the stone from the Druids, for the stone ended up in the MagesGuild hands after it was stolen--by a mage, Mog suspects. The Githdid not get the stone until the Mages tried to use its power. And asBibi says, the stone was exposed because the Druids gave it to herfather to control his curse [Mog says this since Bibi alsospecifically tells us about her father and the demon]. It is nolonger exposed in this way. Though Mog believes the stone can bestolen no matter who possesses it, it be as safe with the Druids asanywhere." It seems Mog is perplexed by Humphrey's desire to find and destroythe stone now, when he did in fact give it over to Bibi. Humphrey looks at Mog and says "How is it you assume so much to bethe truth? Just because a young girl, and I mean no offense chosen,tells you a tale, you assume it is truth? And besides all this, whatof your curse Bibi? Has it returned when the stone was taken?, orshould I say given by you? Mog answers, "This story comes not only from Bibi, who is now a fullDruid, but also from the Grand Druid, who offered us aid and healedMog when no other healing was found. And part of the story comes fromHumphrey himself." Mog continues: "Does Humphrey say events were otherwise? Did thestone not appear in the hands of the Mages after it was stolen fromthe Druids? Did the Gith not obtain the stone from the Mages? Whatpart of this does Humphrey have reason to doubt?" "No, I do not refute that is how the story goes, but I do know thatsomeforce was behind it that wanted the stone, be it magic, or Gith, oras I haverecently surmised, some combination of two. In other words, I don'tbelieve wehave the entire story. It was just a little too easy for myself andmy masterto bear the blame for the stone's dissappearance in the guild and forme to bebranded a murderer, when I have never committed such an act andcertainly notagainst my own master. I am simply concerned for the fate of theworld, thatis all." Humphrey looks around and sayss, "As soon as we can all gathertogether Imust talk with you about an item of greater power, I fear, than eventheobsidianstone." He waits for the party to gather. "I have sought you out,contraryto what Master Blade may suspect, to share with you my fearsregarding theCrown of Acererak. It is a powerful magic item as all of you haveexperienced. However, little is known about it. One thing is for certain however,not onlydoes it effect the actions of those I command, it also effects theirminds,though the degree seems to vary depending on their mental strength.For eachof you, and it seems especially for Blade, it has heightened your ownmistrustand despicable taste for me that was already upon your tongues. Thisalonewould not have convinced me. However, when travelling with one of myoldestcompanions, he and I were struck with the fierce mistrust of myselfit inspiredin him and of myself in him as well. The most telling evidencehowever occurred at my Manor house, when, I offhandly commanding aservantto bring me some tea while adorned with the crown. My companion and Ithenleft on an errand and, upon return, found the man nearly shatteredmentally ashefollowed my commands in my absence. I fear what the crown did to him,whatit is doing to myself, and the consequences of its effect on those Iwould callcompanions. Thus, I believe it must be destroyed. But before that canoccurwe must also discover how to destroy it and that will be no easytask. Andthe longer it takes the more the darkness in your hearts will growtoward meand mine toward you. Thus, we must hurry. For in the wrong hands,this itemis1000 times more dangerous than any magical stone." Humphrey's story sounded some what delusional at first and Bibithinks thathe may be becoming senile. But then she starts to see things clearly. "Mog do you have hostile feelings toward Humphrey?""Mog has no hostility for Humphrey. But Mog does remember resentmentfor Humphrey after we were all affected by the crown. Mog did notthink it was unnatural, but now Mog is not so sure. Humphrey's telling of the crown's influence makes sense," Mog says, looking atBlade. Ghotu says, "I too have had negative thoughts of Humphrey, though not so bad as Blade seems to have." Bibi continues: "I believe that you did before your illness and thatthe crown was alsoresponsible for your malady. So, it seems to me that we should alltravel toDunore again. Each of us could then be healed by the waters and wecould thendecide how to proceed with the destruction of the crown withoutconcern forit'seffect upon us. We could also, see that the stone is safe." Bibiturns toHumphrey "if I can have your word that you won't try to take it fromthere." "Yes, if you will give me your word that you will retrieve the stoneand takeit from the Grove, keeping it on your person as we originally agreed.Otherwise, my assessment of the stone's safety shall be my guide.""Why do you feel that the stone will be safer with me?" Bibi does not feel that she is under any influence but she cannot besure soshe assumes that she is. "For the time being we should all assumethat weareunder the influence of the crown, except for Mog. So, we must alwaysdeferto his judgment." Bibi releases that if they go on this journey Fyona problem will haveto waitor she will have to seek it without the other. "Well, I can see what your answer is, so too you have mine. As forus all being under the influence of the crown, I think it effects us,but not to the point that you cannot think for yourself. Just be sureto judge what you are thinking appropriately. Furthermore, I willhardly defer anything to Mog, or anyone else for that matter. Nor, Iam sure, would Mog do me the same courtesy, or burden, depending onone's thinking. I am willing to travel to Dunore, but first I mustreconnect with my companion in Galay, and would ask that we go therebefore we go to Dunore, as my companion--Nepal is his name, isstudying the crown's origins in an effort to figure out what shouldbecome of it. We may also be able to talk with Egmund to gain hisadvice--both on the crown and about reviving Fyona's severed limb..But be warned, I am a wanted man in Galay, and it will not be an easytrip." Mog says, "Humphrey, Blade nearly attacked you earlier. Does this nottell you the crown's effects are severe? Also, Mog remembers thatBibi was not subject to Humphrey's use of the crown in Heklamar solong ago, when the rest of us were affected. Bibi did not come out ofthe Inn until after Humphrey had completed his commands. Bibi, do youfeel hostility to Humphrey?" "Well,..." Bibi looks at Humphrey as if to say what do yo think and then giggles. Perhaps humor is the ways the old mans heart. But she does not ever recall seeing him laugh for that fact she's not sure he has a heart. "Mog is right. I was never under the control of the crown and I feel certain that my feeling are my own and I wouldn't even call them hostile." Mog concludes, "Humphrey, where are the crown and scepter now?" "Severe, yes. But Blade also harbors significant animosity toward meanyhow, and he obviously has a history of fulfilling theseanimositys, simply look to his most recent actions. However, if youare suggesting I should allow someone else to make my judgements thenI fear I will be forced to pursue my course alone, for druid or no, Icannot freely give myself over to Bibi--who has proven her immaturitymore than once. Nor can I offer my decision making powers to Mog,who has been effected as much as any by the crown. And regarding thelocation of the items. I have them and they are safe. I will not beturning these over to anyone either, for I know I am strong enough toresist them. I cannot risk any of you being unable to resist itspower." Mog considers for a moment, then speaks quietly, saying, "It is trueMog was affected by the crown, but he was also healed by the GrandDruid's waters. You counsel that we quest there for the rest of ourcompanions to be healed, yet you question whether Mog is still underthe crown's influence. Humphrey's words seem to have two sides. "And again Humphrey demands trust while giving none. If you cannottrust us, how can we trust you, when you possess such power over us?Could you not order Blade to fall on his sword if the crown overcomesyou? Do you not bear the same animosity toward Blade that he bearsyou? Could you not order the Grand Druid himself to give over theStone once we arrive in Dunore?" Humphrey looks at Mog. "I demand nothing. I merely state that I will not give my judgement away, nor my protection of the crown. Going to Dunore was not my idea anyhow, but I said I was willing to do so to help Fyona. They have no answers for me and if I wish an audience with the Grand Druid, I can request it without your help. As for killing you, I grow weary of such constant accusations. Many times I have been in a position to kill you or any of the others, but have not done so. Many times each of you has been in such a position toward the rest, and have not done so. . I could, right now, if I chose, go invisible, put on the crown and command you all to die, but I have not. Put some trust in that for a change. You may not like my methods, but I have never betrayed anyone in this party, even Blade, for whom I spare no love." Mog answers, "Indeed, Mog thanks Humphrey for not slaying us all." He pauses for effect, smiling to show his incisors, then continues: "Humphrey says he demands nothing, but yet tells Bibi if she does not take the stone from the Druids of Dunore, Humphrey shall let his own sense of the stone's safety be his guide. And Humphrey has already made it clear that he does not consider the stone safe with the Druids. So if Bibi does not agree to take the stone with her, Humphrey will take it himself?" The orc is still calm, but is clearly troubled by the choices before the party. "And I think you as well, for not killing me. But these are the facts as I see them. The fact is this--I gave her the stone to protect and because she believed it was hers and I did not feel it was worth arguing over. I also did it to win the trust of several individuals who thought me nothing more than a power grabbing wizard, unconcerned with anything but the increase of my own magic, wealth, and power. However, and I can assure you all that my calling is greater than this. Thus, if (he emphasizes this) I decide that the stone is not safe with the Druids, which my gut reaction is that it is not, then I will take that up with the Druids. If none in this party will help me, that is there choice. If the Druids, or you, or Bibi, for that matter can convince me it is safe then I will relent and will allow it to stay with the druids. However, if I decide that it is not safe with the Druids, no amount of convincing me otherwise will work. This does not mean, however, than I have jumped to any conclusion, despite my general problem with the fact that Bibi gave it to them in the first place. Thus, if you, or anyone else here does not agree with me and does not wish to accompany me on to Galay and then to Dunore, both to know the fate of the stone and to figure out what to do with the crown, then perhaps my tracking you down was a mistake and I should be on my way." "Mog wants to trust Humphrey, but he cannot agree that Humphrey's decision alone matters as to the stone. If that is Humphrey's position, Mog cannot help Humphrey." [Note Humphrey's statement: "However, if I decide that it is not safe with the Druids, no amount of convincing me otherwise will work."] "Mog also fears what will happen when Humphrey is in the stone's presence bearing the crown. Humphrey has admitted the crown has affected his mind; might not the crown do so again when such power as the Stone is presented? Who could stand against the bearer of both crown and stone?"' "I agree. Nor do I think that those whom have been effected by the crown should spend any unnecessary time together or without being healed. Don'tforget how ill Mog became. I don't other so suffer like that. So, either we travel strait to Dunore or you will have to meet us there." * * * Blade, who is still watching all of this from teh shadows of teh forest , decides taht it is all rather boring. Bibi appears to be in no danger. He goes to where Fyona is resting, and sits on the bed beside her. She is quiet now , but still awake. "The others cannot help us now. They are bickering over magic trinkets, and Humphrey claims my hatred for him is magical in nature. It can be rememdied just as well by not being in his presence."He gently brushes aside a curly lock that had fallen over her eyes. "I think we should stay here a few days until we are rested, then go in search of this Prophet in the South. I don't care about Obsidian Stones and Magic Crowns. You, however, are another story. " "I think you're right. The sight of Humphrey has soured this reunion." "Lets's speak of him no more. When we decide to travel again I think we should fashion disguises for ourselves. You were able to pass yourself off as a man when we first met you, though i honestly don't know how you were able to hide such beauty. Perhaps you can do so again. Bibi may be able to use her druidic powers to fashion some sort of wooden arm to fool casual inspection. We could cover it with gloves to further the illusion." Blade continues. "As for me, I could darken my hair with soot or ink. Perhaps grow a beard. We'll steer clear of teh Kingdom proper. Though I doubt any of teh kingsmen are actively hunting us. It is traveling through the southern cities that we will have to be most in on our guard. It may be better to bypass them completely by way of the Greenbelt and Trajia. We'll need money to travel on also. We will have to borrow what we can from teh others." Blade sighs tiredly and stretches out next to her. "We can talk more about it later, right now we need to ...." Blade drifts off in mid-sentence as sleep overtakes him. Fyona seeing Bibi aproach sits up jarring Blade awake again. "I have brought you some dinner fresh from our garden. It should help to make both of you feel much better." Bibi noticed as soon as she saw the two riding down toward her in the meadow that they both looked rather thin. She sits down on the corner of bed. "I heard you talking when I was coming in. Right before you slumped over like someone hit with a poison dart" Bibi laughs at Blade. "Before you make any plans you should know the possible effects of the curse from the crown." Bibi tells them of how sick Mog became and how the waters cured him. Turning to Fyona "I can see how determined you both are to heal your wound. But two arms will do you little good when your dead." "That's a good point" says Blade sleepily, "Though I haven't noticed any such ill effects. It seems Mog was teh only one affected in such a way. I don't want to prolong Fyona's loss any longer than necessary. Each day she grows sadder and it is heartbreaking to watch. I have lost the ability to lift her spirits and I fear teh only thing taht will do so is finding a way to make her whole again." "The fact is that all we really know about the crown is that it is very powerful. It is possible that either of you still could become ill or that it's current effect could become more severe so that you would harm any of us to get to Humphrey." "I'll defer to Fyona on this desicion. I'll go where she wishes. " Fyona believes that what Bibi says should be a serious concern but the thought of being so disfigured much longer is also very compelling. "I will make my decision by morning." Bibi says goodnight and leaves the two for the night. [compelling? She is intrigued by the idea of being disfigured?] Blade falls into a deep sleep immediately. He is exhausted from their journies and this is the first time he has felt relatively safe since leaving Pastille. * * * Later, that evening when everyone is preparing camp, Ghotu speaks to Humphrey alone. "Humphrey, I do not know if this is even possible, but the crown seems to be of great power to me. Could it not be used to heal Fyona? If the healing waters of the Druids can erase the effects of the crown's use, as Mog claims it has done, could it not also erase any side effects from healing Fyona's arm? "I do not know if this is wise or not, I only offer it as a possibility. I do not wish the party to separate again. If you truly want to destroy the crown, you'll need our help. And Thae-Rune Ibn is still after the Obsidian Stone." "Perhaps that is the point I should have made earlier, instead of going on and on about the danger. I hoped the others remembered that Thae Rune Ibn is still out there and the stone is the key to his plans. I think they have forgotten. Though you are quiet, my friend, your wisdom is always poignant when you choose to share it. As for using the crown to heal her arm, I am not sure if that is advisable. Each time it is used creates more and more animosity toward myself. Further, I would have to think on how to command an arm to grow. And what if I failed to do it properly? Then the fight brewing between Blade and myself would surely come to fruition. And though he is a scoundrel and most likely an unknowing agent of chaos, ultimately, his heart is in the right place and I do not truly wish his death. Were he and I to engage, that could be the only result. In short, failure, in such a respect is not an option, and those are never good odds. Still, I will think on it." ************* It is the next morning, after we have camped. The party, except Humphrey, is sitting around the campfire. As has become the tradition of the group when together, Bronk is cooking breakfast--rabbit (caught outside the forest a day or two before), potatoes and some other vegetables he is unfamiliar with, over the fire. Humphrey emerges from his tent and says, "I have thought much of our conversation last night. I slept little in doing so. I understand your fears now that I have cogitated over them. I believe our goals are the same. Thus, I have decided I will travel to Dunore with the party, if they will have me--I too could use a bath in the healing waters. Furthermore, I give my word that I will not try to take the stone from the Druids, as I too must occassionally (he emphasizes) defer judgement to others in the group, even if I do not agree. I suppose that there are few places on the Wurld that the stone will be safer than among the druids, in the forest of Dunore. Furthermore, I offer my hand in truce to Blade and the rest of the party, so that we may work to be vigilant in our protection of the realm, the chosen one, and in the need to decide the fate of the crown and scepter of Acererak." Humphrey walks to Blade and extends his hand. Blade who was in converation with his old companion Bronk, gazes at Humphrey susupiciously. "Bronk tells me there is an old Rasheman saying that it is good to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The Rashemaen can be very wise on occasion. " says Blade as he shakes Humphrey's hand with a sly smile. Humphrey shakes Blade's hand vigorously, smiles and says "My plan exactly." The swordsmen looks to Fyona, who sits on the other side of Bronk, and asks. "Have you come to a desicion about where you wish to travel?" Fyona sits cleaning her sword. She has the hilt squeezed between her knees and is wiping it down with a cloth. "I have. We should seek the cure from the druids. The thought of magic controlling my mind is even worse then this."
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