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Turn Thirty-Three
Act II: The Hall of Snurre Ironbelly the Foul, Fire Giant King Brief Recap: Eclavdra's spell no longer has effect. Still In the Githyanki Temple Thae-Rune Ibn crackles with energy, his sword drawn and his robes thrown back to reveal the ornate armor that is signature for a Gityanki of high station. The giants nearby, Snurre being nearest, step back a bit at the sight of him, obviously wary of the Wrathgiver. ![]() He speaks in common, his voice still magically loud: "You cannot stop the coming of the Dark Queen, for Goil-Ward Adz is about to arrive! And with the Eye of Gith, the Rod of Seven Parts shall be remade! The trinket I gave Eclavdra--" Before he can continue his tirade, Snurre flings one of his steel hand axes at the fighter-mage, saying, "Methinks thou speaks too much!" in a voice naturally as loud as Thae-Rune Ibn's amplified voice. The very large axe smashes into the dais where Thae-Rune Ibn stood the instant before, having leapt aside just in time. He points one clawed finger at Snurre, and a bolt of lightning streaks toward the Fire Giant King, striking him in the chest and arcing to two of his nearby guards. All three Fire Giants flash briefly, then fall to the floor, blackened and smoking. Not listening to the blustering mage-Githyanki (he was almost as bad as Humphrey, thinks Blade), Blade snatches the stone from the green fishy smelling ick that was Eclavdra and resists the urge to swallow it. Catching the faint whiff of human excrement, Blade notices Humphrey shitting himself and drooling down his chin. Clenching the stone in his hand he recites the following words. "In brightest day , in blackest night, let the Obsidian Stone cure Humpherey's plight! Restore his mind so that he may fight!" Blade concentrates very hard on the stone... willing it to do as he wished. He had no idea if it would work or not, but it was worth a shot. He still wasn't sure about the wizard, but they needed his help if they were to get out of here alive. Plus Humphrey would be in his debt, provided it worked. That at least would provide some sort of loyalty if Humphrey were in fact not what he seemed to be. Blade feels the stone in his fist grow slightly, swelling to the size of a chicken's egg. He rushes over to Humphrey and just as he arrives, pain stabs his mind, and he has some strange delusion of Eclavdra drinking his blood out of a tankard with naked women carved on it. He then falls face first onto the floor. Bronk, still facing one Githyanki knight, dispatches his foe with a single overhand hack [27 damage] and heads toward Humphrey. He moves close to Humphrey, trying to look into his face. "Hey Wizard? Anybody home?" Guulirk of Xahfribbn, cleric of the Dark Queen, watches as Blade uses the stone. He has to concentrate on his spell, for one mistake and the effects could engulf him as well as his enemies. His hands are held in the Sacred Configuration and the prayer to the Dark Queen is nearly complete as Blade collapses face first. The first image in Humphrey's sight is Bronk's face. When the awareness returns to Humphrey, Bronk moves which reveals to Humphrey a view of Guulirk completing a spell. Without pondering his own confusion (for he can't yet remember how he got where he is) he reacts to the danger by slipping his foot beneath his nearby staff and lifting it into his hands, a move they taught you in Rods, Staves, and Wands class at the Guild Academy. At that instant Guulirk completes his prayer and a column of flame descends upon Humphrey, Bronk, and Blade. After absorbing the spell, Humphrey lays his hands on Bronk, grasps a finger hanging around his neck and utters, "Owerpa ota ouya," He casts strength on the warrior. Meanwhile, Bibi watches as Snurre's giants resume their battle with the Githyanki and now with Thae-Rune Ibn after the brief pause when the mage appeared. She also sees Humphrey Bronk and Blade engulfed by the Flamestrike. She casts her Protection from Fire spell as quickly as she can. To her amazement, her companions are unharmed by the fire spell, and the flames seem to disappear the instant it hits them. Humphrey's staff glows brightly for a brief moment then returns to normal. Nearby, Ghotu takes yet another headshot at the standing Githyanki knight and lands another shot [19 damage]. The knight returns the blow on the inside of Ghotu's shield arm [Ghotu takes 15 damage down to 95/122]. The other Githyanki knight rises from the ground where Ghotu's last headshot left it, still shaken. Mog takes the opportunity to run from the fight to Humphrey and the two fighters. Seeing Blade upon the ground, Mog draws a scroll from a case at his belt and quickly unrolls it. He immediately begins speaking, from the scroll, almost pausing ove one word, but pressing through to complete the spell successfully [15% chance of failure, roll of 18]. Blade wakes up, the pain gone, feeling refreshed and alert. " I feel fresh and alert, "says Blade. "Now if you'll excuse me..." he pulls the hood of his cloak up and goes invisible. He quickly hides the obsidian stone inside one of the many hidden pockets in his tunic. Blade willl now move from enenmy to enemy (whicjever ones are closets to him) attacking them from behind (backsatb bonus) he will reactivate his invisibility after each kill. He is using the dragonslayer to attack with. Bibi hurriedly looks over the scene trying not to be distracted by Blades performance but attempting to find some form of offense. She recalls that when she had been flying about that she had seen no ceiling and that air had seemed very moist as if there were clouds above. Bibi recite the words to Call Lightning. The strange atmosphere inside the room responds amazingly well to Bibi's spell. She can feel the elemental forces inside the room, and it is easy to tap them. When she feels the spark in her palm she opens her hand, allowing the bolt to move from her to the dark figure she had been following and any others that lay in its path. The bolt of lightning snakes through the blue air toward Thae-Rune Ibn, but he suffers no damage. An amulet around his neck glows brightly immediately after the bolt disappears. His attention is drawn from the Giants to Bibi. Bibi feels strange. Now that she has tapped the elemental forces of the strange temple, she cannot control it. She feels another lightning bolt coming, and knows she can't hold it back. She must choose a target, and quickly. Considering the look that she got from Thae-Rune she desides to try again. But first she calls on her boots to take her up about 15 feet and moving away from him on a radom zig-zag course trying to avoid what she thinks must be about to come her way. Mog, not immediately threatened, follows Blade's lead and casts Invisibility. He then tries to make his way to Thae-Rune Ibn, upon whom he will cast a Harm spell. Ghotu, seeing both of the knights wounded and lined up perfectly, tries to decapitate both with one swing. He also tries to maneuver so that the knights are between him and the clerics. Human shield anyone? [inside DM joke]
Posting Instructions: I only advanced it one round this turn.
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