Bruce Tyrlan

first left hand table
STR 17 +3
INT 15 +1
POW 12 0
DEX 13 0
CON 16 +2
CHA 18 +4

[second left hand column table--stats]
Combat Stats
Hit Points 80
Armor Class -3
THAC0 (thac0-ac to hit) 12
Level 9
XPs 200,001

[third left hand column table--abilities]
Special Abilities
Fast talk (18-)
Riding (12-)
# attacks: 3/2

Weapon Skill
+3 2h axe
+1 x-bow

[first rt hand column table--equipment]
Standard Pack
quiver/60 bolts

[insert 2d rt hand table--magic items]
Magic Items
+5 Brigandine Armor (base ac 5)
+3 vorpal great axe (2d6)
Helm comprehending languages/read magic
Portable Hole
Heavy x-bow of accuracy (+3, 2d6+2)
Ring of protection +3
Cloak of quiet
Boots of Running
+3 short sword
Earring +1 listen
Figurine of woundrous power (war dog)

[insert 3d rt hand table--story elements]
Story Elements
Bruce Tyrlan, ex-adventurer turned merchant, and quite a successful one at that. Bruce established the Tyrlan Pass, renaming and reopening the old Bugbear Trail after seven years of official closure. His network now stretches a thousand miles, trading in everything from diamonds to apples to slaves.

Bruce is accompanied by a wife, Sylphia, who is also an ex-campaigner, a one time witch now turned nag.

[insert 4th rt hand table--combat summary]
Combat Summary
Great Axe: +9, 2d6+9
x-bow: +4, 2d6+6
[insert shieldbar here]


Shield Bar