Brief Recap (turn 9):
The characters entered combat with Pryapus the hill giant stud. Ghotu was badly wounded, and one of Bruce's war dogs was killed by the ogre. Bruce ordered the other war dog back and took aim at Pryapus, while Blade rushed to guard Ghotu's retreat.
Ghotu is at 30/111 hit points, Blade is at 90/106 hit points, Bruce is at 80/80 hit points, Mog is at 87/87 hit points. Note your character sheets for the number of healing potions you are carrying.
Scene VII: Pryapus the (not so) Giant Stud
After calling back his remaining war dog, Bruce's raises his heavy crossbow and takes aim in the darkness, seeing the glint where Pryapus's sword still moves and the dark form that wields it. "Twang!" and another bolt strikes home.
Blade, who now stands between Pryapus and the damaged Ghotu Graver, sees the bolt pass through Pryapus' midsection, releasing a spray of blood from the exit wound. Pryapus, finally mortally wounded, sags to his knees still looking at Blade with the killing lust in his eyes. He falls face first to the floor with a loud "THUD!" His skull bounces once sickeningly on the stone floor before coming to rest.
Mog stands before the hill giant women, some cowering naked beneath bearskin blankets, others standing and looking for weapons. He raises his hands, the Wheel of Life clutched in one, and speaks with an artifically booming voice: "Sleep!" he commmands them. One by one, the females slump to the bearskins once more and fall into what appears to be a deep slumber.
Bruce leaps at the ogre who stands dumbly watching. Bruce's first swing cleaves its head off cleanly, before the ogre even raises it's axe in defense.
Mog walks to Ghotu and says, "I will help you, save your potions. We may need them, and my spells are replenishable, even if only daily." The orc draws a razor-like blade from his belt and cuts his own forearm, making a small incision along the line of a tattoo. He incants as he dabs a finger in the blood and rubs it between his thumb and forefinger, then places that hand on Ghotu's wounds and incants more. Relief flows into Ghotu Graver, though his wounds are not entirely healed.
"At least I can feel my arm again," says the warrior, inspecting his damaged shield. "Maybe should've brought a spare," he mutters as he thinks longingly of the armory back at King Ozrik's castle.
All enemies here are vanquished. From the light coming through the half open door, the adventurers see a large room with a hearth on the north wall. There are three exits total: the double doors in the center of the south wall (through which the adventurers entered), a single door on the east end of the south wall, and a single door on the north end of the east wall (see the battle map). A whip hangs next to the door on the east wall. The hill giant females snore loudly on skins that cover a third of the floor. A table with food and spilled drink stands on the west wall, and the room is generally messy.
Ghotu is healed 30 hit points by Mog, raising him to 60/111.
No posts required, though you can submit anything you want, particularly if you have suggestions for future actions. I plan to game face-to-face over xmas, with Keith participating via speakerphone and even Robbie joining us. Ah, the Slobster. Sloberoni. Slabbalabbalicious. Merry Christmas everyone.
By the way, check out the Kill And Treasure List for running totals of all the creatures killed, experience points earned, and treasure gathered so far on our adventure.