Origin of Magic
Meta-Earth experienced a very magical past. Much of what is now considered myth and legend actually existed at some point. Magic was introduced to the world before the dawn of recorded history. It's origin can be traced to the death of another universe. When this alternate dimension collapsed, it compromised the barriers that separated many of the dimensions throughout the multiverse, leading to rips in the space/time continuum. These tears became known as Rifts. A Rift is a hole in the space-time continuum leading to another place, time or dimension.Their existence on Meta-Earth led to the introduction of Mana, an unseen, undetectable form of inter-dimensional energy, into this dimension. This sudden influx of mana created many new supernatural creatures and beings. Many of the the ancient pantheons of gods, as well as supernatural creatures, were actually mana that had gained sentience and form by mankind's collective unconscious. Shaped by regional religious beliefs these beings became the living embodiments of the gods and goddesses worshipped by ancient man.

The presence of mystical forces allowed for many fantastic abilities and entities. A handful of individuals living near the Rifts, known now as the Awakened among mystic practitioners, slowly became aware of the magical forces in their environment. Those sensitive to these forces were rare and special indeed, even more so in modern times. Mages (druids, shaman, witch-doctors, and any other practitioners of mystic arts) are those that are both sensitive to mystical energy and capable of tapping into it to weave their magic. It is rumored that living in such close proximity to the Rifts may have allowed the Awakening to occur among the nascent Magi around the globe.

Magic Mechanics
Rifts are all interconnected by a network of Ley Lines. Ley Lines are normally unseen lines of magical energy, but to the magic-sensitive they are clearly visible as massive conduits of blue-white energy stretching for many miles. When these lines intersect one another it forms a Nexus and they are places of powerful magic, such as the Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Bermuda Triangle.

Generally, if two or more Ley Lines intersect at a Nexus, it is also the location of a Rift. If a person steps through an open rift, he is essentially crossing through a tear in the space-time continuum. This can result in his ending up at another rift, typically one connected to one of the lines that composed the first rift, miles away from where he started. The more Ley Lines intersecting at one point, the more powerful the Rift; so at very powerful Ley Line Nexus points the traveler may find himself crossing between planets, dimensions, and even periods in time (past and future).

The Awakened and their descendants found that they were able to detect and tap into the ambient magical energy (mana) given off by the Ley Lines and Rifts through the use of special incantations, gestures, and rituals called spells. These spells serve as a means to harness and focus the energy for a variety of effects. The spellcaster in essence becomes a lens through which the mana is focused for the desired effect. Casting spells near a Nexus, greatly enhances a spell's power

Modern Magic
Today, Magic is not nearly as powerful or abundant as it was in ancient times, due to mana not being as abundant as it was in ancient times. This is due to many of the Rifts naturally sealing themselves off over time. It is as if the multiverse is slowly healing itself from the wounds it suffered in the cosmic cataclysm that resulted in the formation of the Rifts in the first place. Other Rifts have been closed by mystic practitioners themselves to protect the world from malevolent extra-dimensional threats.

To insure their continued survival, most of the ancient gods and other supernatural creatures fled this dimension for others more abundant in magical energy . Occasionally they will return just to check up on things, but for the most part they leave the denizens of Earth to their own affairs. Their time has passed and they are content with this knowledge. Besides, they have whole new world's to toy with now.

The public at large, and even most scientists, tend to think of magic as just another form of superhuman power, and to assume that "magicians" are just metahumans with a peculiar sense of aesthetics and a flair for the dramatic. Needless to say, they are wrong. Magicians are content to keep the world in the dark about their existence and often go to great lengths to protect their arcane knowledge from the mundane word.

Secret Societies
There is a kind of "society" amongst most modern-day arcane practitioners. They can almost always sense each other, and many (though far from all) observe certain protocols when dealing with each other.

Unbeknown to the world at large, is that a secret arcane war going on, one that pits the more benevolent practitioners against those who side with darkness. Of the forces of light, the White Lodge and the Seelie Court of Avalon (the extra-dimensional realm of the Fae) are the strongest and most dedicated. Evil is served by The Shadow Host as well as many evil sorcerers, demons, and horrific entities.

A major point of contention between the two factions is the deliberate closing of Rifts. The White Lodge sees this as necessary at times to safeguard the world from extra-dimensional threats, despite the loss of ambient magical energy. However, the Shadow Host wants the Rifts to remain open for access to more power and favors from extra-dimensional demons.