Giants have been raiding the lands of
men in large bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding
groups. Death and destruction have laid heavily upon every place these
monsters have visited. This has caused great anger in high places, for
life and property loss means failure of the Noblesse Oblige, the vows
of noble rulers to protect the life and prosperity of every subject.
Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given charge to punish the miscreant giants. It is here that our story begins. . .
Scene I: The Great Hall of King OzrikIt was coincidence that brought the adventurers back from afar on that unlucky day, hailed back to their common homeland by a years-old promise, the land where they made their first names, and their first enemies, as an adventuring company--The Company of the Thorn. They were famous for years, though some would rather say infamous, and it was with fat purses that the Company of the Thorn disbanded many years ago and set out south to go their own separate ways. The companions had not seen each other since, and this would be their reunion, fulfilling the vow to meet again that they had made at their last parting. As it happens, knowledge of the return of the company members reached those in power, who arranged their own reunion. "No talking!" growls the guardsman, punctuating his remark with a spear in Bruce's ribs. Bruce is led toward a foyer before the Great Hall, where there wait three others: Ghotu Graver, veteran mercenary and dour fighter, stands surrounded by five bruised and black-eyed men; and Mog Toltec, the tattooed orcish shaman, roughed but unharmed, stands also guarded; and Blade, a scoundrel among scoundrels, grins sardonically back at Bruce. The four men are placed side by side in the foyer, first in line to be presented to King Ozrik, Lord of the Realm. "Greetings my friends. We meet under unusual circumstances once again." The party notices that Bruce has put on some weight. Blade looks at Bruce in shock. "I see married life has made a sloth of you, or perhaps it is because you decided to become a merchant rather than an adventurer. No such fate for me. Just as spry as I ever was if not more so. I'm like a fine wine I improve with age. I suppose you could say I am fine as wine." Blade laughs heartily at his ill fated attempt at humor, he doesn't seem to care that he is the only one laughing. One of the guards rewards him with the point of a spear in Blade's back. Blade never did know when to keep quiet. Amid great fanfare, the heroes are led through massive double doors onto a thick red carpet that passes between two rows of pillars leading to the throne itself. As the characters lead the way, they see the audience of the King's Court, many strange faces. A woman catches Bruce's eye; familiarity dawns, but the name eludes him. She quickly passes from view. Next to catch Bruce's ever-wandering eye is the angry red-rimmed one of Count Vingrot, whose anger turns to a snide smile at the look on Bruce's face. Old debts are to be settled, then, thinks Bruce, as he remembers the circumstances of their flight from Heklamar so long ago. The throne itself is a massive affair, like a great pillar beneath the figure of King Ozrik, who speaks in a booming voice: "Should I be pleased to see the return of three of Heklamar's children, raised in my kingdom's fair capital itself, now grown to maturity and manhood? Or should I be pleased to see criminals about to pay for the crimes of the distant past?" Here King Ozrik's eye flashes to Count Vingot, who sneers. After seeming to ponder the question a moment, the King motions the guards away from the three, signaling the characters to step forward. "I say Heklamar welcomes all her children home, be they wayward or no. And that Heklamar is indeed blessed with loyal children, that they return to her in her time of most dire need." Confused murmurs are heard throughout the crowd. King Ozrik continues: "For there is a blight upon my kingdom, and by your presence, I suspect you are already aware of its nature and have come here to smite it yourselves, unbidden by your homeland, which you owe so much," here his eye again strays to Count Vingot. "Giants are marauding across our northern border, pillaging civilized settlements and defiling our...meadows. Our intelligence knows of one Chief Nosra, a grossly fat and thoroughly despicable creature, sly and vicious, loving ambush and backstabbing. He leads their sorties from a steading in the foothills, but I suspect there is some deeper uniting force behind these recent attacks. Are you here to accept the charge, in the name of the Kingdom, as Defenders of Humankind, to smite the foes who have slain our countrymen?" "Greetings King Ozrik. As wayward children of the Kingdom that Heklamar is, we have indeed journeyed fortnights to arrive here. We have come to answer to the charges that have been brought upon us by squelching these accusations with shows of loyalty and valor to the kingdom. We have come to squash the Chief Nosra and all who would dare transgress against our most beloved homeland. We are at your service." Knowing too well the danger of the web he creates, Bruce agrees to these requests, but also hopes to make clear that such a task should result in the parties absolution for crimes long past. Blade says nothing, he remembers all to well being baninshed from the kingdom for his particular brand of merrymaking. He imagines King Ozrik being sodomized by a hill giant to calm his indignation. Blade has some issues.
Preparations for the ExcursionKing Ozrik's Intelligence Officer gives the characters two maps. The first shows the way across the Kingdom to the Steading of Chief Nosra, the second is what appears to be an interior map of the Steading, including an underground level.
The characters are told they can keep whatever treasures they find, and are directed to strike at the leadership and source of the marauding forces. The characters are equipped with sturdy war steeds, iron provisions for a lengthy trip, wilderness and underground equipment of the highest quality.
Scene II: Journey to the SteadingThe characters take ship across the great inland lake north of Heklamar, to the furthest reaches of the Kingdom beneath the foothills of the Northron Reaches, a vast mountain range. It is Autumn, and the weather is just beginning to turn cooler after a moderate Kingdom summer. After several days ride through wilderness, they reach the giant's stronghold. In the rocky hills nearby they find a small box bluff in a hillside facing away from the steading, a few miles off, as safe a place as any to stow their mounts and gear. From here they can stage their foray into the giants' stronghold. Even overlooking the stronghold from this great distance, the adventurers can tell the building is massive--probably four hundred feet on a side, with massive logs and earthwork comprising its structure.
It is evening before the adventurers can safely stow their gear and make ready to assault the complex.