KINETICA [Character Bio/Stats]

Strength: 6X
Agility: 8B (Equestrian, Skating, Skiing)
Intellect: 6C (Psychiatry, Sociology)
Willpower: 8D (Manipulation)

Edge/Hand: 1/3(17)

Calling: Thrill-Seeker/Uncontrolled Power
Hindrances: Addicted (Alcohol, Cocaine, Marijuana, and Nicotine. 0Willpower after one day without one of these), Guilt Ridden (Abilities drop to 0 if Kinetica causes serious injury or death to others)

Force Field 16 (I)
Limit: Constant
Limit: Visible Fields (provides protection vs. blinding)

* Force Bolts
* Expanded Field
* Force Cushion
(If an attack exceeds the forcefield's intensity Kinetica suffers damage, though natural defenses still apply. Kinetica must make an Average (8) Willpower action to maintain the field or it collapses and requires a full exchange to recharge.)

Flight 16 (A)
* Power Slam