KINETICA [Character Bio/Stats]

Real name: Julia Elizabeth de Lain
Occupation: Student
Identity: Public
Legal status: United States citizen with criminal record
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Philip Dominique (father), Elizabeth Mary (mother,deceased), Katherine Lynn Jordon (step mother)
Group affiliation: Supers of Fortune
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Supers of Fortune #2
5' 2" Weight: 105 lbs.
Eyes: Blue/Green Hair: Brown

Julia, the daughter of Philip Dominique and Elizabeth Mary de Lain, was born into high society.  Her father was a successful businessman who owned several restaurants in New York City.  He is also had a hand in several illegal enterprises.  Julia was the apple of his eye, but he never seemed to have time for her.  He was always taking care of one business deal or the other, when he was not fooling around with his mistress, Katherine Lynn Jordon.  He often had to break promises to spend time with her.  At first, she was greatly disappointed, but each time it happened, she grew more and more callous towards her father.  Her father would shower her with gifts and apologies, but Julia’s respect for the man had been forever broken.
Elizabeth found out about her husbands infidelity, and she threatened to divorce him.  After she packed a bag and drove off to stay at a hotel for the night, Philip called some of his less than reputable associates who made sure that Elizabeth suffered a fatal accident before she could reveal his indiscretions and tarnish his prestigious public image.  To Julia, Elizabeth is nothing more than a vague memory and she cannot recall any love she showed her.

Katherine eventually married Philip and became Julia’s step-mother.  Katherine was a self-made woman who had to claw and beg for everything in life.  She was jealous of Julia, who lived far better than she did when she was young, and she grew to despise the girl, especially when Philip would spoil her.  She vented her frustrations on her whenever Philip was away.  Whenever Julia would tell her father what happened, Katherine would laugh it off.  Children have the most amazing imaginations after all.
Julia was far more devious than Katherine anticipated.  At the age of ten, she secretly recorded her step-mother’s abusive behavior.  Instead of simply showing the evidence to her father, she used them to blackmail her step-mother into granting her every wish.  She had absent father who would shower her with gifts and a step-mother that would obey her every whim.  What more could a little girl want?

When she matured, she hopped from boyfriend to boyfriend, sharing her body but never her heart.  Everyone she ever cared about did nothing but hurt her.  Why would they be any different?

Julia soon expanded to cigarettes and alcohol long before she was of legal age for such things.  While still in high school, she started taking marijuana, cocaine, and anything else that would drown the pain inside her that never would go away.

Her father’s money ensured her admittance to Columbia, in spite her mediocre grades and SAT scores.  College was more of the same for her—only now sex and drugs were more readily available to her than ever.  Her grades were mostly poor—she barely passed most subjects except for the A+’s she received from many of her male professors.
At a frat party, her life would change forever.  Intoxicating beyond any rational judgment, she paired up with some guy named Thomas.  She drove off with him and three of his friends.  The car became a drunken orgy.  Thomas was at the wheel, and Julia was busy on his lap while the other guys were busy with the girls they picked up that night.  Unfortunately, Thomas was too busy enjoying Julia’s charms to notice the red light.

The car drove right into the flowing traffic and was sent spinning out of control.  Julia was thrown through the windshield and slammed into an oncoming pickup truck.  The car itself was torn in two from the impact and the seven remaining passengers were slain in the accident.  The other drivers and passengers in vehicles involved suffered minor injuries, except for one young businessman who had neglected his seatbelt.  It took several hours to clean everything up.
The authorities however, were baffled by Julia’s condition.  There were over a dozen witnesses that saw her thrown through the window at full speed, yet there was hardly a scratch on her.  Even stranger, she was sheathed in a light blue field.  She was arrested for underage drinking and her involvement in the incident.  In the end, they came to the conclusion that she must be a metahuman.  Now the only question remained was what to do with her.
The powers that be decided to issue Julia a pardon assuming she agreed to use her gifts on behalf of the government.  She reluctantly accepted.

Powers and weapons: Julia generates a bio-kinetic field which repels any kinetic force exerted on her.  It seems to be an extension of her personality—just as she will not let someone touch her heart, nor can they touch her body.  Perhaps if she learns to trust others she will gain greater control over others.

Weaknesses: Julia suffers from multiple drug addictions and cannot deactivate her force field at will.

Personality: Julia is assertive, cunning, and aggressive.  She is used to getting what she wants, and pursues her objectives with rigid determination, not caring what she has to do to achieve her goals. She is extremely cynical and trusts nobody unless she has something she can hold over them, and even then she is suspicious of their true motives.  This leaves her extremely lonely, although she will never admit to anyone, not even herself, that all she really wants is someone she can trust and loves.  She drowns her sorrows in drugs, alcohol, and until her powers manifested, sex as well.

Description: Julia has blue/green eyes, with should-length light brown hair.  She is fair skinned and has a slender yet well-curved body. She appears to be about twenty years old. She has a great fashion sense, and always makes sure to dress her best.

Her costume is a skin-tight latex outfit that covers her completely from the neck down. It is mostly light blue with a decorative wide "V"-shaped black section over her waist and lower torso. The legs of the outfit flow seemlessly into high-heeled black boots. A blue tinted, translucent field of energy surrounds her body.