ELECTRA [Character Bio/Stats]

Strength: 4X
Agility: 7B (Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Fast Exit)
Intellect: 6D (Physics)
Willpower: 6C (Performance[Dance], Manipulation)

Edge/Hand: 1/3(17)

Calling: Gloryhound
Hindrances: None

Lightning Speed 16 (A)
* Invisibility (Limit:Only while running)
* Mach Control
* Run Up Walls
* Power Slam
* Fussilade (see Teleport stunt with same name)
* Waterwalking
* Expedite (see Houserule)

Electrical Control 16 (I)
* Brownout
* Electrical Blast
* Resistance to Electricity

Air Control 12 (I)
*Air Blast
Hurricane Blast (see Hyperbreath)