ELECTRA [Character Bio/Stats]

Real name: Balia Gracie
Occupation: Dancer, student
Identity: Secret
Legal status: Naturalized Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Brazil
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: closest living family is the Gracie's of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fame. Parents are deceased.
Group affiliation: Meta-Force, former member of Guardians
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Guardians X-Mas Special #1
5' 10" Weight: 135 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black

Balia Gracie was born in Brazil, but came to the United States at age seven after her parents died in accident and was raised in California. She became a student of dance at age eight and has trained every day since then. This dedication paid off as it allowed her to attend the Juilliard School of Dance in New York City. She also began studying physics at Columbia University .

To help pay her way through school, Balia Gracie worked as an exotic dancer with the stage name Electra. She enjoyed dancing and the pay was good. She had been practicing a new pole routine at the club where she worked when she accidentally kicked some new lighting equipment installed in the ceiling above the stage. Her stiletto heel shattered the pulsing lights , she could only scream in terror as electricity arced through her body. Miraculously she survived. She had learned that the accident had somehow caused her to gain metahuman abilities.

She could run very quickly and discharge blasts of electricity. She was having a hard time controlling these new powers- there were already three reports of people getting "struck by lightning" without any adverse weather conditions. It frightened her . She has since been trying to learn how to use her powers more effectively.

Powers and abilities: Electra possesses the ability to generate excess bioelectric energy which she can release or harness for a number of effects.

The energy that Electra generates is a manifestation of the bioelectricity that exists within all human beings. Electra's metabolism generates far more of this bioelectricity within herself than ordinary living beings do, and therefore she can employ this extra bioelectricity for various uses without depriving herself of the bioelectric energy she needs to exist. Her body constantly produces and stores this excess bioelectricity, up to a maximum of 100,000 volts. At that point the extra bioelectricity discharges itself from her skin in harmless amounts.


Electra can employ her bioelectric energy in a number of ways. The simplest manifestation is the emission of a lightning-like bioelectric arc from her fingertips, which can propagate though air or other conductive mediums. This discharge, whose total voltage can be regulated within certain limits, travels at the speed of lightning, about 1,100 feet per second.

Electra can also move at superhuman speeds by generating tight, eddying bioelectrical fields around her body, which develops an intense, opposing magnetic field. By creating imbalances in this field, she can propel herself on magnetic ripples at speeds in excess of Mach 1. Her maximum rate of speed is still unknown. When traveling at superhuman speeds, Electra's body also generates an oscillating frequency of bioelectric energy that interacts with nearby atomic particles in a way to generates a self-supporting forcefield that screens her from the ravages of wind, friction, and air turbulence, thus allowing her to survive traveling at such extreme speeds.

This field, which radiates approximately one millimeter from every point on the surface of her body, doesn't block out oxygen, light, or other electromagnetic phenomena. The field extends beneath Electra's' feet as she runs so that she actually runs on the field, not on the floor or ground, thus protecting her from the dynamic shocks of her feet touching the ground at superhuman speeds. It is unknown whether the field offers any additional protection from harm. Electra's practical reaction time is many times faster than human, and the speed at which her brain processes information is heightened to a level commensurate with her bodily speed, enabling her to perceive her surroundings while traveling at high velocities It is hypothetically possible, that with training Electra will be able to use her powers of acceleration for various feats. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, plucking missile weapons, such as arrows or bullets, from the air, dodging machine gun fire, and creating cyclone-like gusts of wind by racing around in a tight circle.

It has already been reported that Electra can run approximately 300 feet up the sides of surfaces with a 90 degree inclination , and run across a body of water for a short distance before beginning to sink.

She has just begun training in Jiu-Jitsu with her cousin Royce and is an accomplished dancer and gymnast.

Weapons and equipment: none

Weaknesses: normal human


Description: She is 22 years old. She is 5 foot 10 inches and weights 135 pounds. She is thin, yet she has a very athletic build. She has satin black hair and equally dark eyes. Quite frankly she is the most sensual creature you have ever seen. She is planning to wear a sleek silver body suite and mask to protect her identity.