BLITZ [Character Bio/Stats]

Strength: 6 (Boxing)
Agility: 8 (Driving)
Intellect: 4 (Medicine/paramedic, Assessment)
Willpower: 8D (Leadership)

Edge/Hand: 2/4 (25)

Calling: Protector
Hindrances: None

Body Armor +4 (S)   Due to his body's dense mass.
Limit - Only when shrunk.

Size Alteration 8 (A)
Limits: Shrinking only, one size only (2 ft. tall), duration of 1 hour max.
*Density Control. His Strength and Agility are unaffected when he shrinks. His mass is compacted into the smaller size.

Lightning Speed 13 (A)
Limit: Only when shrunk
* Leaping (up to about 30 ft vertically). He can use this stunt to Power Slam flying targets, although it is obviously dangerous.
* Power Slam (attacks using Speed intensity instead of Strength)