BLITZ [Character Bio/Stats]

Real name: Eric Machen
Occupation: Paramedic
Identity: Secret
Legal status: United States citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, PA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group affiliation: Supers of Fortune
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Supers of Fortune #2

5' 10" (2' when using powers) Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark brown

My name is Eric Machen and by vocation I am a paramedic. I've spent my life helping people. It's just my calling in life, I guess.

I grew up in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I moved to New York as an adult, looking for life in the big city with my then-girlfriend who was moving here for a new job. Eventually, we stopped seeing each other, but we are still friends.

I was on a call about a year ago, to a research facility. Apparently, there was an accident in a radiation research lab, an explosion of some sort. One of the lab techs was unconscious. On the way there, we ran into a traffic jam, but I'm a pretty good driver, so I was able to get us through some tough spots without loosing too much time.

By the time my partner and I arrived, the patient had stopped breathing. We quickly went to work, stabilized the guy and were preparing to take him out to the ambulance. When we stood up with the stretcher, we bumped into a control panel. Since much of the equipment was damaged, a power surge was sent through the radiation emitting diodes. Naturally, I happened to be standing right between them as a burst of this ionic radiation arcs across the gap. I lit up like a Christmas tree.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up downtown in a hospital room. I was apparently unharmed by the blast, but they kept me overnight for observation. Over the next few days, I started feeling funny. Long story short - that's how I got my powers.

Note: Blitz valiantly gave his life in a recent mission in the country of Chinalaya. He sacrificed himself to save his team-mates, as well as the VORTEX forces that they were in battle with, from a missile explosion thatt surely would have destroyedthem all.


Powers and abilities: I can shrink down to a height of about 2 feet. This condenses my mass, rather than displacing it, so that I still weigh my normal 160 pounds, can still lift the same weight, and hit with the same amount of force. On that note, I'm a good hand-to-hand combatant; I've trained with some of the military guys that run the 'squads' with me.

Since my strength is unaffected by the size change, most people underestimate my physical abilities. That gives me a mental edge in combat. But don't worry, there's more. When I am at this reduced size, my body is somehow energized - I don't know if it has to do with my condensed mass or the ionic energy or both.

Anyway, I'm able to move at superhuman speeds - I can even break the sound barrier, but I rarely go that fast. It's a little painful. Due to my speed I can leap to astounding heights, 30 feet up easily. I've come up with an attack form, basically slamming into people at hyper speed, that lets me keep up with the heavy hitters.

I'm also pretty resistant to damage at this size. My body's condensed mass essentially acts as pretty tough body armor. I've been shot with small-caliber handguns, and barely even bruised.

The only drawback is that my body can't handle this denseness for long. I can only remain this size for about an hour and my hyperspeed is only activated when I'm this size.

Weapons and equipment: Blitz carries a small medkit containing the tools of the trade to assist him in the line of duty.

Personality: The quintessential do-gooder. He will not kill or seriously injure an opponent, if possible. If he does, he will treat their injuries once it is safe to do so. He is responsible and quick to act. His occupation has taught him to appreciate life and live it to the fullest. That includes having a good time. .

Description: His costume is dark purple with a yellow boots, gloves, and belt. His mask covers the upper half of his face, leaving his eyes, nose, and mouth exposed. There is a yellow B on his forehead and on his left shoulder is a patch of the paramedic/EMT insignia.