ZENA [Character Bio/Stats]

Real name: Zena
Occupation: Amazon Queen
Identity: Public
Legal status: Citizen of Amazonia with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Amazonia
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group affiliation: Supers of Fortune
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Supers of Fortune #2
6' 7" Weight: 135 lbs.
Eyes: Green Hair: Red

History: Zena is part of one of the many tribes on a secret island called Amazonia located in the Bermuda Triangle. She only recently took control over her tribe as her ability to speak with animals emerged. In their culture, those who can develop the skill to speak with animals become royalty. However, Zena has also developed a power that no others in her tribe has shown before, the ability to control animals. She has kept this ability a secret for the most part. Theoretically, Zena's mother probably had slept with a metahuman, which is why she has the added animal control power

She had only recently assumed control over her tribe when they were approached by people from America. A corporation looking to buy the island from the Amazons for unknown reasons. Zena quickly dismissed their money (which meant nothing to the Amazons) and sent them away empty-handed. She then went to speak with another tribe. When she got there, the entire village had been burned to the ground, it's people slaughtered.

Zena ran through the jungle back to her tribe, but it was too late. The same people had already been there and killed all of her tribe as well. Zena swore vengeance upon the men who did this to her people and spent the next several days building herself a boat. She then used that small vessel to make her way all the way to America. Shortly after arriving in America she was 'attacked' by police officers and animal control personnel, which is where she met with Mrs. Chesterton

More than likely, the best place to discover who is behind the slaughter of Zena's tribe, would be back on her island, by now the corporation has already started working on whatever had taken them to the island (as what they wanted was never discussed by them)

Powers and abilities: Zena can speak with and control the actions of animals. Zena's "stunning touch" is a taught ability in her race and she is able to render most humans unconscious with it. She is an Olympic level athlete and gymnast as well as an accomplished survivalist.

Weapons and equipment: Zena uses a circular throwing weapon called a Chakram, which she wields with uncanny proficiency. She is able to repel bullets and other weapons with her bracelets.

Weaknesses: Normal human

Personality: Naive and aloof. Her two best friends are her animal companions: Tolwynn, a female lion and Tancreed, a male Hawk.

Description: A tall redheaded Amazon. She wears tight black leather armor, trimmed with a light gold metal that accent her curves. Zena is 24, she will celebrate her mating year in a few months. She will have to decide if mating to restore her tribe is appropriate at this point. A "relationship" is forbidden in Amazon culture, and so there is no such thing as marriage. Sex is simply a tool for procreation, no Amazon would admit to it being pleasurable.