Strength Skills


Battle axes, hatchets, and other chopping weapons. Your hero can reduce the difficulty rating when striking with a battle axe, logging or throwing a hatchet.


The sweet science. Boxing applies only if the hero uses his or her fists (gloved or bare) to attack. If you declare it, you can divide your hero's total action score between two fist attacks, the second being a contingent attack.


This skill lets the hero inflict bloody damage when using fists, claws, teeth, or any other natural attack. If your hero reduces a foe to 0 cards or 0 Health this way, the foe goes comatose. These actions-- bites, eye gouges, kidney punches, and so on--are generally frowned upon in hero circles.


Scaling vertical surfaces. Your hero can reduce the difficulty rating when resisting wind and acrophobia while scaling buildings, trees, cliffs, and other vertical challenges.


Anything from a blackjack to a telephone pole assuming the hero can lift it. Your hero can reduce the difficulty rating when throwing the club or staff.


Strangling cords, piano wires, and even bare-handed choking. If the hero wounds the target, he or she may make a contingent action to begin strangulation. This is an average Strength action. If it succeeds and the target does not damage the hero, the hero inflicts 4 damage points on each exchange thereafter, assuming the strangulation continues. The stranglehold remains in effect until either the hero lets go or suffers damage from the target.


Objects used for pounding things into other things. Your hero can reduce the difficulty rating for throwing hammers, plus carpentry and other such actions.


Blowing really hard to knock people over. This feat can be performed only by those with an 11+ strength. Your hero must make an average strength action, and those whom the hero succeeds against are knocked back and lose their action for the exchange.


Objects that are small, sharp and easily concealed, from daggers to hypodermics.


A catchall for the shuriken, sai, nunchaku, and oriental swords and daggers, including the katana and wakizashi.


Claws, quills, horns teeth, and the like.


Normally defensive, shields can also be thrown. A shield can either absorb its defense bonus in damage from one attack or to inflict its bonus in damage for one attack in a single exchange, but not both.


Smashing the ground or one's fist together to produce a sound wave. This feat can be performed only by those with an 11+ strength. Your hero must make an average strength action, and those whom the hero succeeds against are disoriented, losing their action for the exchange.


Long, sharp, and painful pole weapons. Your hero can use this skill for throwing or stabbing with javelins, tent poles and anything else shaftlike.


Any long-bladed weapon, from an epee to a scythe. If the hero chooses not to attack, he or she may parry with a sword, adding the sword's damage bonus to Agility when dodging.


Anything that's cracked to inflict damage on or entangle a target. This skill lets the hero snag an object that's within firing distance on an average strength (agility) action. If this is an opponent, the whip entangles the opponent as a contingent action. The opponent can make an average Strength (strength) action to break free on the next exchange.


The gentle art of holding on and never letting go. This skill can be used only if your hero is using bare hands. If the hero damages the target, he or she may make a contingent attempt to hold on.This is an average Strength action (or the same action to avoid this, if the wrestler is a character). If the hold succeeds, the same damage is dealt the next exchange, and can't be dodged. The contingent hold action must succeed every exchange, or it is broken.
