Agility Skills


Gymnastic movement. Your hero can tumble, swing from ropes,walk across thin beams, and leap through windows. The hero may reduce the difficulty rating when trying to lessen damage from falls and dodging attacks, if the hero has sufficient room to move acrobatically.


Fighting in the sky. Your hero may use Agility instead of Strength to attack while flying. The Hero can use Agility instead of Intellect for declaration order during aerial combat.


Use of any sort of projectile weapon that fires arrows.


The handling of really big guns. Artillerists tend to work in groups, but use the highest Agility of the team members to attempt the action.


Piloting any waterbound vehicle, from a jetski to an ocean liner. Your hero can reduce the difficulty rating to avoid rapids, spot land, build rafts, and other life-saving tasks while on water.


Small objects which are thrown to inflict damage and then somehow return to the thrower's habd. A hero with this skill can catch his or her boomerage without fear of damage.


Building things. When trying to construct a fimiliar object, the hero may reduce the difficulty rating to avoid making mistakes.


Your hero can devide his or her Agility and pre-cardplay modifiers between two Agility-based attacks each exchange, making one ot them contingent. Cards can be played to each attack.


Blowing things up with volatile explosives, generally smaller than a cruise missile.


Making yourself look like someone or something else


Piloting any landbound vehicle, from a motorcycle to an eighteen-wheeler.


Riding horses and other fourlegged beast, with or without wings. Your hero can use his or her Agility to control the mount and perform tricks (see Animal Handling).


Getting out of dangerous places. Your hero can reduce the difficulty rating to squeeze through ultra-narrow corridors, squirm out of ropes, and undo handcuffs from behind.


Your hero can attack physically and move to firing distance before any foe can complete an action that affects the hero. But make sure you've properly analyzed the situation, because is even one of the opponents has an Intellect higher then your hero's Agility, any of the opponents can redirect actions toward your hero, and he or she can't dodge any of them.


Throwing any easily hefted object (though "easily varies from hero to hero). This skill can turn playing cards and feathers into lethal projectiles and is good for tossing grenades.


Disassembling something mechanical in order to make something else. This skill reduces the difficulty of the creation of any item if a suitable item is available for dismantling.


Modern personal firearms of all types-- handguns, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, including laser, stun, and concussion varieties.


Your hero may use Agility instead of Strength to attack. This changes the attack 's trump suit to Agility as well. The hero also can reduce the difficulty rating to reduce damage from falling. If the hero doesn't attack, he or she can reduce the difficulty rating to catch any thrown object that can be lifted by the hero, negating impact damage.


Working knowledge of most 20th century aircraft. Even in a small spaceship, your hero has an intuitive understanding of which flashing light is the accelerator and which is the brake.


Working knowledge of most 20th century aircraft. Even in a small spaceship, your hero has an intuitive understanding of which flashing light is the accelerator and which is the brake.


Repair and modification of items, but not the building of new items.


The bouncing of a weapon off one target and into another. A hero using a ricochet can target two individuals with a single throw, halving the action score for each. The second target is hit as contingent action. If the hero desires, he or she also may ricochet the weapon back into his or her hand. A second use of this skill is to launch a surprise attack by bouncing a weapon off something behind the target; this makes the attack contingent but reduces its difficulty. This skill can be used with some powers, such as Energy Blast and Web-Slinging.


Twirling and dashing with wheels or blades on or under your feet. This also covers the use of skateboards.


Launching yourself down snowy mountains or across water at high speeds.


Stage magic. Your hero can make small items appear and disappear by a combination of misdirection and swift, fluid gestures. The hero can also use this skill to pick someone's pocket by making an average Agility (Intellect) action.


Anything spun to inflict damage, from a staff sling to a bullroarer.


Hanging ten. Generally, this is done on water, but you never know.


Picking pockets, moving stealthily, and opening locks of all sorts. Your hero can also reduce the difficulty rating in securing locks and making locks and keys.
