Real name: Billy Bob Barton
Occupation: Adventurer, Wrestler
Identity: Secret
Legal status: United States citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Reno, Nevada
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group affiliation: Guardains
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Guardians #1
6' Weight: 500 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown

Billy Bob Barton was a truck driver, just like his daddy and his daddy before him. Late one stormy night he was hauling a load across the New Mexico desert. He knew he was getting close to that Area 51 place where everybody said the government kept some sort of flying saucer that had crash landed there years ago.

Billy Bobs's mind wandered and he started looking at the sky to see if he could see any flying saucers around. It was at this moment when Blly Bob ran over something. Billy Bob cursed and slammed on the brakes. He ran back to see what he had hit. It was a man and he looked in bad shape.

As Billy Bob examined the man he saw that the man had been shot and was clutching a strange looking object that was giving off an eerie green glow. Billy bob didn't know what this man was doing out in the middle of the desert in a severe thunderstorm, but he bet it had something to do with them flying saucers.

Flying saucers or not, Billy Bob knew he had to get his man to a hospital or he would soon die. As Billy Bob picked the man up, a bolt of lightning struck the pair, causing the glowing object to explode.Billy Bob screamed in agony and dropped the man into a pool of mud as his consciousness slipped away. When he awoke he was groggy, but otherwise unhurt. He couldn't fid the injured man anywhere, so he retraced his steps to the last place he had seen him-the mud puddle.

That's when the mud puddle came to life . Rising up and taking on a humanoid appearance. The mud creature attacked Billy Bob, screaming that he had turned him into a freak. Billy Bob tried to reason with him, but gave up when the creature picked up his rig and threw it at him.

Billy Bob's truck exploded after landing upon him, but somehow he wasn't hurt. He was, however very angry, nobody could do that to his rig and get away with it.

The two battled all night long and and well into the day. It seemed the battle was going to go on forever until the extreme desert heat caused the mud ceature to solidify. Billy Bob punched the creature and caused him to explode into a thousand tiny dirt clods.

Billy Bob lost his job over the incident. His company didn't beleive his story. Billy Bob didn't know what he was going to do until he heard a new group of Guardians was forming. He'd always wanted to meet some of them superheroes he had read baout in Superhype Magazine amd the National Inquisitor. Now he'd get a chance to become one. He was going to be somebody. He was going to be famous. Those boys back at at his old company could kiss his ass. He'd show them.

Since becoming Shockwave, Billy Bob has basked in the media attention surrrounding the Guardians. He loves to sign autographs and ham it up for the cameras.

Recently he has started wrestling in the Meta Wrestling Federation, providing even more media attention for himself. His arch-rival in the MWF is Hulk Hogan, who underwent biochemical treatments so he could compete in the MWF.

Powers and abilities: Shockwave possesses vast superhuman strength enabling him to lift approximately 100 tons.
The radiation that mutated Shockwave's body fortified his cellular structure and added some 300 lbs of bone marrow and muscle tissue from some as yet unknown source.

In addition to great strength, Shockwave's body possesses a high degree of resistance to pain, injury and disease. Shockwave's skin is capable of withstanding great heat without blistering (up to 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit), great cold without freezing (down to -175 degrees F), and great impacts without injury (he can survive direct hits by field artillery shells). It is possible to injure him however; for example he could not survive the detonation of nuclear warhead from ten feet away. Shockwave's highly efficient physiology renders him immune to all terrestrial diseases.

As a result of his mutations, Shockwave's hands are able to generate vibration on a molecular level in such a way that can develop an intense pulse of kintic energy. By slamming his fists to the ground, Shockwave is able to release this kinetic energy in the form of either a dynamic ground wave through the earth, or a more diffuse, radially propoagating concussion wave along the surface of the earth. Shockwave is able to create seismic tremors of up to 7.5 on the Richter scale with a single strike (even greater, from 8.2 to 9.5, if he happens to be near tectonic plate fault lines). Shockwave can also release the energy as sound waves by slamming his hands together. This kinetc energy is only activated by an act of will. It doesn't spontaneously occur everytime he touches the ground or puts his hands together. Shockwave can control the relative intensity of the tremor at will. It takes him no more than a few hundredths of a second to generate sufficient enegy to create any size effect up to his maximum capability. He is able to generate and expend his seismic force-waves for several huors before fatigue significantly affects his performance.

Shockwave can use his superhumanly strong leg muscles to leap great distances. He has been observed to cover 2 miles in a single bound.

Weapons and equipment:

