

Trump Suit: Agility
Exemplars: Beast, Hulk, Toad
Related Powers: Flight

Your Hero can leap up, down and far away. The exact distance isn't important, only the general effect. Heroes with up to 10 leaping can jump maybe a few stories, but those with 10+ Leaping can often hurtle buildings and lakes. Those with 20+ Leaping can leap several miles at a time.

If the hero doesn't attack in an exchange, he or she can leap anywere in sight in one exchange. In this case, he or she may use the Leaping intensity instead of Agility score for dodging only.

Limit-Up only: Your hero cannot cross distances using Leaping.

Stunt-Power Slam: Your hero can use Leaping instead of strength when attacking. If the attack is dodged, however, the hero continues past the target and probably slams into something on the other side, inflicting the power's intensity in damge to his or her own body.

Stunt-Riccochet: Your hero gains the Riccochet skill, with regard to this power only. This allows the hero to divide a physical attack among two targets, the second attack being contingent.The hero divides Strength and all pre-cardplay modifiers between the two attacks, rounding down.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Dracula, Grim Reaper
Related Powers: Absorption

This is a vampiric touch attack that allows the hero to drain off life energy, either through an energy attack or draining blood. The hero makes an easy Life Drain (Willpower) attack, with Willpower acting as defense.

Limit-Multiple Drains: Your hero must bring the victim from full Health to 0 Health (or cards) two or more times before the victim dies.

Stunt-Braindrain: Instead of draining Health, the attack drains Intellect. Assuming the attack succeeds, the victim subtracts his or her Willpower from the damage. The remaining damage is assessed against the victim's Intellect. The victim regains 1 point of Intellect every time the Narrator draws a card with a positive aura at the start of an exchange.

Stunt-Draining Bolt: The attack may be attempted at firing distance.

Stunt-Psychic Vampirism: Instead of draining Health, the attack drains Willpower. Assuming the attack succeeds, the victim subtracts his or her Willpower from the damage. The remaining damage is assessed against the victim's Willpower. The victim regains 1 point of Willpower every time the Narrator draws a card with a positive aura at the start of an exchange.

Stunt-Slow Recovery: The draining cannot be healed in the normal manner. Only after a week or more of rest will cards or Health return.

Stunt-Telepathic Control: Till the victim returns to full Hand size or Health, the hero can speak telepathically to him or her and control his or her actions on an easy Willpower action.

Stunt-Torpor: Instead of draining Health, the attack drains Agility. Assuming the attack succeeds, the victim subtracts his or her Willpower from the damage. The remaining damage is assessed against the victim's Agility. the victim regains 1 point of Agility every time the Narrator draws a card with a positive aura at the start of an exchange.

Stunt-Vampiric Rebirth: If the hero brings the victim to death, the victim may come back from the dead. If a hero becomes a vampire, he or she becomes a Narrator-controlled character.

Stunt-Weakness: Instead of draining Health, the attack drains Strength. Assuming the attack succeeds, the victim subtracts his or her Willpower from the damage. The remaining damage is assessed against the victim's Strength. The Victim regains 1 point of Strength every time the Narrator draws a card with a positive aura at the start of an exchange.


Trump Suit: Strength
Exemplars: Gladiator, Thor, Sersi, Quasar, Silver Surfer
Related Powers: Adaptation

The individual can survive indeftinitely without basic requirements, using the power's intensity as a guide. The advantages are cumulatives.

The Hero can do without

Limit-Transformation-Linked: Your hero cannot use this power in his or her normal form.

Stunt-Adaptation: Your hero gains adaptation.

Stunt-Reformations: Your hero can survive being hacked into many peices If the peices are brought together, the hero can reassemble and regain full Hand Size.

Stunt-Suspended Animation: Your hero can go into a trance so deep that no one can tell if he or she is alive. The hero cannot sense anything ot take any actions while in the trance.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Dazzler, Dagger, Jubilee
Related Powers: Darkforce Control, Shadow Control, Sonic Control

Your hero may generate and manipulate light energy. This power at its basic form allows the hero to send out waves of bright light, causing blinding.

Your hero also can use this power to defeat darkness. The hero can dispel darkness in an enclosed space and provide light at firing distance in open space. Shadow Control and Darkness Control's Intensities are halved against the light controlling hero..
The ambient light in a building is usually Intensity 1, while a street searchlight would be intensity 5. A laser beam might be intensity 10, and a huge spacecraft's light ray might be intensity 15.

Stunt-Absorption: Your hero gains absorption (Light).

Stunt-Blinding Blast: Your hero can attack everyone within firing distance. If the hero pushes this power ( see Pushing the Limit ), he or she cannot see or use Light Control again until restored to full Hand Size.

Stunt-Fireworks: Your hero can create globules of light which explode, causing damage at the power's intensity.

Stunt-Flight: Your hero gains Flight.

Stunt-Force Field: Your hero can create personal Force Fields of light.

Stunt-Hypnosis: Your hero gains Hypnosis.

Stunt-Momentum: Your hero can add momentum to objects and make them move as if pushed by someone of the power's intensity in Strength.

Stunt-Illusion: Your hero can create visual-only holograms as if he or she had Illusion.

Stunt-Invisibility: By bending light around his or her body, your hero gains Invisibility.

Stunt-Laser: Your hero can focus light energy into a concentrated laser pulse or beam that inflicts the power's intensity in damage to one target within line of site.

Stunt-Lighthouse: Your hero can vary the colors and brightness of light to create an artful display. heroes with the Proformance skill may use it to reduce the difficulty of actions for any artistic performance.

Stunt-.Light Body: Your hero becomes a creature of pure light. While in light form, the hero can go to 0 Strength in exchange for Invulnerability to Kentics and other physical attacks. The hero also gains Energy Blast, and can explode to affect all seeing targets within firing distance if he or she sustains damage as well (ignoring all defenses). Light bodies suffer damage equal to double the power's intensity from attacks based on light control and other such powers.

Stunt-Light Knives: Your hero fires knives of light out to firing distance with a Lighht Control action.

Stunt-Light Shapes: Your hero can create semisolid objects with material strength equal to the power' intensity and mobile light creatures Strength and Agility scores equal to the power's intensity. The hero can create one object ot creature per point of intensity.

Stunt-Light Sword: Your hero can create a sword of light from his or her hands to attack someone within striking distance with a Light Control action.

Stunt-Purification: Your hero can eliminate poisons adn short-term diseases by bathing the victim in light (or any other light-based stunt). This has no effect on long-term diseases like mutations and radiation poisning, but can eliminate the effects of drugs and colds.

Stunt-Resistance to Darkness: Your hero gains Resistance to Darkness ( including Shadow Control and Darkforce).

Stunt-Resistance to Light: Your hero gains Resistance to Light and blindness.

Stunt-Darkness: Your hero can black out an area in darkness, reducing visibility to 0. This is done by modulating the light in the area downward.

Stunt-Strobe: Your hero can make an average Light Control (Willpower) attack to cause a rapid-fire modulation of existing light and generated light. This causes viewers who succumb to the attack to fall unconscious (no cards or 0 Health) due to overload.


Trump Suit: Agility
Exemplars: Quicksilver, Northstar and Aurora, Sub-Mariner
Related Powers: Flight

Your hero can move at an amazing rate of speed. Lighting Speed is assumed to apply to ground movement, but if the hero has another movement power (such as digging, Flight ,swimming, or Wall-Crawling), Lighting Speed can apply. to it instead. Heroes with Lighting Speed can use its intensity instead of Agility for purposes of dodging attacks or for any action involving moving fast.

Heroes with Lighting Speed may divide thier attacks into a normal attack and one or more contingent attacks. The Hero's normal ability score and all pre-cardplay modifiers are divided among the number of attacks, rounded down.

While Running, the hero can carry what he or she could normally carry (including one or maybe even two passengers). The hero may accelerate to full speed and decelerate to a full stop in a single exchange. He or she can turn at maximum speed without the need for an Agility action. Assuming an intensity of 4+, the hero can cross to anywhere within sight in an exchange.

The exact speed is usually unimportant, unless two heroes are racing each other. Intensity 10 is roughly Mach One, the speed of sound. If the hero goes above intensity 9 speed, he or she will create sonic booms. This causes the hero and anyone moving with him or her damage equal to the Lighting Speed intensity. Because of this reason, very few heroes exceed Mach One.

Intensity 20 Lighting Speed allows the hero to cross counties in less than an hour. Intensity 30 Lighting Speed allows the hero span the world in a minute or two. This power won't let the hero fly or travel through space; for that, see Flight and Space Flight.

Limit-Burst Only: Your hero can only blast off in one direction, and only for an aura duration.

Limit-Inaccurate: Heroes using Lighhting Speed always miss in combat or when trying to catch or throw something.

Stunt-Invisibility: By vibrating at high speeds, your hero gains Invisibility while concentrating.

Stunt-Mach Control: Your hero does not generate sonic booms.

Stunt-Passangers: Your hero can take as many passengers as he or she has points of Lighting Speed intensity. If the hero loses concentration, everyone careers out of control.

Stunt-Phasing: Your hero gains Phasing.

Stunt-Power Slam: Your hero can use the Lighting Speed intensity instead of Strength score when attacking. If the attack is dodged, however, the hero continues past the target and probably slams into something on the other side, inflicting damage to his or her own body equal to the power's intensity.

Stunt-Resistance to Pressure: Your hero gains resistance to Pressure. This stunt isn't necessary to avoid damage from running fast.

Stunt-Running Up Walls: Your hero may run up vertical surfaces, even upside down.

Stunt-Spinning Drill: By spinning fast, the hero drills into walls of material strength up to the power's intensity.

Stunt-Waterwalking: Your hero can cross the surface of water as if it were land.

Stunt-Whirlwind: By running in circles very fast, the hero can attempt an average Lighting Speed action to generate a small tornado. This can carry objects aloft and inflict up to the power's intensity in damage to those caught in the wake, if the hero desires. Those in the eye of the storm suffer no damage.

New Stunt -Expedite: to accelerate the process or progress of : speed up

Expedite is a power stunt of Lightning Reflexes. It allows a hero to accomplish tasks in one exchange that would normally take much longer. The hero must make a Lightning Speed action, opposed by the normal amount of time the task would normally take. Defensive actions cannot be taken while performing Expedite.

  Time Expedited
One Minute
Average (8)
One Hour
Challenging (12)
One Day
Daunting (16)
One Week
Desperate (20)
One Month
Superhuman (24)
One Year
Unfathomable (28)
More Than One Year
Cosmic (32)

If the action succeeeds, then it only takes one exchange to perform the task. If the action fails, then the amount of time it takes to perform the task is only reduced by one time increment. For example, A hero wants to read a book very quickly. Normally it would take them a week to read the book (Desperate difficulty). If the hero succeeds in the action, then the book can be read in only one exchange. If he fails, then it will take him an hour to read it.

A bit if caution and common sense  should be used on the Narrator's part. Things such as chemical reactions and physical laws cannot be sped up by the character. No matter how fast a hero is, they still cannot make water boil any faster or  speed up the time it takes for a clothes washer to finish its spin cycle. However, things such as searching a file cabinet, cleaning a house, replacing an engine in a car, or studying for a test could all be accomplished at a much faster rate.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Longshot, Domino, Roulette
Related Powers: Reality Warping

Your hero can alter chances of success, either good or bad. This power can be taken only at a minimum intensity of 15.

Good luck doesn't require an action if your hero has this power. Any time you play a cards, you may flip over the top card of the deck. if you like the suit and/or value of the card better, you may use that card instead. Trump triggers off the new card as if it had been played normally. If this power is used to affect another being within striking distance, you must declare this as the hero's action for the exchange.

Alternatively, you may declare an action to cause bad luck to someone within striking distance. You cannot declare any other actions, though the hero can still try to dodge and resist attacks. If the victim's player or Narrator plays or draws a card during the exchange, you draw another card and use that if the value or trump suit is more advantageous for your hero.

At intensity 20+, you can affect everyone in sight with Luck Control. The hero can use an action to affect the next exchange's Narrator draw, for purpose of value or suit only.

Limit-Bad Luck Field: All your hero's associates suffer bad luck whenever this power is declared. For the rest of the exchange, all allies within firing distance suffer bad luck, as above.

Limit-Bad Luck Only:Your hero can cause bad luck only, not good luck.

Limit-Good Luck Only: Your hero can cause good luck only, not Bad luck.

Stunt-Luck Missile: Your hero can fire good luck or bad luck at a target within firing distance.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Doctor Strange, Black Queen, Amanda Sefton, Spiral
Related Powers: Nearly all of them

Magic is the crafting of spells to invoke powerful forces. All magic in the Marvel Universe functions in roughly the same way, regardless of its source--innate power, drawn from extradimensional sources, or magical artifact. Magic automatically incurs the limit of Spell-Focused. That means that to make a magical effect occur, your hero must cast a spell as his or her action, attempting an easy Magic action to do so. the hero's spell then goes off as a contingent action, and this is where the more difficult actions will take place.

A mage cannot have a Magic intensity higher than his or her Willpower.

At intensies 1 to 9, the mage is a mere dabbler, capable of attempting stunts at the power's intensity, reading magical books, and employing magical items to gain power. Since magic is an imprecise "science" and the hero is a mere novice, whenever the hero attempts a spell, the Narrator draws a card from the deck. If the card is of a higher value than the mage's intensity, the spell fails, and if the aura of the card isnegative, some disaster occurs of the Narrator's choosing. Obviously, mages of intensity 10+ have nothing to worry about.

At intensities 1 to 9, the hero has the following stunts available, each attained normally. All stunts provide the caster with the listed power, within the Spell-Focused limitation. None of these powers allow stunts themselves. The powers available include: Astral Projection, Detection (Magic), Dimensional Travel, Energy Blast, Ensnarement, ESP, Force Feild, Illusion, Life Support, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Teleportation (self), Teleportation (summoning). Other powers are available at the Narrator's behest.

At intensity 10 +, the hero becomes a true mage, and this is where the power rakes off. The hero knows enough about Magic to cast a vast array of spells. In general, the hero can affect the outside world in any number of ways, but not his or her own body. Magic 10 + allows a hero to duplicate any Intellect- or Willpower- linked power at the Magic's intensity. Also, no spell can give the hero skills or greater ability scores. This is why sorcerers tend to have lots of lackeys, in the manner that Doctor Strange had the Defenders.

Limit-Creatures Only: Your hero can affect only living creatures with his or her magic. This limit cannot be taken with the Personal Magic stunt.

Limit-Material-Sensitive: Your hero's Magic cannot function in the presence of a common substance, such as iron or mistletoe. Alternately, it won't work if something critical is absent, such as shadows or gold.

Limit-Ritualistic: Your hero's spells do not take mere exchange to cast, but instead take hours of incantation and possibly even sacrifices.

Limit-Written Magic: Your hero can only cast spells by reading them from scrolls and books. Every spell requires at least a full exchange to cast, assuming the scroll or book is in hand and ready at the beginning of the exchange.

Stunt-Personal Magic: This hero can manipulate his or her own body, changing it and expanding personal abilities at will. The hero can cast spells to get powers with Agility and Strength trump suits, but no others. This type of magic overrides the main power types available with Magic. This stunt can be taken only by a true mage ( see above ).

Stunt-Rangeless: Your hero can anscorcell anyone he or she can find regardless of distance, often through Psychic Detection or ESP.

Stunt-Resistance to Magic: Your hero gains Resistance to Magic.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Magneto, Polaris
Related Powers: Gravity Control, Telekinesis

Your hero controls magnetic lines of force. The hero can move, shape, and control metal objects of up to the powers intensity in material strength. This acts as Telekinesis, but only for ferrous metal. Ferrous metals include iron, steel, and adamantium, but not precious metals like copper and gold. The hero can repel or attract these objects to each other by making an easy Magnetic Control action.

Heroes with Magnetic Control can project magnetic force bolts as easy Magnetic Control ( Agility) attack, but cannot do so at striking distance.

Stunt- Animation: Your hero gains animation.

Stunt-Direction Sense: By tapping into the Earth's magnetic feild, the hero can instantly gain a sense of where he or she is in relation to the magnetic poles.

Stunt-Flight: Your hero gains Flight.

Stunt-Energy Detection: By tracking fluctuations in the magnetic fields, the hero candetect energy. The hero can identify the general type of energy (X-ray, light, nuclear, exhaust, and so on) with a Magnetic Control action, and can track the energy trail of that specific type. Faint trails or confusing pattrens of energy may require challenging or even daunting success.

Stunt-Entrapment: Your hero can warp metal around an opponent with an average Magnetic Control (Agility) action. If this succeeds, the hero may choose to have it cause no damage and merely immobilize the opponent, or to inflict damage while trying to crush the opponent.

Stunt-Force Feild: Your hero gains Force Feild.

Stunt-Manipulate Nonferrous Metals: Your hero's power affects nonferrous metals such as silver, aluminum, and vibranium.

Stunt-Manipulate Nonmetallic Objects: Your hero's power affects nonmetals through manipulation of the Earth's magnetic field.

Stunt-Rapid Assembly: Your hero can quickly and remotely assemble any device he or she could normally build. This stunt requires an average Intellect action to create the device in one exchange. The materials to make the device must all be present within firing distance.

Stunt-Scrambling:; Your hero can scramble nonsentient machines. If attacking a sentient machine with this power, the hero needs to make an average Magnetic Control (Willpower) action to damage the machine. If the machine is reduced to no cards or 0 Health, it will need reprogramming or a new power source.

Stunt-Stun Blast: Your hero can use his or her power to stun living organic creatures by magnetically disrupting their hearts or nervous systems. This is equivalent to Stun Blast.

Stunt-Telekinesis: Your hero gains Telekinesis, affecting all objects, not just ferrous metals.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Karma, Controller, Corruptor, Shadow King
Related Powers: Emotion Control, Hypnosis

This highly dangerous power allows the total overriding of the conscious mind. The victim's personality remains, but his or her actions are controlled by the hero. The hero makes an easy Mind Control (Willpower) action to dominate the victim. If this succeeds, on the next exchange your hero gains control of the victim for as long as he or she concentrates on this control.

The attacker and thrall must be within firing distance initially to effect the Mind Control, though they may separated by miles afterwards. The victim will obey only the verbal or telepathic orders of the controller. Every time the hero orders the thrall to do something he or she will not normally do, the hero must make an easy Mind Control (Willpower) action to reinforce the control.

The controlling hero gains access to the victim's memories, but the thrall is unaware of his or her actions, knowing only that he or she has blacked out for a while. If a player hero is controlled, the player may run the hero normally, but all actions must be approved by the controller. Naturally, the controlled hero cannot pass on the information of his or her state to others.

Normally, if a person is succesfully mind controlled they black out and are unaware of their actions. Though I think they would be suspicious of such blackouts, and would at least be informed by others of their behavior after the fact.

GM NOTE: The power description doesn't say anything about what happens with failed attempts at Mind Control. I've decided to give  an aura reading in such cases  to determine if the person was  aware of it or not.  Positive would mean that you were definitely aware that someone was trying to mind control you. Neutral means that you were aware of a strange compulsion to do something, though not necessarily aware that the idea came from anywhere except your own head.
Negative would mean that you were completely unaware of any attempt to mind control you.

Stunt- Ability Boost: Your hero gains Ability Boost for one ability. However, the maximum ability boost is equal to the corresponding ability of the thrall.

Stunt-Mindwipe: Your hero can erase the memory of another individual. This requires at least five minutes of concentration, followed by a daunting Mind Control (Willpower) action. If this action falls, the hero is reduced to one card and cannot take actions for the next exchange. If it succeeds, the subject's memory is erased; this doesn't alter ability scores, skills, or powers, but may change the subject's calling. If the subject is a hero, the player cannot act on memories the hero had prior to the Mindwipe. Whenever the memory is restored (either through this stunt or other psychic surgery), the subject regains all memories.

Stunt-Possession: This is a specific form of Mind Control in which all actions of the hero are assumed by the controller. The controller is "inside" the mind of the hero, and as such controls all actions without having to give commands. Possession is only possible against victims with no greater Willpower than the attacker's power intensity. This otherwise the same as Mind Control.

Stunt-Transferal: This is the complete transferal of a victim's consciousness into the the body of the hero. This stunt requires a successful duanting Mind Control (Willpower) action to succeed. If the transfer fails, the attacker falls unconscious and may not try Transferal again for one day. If it succeed, the hero and victim trade consciousnesses. Each retains his or her own Intellect, Willpower, Edge, mental powers, and skills. Agility, Strength, and pysical powers are swapped.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Leech, Forge's nullifier gun
Related Powers: Power Amplification

Your hero reminds others that superpowers are just signs reading, "Nullify me." This power can negate the innate superhuman abilities of others. To nullify the power, your hero makes an easy Nullification action, opposed by the targeted power's intensity; otherwise, nothing happens. If the hero succeeds in the action, the victim's power goes away; it does so without regard to the effects, so a flying hero would fall and a sightless hero with radar would suddenly go blind.

If successful, power nullification works as a contingent action. This usually means the victim loses his or her powers at the end of the exchange, when wounds are assessed. This usually gives the victim one chance to respond before the power disappears. So if your hero hits a villian with a nullifying beam, the villian gets a chance to react with the power before the nullification takes effect. One chance only, of course, but that might be all the villian needs. However, if the villian than wants to flee the scene, he or she had better be able to do so without the power.

This delayed effect means that most heroes who rely on nullification get used to the concept of surprise attacks. Also, nullification is temporary, lasting for an aura duration. If this period lapse or something else makes a lost power return, the power is restored at the start of the next exchange This occurs before the Narrator's draw and action declarations. So if your hero nullified the Human Torch's Fire Control and the nullification wears off, Johnny can't flame on till the next exchange.

Limit-One Power Type Only: Your hero can only nullify one type of power, such as Mind Control or mutations or Magic.

Stunt-Dampening Field: Your hero can project the nullification to all within firing distance.

Stunt-Extensive Nullification: Your hero's nullification works for a long but still temperary period of time. This is the most anyone has been able to achieve with an innate nullification power, though some equipment can make this nullification permanent, such as in the case of anti-mutant inhibitor collars. If a hero loses a power permanently, it would not be unbecoming for the player to beg his or her Narrator to restore those powers. There's no card mechanic or lucky draw that will restore the power unless the Narrator wants it to happen. (Such permanent power nullification is best left in the hands of the Narrator, and used sparingly.)

Stunt-Restoration: Your hero can restore any power that has been nullified.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Absorbing Man
Related Powers: Absorption, Body Transformation, Power Duplication

Your hero can duplicate physical properties of material objects or concentrated energy, taking on the material strength and defense bonus of the object touched for an aura duration. The duplicated item's material strength or energy's intensity cannot exceed the hero's power intensity.

If a duplicated object contains energy (such as a furnace or enchanted weapon), the energy properties may be absorbed as well. Absorbed energy manifests from the hero's body but cannot be actively manipulated; if the hero touches a furnace, he or she becomes red-hot and glows with the furnace's heat, but cannot create heat blast or otherwise use those energies.

Duplicating nonsolid materials (such as water) has a similar effect to Body Transformation, and the hero can manipulate his or her transformed body in the same way. This power doesn't allow control of matter or energy, nor does it protect the hero from damage ( see Absorption )

Limit-One Form Only: Your hero can duplicate only a very specific type of form, such as wood or electricity.

Stunt-Duplicative Shaping: .Your hero can adopt the form of the object touched into his or her body, such that touching a sword gives the hero a bladelike arm.

Stunt-Sympathetic Object: Your hero can imbue an object (usually a specific one) with the duplicative power, causing it to transform when the hero does.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Black Corw, Doctor Bong, Mayhem
Related Powers: Ensarement, Hypnosis

Your hero can inflict the inability to move. The hero makes an easy Paralysis (Willpower) attack, and if not avoided, the victim is assessed the action score in card loss. However, the cards are placed face up in front of the victim's player. When the hero is reduced to no cards, he or she cannot move or takeactions that involve any body part other than the mind. If the victim is a character, this occurs only if the paralysis reduces the character to 0 Health.

When the Narrator's card aura directs that the hero suffering partial or full paralysis redraw a card lost from wounds, one of the face-up cards is turnedover. Only when all the cards are face-down do they go back into the hand of the player. (Note that this is not the effect of the Hindrance called Physically Disabled--Paralyzed. For that, See Hindrances.)

Paralyzed beings don't stop aging, but poisons, diseases, and other such factors are arrested for the time of the paralysis. Thus, a poisoned hero actually benefits from being paralzed.

Stunt-Remove Paralysis: Your hero can restore the movement and cards to his or her paralysis victims.

Stunt-Resistance to Paralysis: Your hero gains Resistance to Paralysis.


Trump Suit: Agility
Exemplars: Shadowcat, Vision
Related Powers: Density Control

Your hero can shift the molecules of his or her body out of phase with those of the surrounding area, allowing the hero to phase through solid items. While phased, the hero is at 0 Strength and has Invulnerability to physical and most energy attacks. The hero remains subject to the effects of mental of mental attacks and magic. To phase through an object, the hero must make an easy Phasing action. Phasing through Force Fields is resisted by the intensity of the field.

The danger with phasing is that the hero is out of phase with the oxgen he or she needs to breathe. Therefore, the duration of any given phase may not exceed the hero's ability to hold his or her breath. While the hero could phase into a wall, that hero would have to leave the wall before having to breath again. Thus, the hero must make an easy Strength action to stay in phase. This action goes up by one level of difficulty every sxchange.

Stunt-Airwalking: Your hero can walk on air with normal speed while phased

Stunt-Astral Detection: your hero can see the forms of creatures operating in the astral plane, including ectoplasm to those adepts who can astrally project. This is an automatic ability; the individual can always recognize that an astral form is nearby. An average Phasing action determines if your hero can recongize an astral individual he or she knows.

Stunt-Partial Phasing: Your hero can solidify part of the body while the rest remains phased.

Stunt-Passengers: Your hero can pahse other beings or objects while in touch with them, to a maximum number of phasers equal to the power's intensity. The hero and his or her passengers must each make an average Willpower action or suffer 10 damage points from the action.

Stunt-Phase Cutting: Your hero can attempt a Phasing action to attack by taking an object out of phase and then bringing it into phase inside someone as a contingent action.

Stunt-Phase Inversion: Your hero can phase entire sections of matter so things pass through while the affected sections remain solid. The hero can affect only nonliving matter, and only what he or she is touching. For example, the hero could phase out some of the floor within his or her area, allowing an opponent to partially fall through the floor before solidifying it again.

Stunt-Phase Shift: Your hero can phase in, strike, and shift out of phase in one exchange. This allows the hero to use the phasing intensity instead of the Agility score when dodging.

Stunt-Scrambling: Your hero's phasing has detrimental effects on electrical currents and electronic devices. Phasing through such devices causes them to malfunction. The hero must make an average Phasing (Willpower) action to avoid damaging the machine. Sentient machines must make a challenging Willpower actions or go to no cards.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Mandrill, Purple Girl
Related Powers: Emotion Control, Empathy

Pheromones are scents secreted by the hero to stimulate the pleasure centers or the fear/flight responses of the brain. When in use, this power causes those those within firing distance to either be attracted to or repelled by the hero for an aura duration. Either effect requires an easy Pheromones (Willpower) action; one action score is generated, though differing Willpowers will modify the difficulty for each target. Attraction causes the target to treat the hero as a friend or love, while repulsion means that the target can only flee or cower. In either case, the victim will respond to the hero as if his or her word was law. Resistance to Graces protects against this power, while heroes with Enhanced Senses (Smell) find this effect one level more difficult to resist than normal.

Limit-One Emotion Only: Your hero can cause either pleasure or fear, not both.

Stunt-Hormonal Addictions: If the hero reinforces the pheromones for week, a victim must make an average Willpower (Pheromones) action or gain the Hindrance of Addicted to Pheromones ( see Hindrances ). While addicted, the cannot break the hold.Such an addiction can Usually be cured with an electrical shock to the brain.

Stunt-Malodorous: Your hero emits a choking smell. This serves as an average Pheromones (Strength) attack to everyone within striking distance.

Stunt-Pheromonal Marking: Your hero's thralls suffer some form of appearance change, such as glassy eyes or colored pigment.

Stunt-Prolong Emotions: Emotions your hero implants can last for far longer than an aura duration. Intense feelings will fade, but the base emotion remains, especially in regard to the hero.

Stunt-Resistance to Gases: Your hero gains Resistance to Gases.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Plantman
Related Powers: Animal Control, Earth Control

Your hero can command the actions of chlorophyllous plants, granting them temporary powers of thier own, including movement, growth, and even a rudimentary intelligence. These abilities exist only as long as the hero concentrates. The hero cannot control plants with higher material strength than his or her power's intensity. The hero must make an easy Plant Control (Willpower) action to control a sentiant plant creature; the control last only while the hero concentrates.

At intensities over 20, the hero is in touch with the greenery of the world. This gives amazing powers, such as the ability to overwhelm a city in jungle. But at this intensity, the hero might just learn that the plants resent being controlled.

Limit-One Plant Type Only: Your hero can affect only one general plant type, like trees or flowers.

Stunt-Basal Cell Control: Your hero can control cells of any creature descended from a plant. By making an average Plant Control (Willpower) action, the hero can cut off the victim's ability to extract carbon dioxide or move, at a loss of one card (or 5 Health) per exchange. If the hero fails to make this action on any exchange, the victim instantly recovers unless unconscious.

Stunt-Fungus Control: Your hero can command the actions of mold and fungi, even though they are not proper plants. The hero thus extends his or her reach to all members of the vegetable kingdom.

Stunt-Memory Dredge: Your hero can make a controlled plant relate the experiences it "witnessed" of anyone that has touched or come close to it.

Stunt-Plant Elementals: Your hero can command up to the power's intensity of trees or giant plants, making them move and attack as creatures of Health, Strength, and defense egual to the power's intensity. It requires a full exchange to animate each element; while your hero is creating an elemental, none of the hero's other elementals can do anything. A maximum of one being may be created per point of intensity. The hero must concentrate to control them; if the hero falls unconscious, the plants go inert at the end of the exchange.

Stunt-Plant Growth: Your hero can accelerate the growth of plants, creating giant speimens. If the hero has even a seed, a full-grown plant can spring to life in one exchange.

Stunt-Plant Simulacra: Your hero can create plant-images that duplicate living humans. The controller makes an average Plant Control (Willpower) action to fool all observers into believing the simulacra are human; one action score is generated for all observers, even though differing Willpowers will alter the difficulty from observer to observer. However, the disbelief won't occur until the observer has a reason to believe that a simulacrm isn't a real human.

Stunt-Plant Teleportation: Your hero can teleport through plants as if he or she had Teleportation. There must be plants at both the embarkation point and the destination.


Trump Suit: Agility
Exemplars: Mister Fantasic, Sandman
Related Powers: Elongation, Imitation

Your hero's body is elastic and malleable, allowing it to bend and stretch. The hero can use the power's intensity instead of strength for defense against physical attacks; using this power also grants the hero the Wrestling Skill. The hero can mold his or her body into shapes other than human form, such as turning hands into huge hammers.

Limit-Slow Retraction: Your hero takes a full exchange to return any modified parts to their normal shape.

Stunt-Bouncing: Your hero's elastic form gives Leaping 1 by "bouncing" along; this also allows the hero to ignore up to the power's intensity in falling damage.

Stunt-Disguise: Your hero can manipulate his or her features to take on a disguise. If the hero dons the guise of a specific person, the player will need to make an average Plasticity (Willpower) action to fool someone who knows the person.

Stunt-Hardening: Your hero can harden his or her skin to raise his or her Strength to the power's intensity for purposes of striking targets.

Stunt-Kite Flight: By turning into a kite, your hero gains Flight, with the limit of Gliding.

Stunt-Liquidity: Your hero can force his or her malleable body through cracks in solid substances and can fully relax the malleable form and become true liquid while concentrating.

Stunt-Net: Your hero can use the power's intensity rather than Agility for catching falling items or people. The hero suffers no damage from falling objects of human size or less landing on him or her.


Trump Suit: Strength
Exemplars: Cobra, Death Adder
Related Powers: Teeth, Claws, Quills

Your hero has the ability, natural or artificial, to secrete a poison that affects the nervous systems of victims with effectiveness equal to the power's intensity, causing one of a variety of effects. The hero is immune to his or her own poison.

If an action is required to deliver a poison (through claws, say, or touching contact poison), the poison itself takes effect as a contingent attack. The poisoner makes an easy Poison (Strength) action, and if successful, the target suffers the intensity of the poison in damage. Such a poison can be either damaging, paralytic, soporific, or intoxicating, at the hero's choice.

Limit-Toxic: Your hero gives off poison at all times. This effect can cause the power's intensity in damage to all within striking distance, or it can have one of the above effects. If the hero is in a containment suit, this limit is controlled.

Stunt-Poison Gas: Your hero can generate a cloud of poisonous gas, causing damage equal to the power's intensity to all within firing distance.

Stunt-Poison Spray: Your hero can spray poison at one target within firing distance.

Stunt-Resistance to Poison: Your hero gains Resistance to Poison. Note that all heroes are immune to their own poison.

Stunt-Slow-Acting: The poison works slowly and won't manifest until a predetermined time.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Longshot, Nate Grey, Snowbird
Related Powers: Precognition

This is the reverse of Precognition but easier to handle, in that the past is fairly immutable. Postcognition works only on items the hero touches. The hero makes an action to use the power, the difficulty of which depends on the length of time that has passed since the event in question. This difficulty may be lowered if the psychic energy around an object is strong, such as when a person dies holding it.

Time Passed
Within one Hour
Within one Day
Within on Week
Within one Month
Within one Year
Further Back

The Narrator may be somewhat cryptic regarding postcognitive impressions. Quite often importantc details are left out in the jumble of past emotions. For example, a hero holding a shovel from the 15th century may get an image of a person burying a treasure in a churchyard, but not necessarily the image of the zombies advancing on the excavator.

If the Narrator doesn't have anything worked out in advance, he or she may draw a card and make up a past based on the event on the card. Postcognitions are excellent opportunities for Flashback hooks.

Limit-One Subject Only: Your hero's Postcognitive power is limited to one object or place, or many objects related to one person.

Stunt- Memory Dredge: Your hero can make a person remember anything he or she has seen or otherwise sensed.

Stunt-Time Tracking: Your hero can use impressions of the past to guide him or her to important places in the object's history.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Cerebro, Loki, Fabian Cortez
Related Powers: Power Theft, Power Duplication

Your hero can concentrate to raise the intensity of other being's superpowers. By touching a superbeing, he or she transfers a little of his or her power to the subject. The affected being gains a chosen amount of intensity to one power, and the amping hero loses that amount of intensity in Power Amplification. When the hero ceases concentration, the amped intensity shifts back.

Powers cannot be raised more then 30 through Power Amplification, and the amper cannot reduce Power Amplification to less than 0. If the amount of intensity transferred is more than the target's Willpower, draw a card; if the card's aura is negative, the subject suffers a random negative effect chosen by the Narrator. Examples include randomly blasting everyone in the area, teleporting uncontrollably, or passing out whenever the power is used.

Limit-One Power Type Only: Your hero can amp only one type of power, like ESP or Fire Control.

Stunt-Extensive Amping: Your hero's amping lasts for as long as you want it to. The amped power doesn't return to normal until the amping hero wills it, or the time allowed for the amping ends.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Super-Adaptoid, Synch, Mimic
Related Powers: Power Theft

Where Imitation allows a hero to duplicate another's appearance, this power lets the hero copy another's basic abilities and powers. This is limited to innate characteristics, not artificial ones such as those provided by technology. The hero makes an easy Power Duplication action, opposed by the target's highest ability score or power intensity. If the hero fails, or if a power or ability exceeds Power Duplication's intensity (10 intensity Power Duplication against a 16 Strength, for example), the next declare action of the hero using Power Duplication must be a challenging Willpower action to avoid being knocked unconscious by the energy backlash. Even if this action succeeds, the maximum duplicated score is equal to your hero's intensity in Power Duplication.

If the power succeeds, your hero gains all the abilities of the opponent, though retains any abilities higher than that of the opponent (i.e., if the hero has a 16 Strength and duplicates the powers of someone with 10 Strength, the hero retains the 16 Strength.) The hero cannot use any of these new characteristtics until the next exchange. While the hero wields a power copied from an opponent, that opponent can still use the power.

Duplicated powers last for an aura duration. Heroes with Power Duplication usually take on some physical traits of the target. This power can never duplicate Edge or Hand Size.

Limit-Abilities Only: Your hero can duplicate only basic abilities, not skills or powers. This limit may be further limited by reducing the power's influence to only one ability.

Limit-Override: Your hero's own abilities, power, and skills are overridden by those stolen from the target, including Power Duplication. None of those characteristics can be used until the duplicated ones fade.

Limit-Powers Only: Your hero can duplicate only superpowers, not skills or abilities. This limit may be further restricted by reducing the number of powers that can be copied.

Limit-Skills Only: Your hero can duplicate only skills, not abilities or powers. This limit may be further restricted by reducing the number of skills that can be duplicated.

Stunt-Imitation: Your hero gains Imitation. This can only be used with Power Duplication.

Stunt-Mechanical Duplication: Your hero can gain artificial traits in addition to innate ones. This can duplicate the powers of robots, computers, and powered armor, among other items.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Rogue
Related Powers: Power Duplication

This risky power allows your hero to steal superhuman powers and abilities. Only innate powers and abilities can be assimilated, as artificial abilities are beyond the scope of the power.

When the hero touches the target to steal his or her powers, the hero makes an easy Power Theft (Willpower) attack. If the attack succeeds, the opponent suffers the action score in damage, minus Willpower. The cards so lost aren't discarded, but are instead placed face up in front of the absorbing hero's player. (If the hero drains a character's powers, draw from the deck until the total value is equal to the action score minus Willpower.) At the beginning of each exchange, one card is turned face down. When all cards are face down, the powers return to the victim, as do all the cards or full Health at the time of the draining.

If the power succeeds, your hero gains all the abilities, Skills, and powers of the opponent, while retaining any ability scores higher than those of the opponent (i.e., if the hero has 16 Strength and steals the powers of someone with 10 Strength, the hero retains the 16 Strength.) The hero cannot use any of these new characteristics until the next exchange.

Unlike with Power Duplication, the victim is seriously hurt by the attack. Not only do cards or Health disappear, but the victim's powers and ability scores are reduced by the intensity of the Power Theft.If this reduces any ability score to 0, the victim falls unconscious and cannot awaken until the cards or Health return. Regardless, all powers and abilities function at the reduced intensities and scores, and all skills are lost until the power ends.

Though effective, this is a highly dangerous power for a hero to use. When the hero steals powers, he or she must make a contingent daunting Willpower action to avoid having the mind of the victim override his or her own. This is not Mind Control, so the victim doesn't get to control the hero's actions, but the hero will certainly be under the control of the Narrator. If the hero was in contact with the victim for more than one exchange, the hero must make a desperate Willpower action to avoid permanently draining the victim's mind.

If this occurs, anything goes. Such a permanent transfer reduces the hero's edge to 0, at least temporarily. Desperate Willpower actions must be made when the hero is under stress to keep the stolen persona from taking control of the hero. This can be dealt with over time, but there will always be mental scars.

Heros with this power usually take on some physical characteristics of the target of the theft. This power can never steal Edge or Hand Size.

Limit-Abilities Only:; Your hero can steal only basic abilities, not skills or powers. This limit may be further limited by reducing the power's influence to only one ability.

Limit-Override: Your hero's own abilities, power, and skills are overridden by those stolen from the target. None of those characteristics can be used until the stolen traits fade.

Limit-Powers Only: Your hero can steal only superpowers, not skills or abilities. This limit may be further restricted by reducing the number or type of powers that can be stolen.

Limit-Skills Only: Your hero can steal only skills, not abilities or powers. This limit may be further restricted by reducing the number or type of skills that can be stolen.

Stunt-Imitation: Your hero gains Imitation. This can only be used with Power Theft.

Stunt-Mechanical Absorption: Your hero can gain artificial traits in addition to innate ones. This can affect robots, computers, and powered armor, among other items.


Trump Suit: Intellect
Exemplars: Delphi, Destiny, Madame Web
Related Powers: Danger Sense, Postcognition

Precognitve individuals----"precogs," to the tabloids---- can divine certainly from the future of an uncertain universe. With all the Marvel Universe's alternate dimensions and reality warping, a precog can never know if what he or she sees will come true, but most bet on it. Precognition can be a curse as much as a boon--- after all, who wants to forsee their own death?

When a hero uses Precognition, the hero makes an action based on how far he or she wants to see in the future. The difficulty is:

Distance into the future
One Exchange
One Minute
One Hour
One Day
One Week
One Month
One Year
More Than One Year

If successful, the Narrator draws a random card and reads the event. (The Narrator may always draw a new card if he or she doesn't like the event.) The Narrator than takes whatever time he or she needs to spin a set of circumstances around that event to satisfy the precognitive attempt, and tells the player whatever he or she wants about the future event. The Narrator should make sure that it's something he or she can pull off given the satuation, though in the Marvel Universe, nothing's ever impossible.

Of course, if the event seen is terrifying, the hero might not go through with an action that leads to it. This is rarely a sure bet. Remember, the hero sees the future, not the chain of events that leads to the future.

As an example, a precog wants to know what'll happen if she opens the door in a spaceship. The Narrator draws and gets the event Emergency. He then spins an image of the power shutting down and all the airlocks opening. Fearful, the player doesn't open the door--- and doesn't see the saboteur on the other side as he whacks away at the system controls with a sledgehammer. Boom! The lights go out and the airlocks open. Guess you just can't trust those hunches.

One final note: Time in the Marvel Universe is quite flexible. Just because something doesn't happen quite on your hero's schedule doesn't mean it won't happen.Fair warning.

Limit-Coningent on Truth: Once the power is used, it cannot be used again until the image seen comes true.

Limit-Dreaming: The power manifests itself only in dreams.

Limit-Hyperrealistic: The images are so realistic that the hero has to make a daunting Willpower action to stay sane when glimpsing the future. The Narrator controls his or her actions until the hero regains sanity. You can draw one card at the start of each exchange; if you get a positive aura, the hero regains his or her sanity.

Limit-Intermittent: The Narratoer choose when the images appear and what they say, whether or not you want this to occur.

Limit-Object Specific: The power works only on objects, and the hero must be touching the object to read its future.

Limit-People-Specific: The power works only for divining the future of other people, who must be in physical contact with the precog.

Stunt-Danger Sense: If the hero gets a glimpse of the future that allows deduction of fight actions, the Narrator should award the hero with a Danger Sense at the power's intensity for the exchange. This bonus also applies to anyone the hero can tell about the danger in time.

Stunt-Precognitive Travel: Your hero can teleport to the site of danger, but always at the time of the image seen.


Trump Suit: Agility
Exemplars: Medusa
Related Powers: Additional Limb, Elongation

This power allows the hero manipulate his or her long hairlike tentacles. The hair can feel with the hero's sense of touch, and damage to the hero's hair is treated the same as damage to the hero's body. The hero can enlongate his or her hair to firing distance and lash out with an intensity-base whiplike attack.

Stunt-Ensnarement: Your hero can use Ensnarement with his or her hair.

Stunt-Fine Control: Your hero can use the hair for fine control actions, like typing, manipulation of controls, or picking locks, assuming he or she has these skills.


Trump Suit: Strength
Exemplars: Iron Man, Mole Man
Related Powers: Resistance

One or more senses are protected from attack, The hero ignores potentially damaging attacks of less than the power's intensity. Equipment providing this power must actually cover the sensor, such as polarized goggles that prevent sudden blinding, or earplugs that reduce sonic attacks.

Stunt-Bestow Protection: As long as your hero concentrates, the hero can protect anyone else's senses in the same way his or her senses are protected.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Professor X, Doctor Strange, Phoenix
Related Powers: Resistance

This is an inborn resistance to all forms of mental scans and domination. A Psi-Screen adds its intensity as a defense bonus to Willpower for the purpose of resisting mental attack, scanning, or control. The Willpower is subtracted from any mental damage, such as a Psychic Blast.

Stunt- Psi-Field: This power may be extened over a number of targets no greater than the intensity of the power. All targets must be within firing distance. This Psi-Field lasts for as long as the hero concentrates on it.


Trump Suit: Willpower
Exemplars: Professor X, White Queen, Phoenix
Related Powers: Telepathy

This power gives the herothe ability to project psychic force blasts to visual distance. This is an easy Psychic Blast (Willpower) attack. The Willpower of a Psychic Blast victim acts as defense against psychic damage, subtracting its value from the action score when damage is assessed. Psi-Screens and some Force Fields can also lower damage from Psychic Blasts.

Stunt- Mind-Blowing: Your hero can push (see Pushing to the Limit) the blast to the max, hitting everyone within firing distance with a psychic burst of the power's intensity. Not only does this harm the hero, but it means the hero cannot use the power again until you are restored to full Hand Size.

Stunt-Psi-Screen: Your hero gains Psi-Screen.

Stunt-Psychic Detection: Your hero is attuned to exceptional mental radiation in general, and as such can make an average Psychic Blast action to detect the use of nonmagical paranormal abilities including mind-reading, thought-casting, mind control, and psychic attacks.

Stunt-Rangeless: Your hero can attack anyone he or she can find regardless of distance, often through Psychic Detection or ESP.

Stunt-Resistance to Mental Control: Your hero gains Resistance to Mental Control, including all nonsensory powers with Willpower trump suit.

Stunt-Sedation: Your hero can make an average Psychic Blast (willpower) attack to cause a person to black out. The person cannot wake up for at least 15 minutes.
