Metahuman Liberation Front

The Metahuman Liberation Front is an extremist group with a growing membership. With the increasing animosity between metahumans and normal humans, metahumans seek safety in numbers. Not all metahumans join this extremist group or agree with their philosophy, but enough do to cause the world powers concern. This particular group is extremely militant and follows the philosophy that metahumanity is the next step in human evolution and, like others before them (Homo neanderthalensis or Neanderthals) will eventually be wiped out by the superior evolutionary race.

While this may or may not be the destiny of humans, evolution typically takes thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years. Members of the Metahuman Liberation Front (MLF) believe that they need to "help" evolution along by carrying out a war between humans and metas. This has caused a great many government officials concern over how to deal with the problem without alienating all metahumans.