MASTER MENAGERO [Character Bio/Stats]

Real name: Rupert Renspottenick
Occupation: CEO of RensCorp
Identity: Secret
Legal status: United States citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Patowatoomie, Kansas
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group affiliation: Supers of Fortune
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Supers of Fortune #2
5'5" Weight: 145lbs.
Eyes: Grey Hair: Black

" Rupert Renspottenick, founder of the unknown satellite development company that I planned for the world to know as RensCorp. You see, ma'am, I love to study electronics, spectography, tracking systems and the like. I'm a Doctor of Physics and I had received a grant from the US Department of Defense to develop a broad-band/interdimensional/subspace metahuman tracking device. This was going to allow certain agencies within our great nation..." the Doctor pauses only to pull a handkerchief from his pocket and most obnoxiously blow his nose. "Sorry, I have allergies. Anyways, what was I saying..?"

"The US Department of Defense to develop a broadband/something-something metahuman device.." Kinetica responds.

"Oh, yes! This device was going to allow certain agencies within our great nation to keep better track of the metahumans among us. It could be installed on various satellite units, both space-born and hand-held. It was ingenious."

Roughneck bobs his head forward, "And...You said 'was' ingenious."

"Well, this is the part the government doesn't know yet. I destroyed it. One week ago, I guess I had a pinprick of guilt as to the possible misuses of such a device. But, my grant was for $10 million. I had already spent 95% of it on research and development. I couldn't exactly tell the Dept. of Defense that I was no longer interested in their grant, if you know what I mean. I realized that I would be burying my career forever by destroying my technology.."

"Do you mean it worked?" Verve questioned.

"Boy, did it! It worked amazingly. I was able to count thousands of metahumans, millions if you include various subspace, other-chronal, and interdimensional positive tags. That's why I was so afraid. I decided that I would take my prototype down to the incinerator and just do the do. Maybe throw myself in while I was committing career suicide. I'm too much of a coward for suicide though and just ended up tossing in the device.

"And that's when it happened. I assume that some sort of supspatial contusion propagated when the incinerator's heat interacted with my time/space reactant batteries. As far as I surmise, the energy wave that followed inundated my body with multiversal radiation,, altering my gene structure on the nth level, perhaps fusing my soul, as it were, with the very time/space/probability continuum along with a heightened sense of self-awareness and a limited range of cosmic awareness much as my devices metahuman tracking nodes were designed to output."

Confused and trying to get to a point, Roughneck lurches forward, "And, thus, your power is...?"

"Oh, I guess I should put in laymen's terms for you. It seems that I now have the ability to simulate the powers of whichever metahuman is in the closest proximity of me. My quasi-genetic template creates an invisible subspace link with the metahuman allowing me to, I believe, find a dimensional counterpart for myself in some other realm and make a brief connection with this other-self so as to use those powers in this reality. This power is completely random it seems and only applies to metahumans who have gained their abilities through genetic adaptation or alteration, not the technologically enhanced cyborgs or such.

"In addition, any metahumans within a one-mile radius seem to pop up on this mental radar in my head. I can track them down and even tell you their powers if I can get close enough to make them my closest 'target', as it were.

"Why, on the way here I took off in flight, apparently through gravimetric manipulation. As I was mere miles away, my flight cancelled itself out. I thought for sure I was a goner, until I became able to telepathically order a flock of Canadian geese to provide a cushion for me to be glided to the ground on. Of course, ten feet from the ground, my link was halted. I suppose that particular psionic went out of range. The geese did NOT appreciate my mental commandeering of their instincts. I received quite a number of beak bites upon landing on the ground. I soon grew ignorant of the beak bites, though, when my consciousness was spirited away to the astral plane. I saw you here looking at our appointment in your blue suede appt. book that you keep in your left drawer right next to your shirtless picture of Tony Danza..." Candice blushed, "And the next thing I know, I was jaunted back to reality in time to adapt the super speed I needed to make our appointment only one minute late. This super speed I currently have and I'm really full of energy and I would love to just run around the world except for the fact that by the time I make it over the Atlantic my powers would probably convert to that of Leadweight Man and I'd end up drowning in the MidAtlantic ridge praying that Not-Need-To-Breath Girl flies over soon..."

"Wow." Kinetica says.

"So, basically, I want to help and need help. The government is going to want to have my butt for breakfast, I'm sure. But, I need another research grant to learn how to control my awesome abilities. Until then, I am the master of menagerie or MASTER MENAGERO! Anyways, what do you think? I’m smart. I can be like a team scientist or assistant scientist. But, I need to find a way to control my powers too. Otherwise, I’m afraid one day that I-Can’t Stop Exploding Man will pass by while I am in church and..well, you get the picture, don’t you?”

Powers and abilities: "It seems that I now have the ability to simulate the powers of whichever metahuman is in the closest proximity of me. My quasi-genetic template creates an invisible subspace link with the metahuman allowing me to, I believe, find a dimensional counterpart for myself in some other realm and make a brief connection with this other-self so as to use those powers in this reality. This power is completely random it seems and only applies to metahumans who have gained their abilities through genetic adaptation or alteration, not the technologically enhanced cyborgs or such.

"In addition, any metahumans within a one-mile radius seem to pop up on this mental radar in my head. I can track them down and even tell you their powers if I can get close enough to make them my closest 'target', as it were.

Weapons and equipment: Master Menagero's cape doubles as an emergency parachute/flotilla just in case his power transformations leave him in a weird and potentially lethal situation.

Personality: See above.

Description: Master Menagero wears an all-white, flexible, spandex costume with a full color DNA symbol on the chest. He is normally thin, short and lanky unless a duplicated power gives his larger physiological attributes. His costume has a blue cape that can cover his entire body. He usually clutches in his two, clammy hands. (Occasionally, due to his allergies, he will discreetly wipe his runny nose on the cape if he feels no one is watching.) He wears a white face mask that has his prescription glasses built-in.