CAPTAIN MARVEL [Character Bio/Stats]

Real name: Marvin Vale
Occupation: Adventurer
Identity: Secret
Legal status: United States citizen with no criminal record as yet
Place of Birth: The future
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Harbinger (son)
Group affiliation: Former member of the Guardians
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Guardians #1
6 ' 2" Weight:212 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Black

Captain Marvin "Marv'" Vale was a soldier in the Resistance in the year 2099. The Resistance fought against the alien invaders who had taken over the world in the early part of the 21st century.

The aliens had achieved victory by secretly manipulating events on Earth, which turned public opinion towards metahumans into hatred and distrust. The metahumans were eventually all placed in camps and eliminated outright. That is when the alien invasion began. The people of Earth realized too late that they had destroyed their only chance of salvation.

Capt. Vale was picked by the Resistance to travel back in time (using a prototype time machine constructed from captured alien technology) in order to prevent the war from ever occurring. In order to do this he had to stop certain metahuman catastrophes from occurring and sway public opinion in favor of metahumans.

As Vale traveled back in time, the time machine began to break apart and exploded. Vale was thrown out into the cosmic energies of time and space. He awoke to find himself in the year 1997 and soon discovered that the exposure to the primal energies of the timestream had granted him superhuman powers.

The explosion had also affected his memory. He knew that he was supposed to prevent certain key events from occurring, but he couldn't remember what the specific events were. One thing that he did remember was that he was supposed to sway public opinion in favor of metahumans. The best way to do this, in his estimation, was to become a costumed "superhero" that were so popular in this time period.

He fashioned a costume for himself and began doing good deeds and fighting crime. When asked by a reporter what his name was, he replied, "Captain Marv Vale." The headline read "Captain Marvel Saves The Day!" He never corrected the mistake, preferring to keep the knowledge as his own inside joke.

He created false identity papers for himself and continues operating as Captain Marvel in the hopes that he will be able to prevent his future from happening. He prays that if and when he remembers the specific events he was sent here to prevent he will be able to prevail.

Powers and abilities: Captain Marvel's body underwent a bodywide cellular mutation when he came into contact with the "Empyrean Energy" of time and space. This energy is now constantly being generated by his body and is emitted in negligible quantities whenever his cells reach their saturation point.

The Empyrean energy coursing through his body supplies him with superhuman strength, durability and stamina. The tissue and bone of his entire body have been augmented in strength and to a certain extent permeated with this energy. He can lift approximately 70 tons. His superhuman stamina enables him to exert himself at peak levels for up to one half hour before fatigue poisons build up i n his body, causing him to tire. His skin and tissue is hard enough to withstand ballistic penetration from bazooka shells.

Marvel is able to fly by the unidirectional release of his excess energy through his skin. Marvel is able to travel at speeds up to Mach 10.

Through concentration, Captain Marvel can project beams of discrete energy through the optic neves of his eyes which manifests itself as concentrated heat energy.

Weapons and equipment: none

