Real name: Michael Johnston
Occupation: Adventurer
Identity: Public
Legal status: United States Citizen with Criminal Record
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jack Frost (father, deceased)
Group affiliation: Guardians, former member of the Teen Force
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Teen Force #1
5' 8" Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown

Michael Johnston was the son of the famous ice-wielding Guardian, Jack Frost. Michael inherited his father's powers but they didn't manifest until his early teens.

His father made the ultimate sacrifice while in battle against the hordes of VORTEX. Frost triggered an explosion which decimated VORTEX command, but also took his life.

It was soon after this that Michael's latent ice powers began to emerge. Michael decided to use his powers to protect and help others, just as his father had done. He became known as Blizzard.

A few years later he joined forces with two other teen-heros, Kid Samson and the Huntress II, and they became known as the Teen Force. The trio became great friends, but disbanded when they all went away to college.

After college, Blizzard changed his hero-name to Iceman and began a succesful solo career. Soon after, he was approached by his old friend and team-mate, the Huntress. She wanted to form a new team of Guardians to carry on the tradition started by the original group. Iceman agreed and has been an actve member ever since.

Powers and weapons: Iceman possesses the metahuman ability to lower his external and internal body temperature, projecting intense coldness from his body. Like an normal human being's the nerve centers for regulating the Iceman's body temperatures are found in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. However, the Iceman can mentally override his hypothalamus to allow his body temperature to be lowered by an unknown internal mechanism. This ability converts the latent thermal energies in and around his body into an unknown form of energy that is effectively dissipated. A related mutation has has rendered his body tissues unaffected by sub-zero temperatures. The Iceman can consciously, immediately lower his body temperature from it's normal 98.6 degrees F to that of -105 degrees F within the span of a few tenths of a second.

As his body temperature falls, the surrounding moisture in the air that is in contact with him is similarly lowered. Just as condensed moisture forms frost, this moisture forms an icy covering which encompasses his entire body. It also obscures his facial features. When the Iceman first began to completely lower his body temperature this covering took on a more snowlike appearance. But as he learned to control the severity of his coldness, the covering assumed the consistency of crystalline ice that it has today (special note: Iceman has since lost the ability to revert back and forth. He is now constantly in Ice form). This ice constantly cracks with any movement of his body, and immediately reforms ( unless his temperature is critically regulated, the Iceman cannot move without making a cracking sound)

The Iceman can use his metahuman ability to freeze any local air moisture into super-hard ice. This ice can be formed into any object of his choosing: the only limitations are his own imagination, his skill as a sculptor, the amount of available moisture, and the ambient air temperature which determines how long his ice sculpture will stay icy. He does not have to hold the ice physically with his hands in order to shape it. Apparently he can simply direct the waves of coldness he projects in certain ways so as to create ice in the shape he desires. In the past, the Iceman has formed ice-ladders, ice-slides, ice-shields, and ice-bats, among other things.

The Iceman is able to form a rising column of ice beneath his feet , capable of lifting him off the ground. The tensile strength of the column is determined by its thickness, and its steadiness by how well it has been braced. A well-braced and regular column, 6 feet in diameter at its base, is able to support his weight without toppling for about 85 feet in a 20 mph wind without toppling. By forming long, ice ramps connected either to his ice-columns or to an existing structure like a building or bridge, the Iceman is able to travel above the ground by sliding down the ramp he is creating. Unless he creates supports periodically, the ramp will crack beneath him, unable to support their combined weight.

Theoretically, the Iceman has an almost unlimited supply of moisture at all times since it is always present i n he surrounding air or environment. Even desert air has sufficient moisture content for him to make practical use of, although the process takes somewhat longer. however the mental effort needed to employ his power can eventually fatigue him and render his freezing ability temporarily dysfunctional. Like that of any trained athlete, the Iceman's ability to perform is directly related to his daily physical health and current mental state. Under normal conditions, he can usually form ice continually for about 3 hours before becoming exhausted.

Weaknesses: Iceman is extremely vulnerable to fire and heat based attacks

