Real name: Shelby Covington
Occupation: Adventurer
Identity: Secret
Legal status: United States citizen with no criminal record
Place of Birth: New York, New York
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Alexandria (grandmother) Daphne (aka Huntress I, mother), Stephen (aka Dynamo, father), Jonathon (aka Tempest, brother)
Group affiliation: Guardians, former member of Teen Force
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Teen Force #1
5'9" Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Black

Shelby Covington, along with her twin brother Jonathan, were trained from childhood to carry on the family crimefighting tradition started by their parents the Dynamo and the original Huntress.

Shelby excelled at the training she received and looked forward to the day when she could take over the mantle of the Huntress. Jonathan on the other hand, had no interest in fighting crime and chafed under the constant training sessions. When his latent metahuman powers of electrical control manifested themselves, he used them to put his father in the hospital and disappeared into the night. He would reappear years later as the supervillain known as Tempest.

Shelby continued her training and eventually took over the role of the Huntress in her teens. She, along with two other teen super heroes (Blizzard and Kid Samson), formed the short lived super group called the Teen Force, of which Shelby was the leader. The group disbanded when the members all went away to separate colleges.

A few years after college, Shelby enlisted the aide of the Unknown Soldier in re-forming the Guardians, which had disbanded several years prior. With the Soldier acting as advisor and trainer to the new recruits, the new Guardians soon grew as effective as their predecessors.

Powers and abilities: The Huntress possesses no superhuman powers but is an Olympic level athlete and gymnast, and a master of several martial arts. She posssesses extensive knowledge of crimefighting tactics as well as superb detective skills.

She has trained herself to become an expert marksman with the crossbow with near-perfect accuracy.

Weapons and equipment: The Huntress wields two custom made mini-crossbows and carries a quiver containing various gadget-laden "trick" quarrels.

Personality: Hard-working, over-achiever. Leads by example. Assertive. Strong moral character. Humanitarian. Empathetic. Caring. Good-listener.

Description: Athletic, graceful build. Beautiful blue eyes, dark hair with light complexion