Real name: Harrison Thurgode
Occupation: Scientist
Identity: Secret
Legal status: United States citizen with criminal record
Place of Birth: London, England
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Uncle
Group affiliation: Guardians
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: Guardians #?
? Weight: ? lbs.
Eyes: ? Hair: ?

Harrison Thurgode was born in to wealthy parents. His father taught astrophysics at Oxford. Both his parents died when he was seventeen, and Harrison moved to America to live with his uncle. He was educated at MIT and Harvard using his vast inheritance, and went to work for NASA after obtaining his Ph.D.

Harrison did side studies in astrophysics and cosmology, his main love. During his readings, he came across radical theories of extra-dimensional energies produced by big bang explosions in alternate universes, which created energies in this universe. Pursuing this line of research led him to ancient tomes of astrologers and alchemists, and eventually to the study of arcana, which had strangely similar theories about the source of magic in our universe.

He became obsessed with detecting this magical energy, or mana, and in a stroke of genius constructed the first technological device that could detect mana. (Until that time, only magical incantations or magically forged artifacts had ever been successful at manipulating magical energy.) He followed his theories, and eventually developed a "mana sink," a device that could siphon nearby mana and direct it according to computer algorithms. By studying magical tomes (which he acquired at great expense and danger to himself--another story entirely), he was able to program his devices to reproduce the effects of certain spells. After years of research, he had developed an array of "technomagic" devices that could produce all kind of effects. He submitted his ideas for patenting, believing that he would bring his ideas to the world for the benefit of mankind. (His reasons for seeking patent protection were not to make money, which he already has plenty of, but to prevent human greed from misusing his ideas as much as possible.)

However, both the white and dark brotherhoods of mages had other ideas. They forbade him from disclosing the existence of magic to the outside world, and threatened him with death if he disobeyed. He has refused to follow their orders, and both brotherhoods have sworn revenge on him. His high profile identity, however, has prevented them from taking direct action against him for fear of revealing themselves, the very thing which they seek to prevent by silencing him.

He received his magic ring from a mage friend named Alice, a rogue who is outside the white and black orders, whom he met in his many travels. They have traded ideas on the nature of magic, and on their own research into related areas. They are colleagues, and have been friends for over ten years. Though Harrison no longer works for NASA, he still has contacts there.

As the Technomancer, Harry uses many devices that create effects by manipulating mana. Because of the complexity of mana manipulation, the devices mimic existing spells, which served as a template for device design.  Harrison has embarked on a super-hero career, hoping both to gain notoriety for his inventions and to use these inventions for the betterment of humanity. He is presently seeking investors for his products, and want to set up manufacturing for some more mundane effects producing devices. To date none of his inventions have been patented, due to a disbelief in magic by the general public.

Millennia ago, Theklor Faerune was a mighty Archmage. He lived in a time when magic was plentiful in the world. A time when supernatural creatures and gods still meddled in the affairs of man. The White Lodge and the Shadow Host had yet to be formed, but sorcerers had already begun to lay the foundations for these Orders to come about, allying with one another to pursue their goals. Some good...some evil.

Theklor's goals were good, he sought to use magic to enhance the world. Make it a better place to live in. It was while pursuing these goals that he came to oppose a band of wizards who used their magic to oppress the citizens of a small kingdom. This cabal had set themselves up as tyrants and enforced their wishes with the use of black magic.

In a climatic battle, Theklor engaged the cabal, killing all but one, their leader Hathul the Mad. Unknown to Theklor, Hathul had used him and his superior magic  to dispose of the cabal members who were constantly vying for Hathul's power.  After informing Theklor of this, Hathul unleashed a powerful spell he had spent months preparing for just this occasion.

The spell banished Theklor to an extradimensional limbo, he could still see the world, but he could no longer interact with it. He existed in this ethereal state for millennia. Empires rose and fell, wars were fought and lost, and all he could do was watch in silence. Then by chance he happened upon a scientist named Harrison Thurgode who was in the process of trying to harness magic through technological means. The idea intrigued Theklor and he watched the man's experiments.He was amazed when the man discovered a way to detect mana. The device even registered Theklor's presence nearby. Theklor was ecstatic, it had been an eternity since anyone had acknowledged his existence. This made Theklor want to spend even more time near this human.

Eventually Harrison created a "mana sink" and utilizing this device was able to place Theklor's disembodied form within n a computerized palmtop. Within this device Theklor now had a means to interact with the world once again. He could speak  through the aide of computer algorithms. The two became fast friends. Theklor was eternally grateful to  Harrison for saving him from his condition. Theklor was soon able to cast spells again, though he was nowhere near as powerful as he had once been, due to the world being less magical and the fact that he still didn't possess a body to harness the mana through.

When Harrison told Theklor of his plans to bring magic to the attention of the masses, Theklor was incredulous. It was suicide. The Mystic Orders would never stand for it. They would silence him one way or another. Theklor knew that if Harrison died, The Palmtop that contained him might fall into the wrong hands, or worse yet, he could be banished back to his ethereal prison. All the more reason to continue to tutor and protect Harrison. Both of their lives depended on it.

Powers and weapons:

