Date:  Thu May 25, 2000  10:47 am
Subject:  Recap: Turn 3.0

[Please note that I have edited out the majority of Bry's post, nothing
about the DA occured. At least not yet. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA]

The three friends continue talking when suddenly an extremely skinny
red-headed woman wearing horn rimmed glasses barges in. It is apparent
that she is in a foul mood and Captain Marvel is the the cause of her

"You've got a lot of nerve showing up here after what you did to Pamela.
Do you realize you have put her career on hold for who knows how long
and cause irreprable damage to her reputation? I hope you have a good
lawyer, because I plan to sue your sorry ass for all of the trouble you
have caused my client. I suggest you stay away from her. Permanently!"

Cap is at a lose for words. He starts to speak to the woman(who is
obviously Pamela's agent) but she storms out of the room before he can
utter a word.

"You certainly do have a way with the ladies." says the Huntress.

"Maybe you should just start taking a lot of cold showers." chuckles
Iceman, who immediately winces in pain and holds his ribs. "That son of
yours damn near broke my ribs. Kids today."

Cap knew thaey were trying to lighten the mood, but it wasn't working.
This was serious. If his offspring causes anymore damage then he is
responsible. The media were like vultures circling. One wrong move on
his part and things could get ugly real quick.

He moved to the window to
see if they were still out there. As he pulls back the curtain, he sees
a popparazi standing on the ledge outside of the window. Cap's sudden
appearance startles the man, who looses his footing and falls backwards
off the ledge. [you are on the fifth floor]

There being no time to open the window, Captain Marvel bursts through
it after the reporter has tumbled off the ledge. Cap swoops down to
the reporter and catches him before he hits the ground. He sets the
reporter down on the sidewalk among the others of his kind. "Now I
understand that you are all interested in what's going on, but
use some sense. You sir," Cap says to the reporter who just fell,
need to either work on your clinging powers, or your flight. Fifth
story ledges are no place for you if you can't stand the fall. How
long had you been up there?"
[Keith, I went ahead and said that Cap saved him, since I figured it
would be an easy action. If not, please rewrite and take this post as
a "statement of intent." Also, Cap wants to find out if the reporter
heard anything he should't have (though I don't remember us talking
about the aliens or anything secret--Cap doesn't care if he heard
Pamela's agent's threats). You can write dialog if you want, to speed
it up a bit. Cap does not act threateningly at all, and only cares if
hte reporter knows about the aliens. If the reporter says or hints
that he does, Cap will ask him to talk privately (and will fly him
away if he starts to run off at the mouth where the other reporters
can hear).]

After all that Prowler sees, he decides it is best to
contact the guardians in the morning. He curls up
with his favorite Ruger 9mm, in the event he was
followed, and gets some sleep. When he wakes, he
finds Beaux has already fixed him his favorite
breakfast-- BACON! It is so good to eat healthy.
After breakfast he watches the news, and sees a report
of CAP saving a paparazzi from certain death after a
five story fall.

I must get to the guardians
headquarters and inform them of what I have seen,
before it is crawling with Paparazzi too. With that
Prowler dons a disguise, as an old Chinaman, and heads
to HQ.

I will keep up with my posts as best as possible.
Good to hear Micah and Rob are back.
Gaming is going good on all fronts, I WILL NOT BE
DROPPING OUT KEITH! I just might post erratically

Date:  Sun Jun 4, 2000  7:32 am
Subject:  Recap; Turn 3.1

After Cap surmises that the reporter didn't learn anything of
> he flies back into Iceman's room. He stays and chitchat a while
> with his team mates and then makes his way down the hall to check on
> Pamela. The woman with the red hair and horn rimmed glasses peeks
> the corner and sees him approaching. "Don't even think about it
> superspud." she says barring the door with her body.
> Cap sighs in resignation and decides to let matters (lay/ lie? ) for
> awhile. He flies off back to headquarters.
> The next day he awakes with a strange China man shaking him awake.
> need to talk says the Chinaman and the mans voice reveals that it is
> Prowler in disguise.
> Prowler tells him about what he saw at at Ultratech: Desmond Miller
> created a second device and released it into the night. The strange
> thing about it was that Miller seemed to be in a trance whens he was
> creating the device and once he let it fly away and closed the
window he
> snapped out of it and seemed visibly confused and shaken, as if he
> no idea of why he was in the laboratory.
> ******************************************************
> Billy Bob Barton aka Shockwave, had just stepped off the MWF (Meta
> Wrestling Federation) tour bus. It was good to be back k in New
> awhile. He planned n going to go see his old team mates the
> after his wrestling match with Hulk Hogan tonight was over. It was a
> title match, and he and Hogan were guaranteed to draw huge crowds
> Madison Square Gardens.
> Shockwave waved away a strange looking insect that began circling
> head. He then felt a sharp pain as the bug apparently bite him in
> back of the neck. t hurt badly as if someone had jammed a nail in
> back of his neck. Wait a minute. How could an insect penetrate my
> I'm dam near invulnerable? Must destroy Guardians. Must Destroy
> Guardians. Must Destroy Guardians . Must Destroy Guardians.
> Shockwave leaps off in the direction of the Guardtower.
> [Rob , yes you are obviously being mind controlled. However if you
> like to post about what Shockwave does to destroy the Guardians feel
> free]
> *****************************************************
> Alarms start buzzing as what feels like an earthquake begins to take
> place.
> "What the hell is going on?" scrams Prowler.
> "Shockwave has come by for a visit and he is pissed." says the
> Soldier. "You guys need to stop him before he uses his strength to
> the whole island."
> They look at the monitors and see Shockwave slamming his fists into
> ground.. Each time he does so,the ground quakes and a loud THOOM
> heard.
[Dear Bry: check out the actual TUrn 3.1 post (not the many responses
to it) for what has most recently happened. most of the stuff in
between is psychobabble between me and keith about how gay he is.]
Cap wakes up to see the face of a chinaman. He flashes back to the
Genome Wars of the 21st century, where he was a veteran in the
of upper Cambodia fighting the Chinese, just a few years before the
alien invasion. He then recalls his surroundings, the time he is in,
and the paultry problems that now face him (like the media harassing
him for fucking a beautiful super-model/actress wannabe--HA HA, if
these are the worst problems he ever has to face from now on, he will
die a happy man!).
Prowler tells Cap about his visit to Ultratech. He says that Desmond
Miller seemed to be in some kind of trance as he released a second
tiny device into the night, only to awaken immediately thereafter in
confused state.
"Wow, you must be a pro to get past all that security," says Cap with
newfound respect. "That tells us quite a bit about the alien plans.
(Assuming you believe in the aliens.) They must be mind controlling
Miller somehow. And they apparently need him to construct the
That tells me that there is some limit to their ability to do this
themselves, or else they wouldn't bother. Maybe they are not here yet
(but then, how are they controlling him?), or maybe they are here,
they are afraid of exposing themselves if they directly control the
supervillians. One thing is for sure, they are on a campaign to cause
metahumans to wreak havoc on non-metas. That much I remember. For
years there were many incidents that caused public opinion to
eventually turn completely against metas. I was part of the military
at the time. I was an intelligence officer by then, after my tour in
Cambodia. I remember the news stories and the Supreme Court case
ruling when they finally enacted the Metahuman Cerfew. It wasn't much
of a cerfew--more like rounding them all up and putting them in
concentration camps. Lots of the metas resisted, and I was on one of
the Hunter Teams whose duty it was to track them down and exterminate
them with extreme prejudice. That wasn't official policy, of course,
but we were able to justify it by saying they resisted. And the media
would have swallowed just about anything at that time. The camps were
the first place the aliens hit when they attacked. The metas we
kill were easy targets for surgical proton missile strikes on the
camps. After that, there was no one left who could have resisted the
aliens. We almost deserved what happened to us."
Just then the Guard Tower alarms begin wailing like the damned. "What
the hell is going on?!" screams Prowler [keith's words, not mine].
"Shockwave has come by for a visit and he is pissed." says the
Unknown Soldier. "You guys need to stop him before he uses his
strength to sink the whole island." They look at the monitors and see
Shockwave slamming his fists into the ground.. Each time he does
so,the ground quakes and a loud THOOM can be heard.
"Hang on!" says Cap. He snatches Prowler up by the waste, puts him
over his shoulder, and flies straight out his window (after opening
it) and down to the front gate where Shockwave is tearing up large
chunks of pavement with his bare hands.
Cap sets Prowler down nearby (still in his chinaman outfit, though
fake beard is now half torn off because of the rapid wind from being
flown so fast).
"Watch out--he can send shockwaves through the ground or in the air
that can do serious damage. Let me try to talk to him. He used to be
one of us."
With that, Cap flies into the air and approaches Shockwave, who has
extremely pissed look on his face.
"Hey, big fella, why all the property damage? Hulk Hogan not giving
you enough of a challenge?"
[O great GM, Cap expects Shockwave to attack with a thunderclap, so
Cap is positioned with nothing behind him (i.e., he is not between
tower and Shockwave). If Shockwave thunderclaps, Cap will dodge and
use his heat vision to try to get Shockwave to jump at him (by
burning tiny holes in Shockwave). If Shockwave jumps at him, Cap will
also dodge and try to follow him to the ground, and Cap will then use
his own speed to do a move-through from behind on Shockwave right as
he lands. Cap knows Shockwave is stronger, so he doesn't pull his

Prowler watches the action from afar. Wow, he thinks.

Date:  Sun Jun 11, 2000  7:37 am
Subject:  Recap: Turn 3.2

Can it chucklehead! I'm here to personally lay the smack down on ya!
Can you smell what the Shock is cookin.?!!!" postures Shockwave. He is
apparently launching into one of his pre-wrestling match monologues.
[you won't get this, if you haven't watched rasslin lately]
With that, Shockwave slams his hands together creating a thundering
shockwave directed toward Cap. Cap expecting this maneuver, is able to
evade the oncoming shockwave and lets loose with his heat vision.
"Is it getting warm in here or is it just me?," taunts Shockwave as his
t-shirt begins to catch flame, but leaves the portly wrestler unharmed.
"Now you done it. You ruined my favorite MWF shirt. Damn, that pisses me
off!" Shockwave stomps his foot in frustration, and the Guard Tower is
wracked with tremors. It's windows all shatter and hairline fractures
begin to appear around the foundation.
Captain Marvel flies full force into hs old companion in the hopes of
preventing more damage to the HQ. "What the helll is wrong with you
Shock ?" he says right before connecting. Shockwave is sent flying
through the air towards the river.
Prowler watches the man fly past him and land in the river. As Shockwave
passes, his ultrasonic hearing picks up the familiar sound of the mind
conrol device created by Desmond Miller. "He's being mind-controlled!"
he shouts to Cap. "If we can locate the device we can disable it."
Prowler then begins to move cautiously towards the river.
As he reaches the river's edge and tries to locate Shockave, a hand
suddenly juts out of the water and pulls him beneath the surface.
He is able to catch a small amount of air before he goes under but is
immediately put into a bear hug by Shockwave. Prowler realizes that the
man will snap his spine with ease long before he will have to worry
about asphysiation. [your arms aren't pinned to your side, he just has
you around your torso]

My real post:]
Cap hears Prowler's warning about the device. Cap and Prowler are
cautiously approaching the water (Prowler got there first) when Cap
sees Shockwave snatch Prowler underwater.
Cap knows that Shockwave could kill Prowler if he gets a solid grip
him. He tries to find the device to snap Shockwave out of it before
it's too late. Flying down to the surface of the water, Cap thinks,
"The last device flew around very close to Ogre, so they might have a
limited range." He scans the air above the water for anything buzzing
about. When he sees nothing [which I am assuming, O great ST, since I
already know nothing is there--feel free to change that if I am
wrong], he gives up the search. "I guess I've gotta do this the hard
way." Cap then flies into the water, intending to bust Shockwave in
the chops in order to make him let go of Prowler. [ST, this assumes
that Cap can see Shockwave under the water, which I think is
since Shockwave was close enough to the surface to grab Prowler....]
If smiting Shockwave doesn't make him leggo, Cap gets him in a
reenforced choke like Norm taught him and squeezes his head till it
pops like a pimple. He also wrestles them above the surface, since no
one can breathe underwater (if possible).
If smiting him does make him let go, and Prowler is able to defend
himself, Cap resumes taunting Shockwave from a short distance and
keeps looking for the bug. If Prowler can't defend himself (e.g., he
is unconscious), then Cap scoops him up and flies him back to the
Captain's Quarters, where he makes sweet love to the unconscious
Prowl--no, wait a minute, Cap scoops him up and flies him to a safe
distance, then quickly resumes fighting Shockwave.

Prowler tries.
1. To pull the device from the head of Shockwave,
using the maneuver "snake bite," where he forms his hands into a point
and drives them just beneath the surface of the skin.
2. If that doesn't work, he tries to render Shockwave unconscious with
a Vulcan death grip
3. If that fails, he pokes him in the eye.
4. If that fails, he considers what life will be like without a spine.
His new name will be Colonel Mushman!

Date:  Tue Jun 13, 2000  7:26 am
Subject:  REcap: Turn 3.3

Prowler feels his spine starting to pop as he
> drives his fingers
> into
> > the back of Shockwave's neck, where the sound of
> the device is being
> > emitted from. The device is just below the surface
> of the skin and
> > Prowler grabs hold and pulls with all of his
> might. The device rips
> > free with a sickening crunch and Shockwave
> releases his grasp.
> >
> > The two of them swim to the surface where they see
> Captain Marvel
> > preparing to dive below the surface. " I found
> it." says Prowler
> > indicating the device he holds in his hand. It
> looks nearly
> identical to
> > the original save for the inclusion of a nasty
> looking barbed point
> on
> > the front of it.
> >
> > "That's what bit me?" asks Shockwave rubbing > > his
> neck. "sorry about
> all
> > the trouble I caused, by the way."
> >
> > "Your not responsible, you were being
> mind-controlled by that
> device,"
> > says Captain Marvel and fills his friend in on
> what has been
> occurring.
> >
> > "So flying saucers and little green men really do
> exist. I sort of
> > figured they did, since I gained my powers out in
> the desert around
> Area
> > 51.[See Shockwave's origin, which is now online]
> In fact, the
> explosion
> > which gave me my powers came from a strange device
> that looked
> similar
> > to that. It was bigger, but some of the designs
> look the same." says
> > Shockwave. "The guy who originally had the device
> was turned into
> the
> > villain Mudslide. I have no idea what he was > > doing
> with it."
> >
> > [Ok you basically have three different leads > > here.
> You can further
> > investigate Desmond Miller, question Mudslide who
> is currently
> > incarcerated at Stronghold Prison, or look into
> the Area 51 thing.
> What
> > you decide to do is up to you, If you want to
> split up that is fine
> > also. Please respond to these possibilities in
> character]
> Captain Marvel says, "I think we should have another talk with
> Desmond
> Miller before we investigate these other connections with Area 51 and
> Mudslide. Desmond seems to be the source of the devices for the
> aliens, and until we stop him, he might produce more and more of
> them.
> Prowler, if you are right that Desmond appeared not to know what he
> was doing, then if we can convince him that he > is a tool he might
> "However, I don't think we should tell him up front that aliens are
> behind this. We should just indicate that we are onto someone
> manipulating him to make these devices. We will take this one back to
> him, so he can see that it was made in his labs. We have the one from
> Ogre for our own lab.
> "Another possibility: Prowler, you could go to > Area 51 and use your,
ahem, talents to see > what you can find. If the device Shockwave saw >
was indeed alien, there might be a connection. > After we find out all
we can from Area 51, I > think we will be in a better position to >
interrogate Mudslide. Rumor has it that they > are keeping a craft
locked up in one of those > hangars.
> "So waddya think? Shockwave and I go see Mr. Miller, and you
> [indicating Prowler] go check out Area 51?"
"I'm willing to check out Area 51, but I don't know what I will find.
Breaking into those high-tech labs are akin to breaking into a candy
store compared to Area 51. I will at least linger outside. Let us plan
to meet again same time next week. It may take me a couple of days
'lingering' to find anything out at all. Sound good?"

Date:  Fri Jun 30, 2000  3:22 pm
Subject:  Recap: Turn 3.4

Captain Marvel and Shockwave arrange a meeting with Desmond Miller and
show up for it later that day.

Miss Goodbody greets them at the door. Both heroes can't help but stare,
as the woman definitely lives up to her name. She ignores their leering
glances. She is obviously used to this sort of thing and is nonplussed
by the pair.

She shows them into Desmond Miller's office where he is seated behind
his desk smoking a cuban cigar. "What can I help you boy's with this
time?" he asks.

I think we can help each other," begins Cap. "I have to admit, when
we came here last time, I suspected that you knew something that we
didn't, because I am positive that these devices that keep showing
up were made here ar Ultratech." Here Cap presents the device that
in Shockwave to Desmond, handing it to him across Desmond's huge

"This is the second one. The first one caused the supervillain
Ogre go on a rampage downtown. This one caused Shockeave to attack
own teammates."

"I'll have the lab boys look into this, Captain Marvel. We'll see if
it was made here, but I assure you that security is our highest

"Yes, your security. I have a confession. Last night [Was it last
night, ST?] you worked late, did you not? I know this because we
bypassed your security. I can't tell you how, but I have proof that
last night you were in the lab, and that you fabricated this very
device and released it into the night. You then awoke as if from a
trance, and you appeared disoriented. The reason I am telling you
is because I don't believe you are knowingly involved. I believe
someone is using mind control both on you AND through you. "On you"
have these devices created, and "through you" because the devices are
mind controlling their targets. You have a reputation in some circles
as the best gadgeteer around, accounting for the success of

"Yeah," says Shockwave.

Cap continues: "I don't want us to be adversarial Mr. Miller. You
our help, we need yours. Do you remember awaking here in the lab last
night? Do you remember how you got here, or what you had been doing
here? You made this device, and it has to be stopped. I'm sure your
lab techs can verify that the device was fabricated here. I'm sure
your fab techniques leave identifying features on the micromechanics
of the device, not to mention that the very parts have the Ultratech
logo, which is why we were led to you in the first place."

"This thing is bigger than the both of us. I am sure of it. This is
the beginning of a serious plot, to what ends I don't yet know. Will
you help us?"

Miller looks nervous as these things are revealed to him by Captain

"Ordinarily I'd call you a fucking liar, but it's true that I 'lost'
some time last night. In fact it has happened more than once over the
past several months. I was starting to think I was going crazy.
Before you arrived I was just about to review this security disk from
last night to see if it held any clues as to what I was doing during my
blackout last night. I think we should all watch it together to see if
your story holds up."

Miller pops the CD into the viewer. and pushes several buttons before it
begins to play on the monitor. " I programmed it to track my movements
last night around the time of my blackout."

The security cameras do indeed show Miller about to leave the building
then abruptly returning to the lab in a trancelike state. Once there, he
begins fashioning the device and releasing it through the window. After
the window is closed he seems to snap out of the trance and is visibly
confused and disorientd. He then quickly makes an exit from Ultratech,

"Omigod" says Milller and begins rubbing his temples. "You were right.
This is horrible. I can't beleive this is happeing to me. If word of
this leaks out it could destroy Ultratech and everything I've worked so
hard for. Who the hell is behind this? You have to catch them goddamit.
This will ruin me."

Miller looks at Marvel anxiously. He is extemely nervous and confused.

"At least we figured out that it was happening. That means we can stop
it," says Captain Marvel. "We are going to need your full cooperation
Mr. Miller. I know you think your company and finances are at risk, but
I am here to tell you that much, much more could possibly be at stake.

"How many times have you blacked out, and how long has it been going on?
What other consequences of blacking out have you noticed. For instance,
what other labs have you inexplicably found yourself in? Has there been
a pattern to the blackouts--for instance, do they always start in a
certain place, or at a certain time, or under specific circumstances?
[Rob, any other questions you can think of???]

"I have a plan. We need to discover the mechanism they use to control
you. Has this room been checked for bugs recently? Since the blackouts
started? I suggest we go soemplace else and have a talk."

[If Desmond agrees, they will go somewhere like a restaraunt and
continue the discussion. If not, Cap says he will contact Desmond again
soon, and Desmond should keep cameras running in all sensitive areas,
and try to track his own movememnts. once they can communicate safely,
Cap suggests that Desmond get a full physical, and have his body checked
for any anomolous chemicals or foreign objects. Cap does NOT take him
back to the Guard Tower, because Desmond is now a total security risk.
they may be able to see and hear everything he does, at all times for
all we know.]

Prowler has Beauvergard book him some airline tickets under his "real"
name. He flies to New Mexico later that day, but has to rent a car to
drive to the small town on the outskirts of Area 51.

As he approaches the town he sees various billboards advertising alien
themed souvenir shops and restaurants. The locals have obviously learned
to cash in on the notoriety of the region.

He pulls into a greasy spoon diner and makes his way inside for bite to
eat. The diner isn't very crowded. I consists mainly of truck drivers
and a few tourists. One man wearing a SETI (Search for
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) baseball cap sits alone at the counter
scribbling notes into a journal.

Prowler sits down at he counter a few seats down from the man and
glances at all of the alien-themed souvenirs for sale behind the

"What can I get ya handsome?" asks the waitress, in between chomps on
her chewing gum.

Date:  Fri Jul 14, 2000  2:39 pm
Subject:  Recap: Turn 3.5

Miller agrees to have his office checked for bugs and leaves with the
two heroes to talk somewhere else. They decide on a nearly deserted deli
just down the street.

Miller begins the conversation," These blackouts first started back when
I was in college. That is also when my gadgeteering talents manifested
themselves. The doctors said it was probably just a side effect of my
powers. It's been years since I've had any, but they have started
occurring again in the last few weeks. When I had them in college, i
would have something to show for them. I'd come out of the fugue and
there would be some new device or blueprint that I had created when I
was in my blackout. But, the one's lately haven't produced anything. Or
so I thought...."

"You mentioned something about this being bigger than the both of us.
What were you talking about," questions Miller.

Before Cap can respond Shockwave looks at his watch and says. "Oh Shit!
I'm going to be late for my wresting match." He rushes out of the deli
and leaps off in he direction of Madison Square

Cap evades Miller's question as best he can, still not trusting the
gadgeteer. "I mean there seems to be a pattern to these events,
something systematic. and it must be a powerful force behind it all,
because you were being controlled without even knowing it. Who do you
know who can induce these states in you? that would take a pretty damn
sophisticated technology or understanding of what makes you tick.

Ogre was the first one we know about. And when we caught on to that one,
it wasn't long before whoever is behind it all controled you to make
another device, this one causing Shockwave to attack us--trying to
destroy anyone investigating these occurrences. Trying to cover their

You see what I mean? there is a plan here, and it is subtle. why would
someone want Ogre to go on a rampage?" Captain Marvel knows exactly
why--in the hopes that the supervillian would kill someone, earning teh
enmity of the population and creating mistrust between normals and
metas. But he cannot tell that to Desmond.

"Another thing, Desmond: It wasn't long after we visited you and told
you that we found the device that controlled ogre before you were once
again made to create another device--this one aimed at stopping our
investigation. So I have to assume that everything you know, "they"
know. Do you understand?

the next time you black out, please let us know. I'll contact you once I
learn anything, and you contact us if you learn anything. Deal?"

Shockwave arrives just in time for his match. His manager bitches at him
the importance of being on time and acting like a professional, before
letting him go out on stage.

The crowd goes wild as he makes his way to the ring. It was specially
equipped to handle metahuman wrestling matches. Reinforced titanium
steel posts held the ropes which were made of some near indestructible
material that Shockwave had long ago forgotten the name of. There were
forcefield projectors surrounding the ring that would
automatically kick on if the crowd was in danger of being hit by a stray
energy blast or a wrestler who had been knocked out of the ring.

traditional professional wrestling, this wasn't fake. It was for real,
and that made it all the more popular.

As Shockwave entered the ring the sound of boo's and hisses informed him
that Hollywood Hulk Hogan was making his way to the ring. The man was
twice as big as he had been before undergoing special biochemical
treatments to grant him superhuman strength and near invulnerability.

The two wrestlers were called to the middle of the ring by the referee,
Judge Mills Lane. "You boys know the rules. I want a good clean fight
and no funny business. Understand?" They indicated that they did.

"Good. Now... LET'S GET IT ON!!!!"

The bell sounded and Hogan approached Shockwave with a menacing grin.
"OK twerp, show me what you got!"

"Sure" Shockwave say's with a snickering grin and tries to poke at
Hogan's eyes(He fels rather froggy today Keith!!)!!!

Date:  Mon Jul 24, 2000  1:30 pm
Subject:  Recap:Turn 3.6

Miller agrees to contact the Guardians should he suffer any more
blackouts. The two say their farewells and Captain Marvel flies to the
hospital to check on Iceman.

He arrives to find Iceman packing up to leave.
"The doctor says I''m good to go. My ribs are still a little sore but
other than that I'm fine." says Iceman. "Huntress left a little while
ago to see Shockwave's wrestling match. She wants us to meet her there.
We've got front row tickets."

"Sounds like a plan," says Cap. "Maybe it will take my mind off of
things for awhile. "

" I would say that you just need to get laid, but we know what happened
the last time you had sex. " kids Iceman.

"Screw you." says Cap.

"You're not my type. Let's go." The two heroes then make their way to
Madison Square Garden to watch Shockwave's title match against Hulk

On the way to the Gardens Cap and Iceman see a six story brownstone
apartment building that has caught fire. There are no firemen on the

The bottom three floors are completely engulfed in flames which has
trapped people on the top three floors. Many people are hanging out of
their windows and others have run to the rooftop becoming trapped. The
flames are quickly rising , threatening to overcome the the remaining

There are about 30 people on the roof, though it is hard to tell with
all of the black smoke. There are six people hanging out of the windows.
Two on the 3rd floor, which is soon to be in flame. Three on the 4th and
one on the sixth. The are located at various different windows around
the four sides of the building. No more than one person at each window.

"Looks like we aren't going to make that wrestling match." says Cap
heading in the direction of the burning building.
"I guess not, " says Iceman. " It's all fake anyway."

Captain Marvel says, "Ice, try to find a way to get those people out of
there! I'm gonna try to put out the fire."

Captain marvel intends to fly down to the ground and snatch the hood off
the largest SUV he can find. he will then use his heat vision to cut the
top off a nearby fire hydrant (at an angle so the water will be aimed as
much as possible at the burning building) and use the hood, properly
bent into a spoon shape, to direct water at the brownstone. if that
doesnt seem to do any good, or if there are no nearby fire hydrants, he
will start flying people out of the building as fast as he can.
If ice comes up with a better plan for putting out the fire, Cap goes
along with it.

Iceman will start erecting very cold slicky-slides at the third floor?
UN so
weider UN so weider.

When Ice starts to do that, Cap realizes that the fire might melt the
ice, so Cap uses his water directing device to quell the flames nearest
the slides, keeping them cool and structurally stable. He also yells in
his loudest voice, "Everyone onto the slides! get out of the building!
Get onto the slides!" [Keith, I am assuming that "und so weiter" means
slides are on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and rooftop floors. we dont need people
on the roof jumping down three flights to reach a slide.  

Shockwave was getting his ass handed to him. He had started out the
match with an eye jab that Hogan had slapped away effortlessly and
countered by kicking Shockwave full force in the nuts.

Shockwave was on the ground clutching his groin when Hogan began kicking
his kidneys.

"If you're going to fight like a bitch, then I'm going to treat you like
one you scrawny little faggot!!" Hogan screamed as he delivered a series
off "bitch" slaps across Shockwave's face.

The slaps stung a bit and were more humiliating than anything else. The
crowd was booing his poor performance.

He knew he had to do something to
turn the tables, but he could barely stand due to the pain.

The next bitch slap,i'll grab at.
If I'm successful....I break his hand.(Really)
Then I proceed to bitch slap him.....With a size 14 sideways up his
candy ass!!!! I will then try to "knife jab" his throat.
Then a "Tombstone".
Followed by a patented "Shockwave Blast" off of the top rope. If he's
still moving...I'll grab him and throw him up in the air. While he's up
their in limbo....I "Thunderclap" him!!
Anything else?
"The best defense is an asskicking offense from hell!!'

Date:  Tue Aug 1, 2000  1:06 am
Subject:  REcap: turn 3.7


Iceman and Captain Marvel begin their evacuation plan: Iceman erecting
slides and Marvel directing the water to prevent the ice slides from
melting. They manage to rescue all of the people on the north side of
the building where the fire hydrant was located, but realize that the
angle of the water will not reach the remaining sides.

So far both of the people on the third floor and one on the fourth have
been rescued.

There remains two people on the 4th floor. One on the south side and one
on the east side. There is also a person still on the 6th floor on the
west side of the building. No one has been rescued from the roof yet.

Things are taken longer than expected. The people are panicky and it is
hard to communicate with them over the roar of the flames.

Captain Marvel sees that this is taking way too long. "Ice, we need
to speed this up. I will go get the people in the windows, you make
one giant slide to get the people off the roof! But be careful, if
those flames weaken your slide, the people might fall into the
flames, or maybe 6 floors to the sidewalk."

With that, Cap takes off
and flies around the building, picking up the three remaining people
on the 4th and 6th floors. He then flies above the building just
above the people on the street side of the building (closest to
Iceman) to attract their atention to what Ice is doing. "Everyone,"
Cap yells, "Get to this slide NOW. The building may collapse. Slide
down this slide!" and he points to Iceman's new slide (assuming that
is what Ice does).

Cap then flies to the ground and releases his three passengers (one
under each arm, one with arms wrapped around his neck)

If cappie just turned on the hydrant or perhaps aimed it one direction
another couldn't I Icecream use the water and make slides anywhere they
needed? He should also try to regenerate previous slides, or perhaps
and Icecream could find a probable vantage point for them to attack the
flames from the top (of the fire) ,with cappie aiming the water at me
i go up a slide to the top (of the fire)and cover the entire floor
immediately above the fire with ice, as the fire tries to burn that
particular floor perhaps it will act as a fire break, what with all the
melting ice and all i dint know how fast i can produce ice but i know
that in
the time it took me to type all this they all died of OLD AGE buh bye

As Hogan lets fly with yet another bitch slap, Shockwave grabs his hand
and twists. A sickening crunch is heard and the crowd lets out a shocked

Hogan bends over clutching his broken left hand and SW puts a size 14
sideways up his ass.....literally.
The crowd lets out a disgusted sound as SW tries to remove his foot,
which has sunk in up to the heel, from the larger man's anus. His foot
comes out, but his boot remains lodged there.
the crowd howls in delight.

SW then tries to knife jab Hogan in the throat, buy Hogan sees the
attack coming and blocks it away.

"Nobody makes a fool outta me!!!!" growls Hogan pulling the boot from
his ass. He then begins bashing SW in the head with the boot.

Each time it strikes him, SW gets a small whiff of ass. The smell is
nauseating. He begins to wonder how long it has been since Hogan has
washed or if he even wipes.
Hogan then claps both of his ears and begins kicking SW in the nuts

Between the ringing in his ears, the pungent smell of Hogan's ass, and
the jackhammering of his nuts, SW was pretty sure that he has discovered
his very own personalized version of Hell.

He had to end this.

[Post a bunch of moves again like las time Slobster.]

how's this.
The next knee that heads towards my nuts...gets grabbed. I then take it
and twist my body in order to throw him into the canvas. I do not let
go. I then get him ..(or try to)..into the Metahuman Figure Four Leg
lock. This is like a regular figure four but with one exception. The
legs start to break. If hogan try's to throw a punch...I let it hit my
forehead(Hardest part of the human body). hopefully that will break his
other hand.

Prowler was stealthily making his way across the New Mexico desert
surrounding Area 51. He was doing some recon to get a feel fro what he
was up against. So far it looked pretty damn secure. He wasn't sure if
he'd be able to make it in or not.

His ultrasonic hearing picked up a strange sound in the nightime sky
above him. He began to look for he source of the sound and was suddenly
bathed in a blinding light from above him. He couldn't' make out the
source... the lights were too bright...almost scorching him. Wind and
sand buffeted him from all directions, yet here was still no sound ( at
least that a normal human could here) from whatever it was above him.

The hue of the light shifted from the blinding whiteness to burning red
and Prowler's world immediately went black.
[Prowler's wacky misadventures in Area 51 will be continued when Bry
gets back online regularly]

Recap: Turn 3.8
[I have started a new eroup that will house all of the recaps in one
place for easy reference. Someday I will go back and put up the old
ones, but for now it will start with ths one.]

Captain Marvel flies quickly about the building rescuing the threee
remaining people in the windows.

Iceman cretes a giant ice slide on the side of the building where the
fire hydrannt is still spraying and the people on the roof begin to
slide to safety. It is an enormous strain for Iceman as he must
constantly replinish the ice slide due to the flames quickly melting
the underside of it. Once all of the people have slid down to the
street, Iceman relaxes his concentration and the slide is immediately
melted by the flames.

He the begins creating large glacier-like structures on the street which
Captain Marvel picks up and strategically places on the burning
buildings rooftop. The heat melts the glaciers and the resulting water
diminishes much of the fire. This process is repeated several times,
each time the flames become more manageable.

The fire Department and paramedics show up a short time later and are
able to take over the firefighting and tend to the rescued tenants of
the building.

Iceman sits on the curb exhausted. Marvel lflies down next to him and
says " Come on I'll by you a beer at the Gardens." He then hoists Iceman
up and they fly off to see SW's
wrestilng match..
Shockwave manages to grab Hogan's knee as it comes up for yet another
groin smash and he takes him down to the mat. He gets Hogan in a Figure
Four and begins to crank, Hogan screams in agony as muscles and tendons
begin to rip.

Hogan manages to reverse the hold by reaching behind him and grabbing
SW's head. He puts him in a lifling choke hold, cutting off SW's air
supply. Then he stands up with SW still in the choke and does a mokey
kick to SW's head. This brings SW face to face with Hogan who rears back
for a haymaker punch with his unbroken hand.

"Say goodnight Gracie, " says Hogan just before the punch lands. The
blow sends SW flying backward out of the ring. The forcefield
generator kicks in and knocks him back into the ring right into an
awaiting elbow smash from Hogan.

SW falls to the canvas stunned. The last thing he remembers before
blacking out is hearing Judge Mills Lane do the three count and declare
Hogan the winner and still reigning Metahuman Wrestling World Champion.

He awakes backstage surrounded by the Huntress, Iceman, Captain Marvel
and his manager.

"You suck kid! Call me when you want to get serious about this,' says
his manager and storms out of he locker room.

"Don't worry about him," says the Huntress. "You still have a spot on
the team if you want it.
We could use you."

"Sure," says Shockwave. It's probably less dangrous."
A week passes with no incident and no word from Prowler.

The team begins to wonder what has become of him and decides to go in
search of him in Area 51

Captain Marvel, Iceman, Shockwave, Huntress, and the Unknown Soldier sat
at the conference table in the War Room. They were discussing
what to do about Prowler's disappearance. It had been decided that the
team would go to Area 51, the target of Prowler's mission and the
only place they had to start with.

Iceman sat at the table drinking a giant glass of ice water, having
nearly dehydrated himself saving the victims of the fire the week

Captain Marvel and the others talked about where to start the search,
while Shockwave flipped through the latest issue of MetaWrestleMagazine,
looking at pictures of Hulk Hogan beating Shockwave about the face with
a shit-covered boot.

One picture was a closeup of Shockwave as Hulk's elbow mashed his nose,
complete with blood spurting from his nose down his face, his eyes
crossed, saliva slinging from his slack lips. The cover of the magazine
read, "Hogan Gives Shockwave the Boot!"

Shockwave threw down the magazine in disgust, vowing to himself that he
would whip Hogan's ass when next they met. He wouldn't be able to get
another title fight until he
fought a few top contenders though.

Shockwave had been #1 contender
until his severe beating at Madison Square Garden the week before.His
drop in the rankings to #3 hurt worse than his busted nose and black

"I think we should go incognito at first," said Cap. "We can always go
to uniform once we need to, and it might be better if no one knows
that we are interested in the place. Soldier, did Prowler give you any
hints as to how he was going to approach this mission?"

"He called one time from some greasy spoon restaraunt nearby to let me
know he had arrived. That's the last I heard from him," responded the

"Then I guess that's where we should start," said Cap. "We can take the
Sparrow and land outside military radar range, and take the SUV
from there [the Guardians have several normal looking vehicles that they
can use if need be, which will fit into the cargo hold of the
Sparrow]. Ice, that desert sun might be a problem for you. How much
will it affect you?"

"I'm not sure, I've never been to the desert,"replied Iceman. "It will
probably drain me the same way that fighting the fire did. Maybe worse."

Cap continued: "Prowler must have learned something and gotten into
trouble. Or maybe just got into trouble. Maybe we'll be able to
follow his trail once we're there, learn the same things he learned.
Aside from that, we'll just have to go out there and wing it."

[Any other comments gang? Keith, we DEFINITELY bring lots of desert
supplies, and plenty of water.]

When they were finished, Captain Marvel stood up on his chair and
bellowed, "Take it awaaaayyyyyyyyyy!" then ran from the room to the

Huntress looked at the others and said, "He has to get a new
catchphrase. That one stinks."

"Yeah, it doesn't even make sense," added Shockwave, who had been
slightly startled out of his magazine by Cap's catchphrase. "Time
travelling must have really swiss-cheesed his noodle. By the way, I'm
hungry....Three orders of bisquits and gravy,two omlets,4 side orders of
bacon and 3 orders of hash browns will surfice."


Date: Thu Aug 17, 2000 0:14pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 3.9
    The Guardians all gather their gear and pile into the Sparrow, their
VTOL vehicle. They decide to take a Ford Bronco along for transportation
> >in the desert.
> >
> >Deciding to go incognito, they bring along street clothes and other
things such as wigs, fake mustaches etc. to disguise themselves with.
> >
> >Iceman being the hardest to disguise must wear > >clothes that cover
nearly all of him. He wears > >a trenchcoat and gloves to cover his body
and > >applies flesh colored liquid latex to his head > >to give him a
somewhat normal appearance. > >Huntress applies makeup to the latex mask
and > >tops it of with a a wig, mirrored sunglasse, > >and a hat.
> >
> >"This disguise probably won't hold up to great > >scrutiny, Ice, but
it will do for passing > >glances. You'll look sort of odd anyway for >
>wearing a trenchcoat and gloves in the desert. > >Maybe you could pass
yourself off as having > >some sort of ultrasensitive skin disoder or >
>something. I guess we will worry about it when > >the time comes." says
the Huntress. The > >huntess herself is wearing a blonde wig, > >colored
contacts, and regular street clothes > >for her dissguise.
> >
> >Captain Marvel dons a fake mustache, parts his > >hair a different
way and puts on some none > >prescription glasses.
> >
> >Shockwave, who doesn't wear a cstume per se- just some ratty jeans, a
T-shirt, and a baseball cap with the initials "SW" on it, is the second
hardest to disguise. The Huntress makes him take a shower, use
deodarant, and shave. She then puts him in all Ralph Lauren clothing,
pink shirt, tan khakis, and slicks his hair back. She tries to tie a
sweater around his neck, but Shockwave won't go along. "I look like
enough like a faggot already," he grumbles .
> >
> >Their disguises in place they take off in the Sparrow for the New
Mexico desert.
> >
> >They land in the desert well off the road about 60 miles outside of
Area 51. They all get into the Bronco and drive the remaining way. They
reach the diner (which the Unknown Soldier had located the address by
tracing the call from Prowler a week earier) in about an hour and go
inside to check it out.
> >
> >It is nearly deserted. A few truck drivers look up and then seing
nothing interesting go back to their business. Alien-themed novelties
are for sale throughout the diner. A man wearing a SETI (Search for
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) baseball hat eyes them suspiciously from
his seat at the counter.
> >
> >The group sits at one of the booths, gives the > >waitress(Flo is her
name) their orders, and > >try to remain inconspicous. Their food comes
> >out a short time later and they begin eating. > >It isn't very good,
but Shockwave sems to > >savor it. "It's been too damn long since i've >
>eaten in a fine establishment such as this," > >he says between
> >
> Shockwave replies"No shit Sherlock.....What ever gave you that idea?"
Then he ignores him the rest of the time he's there. He does listen to
the man....every word,but he ignores him otherwise.
Captain Marvel motions for the man to join the group, and says, "Please
pardon our friend. Yes, we aren't from around here. You look like you
are from here, though." He points to the SETI hat. "You work for SETI?"
[Here the guy could answer....]

Cap continues, assuming the guy acts in a friendly way: "What's your
name? I am Melvin, this is Ichabod, Tyrone, and Lurleen," says Cap,
gesturing to Ice, Shockwave, and Huntress, in that order. "Pardon
Ichabod's dress, he has a skin condition.

"Since you are a regular here, you might be able to help us. We are
looking for a friend of ours, ...[here Cap describes Prowler physically]
who may have passed this way several days ago [if Cap knows the exact
time, he says it].

We represent a private corporation investigating extra-terrestrial
phenomenon, and our friend, who was supposed to check out the
surrounding region here near Area 51, has disappeared. We have been sent
by the Home Office to find him and to continue his work.
"Have you seen him by any chance? I only ask because he loves a good
greasy burger, and this looks like the only place around to get one. [he
can answer here..]

"Also, you might be able to help us with the second part of our
assignment--investigating sightings of UFOs. Personally, I don't believe
in them, but the Home Office is interested in researching public opinion
on the matter--for marketing. But since you work for SETI, you might
actually be able to give us real information on the subject. The Home
Office pays handsome consultant fees, and we would really appreciate
anything you could tell us.

How is the SETI project going, anyway? You know, I have heard that SETI
is a government coverup, and that signals from outerspace have already
been discovered, but I've never personally seen anything that would
support that, though if it were true, we would be very interested in
knowing. Everyone thinks the government has UFOs in hangars somewhere,
it seems.

"Can you help us?"
Date: Mon Aug 28, 2000 7:29am
Subject: Recap:Turn 3.10
    The man is taken aback by Shockwave's rudeness, but proceeds to
> Cap's questions.
> "Yes, I work for SETI. My name is Calvin Lewis, I'm an astronomist.
> think I remember seeing your friend in here about a week ago. Kept
> himself, but seemed rather intense. Haven't seen him since.
> What company did you say you worked for?
> How much money would thay be willing to pay?
> SETI is no longer funded by the government. They pulled the plug
> ago due to cost overruns coupled with no significant findings.
> We are funded now by private investors with a beleif in the projects
> mission.
> There have been signals detected, but they have all turned out to be
> 'noise' from distant stars...binaries, quasars, stuff like that.
> I'm not here on any official SETI business. I'm actuallly on
vacation. I
> came out here to do some research on Area 51 just out of
curiousity. All
> of the ET urban legend stuff... Area 51, Roswell, the Men in
> Black....they are sort of a hobby of mine. Most of the people at
> don't put much faith in the legends, but they are fun to think about
> anyway. Ya gotta love a good conspiracy theory.
> I'd be more than happy to help out. With or without pay, but if your
> company wants to make a donation to SETI, I certainly won't
> What would you like me to do?"

"Well, first, tell us everything you can remember aout our friend?
did he talk to anyone while he was here? What did he say? Do you
remember him ever leaving, and in what direction? Was he carrying

"Next, what can you tell us about what you have found here regarding
"conspiracy theories?" I'm sure our organization could make a
donation to the SETI project, don't you agree Lurleen?" asks Cap of
the Huntress.

"I'd have to check with the home office, but I'm sure it won't be a
problem," says Lurleen/Huntress. "To answer your earlier question Mr.
Lewis, we work for a company called the Utopia Foundation. It's very
small, you probably haven't heard of it. More than likely we can donate
a substantial amount to SETI, provided you can help us."

"Like I said earlier, I'm more than willing to help with or without the
donation, "says Miller.

" I remember your friend sticking around here a good part of the day. He
didn't speak to anyone other than to order food.

He became very
interested in some military guards who stopped in for a bite to eat. He
left shortly after they left. He went west on highway 70, the same
direction as the guards. To me, it looked like he was following them.
He was carrying a large duffel bag, but I couldn't see what was in it."

"As far as 'conspiracy theories' go about this place.... the most
predominant one is that the US government has an alien spacecraft
and/or alien bodies locked up within Area 51. Possibly related to the
Roswell Incident in the 1940's Trespassers will be shot on site and
aircraft are not allowed to fly overhead.

Personnel who work there are
flown in from somewhere else daily. You occasionally see them off the
post, but they keep to themselves and they NEVER discuss wat goes on at
the base. It's also rumoured that much of the base is actually

Of course none of this can be proven, since no outsiders have actually
been inside the place. If your friend tried to sneak in there, he is
probably dead or locked up somewhere in a federal prison."
Date: Mon Sep 4, 2000 0:30pm
Subject: REcap: Turn 3.11
    Prowler's unconscious form lays strapped to what appears to be an
> operating table. He has various strange looking devices hooked up to
> him.
> In the background a hooded figure speaks into a transmitter on a
> control panel. The figure is speaking in some undecipherable
> clicks and hisses.
> [Translated]
> "Yes Commander! I Understand, we will not disappoint the Emperor.
> We have captured yet another of these so-called metahumans. We have
> already isolated the DNA cluster that grants them their powers and
> drawing ever closer to discovering a way to either nullify it or
> destroy it.
> Once we have accomplished this, Earth will be ours. We will no
> have to rely upon this cowardly manipulation and subterfuge. The
> Earthlings will be defenseless before our might."
> "Good!" The voice on the other end says, "The Emperor will be
pleased to
> hear this. He also grows weary of this trickery and desires a more
> immediate victory."
> *****************************************************
> The Guardians thank Calvin Lewis for the information, promise to
make a
> donation, get a number where they can each him if need be, and head
> in the direction that Prowler was last seen heading.
> A few miles down the road Huntress spots a glare off of something
> the desert. Possibly a reflection or a signal.They decide to check
> out. Their 4 wheel drive makes it through the desert sands with
> problem and they soon discover the source of the glare. It is a
> matching the description of the one Prowler was seen leaving in.
> They all get out to investigate the abandoned vehicle. As they are
> searching it they hear the sound of several guns being cocked behind
> them. They all whirl around and see a group of six soldiers with
> trained upon them.
> The lead soldier shouts, "PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!!!"
> The Guardians do as told, not wishing to get in a firefight with
> soldiers. The remaining soldiers begin to circle around the vehicle
> surround them. As they do so the sun reflects off of something on
> back of one's neck-it's a alien mind control device.
> [If anyone looks to see if the other soldiers have similar devices
> attached to them-they do. they all do]
Captain Marvel, standing next to Shockwave, mutters under his breath,
"Shock, you see those mind control devices on their necks?"

"Yeah," says Shockwave.

"We don't want to hurt them, because they're under alien control. You
think you can blast all of them with your trademark?"

"Sure....I'll give it a try."

If shockwave agrees to try his shockwave attack, Cap will hover just
inches off the ground (to protect himself from the shockwave). If
Shockwave doesn't agree, Cap will try to widen his heat vision and
heat up several of the attackers' guns. After that, if the soldiers
are still attacking, Cap will begin flying past them one-by-one
snatching the probes from the back of their necks.

While this is going on, if Cap sees that huntress is about to get
shot, he will abort his action to protect her (she being the only one
of us without armor).

Finally, Cap wants to capture at least one soldier with mind control
device still attached, to maybe question him and see if he can tell
us anything.
Date: Sun Sep 10, 2000 0:00pm
Subject: Recap:Turn 3.12
    Shockwave screams out, "Shockwave Special!!!" to alert the other
> members of what he plans to do. Just before his mighty fist slams
> the desert floor, the Guardians all jump up as high as they can to
> the resulting shockwave.
> Sand and debris fly in all directions as SW's fist bludgeons the
> with unbelievable force. The resulting explosion sends the soldiers
> flying through the air away from the group, and lifts Prowler's
> abandoned truck off of the ground for a split second.
> The Guardians immediately press the advantage of the surprise
> Captain Marvel begins flying as quickly as possible and begins
> the mind control devices from the stunned soldiers.
> Huntress pulls out her mini crossbow she had stashed in her
backpack and
> begins firing bola bolts at the soldiers. The bola-bolts wrap
around the
> soldiers immobilizing them.
> Iceman helps out by encasing others in ice. though he isn't sure how
> long his icy bonds will last in the extreme desert heat. It was is
> already beginning to take a toll on him. his clothes are already
> dripping wet, due to his icy armor melting.
> Cap leaves one soldier with a mind control device still implanted
> his neck. he had some questions that needed to be answered.
All of the soldiers but one are quickly freed from the mind control
devices. Captain Marvel takes the only controlled soldier (one of
those tied up in Huntress's bola arrow) and asks him some questions.

Cap asks several questions designed to figure out just how much input
the soldier has into his own actions, or whether he is effectively
"unconscious" while hte aliens are manipulatinghis body.

"Soldier, what is your name? What is your unit? Who is your C.O.? Do
you know where you are?"

Cap then asks the following quyestions. "How did this control device
get into your neck? Do you remember when it happened? Where? Who did
it? What is inside area 51?"

Captain also asks questions of the other soldiers: "Do you remember
anything about how these devices got into your necks? Where did it
happen, who did it, where, and why did they do it? Was upper brass in
the military involved?"

If the soldiers are reluctant to answer, Cap tried to motivate them.
"If the military is compromised soldiers, who will protect the
country? If there is someone out there who can control our military
personel, then we need to defend against it! Were there any ranking
officers with you when you were implanted? Any government figures,
lawmakers? We need a lead as to how they are getting these devices
into people, and why."
Cap also talks to the rest of the Guardians (out of hte soldiers'
hearing): "Guys, the aliens have infiltrated our military. I am
betting they have taken over the entire Area 51 compound and are
using it as an earth base of operations."
[I need to hear the answers to the questions before I proceed....]

Iceamn asks some questions of his own, "what or how can we find out who
is supposed to be in control of area 51?
what units are supposed to be there?
what are they supposed to be doing?
or does it not officially exist or what?"
Date: Sun Sep 17, 2000 4:57pm
Subject: REcap: Turn 3.13
    The Soldier with the device still in his neck answers Captain Marvel
with the following...""I am Private First Class, Daniel Hanson. My C.O.
is Captain Ortega. I am in New Mexico."

To the second volley of Cap's questions he says," I have no device in my
neck. Area 51 does not exist."

Cap then proceed to question the other soldiers. the ones without the
devices. After his motivational speech one of the soldiers calls
out...."I am Captain Ortega. The last thing I remember was being sent
out to the landing field. All of us where. None of us knew what was
going on. It was all hush huh, as are most things around here. It was a
pretty intense situation. The entire compound was out there in full
battle gear in the middle of the night. The higher ups and the lab boys
were talking excitedly amongst themselves. They all seemed nervous and
giddy at the same time. None of us knew what to expect.

We saw a huge bright light appear in the sky and begin to descend to
the airfield. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. but some of
the boys said it resembled something they had caught a glimpse of in one
of the Hangers that was off limits to grunts like us. The thing landed
without making a sound and we were ordered to hold our fire. The thing
let out a blinding flash and that was the last thing I remember. And
that was." He checks his watch to see the date, "Over four months ago."

"Who or what was in that thing I have no idea. But I'm sure they are
responsible for these devices. Until I find out otherwise I am working
under the assumption that the entire compound has been compromised and
is considered hostile."

Captain Ortega then looks at Iceman and says. "all of the questions you
are asking are classified. I'm not at liberty to answer them at this
point. Ordinarily civilians are ordered off of the premises. If they
don't comply, they are shot. It's in National Security's best interests.

This place doesn't officially exist, and the government wants to keep it
that way. I have already said too much as it is, but I figure I owe you
all for freeing us of these devices. What are you all doing out here

The Huntress produces her Guardians Identicard, "we are the Guardians,
Captain Ortega. We came here to find out what happened to a friend of
ours and have stumbled upon something much larger It seems like you
could use our help."

" I reckon we could," says Ortega with a wry smile. "Any suggestions?"

Iceman asks, "Do your men or yourself communicate with whomever
> installed the devices?or is it simply commands to your consious
that you
> cant or don't even try to fight? is your company expected back or to
> check in? can we all go back as your men and covertly try to retake
> area?"
> Captain Ortega says. "I'm not sure how these things work. Everything
> from our initial encounter with the ship to just a few moments ago
> you all disabled the devices is a blank. It is like we have amnesia
> when these things are implanted.
> My guess is that whoever was controlling us does expect us back at
> soon. We were probably alerted of intruders and sent to
investigate. I
> think you all posing as our prisoners would work., at least long
> for you to gain access to the compound. "
> The Huntress quickly runs over to the one remaining soldier with
> device still implanted in his neck and quickly rips it out. "Lets
> whoever is in control of the base didn't hear any of that. I agree
> Iceman's plan. Moving about the base once inside could pose a
> Would some of your men volunteer to switch place with us? We could
> pose as soldiers and three of your men would be put in the brig. It
> would buy us some time."
> "Yes," Ortega says ,' I think that could be arranged. Any other

Captain Marvel walks to Iceman. "I bet you can't wait to get into
some air conditioning," he jokes. "Good plan. I'm all for it. Though
shockwave may need to wear two soldiers' uniforms because he's so

With that, Cappy begins to strip of his clothes. Cap goes along
with the plan, and will trade clothes with whomever will fit. He
always wears his Marvel Costume under hisclothes anyway, but he dons
a soldier's uniform for now.

"OK men . Since we were surrounded before we even got close to the base,
I am betting Prowler was captured the
same way, maybe even by these soldiers. Our first priority once
inside should be to find him. Ortega, where is the brig on that base?

In fact, why don't you brief us on the general layout--where command
center is, where the computers are, where the labs are, vehicle
storage, everything. but make it fast.

"Also, we should be ready for the worst. Our enemies might have heard
our plan while ago, or they might have been alerted the instant that
we removed any of these devices from you men. This could be an
ambush. We should be ready for that. Ortega, let's hear the plan...."
[Keith, I'm not asking you to go through the layout--just say that we
all heard Ortega's description, K?]

Ortega draw a general outine of the compound in the sand for the
Guardians explaining the layout of the facility. The soldiers are all
riveted upon the Huntress as she strips down to her panties and bra and
trades clothes with one of the smaller soldiers.

[You all need to come up with a plan of attack]
[OK Bry, here is all the stuff that has happened since you left. Don't
say I never did anything for you. ]

{Turn 3.7}
Prowler was stealthily making his way across the New Mexico desert
surrounding Area 51. He was doing some recon to get a feel fro what he
was up against. So far it looked pretty damn secure. He wasn't sure if
he'd be able to make it in or not.

His ultrasonic hearing picked up a strange sound in the nightime sky
above him. He began to look for he source of the sound and was suddenly
bathed in a blinding light from above him. He couldn't' make out the
source... the lights were too bright...almost scorching him. Wind and
sand buffeted him from all directions, yet here was still no sound ( at
least that a normal human could here) from whatever it was above him.

The hue of the light shifted from the blinding whiteness to burning red
and Prowler's world immediately went black. [Prowler's wacky
misadventures in Area 51 will be continued when Bry gets back online

{Turn 3.11}
Prowler's unconscious form lays strapped to what appears to be an
> operating table. He has various strange looking > devices hooked up to
> In the background a hooded figure speaks into a > transmitter on a
control panel. The figure is > speaking in some undecipherable
tongue-all > clicks and hisses.
> [Translated]
> "Yes Commander! I Understand, we will not disappoint the Emperor.
> We have captured yet another of these so-called > metahumans. We have
already isolated the DNA > cluster that grants them their powers and are
> drawing ever closer to discovering a way to > either nullify it or
destroy it.
> Once we have accomplished this, Earth will be ours. We will no longer
have to rely upon this cowardly manipulation and subterfuge. The
Earthlings will be defenseless before our might."
> "Good!" The voice on the other end says, "The Emperor will be pleased
to hear this. He also grows weary of this trickery and desires a more
immediate victory."

{And Finally....Turn 3.13. This is the one that you still need to resond
to. When you respond , reply to Turn 3.14 rather tham 3.13}

Prowler awakes and finds himself strapped to a table. He is disoriented
and has no idea how long he has been unconscious. He is surrounded by
strange looking technological devices with writing on them that seems
similar to the writing that was on the mind control devices. They seem
to be monitoring his vital signs. Much of the equipment look like
futuristic versions of things he had in his own genetic laboratory.

Whoever had captured him is interested in his DNA.

Prowler reaches out with his senses and learns that he is not alone in
the laboratory. There is someone in there with him, or someTHING. The
smell is all wrong to be human. The sounds as if there
are two heartbeats coming from the same person. He strains his eyes in
the darkness and his infrared vision shows him the outline of a hooded
figure asleep near the closed doorway. It is humanoid shaped, but it
definitely isn't human. Hardly anything about his place smells human.

Prowler strains against the straps pinning his arms and legs. The
strap on his left arm breaks free and he begins to free himself the rest
of the way as quietly as possible.
Date: Sun Sep 24, 2000 7:31am
Subject: Recap: Turn 3.14
    The Guardians and the soldiers successfully make it into the compound
with no interference. As they make their way to the brig to deposit the
"prisoners" they pass many other soldiers and scientific types. All of
them are implanted with the alien devices.
> "This is just like when Luke and Han infiltrated the Death Star," says
> "What the hell are you talking about?" asks Captain Marvel.
> "Never mind. It's a 20th century thing, you wouldn't understand."
> "Both of you be quiet." chastises the Huntress.
> They reach the brig and lock up the prisoners. They look for Prowler,
but he isn't there.
> Ortega asked the guard on duty what became of the prisoner that had
come in the week before (you all filled him in on the Prowler
> The guard states that the prisoner was taken to > research lab number
234, for further study.
> " Thanks," says Ortega and buries the butt of his M-16 in the guards
face. The guard falls unconscious and Ortega pulls the mind control
device out of his neck. He grabs the keys and unlocks his men. To his
men he says, "You boys stay put here. One of you swap clothes with the
guard and pose as him. Fill him in on whats going on when he wakes up.
We are going to the lab. If we are captured we should be brought back
here, where you all we just let us out again. If we need any back up
I'll radio you. Until then maintain radio silence."
> They then proceed in the direction of the lab.
> ***********************************************
After freeing himself from the bonds, Prowler moves slowly (using his
stealth ability to avoid waking the guard) about the compound in search
of a sharp object. When he finds one, he sneaks up on the guard and,
practicing his zen mind calming techniques (so as to avoid any
telepathic signal to the creature), he plunges the sharp object into the
base of the creatures skull, while using the creatures own cloak to
stuff where he believes there is a mouth (he did hear them talking after
all). If the creature dies, he dons the robe and takes a quick but
closer look at his surroundings.

> Prowler plunges a scalpel-like instrument into the creatures neck as
he holds the hood over it's mouth. It's feet kick frantically as it goes
into it's death throws. Finally it slumps down in the chair, dead.
> He pulls the cloak off of the creature. What he > sees amazes and
disgusts him at the same time.
> The creature has a long face, tapered at both ends, though pointier
towards the mouth, almost beak-like. The eyes are pure black, small and
reptilian. It is hairless and has bluish-white skin that is lined with
veins. It is very tall, about seven feet, and has corded muscles that
are similar to a very thin human. It has three toes that remind Prowler
of an Ostrich's feet and three fingers with opposable thumb.
> Prowler quickly puts on the robe, which is slightly too long for him
and begins to search the room. It was definitely some type of lab.
Genetic in nature. He is sure of that, but the writing and many of the
instruments are beyond his ability to understand. " I guess Captain
America's story might hold some water after all," he muses.
> His hearing alerts him to the sound of a group of people approaching.
> quickly puts the alien body on the table and covers it with a sheet
and hides himself behind the door, scalpel in hand.
> The door opens and a group of five soldiers walk into the room. He
recognizes four (or is it three? I can't remember if Prowler has met the
Huntress yet) of them by their scent, it is the Guardians. the other he
is unsure of. He kicks he door closed and says, "Looking for me?" as he
pulls back his hood. [ OK we will just assume that you al fill each
other in n what has happened since you last aw each other. What you need
to do now is figure out a plan of action, before you are discovered.
DUH..... BTW, if Cappy sees the alien he will be flooded with memories
of his own time. he will remember that the aliens are called

After the heroes catch up on their respective adventures since last they
met, Captain Marvel pulls the sheet back revealing the dead alien.
Bright orange blood has pooled around the creature's head from where
Prowler inserted the scalpel. The sight of the alien unlocks memories
from Marvel's unconscious mind, and he remembers details of his former
life--details that will someday never happen, he hopes.


Captain Vale hid behind the computer console with his A7 autorifle. He
was in the basement of what was once the Pentagon, but now served as the
Xargothian headquarters. He quietly duckwalked around the console until
he could see the alien that operated it. This was a communication
console. Vale knew this because he remembered it from before the
invasion. Killing the alien with his rifle would bring down a hundred
guards, and he would be killed or worse. He placed his rifle gingerly on
the tiled floor and drew his knife. At the sound of the blade's tip
clearing the metal scabbard, the alien turned around. Vale lunged at him
and shoved the knife into the alien's chest.

The creature, standing easily seven feet tall, screamed from the pain
and threw Vale aside. Vale fell against a large computer server,
stunned. The creature lurched toward the communication switch, bright
orange blood spurting from the knife wound. It hit a button and began
speaking its strange tongue into the mic when Vale struck it from behind
with the knife again, this time in the base of the skull. The creature
let out a gurgle and slumped to the floor. Vale could hear other alien
voices speaking through the com-link. He knew others would now be on
their way. He had to hurry.
He activated the vault door that this chamber guarded, and entered into
the laboratory beyond, A7 held ready. Inside were four more aliens
dressed in white robes. Vale shot them dead where they stood. Before
him, in the center of the lab, was the Temporal Annex Chamber.

He closed the lab door and blasted the lock. Then he went to the Chamber
Control Computer. He drew a floppy disk from his pocket and inserted it.
Instantly the Temporal Annex Chamber came online. Vale looked at the
readout, and saw that the Chamber was set on the year

Vale then inserted another floppy, this one containing his physiological
information. Without this, Vale's body would not be reassembled
correctly when he reached his destination. As the computer scanned the
disk, Vale set an explosive device on the floor and activated it. The
device contained a thermonuclear charge that would disintegrate the
Pentagon and everything else within a half a mile. He flipped the
switch, and the device began its short countdown. Then he strapped
himself into the seat and activated the Temporal Annex Chamber. As the
Chamber began its cycle, and the bomb counted down, the aliens began
cutting through the vault door. The bomb was still at four seconds when
they got through, and the chamber was just beginning to activate. The
first alien through saw Vale in the Chamber, and just as his body was
pulled into the empyreal realm between time and space, the alien blasted
the control computer.

Marvin Vale remembered nothing more.
[end flashback]

"The aliens call themselves Xargothians," said Captain Marvel. "I
remember now." Some corner of Captain Marvel's mind opened up, and a
flood of memories came back.

"We have to get out of here," said Huntress. "They won't take long to
figure out what's happened. "

"Bring'em on," said Ice, who was feeling much better in the air
conditioned Area 51 base.

Captain Marvel then said, "I think we should try to liberate this place.
We should tell the military what has happened here so they can come in
and clean house." Captain Marvel felt hatred well up in him or the
aliens as he remembered what they did, or would eventually do, to earth.

"So are we going to liberate the area by debugging the men? oder was?"
asks Iceman.

Shockwave occupies his time by picking lint out of his belly button. He
never cared much for plotting and planning, he mainly liked to hit
things. Besides all of that the lint was fascinating. How did it get
there? He never could understand that.
Date: Sat Sep 30, 2000 2:42am
Subject: Recap: Turn 3.15
    > > > > "I think it would be impossible to manually deactivate each of
the mind
> > > control devices. There are way too many soldiers.
> >
Plus we have no idea how many aliens are here and whether or not the
devices are being
> > > monitored. Though so far it doesn't appear that they are. Maybe
that is
> > > just what they want us to think, " says the
> > Huntress.
> > >
> > >
Ortega says. "I'm not going to risk trying to get someone on the radio
from in here. The transmission could be intercepted. Besides who the
hell would believe me? There are military protocols for situations like
this and they all involve nuclear weaponry. I don't know about all of
you , but I'm not quite ready to die yet. I think that if we free
enough soldiers on our own, we may be able to retake this place. If it
> > looks like it's not going to work, then I'll call in the Bomb."
> > >
> > >
" I think I may have a possible solution to our
> > predicament," states Prowler, ever since we first encountered these
mind control devices I have noticed an ultrasonic frequency about them.
> >
This entire place is buzzing with such sounds. I thought it was just
signals being sent from
> > > the device to the human host. I was half right.
> >
Their is another barely detectable sound that I didn't notice until
just now. I think it is a
> > > signal being sent from somewhere here in this compound to each of
the individual devices. A master control, I presume. It stands to reason
that if I can locate the master control and we disable it, then the
soldiers, and anyone else under Xargothian control, will be freed from
their influence."
> > >
> > > Captain Marvel has another one of those weird
> > temporal moments, " I
> > knew
> > > when I first met you that you would somehow play a
> > vital role in
> > this
> > > conflict Prowler. I think this is it."
> > >
> > > "Sounds like a plan," says Iceman. "Lets do it."
> > >
> > > " Do what?, " asks Shockwave staring intently at a
> > huge piece of
> > > bellybutton lint that he had pulled out earlier.
> > How does that shit
> > get
> > > there?
> > >
"Never mind," says Huntress.
> > >
> > > The group makes sure that their disguises will
> > still suffice, and
> > leave
> > > the room in search of the master control.
> > >
> > > As they make their way down the corridor, they
> > hear a high pitched
> > > screeching sound. Captain Marvel recognizes it as
> > a Xargothian
> > > battle/distress cry.
> > >
> > > They look behind them and see a large Xargothian
> > standing in the
> > open
> > > doorway of the lab they had just left. It is
> > holding a nasty looking
> > > firearm in it's hand and is looking about
> > furiously along the
> > corridor.
> > > It appears it just opened the door and discovered
> > it's dead
> > comrade.
> > > The alien sees the group heading away from the lab
> > and begins
> > calling
> > > after them in it's strange hissing/click language.
> > Presumably
> > ordering
> > > them to stop.
> > >
> > > The alien's distress cry is answered by others in
> > the distance and
> > the
> > > sound of running feet can be heard coming their
> > way. A LOT of them.
> > >
> > > [If you engage with the aliens, they are all armed
> > with laser-like
> > > weaponry. Any mind-controlled soldiers will be
> > armed with standard
> > > military hardware.]
> >
Captain Marvel sees the alien down the hall roar its battle cry, and
he is brought back to the future. He stands on a wasted battlefield.
The Xargothians have just landed their shock troops after having
obliterated hundreds of american, russian, and chinese jets. Captain
Vale stands at the head of his company of special forces, his A7
blasting at the advancing alien troops. . . .

Captain Marvel stands in the hallway in the Area 51 base.

Prowler says: "I think I should duck out of here and try to find that
mind-control device. What do you think? Can you hold them off?"

Captain Marvel answers Prowler's question. "Yes, we can hold them off.
Try to find that
transmitter and take it out." He quickly pulls off his weapon harness
and gives it to Prowler. The harness has three grenades and extra
clips for the M16, which Marvel also hands over to Prowler.

Captain Marvel then takes off flying down the hallway toward the alien,
fists outstretched. He flies full force into the alien....

[Does icecream not have some type of darkness to impede others sight if
so he
would like to exercise such on the area being advanced upon by said
if not then he should like to place extremely low temperatures in same
area.if this has no effect i should like to pulvarize them (if possible
aliens only) with shards of ice,all the while ofcourse taking every
to insure my safety (within reason ofcourse)]

Shockwave, completely oblivious to the events going on is acting out a
mock wrestling match wiith two pieces of bellybutton lint he has
fashioned into small humanoid forms...."You are no match for me,
Shockwave." voices Shockwave for the lint in his left hand. " Blow it
out your ass, Hogan!" says the lint in the right hand. Shockwave then
has the two lint warriors attack one another, making cheesy sound
effects as they strike at one another.
Date: Tue Oct 10, 2000 9:17am
Subject: Recap:Turn 3.16
    Captain marvel flies full force into the alien standing in the doorway.
The two of them slam into the wall behind the alien and Cap hears a
satisfying crunch, his hands continue through the alien's body and into
the wall behind him. He is splattered with orange blood as he pulls his
hands free.
>A large group of Xargothians,[about 20 of them] rounds the corner and
opens fire with laser-like energy weapons upon the group [they are on
the opposite end of the corridor of Prowler-he will be running away from
them not towards them].
>"Take that Hogan! and that! and that !and that!!!! Shockwave screams
as his Shockwave lint-warrior takes the upper hand in his mock wresting
>He is caught comp;letely by surprise as several energy beams slam into
his body, one catches him square in the face. The blasts burn like
fire, but don't penetrate his tough hide. The one that hits him in the
face feels like acid being thrown into his eyes. he blinks repeatedly
and quickly finds that..."I'M BLIND!!!!"

>Iceman quickly throws up an icy fog to obscure the aliens aim and
begins to rapidly decrease the temperature in the area where the
Xargothians are located. A few drop to the ground shivering from
exposure and frostbite.

"Must the mighty shockwave have sight to release his mighty shockwave?"
ponders Iceman

Shockwae, still blinded,, runs full force into the twenty or so

Captain Marvel stands in the hallway, blood dripping from his fists.
Further down the hall he sees the effects of Iceman's power as the
aliens collapse from the extreme cold. Fog obscures his vision, but
he does not care. He is in another world.

In his own time, Captain Marvel had wished a thousand times that he
had the upper hand on the aliens. The Xargothians had invaded earth
by storm, and victories had been very rare for earth's forces.
Captain Vale had seen hundreds of his men die at the hands of the
aliens. In those days he had been just a normal person, and he had
been powerless against the superior technology of the invaders. But
now the table was turned.

Still half in a flashback, Captain Marvel clenches his bloody fists
and howls a challenge to the aliens down the hall. He is enraged. He
flies straight into the cold mist, his laser vision sweeping ahead of
him to do as much damage to the aliens as possible. Then he is among
them. With ferocity that comes from a lifetime of fear and hatred, he
tears into the aliens with his bare hands and his laser vision,
lashing out in all directions against his enemies.
[Keith, Captain marvel is in a frenzied state. He is ignoring his own
defense in order to kill or maim as many aliens as possible. He is
combining laser vision attacks with fist and kick attacks,
knockbacks, whatever is appropriate to the closed hand-to-hand
combat. He is flying during the entire process. If he can't see
through the fog, he spreads his laser vision until he hears or sees
it hit, then flies straight through whatever alien his laser vision
struck (thus using his laser vision to target in the fog). He tries
not to shoot his comrades with his laser vision, keeping it toward
this end of the corridor.

>Prowler, armed with the weapons Cap gave him, takes off in the opposite
direction, heading for the source of the mind control signal. It is hard
to hear it over the sounds of the combat and he must concentrate.
>"Wait up," he hears the Huntress say "We are coming with you" Prowler
is joined by the Huntress and Captain Ortega. "You might need some
backup." she says.
>The three of them make their way down the corridor as quickly as
possible without drawing undue attention to themselves. As they round
another corner they see a large group of mind controlled soldiers headed
their way.
>"You guys handle these soldiers," says Prowler," I am going to try and
get past them and get to that sound. [even though
there are several of them, prowler will try to get by. he may have to
use a fighting retreat (so to speak)]

He waits until the others engage and then will make his move.

[Picture a "U" shape, where each part of the U is a hallway. The group
is curently at the bottom of the U or the South end. The lab door is in
the same hallway you all are currently in on the Northern section of it,
towards the Western hallway. CAp is very near the corner to the western
hallway, that the aliens have just come around. These are the ones that
are opening fire and currently being fought against.

Prowler, Huntress, and Ortega are on the opposite end. They have just
rounded the corner of Eastern Hallway and see the soldiers heading in
the direction of the group.

All of the doorways are on the innermost part of the U shape, if that
makes any simce. There is only one other doorway in the hallway you all
are in. It is located along the same wall as the lab door,but towards
the Eastern end of the Souhern hallway.

In short you are being set upon on both sides, with no visible means of
escape, unless the other doorway is an exit, which it isn't]
Date: Sun Oct 15, 2000 2:54am
Subject: REcap: Turn 3.17
    [yes, I screwed up the numbering of the posts.]

From: maxxlingo2@w... (maxxlingo)
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 01:14:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: REcap: Turn 3.16

Marvel is on the verge of a berserker rage as he flies into the midst of
the Xargothians. He feels the temperature drop as he draws near them. He
cannot see through he icy fog created by Iceman but the aliens are
standing close enough to one another that it doesn't matter. He grabs
the closest one and throws him into the others, he blasts with his laser
vision, he kicks, he punches, and it is good. His bloodlust is in full
force as he hears Shockwave entering the fray.

Shockwave wasn't sure what had zapped him, but he could hear the sounds
of battle ahead in the hallway. Not being one to turn down a scrap,
Shockwave charges into the melee. He hears blasters, being shot, and
occasionally a few strike him. They sting, but this only makes him
angrier. He flails wildly with his huge fists and strikes down several
opponents. It is very cold in this battle. Shockwave has n o idea why.
As shockwave continues the onslaught.......he will occasionaly throw his
fists down to the earth for a trade mark "Shockwave" just to throw them
off guard.

He will cosistantly mix his attacks up as much as possible.

Iceman continues to maintain his Ice fog and lower the temperature. More
aliens drop from he extreme cold. The coldness doesn't seem to be
slowing down Captain Marvel or Shockwave, so he keeps it up.
Occasionally a stray alien runs from the fog and Iceman shoots him with
his Ice blast.

Iceman would like to open up on the beings we're currently engaging,
with my patented and deadly icicle missles.

When Captain Marvel hears Shockwave enter the fray, he is fully brought
back to reality (rather than in half-flashback mode). To keep from
harming his comrade, he spreads his heat vision when he uses it, knowing
that the reduced penetration of the weakened beam will not penetrate
Shockwave's hide but will still allow Cap to locate the aliens. He moves
through the aliens like a wolf among sheep, tearing limbs from their
bodies and beating them with the bloody stumps. He catches one of the
Xargothians from behind and twists his head clean off his shoulders,
then hurls the severed head at another alien, spoiling his aim as he
prepared to blask Shockwave with his puny blaster. Captain Marvel and
Shockwave pummel and beat the aliens until the floor is slick with
orange blood and body parts.

"This is for the 13th company, whom you slaughtered after they
surrendered!" he yells as he punches his fist straight through one
Xargothian who had never heard of the 13th company. "and this is for..."
and so on. . . .

Captain Marvel is still highly pissed, since there are still aliens
standing. He intends to kill them all, and will not allow them to
surrender unless it is just one whom they can torture for information.
Marvel HATES the aliens. And secretly fears them.

"Good luck Prowler," he thinks between dealing killing blows.

[It isn't clear how many aliens are left at this point, but there are
still plenty left to keep you occupied for awhile]
Captain Ortega steps out in front of the oncoming soldiers, " As
commanding officer, I order you to stand down!" he shouts.

The soldiers stop their advance, and seem to ponder this for a moment
and then they open fire. Ortega jumps back behind the safety of the
corner. " It was worth a shot," he mutters .

" Allow me," says the Huntress, and fires off two quarrels from her
handheld crossbows. The three of them see a bright flash of light from
the corridor the soldiers are in as the fist quarrel hits. "Magnesium
bolt, " she explains. Then a hissing sound is heard and the sound of
coughing soldiers fills the corridor. "Tear gas bolt, " she says.

Ortega hands Prowler a gas mask which he quickly puts on and charges
through the group of blind and hacking soldiers. They are too concerned
about their own welfare to take much notice of him and he makes it
through with little incident.

He sticks to the shadows and tracks the sound to what appears to be a
large hanger located off of the building he is currently in.

He hides behinds some crates across the closed entryway o he hanger to
get a better view of the hanger. the hanger doors slowly slide open and
two robed Xargothians walk out an make their way along an adjacent
hallway. Prowler darts into the hanger as the doors close behind him.

It is very dark inside the hanger, but Prowler's infrared vision quickly
adjusts to he change. In the center of the hanger sits a large disc
shaped spacecraft [It is about the size of the Millennium Falcon]. The
spacecraft lets of an eerie glow from it's many lights. Prowler is
unable to tell if anyone is onboard the craft , but there are four
Xargothians standing guard outside of it. Two of the guard are standing
on either side of the catwalk that leads into the craft, and the other
two are patrolling the perimeter of the craft.

The ultrasonic sound is definitely being emitted from the
spacecraft. It
is almost deafening to Prowler's hypersensitive hearing.

[Remember that you are armed with an M-16 and a some hand grenades.]

Prowler spends a bit of time noticing whether the guards notice him. He
is not aware of what kind of senses these creatures have. As he stands
still, he tries to look the ship over, hoping that he can spot an
entrance of some sort, or something that woulld be an ideal place to put
a grenade.

If the aliens do not see him, he begins to creep closer to the two who
are further from him. He is trying to move toward the ship in such a way
that none of the aliens would have a direct line of sight on him. As he
moves, he pulls the m16 to his shoulder. He might hit two of them at
once, hoping taht he can reduce his foe to two, and perhaps take the
others out when they round the ship. However it depends on if he sees a
proverbial exhaust pipe within which to stick a grenade.

Date: Sun Oct 22, 2000 7:40am
Subject: Recap:Turn 3.18
    Iceman drops his fog and cold field and begins firing icicle missiles at
the Xargothians. Several are fatally impaled b the icy daggers,
shrieking inhuman curses in their alien tongue.

With the fog lifted Captain Marvel , is now able to perceive his sworn
enemies and it fills him with revulsion and hatred. Images of battles
yet to be fought flood his mind in a torrent and he exacts his bloody
revenge with savage brutality. All of the fighting techniques he had
acquired fighting with the Resistance are forgotten as he mauls his
opponents with his bare hands. The smell of burning flesh fills the
corridor as he unleashes his heat vision.

Shockwave's sight is slowly returning, he can see vague outlines of his
opponents now. He sees another group of Xargothian Warriors coming to
the aide of their comrades and he quickly slams his fists upon the
ground, sending the alien reinforcements spiralling into the air.

Captain Marvel keeps on fighting, assuming there are more aliens to
attack. When they are all gone, he will regroup with ice and shockwave
and try to locate huntress and ortega (mmm, those taco shells) and
eventually prowler

"dido" says Shockwave, inexplicably.

Prowler creeps closer to the ship , taking care that none of the
Xargohian guards notice him.

Taking aim with the M-16 he sets it to automatic and unloads a full clip
into the two guarding the entryway of the ship. They are nearly cut in
half by the blast and Prowler quickly crosses the distance between
himself and the ship, loading a new clip as he runs.

The other two Xargohians are quick to respond and open fire with their
blasters. Prowler dances between the blasts with inhuman dexterity, and
bounds up the catwalk leading into the ship.

He finds himself in a room that appears to contain several coffin-like
modules. With the other two aliens on his tail he doesn't have time to
inspect them, but suspects that they are probably suspended animation

Prowler quickly hides behind one of them and waits for the two aliens
to come into the room. They enter cautiously, allowing only one to move
further into the room as the other covers him.

They repeat this pattern
several times, moving ever nearer to Prowler as they slowly inspect the
room. One of them talks into a communication device. No doubt calling
for backup.

Prowler knew that he had to dispatch them quickly, find a way to
disable the master control, which was somewhere onboard the ship, and
flee before the Xargothian reinforcements arrived.

As they creep closer, Prowler shoots at both of them.
If they go down, he then concentrates to see if he can
pick out the precise location of the sound. When he
finds it, he places two grenades gingerly next to the
device, carefully pulls the pins in both of them, and
runs out of the ship as fast as he can, heading for
the crates he was hiding behind. IN a word, he blows
the mother fucker up!
Date: Fri Nov 3, 2000 2:22am
Subject: Fwd: Turn 3.19
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 07:21:22 -0000
From: maxxlingo2@w...
To: maxxlingo2@w...
Subject: Fwd: Turn 3.19
User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82

--- In, maxxlingo2@w... wrote:
With the two Xargothian guards nearly on top of him, Prowler opens fire
with his M-16, the one closest to him goes down in a shower of bullets.
The other takes a defensive position behind one of the many cryogenic
tanks in the room. Prowler shoots at the darkened glass atop the tank
and it shatters ,releasing freezing gas into the alien's face. As the
alien stands up screaming, Prowler finishes him off with the remainder
of his clip. He was now down to just one clip and two hand grenades.

He calms his mind and focuses his attention on finding the source of
the ultrasonic signal. It seemed to be coming from somewhere above him
in the ship.

After a quick search Prowler finds a ladder that leads up to the next
level of the ship. Climbing up he finds himself in what is no doubt the
bridge of the ship. The sound was coming from an orbed shaped piece of
machinery in the center of the room. Prowler places the two grenades on
either side of it, pulls the pins, and runs like hell.

He hears the explosions from inside he ship as he dives behind the
crates he was initially hiding behind. The ultrasonic frequency was no
longer heard, but a series of explosions was. The grenades had set off
somesort of chain reaction in the ship. Prowler dashes for the hanger
door and opens it just wide enough to slip through as the whole ship
explodes. The hanger door is blasted from it's hinges and goes careening
across the corridor, smashing into the opposite wall with a metallic

Prowler begins sprinting back towards his companions as the alarms begin
to sound.

Captain Marvel, Shockwave and Iceman are still in the thick of it. More
and more Xargothians were showing up, and the trio would soon be
overwhelmed by their sheer numbers.

Alarms began sounding, and the sound of rushing feet and automatic
weaponfire could be heard coming from the opposite end of the hall.

The three Guardians were soon joined in their fight by the Huntress,
Captain Ortega and a large group of soldiers.

"Prowler must have disabled the device!"shouts the Huntress," these boys
are on our side now."

Ortega is shouting orders into his radio, trying to coordinate attacks
within the compound and get a sense of the overall situation. The sounds
of battle can be heard ringing from every direction in the compound as
the freed soldiers quickly turn on their alien captors.

With the help of he soldiers the tide is quickly turned and the
Xargothians beat a hasty retreat dow the hallway. A detachment of
soldiers is sent in pursuit, with a another unit closing in from the
opposite direction.

Hours later, the compound is now safely back under the control of the US
military. No aliens were left alive and all of the devices have been
removed from the soldiers.

Captain Ortega approaches the Guardians and Prowler(who joined in the
"Of course I don't need to remind you al that this never happened.
Plausible deniability and all of that. If the US public ever larned that
there were alien forces trying to take over the world, their would be
mass chaos,"says Ortega

" That said, we owe all of you a hell of a lot. You risked your asses
and saved us from a potentiall worlwide clusterfuck. I'd give you all
medals of honor if it were up to me. Unfortanatelly you are going to
have to be unsung heroes on this one. If you ever need any favors, don't
hesitate to give me a call."

[What you guys do from here is up to you. This is the end of the first
story-arc. It only took 11 months :)

BTW, Bry asks that all of the non-gaming posts be kept to a minimum, he
has a hard time focusing on this due to an a advanced case of ADD
brought on by years of drug use ]
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