From: (maxxlingo)
Date:  Sat Feb 26, 2000  4:26 pm
Subject:  [the_guardians_pbem] Recap: Turn 2.0

*Whatever you guys do, it sounds as if you need to do it quick* says the
Soldier [Use these things ** to denote commlink communication rather
than quotation marks].

* From the description of the woman it sounds like we are dealing with
Femme Fatale, she is one mean bitch and won't hesitate to kill those
hostages to get her way. You guys should take her out first, she is the
most dangerous, and if she is out of the equation, then the hostages
will be freed from her telekinesis.. Wild child is a sadistic freak, who
gets his jollies from pain, he doesn't care if it's on the receiving or
giving end either*

O'Leary says to Iceman ,"We can get the limo ready if you want us to. We
need to do something quick or this is going to turn into a massacre."

Captain Marvel speaks into his commlink: *"Prowler, is there any way you
can get your self captured by them and become a hostage? If we give them
a limo, they can only take a few hostages. I know this isn't exactly
what you had in mind when you came along, but protecting those hostages
is number one on our list, and if you can be a hostage, that means one
less civilian in danger. and it means we have a man on the inside.

*"Here's what I have in mind."* Cap speaks so O'leary can hear his
plan, too. *"We give them a limo to limit the number of hostages they
can take. After they leave here, we follow from a distance. Prowler, you
should take off your comlink and hide it somewhere, turned off. when you
turn it back on, that will be Ice and my signal to attack them. Prowler,
Femme Fatale is the most dangerous, and if you can attack her, you might
break her telekinesis on the hostages. She will have TK on you as well,
likely, but she might not be able to keep it up forever. If you get a
shot at her, take it, and signal us. One of us (Ice or me) could even
try to hide under the car. I guess it should be me since I can fly
beneath it."*

*"Does anybody have any suggesstions? O'leary, where did they want the
plane to be?"*

Ice Asks**is the first attack to be coordinated on Femme Fatale and then
maybe an icewall between captives and captors. I could also set up an
icy fog to confuse th e bad guys*

Prowler replies *I will get myself captured, you do the rest. However,
I will leave the comm-link hear, to avoid their taking notice of it when
they undoubtedly search me. You will know my signal when I give it,
over and out.* With that he switches off his comm-link and moves to the
vent nearest the robbers. He leaves his mask behind as well, and is
clothed fully in civilian garb. He gets close to the vent and peers
out. Calling up his skills of disguise and espionage techniques, he
makes use of a technique that Brownloe taught him--the obvious. With
that he starts to whimper like a baby. He begins to shake violently,
trembling with fear. "oh my god! he utters. "must remain quiet....
Keeeep hid..den. Stay hid...den. [though all of this is uttered with
fear in his voice, he says it loud enough that one of the machine
gunners takes notice of him--the one that is nearest to the vent].
"Re...main qu...iet, shhh." He continues to do this, while remaining
quiet, but also while failing to remain quiet enough. He wants to be
heard [as i am sure you get]

From: (maxxlingo)
Date:  Sun Mar 5, 2000  9:33 am
Subject:  [the_guardians_pbem] REcap:Turn 2.1

Prowler's whimperings are heard by the gunmen as planned. "Somebody is
in the vent, " one of them says. Wild Child perks up at this
announcement and dashes toward the vent with a sadistic grin on his
face. "Ahhhh.....Fresh meat!" he says from fanged teeth. He rips the
vent cover off with his two lower arms and grabs hold of Prowler with
his two upper ones and hauls him out of the vent.
He is quickly searched by Wild Child who finds nothing of interest on
him, but Wild Child keeps sniffing the air. "He smells like an animal,
he might be a meta. I like metas. their blood tastes sweet." he says as
drool slides down his chin.
Prowler is quickly snatched up by Femme Fatales TK and placed with the
other hostages in the windowfront. [ It feels as though your arms are
pinned to your torso, like a very strong rope. Your legs seem to be free
of her power]
A short time later a limo pulls up in front of the bank. The driver gets
out and opens the door facing the bank.
"Looks like our ride is here. Let's go Boys," says Femme Fatale.
The hostages are floated out in a circle around the robbers. A small
opening is made to allow them to enter the car. Once all of the crooks
are inside ,the hostages are made to float in a circle around the
outside of the limo as it starts up and begins to pull away.
O'Leary agrees to the plan and gives orders to have the limo pull to the
front of the bank.
Captain Marvel flies silently underneath the limo, tucked as snugly as
possible against the underside of the vehicle so as not to be seen.
Iceman watches from out of sight, waiting for some signal from Prowler.
He sees another hostage appear in the window and figures that it is
Prowler in his civilian guise.He realizes as the limo starts up and the
hostages are surrounding the car that things weren't going as planned.
**Houston we may have a problem. The hostages are all being taken. They
are floating on the outside of the car. Repeat all of the hostages are
leaving with the bank robbers**

Captain Marvel hears Iceman's warning. He whispers into the commlink:
*This is bad, Ice. Prowler isn't going to get a shot at Femme Fatale
while he's hung outside the car. She isn't letting up on that TK of
hers. I intend to stay hidden here under the car until it stops. When
Femme Fatale sets one of her feet on the ground, I will try to disrupt
her concentration. Try to follow out of sight. Once they know we are
here, we have to act quickly to save the hostages. Cap out.*

* Roger that* says Iceman

Prowler dangles uselessly in the air. What have i gotten myself into,
he thinks. He kicks his feet.

From: (maxxlingo)
Date:  Sun Mar 19, 2000  5:23 pm
Subject:  [the_guardians_pbem] Recap:Turn 2.2

I already regret having to fuck with you. You are a killer of innocent
people. But now you face the Guardians," replies Captain Marvel. He
continues flying straight up, and (still holding her by the ankle) he
lifts Femme Fatale so that her face is at boot level. He then kicks her
straight in the chin. [O Great ST, Cap doesn't want to kill her, but he
doesn't want to take any chances on her remaining conscious. So he
kicks her pretty damn hard, certainly enough to break her jaw,
hopefully enough to knock her out colder than a mackeral.
[If that knocks her out, then Cap will fly her back down to the fight
below, and when he gets there he will drop her from a few feet onto the
ground, and say to the gunmen, "Throw down your weapons and surrender,
or face the consequences!"
[If that doesn't knock her out, he will strike her again, in whatever
way is most convenient (kick, punch, etc.). Cap doesn not intend to
return to the fight below until she is out, unless something drastic
happens below (like wild child guts prowler... heh heh heh...).

Prowler, standing atop the limo, sees that the hostages are in relative
safety. He leaps over the icewall to confront the gunmen and Wild Child.

Prowler intends to use the nearest gunman as a vault when he comes down,
and use his momentum to reach Wild Child and attack him. If the rules
allow Prowler to attack both the gunman and Wild Child, he does so. If
not, he uses just movement (acrobatics?) to get past the gunmen and
attack Wild Child with his martial arts--a flying kick, perhaps
landing atop Wild Child. He does not sacrifice his defense to do this,
since Wild Child is armed. For the following rounds, Prowler will fight
Wild Child, while also keeping an eye on any gunmen who might attack
him. If too many attack him, he will forego attacking to keep from
getting shot or stabbed
(like dodging in champions)

Iceman will attempt to ice up some of the gunmen.

From: (maxxlingo)
Date:  Sun Mar 26, 2000  12:43 am
Subject:  [the_guardians_pbem] Recap: Turn 2.3

Captain Marvel delivers a kick to Femme Fatale's chin, but he misjudged
the blow and it isn't as solid as he would have liked. The villainess
remains conscious, albeit just barely. "Is that all you've got? " she
screams. Cap notices a srange glow in front of his face as his head is
encased in a telekinetic force bubble. It suddenly becomes difficult to

Captain Marvel marvels at his inaccuracy. "Forgot to compensate for the
wind," he jokes to himself. Realizing that his enemy is trying to
suffocate him, he lets fly another kick to her chin.

Prowler flips over the heads of the gunmen and lands a flying sidekick
into Wild Child's chest. The kick sends his opponent flying backwards
into the pavement nearly ten feet away. Wild Child immediately regains
his feet and charges Prowler with knives flashing and a ferious growl.

Prowler does a flying roundhouse kick, attempting to hit wild child in
the head.
2a.  If he hits, then he pounces on wildchild, and tries to pummel him
into unconsciousness
2b.  if he misses, he puts his next action into a dodge (if possible)
3a.  He laughs in an eerie tone "Come on, fat boy!

Iceman encases the gunmen closest to Prowler in a block of ice
immobolizing him. Leaving four more gunmen to go.

Iceman attempts to build a wall of ice around the remaining four gunmen
to isolate them from attacking.

[who else wishes Micah would get back online?]

From: (maxxlingo)
Date:  Sun Apr 2, 2000  8:08 am
Subject:  [the_guardians_pbem] Recap: Turn 2.4

Captain Marvel lands a solid kick to the head of Femme Fatale and she
slumps ino unconsciousness. the telekietic bubble around his head
immediately disappears. He makes his way back to the battlefield below.

Prowler delivers a spinning roundhouse kick to Wild Child's midsection
just as he was about to pounce. The blow should have taken out all, but
the toughest opponenets. Wild Child merely laughs and continues his
attack, his four arms creating a deadly whirlwind of knives about him.
'This guy is GOOD,' thinks Prowler as he barely evades two knife slashes
aimed at him.

Iceman manages to create an icewall around the remainig four gunmen.
They immediately open fire with their M-16's on the ice walll and break
free. Captain Marvel apppearsa few feet above them, dropping Femme Fatal
to the pavement he says. "Drop your weapons and surrender, or face the

The thugs seem to consider this for a moment then think better of it,
"Screw you, Fly Boy!" one says and they all open fire upon the Captain.

Captain Marvel will attempt to use his heat vision to disarm the gunmen
by superheating their guns, possibly causing the bullets within the
clips to explode. (keith, i know this is a stunt. if getting all four
guns is too hard, he will only do one or two guns. if he has a
reasonable chance of getting three or four, he will try that (it depends
i guess on how close together the gunmen are).]
if any gunmen turn on hostages, cap focuses on them.

Prowler does a flying, jumping, roundhouse spinning back kick to Wild
Child's head, with the hope of rendering him unconscious.

If he hits him, and knocks him unconscious, he proceeds to move to the

If he misses, he tries to dodge the knife attacks.

Iceman attempts to encase the gunmen in ice rather than surroud them
with it. "It's hard to pull a trigger when you are frozen stiff", he

Date:  Mon Apr 10, 2000  9:06 pm
Subject:  Recap: Turn 2.5

M-16 shells bounce harmlessly off of Captain Marvel. He squints his
eyes and unleashes his heat vision on one of the M-16's. The superheated
shells explode in their clip, sending flying shrapnel and live
ammunition everywhere. The four gunmen are gravely injured, and bleeding
profusely. The one who was holding the gun when it exploded looks
expecially bad.
Thinking quickly Iceman encases the thugs in ice. This serves a twofold
purpose. One it makes sure they don't re-enter the fray, and two it will
hopefully staunch some of the bleeding until proper medical attention
can arrive.
Wild Child is momentarily distracted by the explosion, and Prowler
presses his attack. His kick catches Wild Child squarely in the mouth. A
spray of blood and teeth are sent flying from the villains mouth before
his unconscious form hits the ground.
With the situation contained, the police move in quickly as do the
paramedics. Iceman dissolves his ice wall from around the former
hostages so that they can be checked out by the medics. The medics
advise leaving the gunmen encased in ice until they reach a hospital.
The Media quickly swarms the area and begins shouting a barrage of
questions at the heroes:
[Remember Bry you are in street clothes and not wearing a mask-you would
have time to blend in with the other hostages or something before the
newscasters make it all of the way out to the battlefield. ]

Prowler blends in among the hostages, and quickly
tries to make his escape, if he can. If not, he
haunches over, looking injured, so a medic will grab
him and put him in an ambulance.

"Do you feel your involvement contributed the the death of the hostage
at the bank?"
"How do you feel about your performance on this mission?"
" Do you have anything you like to say to the viewers at home?"
"How does it feel to seriously maim four men?'
"How do you think this new version of the Guardians compares to the
original team?"
"Captain Marvel, are the reports true that Pamela Anderson is pregnant
with your child? Do you plan on making an honest woman out of her?"
"Who do you plan on voting for?"
"Is that your final answer?"

Iceman, hearing the questions of the press, decides to make a quick
exit: "Looks like they need me in the ambulance gang--sorry!" With
that, he slides across the pavementon on his ice-slide away from the
media members, leaving Captain Marvel alone with them. They quickly
press in, shoving their mics and asking [the above] questions.
"Woah, hold on a minute. As to the maiming, I wish there had been
another way. The guardians are not here to hurt anybody. But when
people are willing to murder innocent hostages just to make a point,
we can't afford to take chances. The paramedics seem to believe the
injured gunman will pull through. I just wish I could say the same
the victims of this tragedy. And on that subject, I do have something
to say to the viewers at home. I am sorry. We did our best. We will
try to do better. We are, after all, only human.
"And I have no comment on my involvement with Pamela Anderson."
With that, Cap takes to the sky, the wind from his departure playing
havoc with the hair of the reporters. ("Damn it, how did they know
about Pamela and me? This thing has got to end. But, Christ, that
body...") thinks Cap.
[Back at Channel 13 Studios...]
"Well, you heard it here first on Channel 13 News. I'm Lotta Mund.
Captain Marvel all but admitted that Pamela Anderson was having his
love child. Here to discuss this important event, we have as our
Dr. Wulfburg Hochberg of the Munich Institute of Paranormal
Psychology, or MIPP. Also joining us, via satellite from New York, is
Lucy Cullingus, expert on parapsychology and author of the new book,
"Oh My God I'm Having a Super Baby." Completing our panel this
is Great Blue XII, the semi-artificial intelligent computer who
successfully predicted the break-up of Arnold Schwarzenegger and
Shriver, and who also predicted the break-up of the Backstreet Boys.
Maybe you can shed a little of your precognitive computational light
on this Marvel/Anderson fling. Welcome GB."
GB [in metallic computer voice]: "THANK_YOU_LOTTA_STOP."
Lotta: "To start off our discussion, Let me ask Dr. Hochberg a
question. Dr., How would you characterize Captain Marvel's comment
about Pamela?"
Hochberg: "No, vait, first I vould like to qvestion your ozzer guest,
Mizz Lucy Cunnilingus--"
Lucy: "That's CULLingus--"
Hochberg: "Ya, ya, vatever. Vat makes you sink zat eine degree in
parapsychology qvalifies you to make professional determinations
ze complex psyche of a man like Captain Marvel? After all,
parapsychology has NOSSING to do mit paranormal psychology. NO!? YA!?"
Lucy: "Why you dirty kraut! Who the hell--"
We are experienceing technical difficulties. Please stand by

Date:  Fri Apr 14, 2000  5:12 pm
Subject:  REcap: Turn 2.6

Prowler successfully blends in with the hostages and hops on an
ambulence. When they arrive at the hospital, he quickly disappears from
the area and makes his way back home. It had been a long day and he had
a lot of stuff to think about. Alien conspiracies weren't somethig he
necessarily beleived in, but then agan he never beleived in magic until
he saw it performed in Africa.

Upon returning back to "homebase" aka, The Bookstore
(actual name of the bookstore) Prowler switches on the tv to watch from
a distance the events that just took place.

"Beau, check this out, Captain America seems to be having an affair with
Pamela Anderson. Some heros have all the luck, eh?"

"Indeed they do sir. Indeed they do. I will be turning in for the

"Me too, Beau, though I doubt I can sleep with all the events of the
day looming. Good night."

Karlo switches off the television and heads downstairs to the bookstore.
He removes a book called ROSWELL, and opens it up, wondering if
Captain's stories are true. The first line reads "Abductions occur
every 42 seconds!" Could they really occur?

Clearly Captain has somewhat of an ego problem. Could he be crazy too,
he wonders? Determined to get to the bottom of the story, Karlo
acknowledges silently as he reads that aliens are a possibility. He has
seen strange things throughout his life. What makes this night any
different, he thinks. Determined to get to the bottom of the story, he
dozes off in the plush velvet chair in his downstairs office, thinking
he'd be going to the Guardians Headquarters the next morning.

Captain Marvel soared above the city trying to clear his mind. he had to
fight the urge to give into paranoia. The fact that things were starting
to happen could easily leed him into paranoia. He couldn't afford to
second guess himself whenever a desicion needed to be made. Maybe the
past couldn't be changed. Maybe this is all for nothing. He had to try
and at least hope for the best.

Captain MARVEL flies off from the reporters and returns to the Guard
Tower, where he stays. Changing into civilian clothes, he heads
downstairs toward the underground shuttle. On his way downstairs, he
meets Huntress in the hallway.

"Out for a litle R&R?" she asks.

"Yeah, thought I'd go try to get drunk. My metabolism is so high that
liquor only affects me for a few minutes, so I have to drink really
fast to feel anything. Wanna come?"

"No, I wouldn't want to be a third wheel."

"What do you mean," asks Marvel.

"You know: you and Ms. Boobjob-slash-porn-video-with-tommy-lee.
who you are going to see, isn't it? I saw the news."

"Would I have invited you if I were going to see her?"

"Who the hell knows what kind of kinky stuff you're into, Marv. You
being future-boy and all. Didn't you say there were breeding
requirements in your future?"

"Well, yes, there were. Are. Will be. Hopefully won't be." Marvel had
told Huntress about the Reproduction Plan that had been instituted in
the future to help the population, which was dwindling too quickly in
the struggle against the invaders. The plan required able bodied
males and females to reproduce at maximum rates.

"Well," says Huntress, "I'm not planning to star in any of THOSE
of videos, so you go have fun without me. K?" And with a sarcastic
smile, Huntress continues down the hall. Marv watches her lithe
until she turnes a corner. Just before she disappears, she sneaks a
rear glance and catches him looking at her.

Suddenly Marvel no longer feels like a drink. He walks around the
Guard Tower aimlessly until he finds himself downstairs near the
Danger Room. Deciding to work out some aggression, he goes into the
locker room, changes into workout gear, and sets the computer for one
of his favorite workouts.

"Computer, load program Asswoop-5."

Iceman arrived at the hospital with the paramedics. he had to insure
that the men he encased in ice were thawed out properly or they could go
into shock. He figured he would be here for quite some time. [ I'm
writing Iceman out until Micah gets back online]

Date:  Mon Apr 24, 2000  1:35 pm
Subject:  recap:Turn 2.7

After Captain Marvel wakes and does his morning hygiene, he heads to the
meeting room. The unknown Soldier is already there looking at at
computer monitor.

Noticing Cap's arrival, he says, "I'm glad your here, I've got
something you need to see. You should probably sit down first. It's not

As Cap sits, the soldier plays back a video recorded from the morning
news earlier that day.

"Hello this is Tracy Allbright with your meta-news coverage. As you can
see I am standing in front of the Holy Mother Hospital which just hours
ago was the scene of a superhuman battle.

Reports say that television star Pamela Anderson was admitted last
night with complaints of abdominal pains. Anderson was allegedly
impregnated by the superhero known as Captain Marvel, though the
pregnancy was unconfirmed until just last night. Doctors say that
Anderson was indeed pregnant, but only by 2 weeks.

This is where things get strange, according to the attending physician,
Anderson gave birth to a baby boy last night. She went through an entire
pregnancy in just a few hours. Anderson has been listed in critical
condition do to the physical trauma this accelerated pregnancy caused.

The newborn, which is still unnamed at this point, also grew to
adulthood in just several hours, where it's aging seemed to have
stabilized in the mid twenties.

Upon it's stabilization the "newborn" went on a rampage in the hospital,
causing thousands of dollars worth of damage and putting several staff
members in critical condition.

Things could have been worse if not for the appearance of Iceman who was
already at the hospital due to an unrelated Guardians mission.
The two metahumans battled each other for quite sometime before the
newborn finally vanquished Iceman with his "heat vision" and flew off
for parts unknown.

Iceman is listed as stable, but has been ordered by the doctors to
remain at the hospital for at least 24 hours for observation. The
Guardian known as the Huntress has been present with the Iceman ever
since the team was notified of these occurrences early this morning. She
is maintaining a silent vigil over her comrade and refuses to comment
on the situation.

Pamela Anderson's publicist also couldn't be reached for comment.

On an interesting side note, Tommy Lee, Anderson's ex-husband was quoted
as saying, "This is all Captain Marvel's fault. I hope he is proud of
himself. He may have got to <censored> Pamela, but he has created a
monster in the process. I hope it was worth it. What a <censored>head."

"Back to you, Brad."

The tape ends.

The Soldier looks at Marvel and says, "next time keep it in your pants
or at least use a rubber."

Prowler arrrives at the base as the tape clicks off. "I saw that report
earlier today and came back over as soon as I could. My hypothesis
about the situation is that ,if you really are from the future, you
transmitted some sort of chronal anomoly when you impregnated Pamela.
You are a man out of time, no telling what the repurcusssions of
impregnating someone from a differnt time period will be. So far things
don't look to good. Maybe the child will continue to age at it's
accelerated rate and die of old age before it can do anymore damage.
Then again maybe not."

"Well there is nothing we can do about it right now," says the Soldier.
" I'm sure the 'baby' will turn up sooner or later. On an unrelated
note, I did some checking on the piece of equipment that was agitating
the Ogre. It seems some of it's parts were manufactured by Ultratech
Industries. I've set up a lunchtime meeting with you and Desmond Miller,
the CEO, to see if you could find out anything about it.

[Ultratech Industries is the leading manufacturer of meta-human related
technology. They supply CAPE and Stronghold Prison with much of itheir
equipment. Desmond Miller is a genius when it comes to making these sort
of devices. Years ahead of his time, leading some people to suspect that
he is really a metahuman gadgeteer

Captain Marvel believes that Desmond Miller is working for the aliens,
knowingly or unknowingly. Why else would the device, which had alien
symbols on it, have been manufactured at Ultratech? either teh aliens
[Keith, do they have a name? Marvin should know it, shouldn't he?]

Dialog with Prowler, Soldier at the Tower:

Captain Marvel says, "Well, Prowler, seems we might be able to convince
you of the truth of the alien invasion after all. Finally, we have a
lead." (Captain knew Prowler would be involved--he had a vague
rememberance of having met Prowler before, or of having read about him
perhaps...) "I know you have excellent vision and hearing, Prowler. You
picked up htat device that was bothering Ogre amid the city noise and
combat that was going on. I don't know how good you are, but I know that
some meta-humans can detect lies by listening to heartbeats and
breathing patterns. If you can do that, we can find out exactly how much
Desmond knows.

I believe Desmond may or may not know that his facilities are being used
to further the aliens' plans. If we ask him the right questions, we
might be able to find out how much he knows. But I think we should NOT
reveal the fact that we know about the invasion. So far, there is no
reason to think that they know we are on to them. Let's keep it that

"I suggest that we tell him that we think we are after a meta-gadgeteer.
That might both throw him off our real plans and scare him a bit, too,
because he might be such a gadgeteer. If he tries to throw suspicion off
himself, he might give us a real clue.

"Another plan I have: Prowler, If you can detect lies, then you need to
be there during the conference with Desmond. But after that, I think we
should give you the chance to look around a bit at Ultratech. We will
think of a distraction, and you can disappear. Wen you get a chance, you
should snoop around and find out anything you can. Here," Captain Marvel
hands prowler a printout he made earlier. "It has all teh alien symbols
from the device, and others that I remember. They may not be exact, but
they show you what their markings look like. If you see these writings,
you are in the right place."

"By the way, ince we are dealing with extremely high technology, I
suggest that we all go through a screening before we reenter the Tower.
They will have ample opportunity to place tracking and listening devices
on us while we are there, and we may not even be able to see them.
Soldier, can you rig up a hyper sensitive metal or electrical current
detector to make sure we are "clean?""

"Does anyone else have any ideas?"

I agree, Cap. I can stick around and see if the
fella is lying or not (assuming I can do such a thing) and then I will
dissappear into the compound to scout.

However, in addition to simply rigging detection
devices, I would like to have a tracking device placed on my person so
you can track me, in the event that i am captured. I am good, Cap, but I
am not invincible, as you seem to be," Prowler says with playful
"Let us go then."

Cap intends to probe Desmond to find out whether  he *knows* that he
is working for aliens. It is entirely possible that he is unaware. Note
that we do NOT bring the device with us, but we do bring printouts of it
showing the reason that Soldier linked the device to Ultratech (a logo,
patented or trade secret technology that was used on the device that
belongs to ultratech, whatever). Here are some ideas for their dialog:

1. Cap will not reveal the existence of aliens to Desmond. He will
approach the conversation with the idea that the device is of unknown
origin, but that we think it was manufactured by a meta-gadgeteer (to
possibly scare Desmond, who might be one).

2. Cap will try to ask Desmond which department of his company might
have made such a  device without his knowledge, or if similar
devices are made within Ultratech.

2a. If Desmond does not know anything about where these might have been
made, then Cap will ask if a rogue operation might be able to work
within Ultratech without Desmond's knowledge. he asks if there are any
exceptionally smart engineers who might be willing to work for others
outside Ultratech.

2b. If similar devices are being made already, Cap gathers all the info
he can about that--the main engineers and scientists, locations of labs,
etc. Anythihg Desmond will tell us.

Date:  Sun Apr 30, 2000  9:18 am
Subject:  Recap: Turn 2.8

The two heroes make their way to Ultratech
Industries. After passing
through many security checkpoints, they are shown
into Desmond
executive suite by his uber-model looking

The suite is located on the 30th floor and the floor to ceiling windows
that act
as exterior walls provide a magnificent view of the Manhattan skyline.
Desmond Mille looks to be in his mid-forties with greying temples
and dark brown hair, blue eyes , expensive suit and an air of authority
and intelligence about him.

Introductions are made and the heroes explain the situation aboutthe
device and how they suspect it was made by a

"This is all very interesting " says Miler, " but
here at Ultratech
we don't deal in mind-control devices, due to the various laws that
forbid such practices. Mind control is a crime equivalent to kidnapping
I'm sure you know. However we do manufacture devices designed to
restrain superhuman criminals. These 'pacifier helmets' lull whomever is
wearing them into a state of deep sleep in which they will remain in as
longas the helmet is in place. Stronghold uses similar
technology in their holding cells. The entire room is a giant 'pacifier'
but the
criminals have to be hooked to electrodes.
Perhaps this devise is an extrapolation of that
technology. It
be that hard to do , provided one knew what they
were doing.

It's a pity you didn't' bring the device with you
, I would beableto
tell you a lot more if I were able to examine it.
I can assure you such a devise would never be
manufactured here orby
any of my employees.
We maintain strict security measures and all of
our employees
extensive psychological testing to make sure that
they are not
criminally inclined.

As for the Ultratech parts, found within the
device, I would needto
see the device firsthand to verify whether it is truly
ours. It couldvery
well be an imitation. i have many competitors in
the field who would
like nothing more than for Ultratech's good name
to be slandered.
I can control the technology that we manufacture
hear at Ultratech,
once it is purchased and is out of my facilities
I am no longer
responsible for t. However if you do find the
culprit I would like
know so that may sue them for copyright and patent

Provided that these parts did indeed come from Ultratech.

[INSERT any further questions or comments here]

Now if you will excuse me I have a meeting to
attend. Miss Goodbody
show you out."
    [ Prowler notes that Milller's heartrate didn't
increase during
this-he is probably telling the truth]
The heroes are shown out by Miss Goodbody, with no
more leads than
came with. Prowler decides to wait until later to
try to infiltrate
Ultratech Industries. The security is way too
tight and way too high
tech (retinal scans, voice recognition systems,
pressure plates, IR
etc) to try anything half-assed.

aaaalrightythen. Cap heads back to the Tower. "was miss goodbody
winking at me?" he wonders...
 "No, she wasn't checking you out, you egomaniac!" Prowler says,
sensing the rise in the superheroes pheromes.   "I think we should
come back here tonight, to investigate. I think that fella was telling
the truth, but he is not the only one here with access to sensitive
technology. The stooly is here, I can sense it. We may have to utilize
some technology of our own." Prowler states all this, after leaving the
compound, on the way back with Cap to the headquarters.

Date:  Sat May 13, 2000  9:16 pm
Subject:  Recap:Turn 2.9

I couldn't be involved in something of that nature," says Cap, "it
would jeopardize my sanctioned status if I got caught. However if an
unsanctioned crimefighter like yourself were to do it while I was at the
hospital visiting with my injured team member....."
"Alright I got you, " says Prowler. I'll let you know if I find out
anything worthwhile. I've still got the homing device on me so if you
don't hear from me in 24 hours start looking for me.
The duo part ways, Prowlrer heading for home to gather the necessary
equipment he would need for tonight's Mission Impossible, and Marvel
heading for the hospital.
******************************************************AT THE HOSPITAL:
Cap manages to push his way through the crowd of poparazzi surrounding
Iceman's room. Huntress is still there and Iceman looks badly beaten but
seems in good spirits.
"Congratulations on becoming a dad," he says," he's a real chip off the
old block. Same powers and everything. Of course his personality leaves
a lot to be desired. Maybe he gets that from his mother."
"The doc says I should be able to get out of here soon. What do you plan
on doing about Marvel Jr.?

Well, nothing right now. I have no idea where he would be. Did his
face look exactly like mine, or was it just a 'family resemblance'?
matter, he has proved his lineage with his powers, I suppose." says
Cap. The three continue talking until suddenly....[insert interesting
plot twist]!

[Insert any conversation between the two of you you would like. If you
plan on seeing Pamela her publicist will be present and will be pisssed
off at you. Pamela is mostly despondent. a combination of
Hyper-accelerated post partum depression and physical shock
Prowler returns to his homestead through one of the secret entrances he
has made into the basement level of the shop. This particular one is
accessed through an abandoned subway tunnel that runs near the
He begins rummaging through his equipment , most of which he hadn't used
since hi s days back in MEDUSA. "Maybe I should make a utility belt like
that Bat guy in the movies" he thinks.
Beauvergard, enters the basement, alerted by the sounds of rummaging.
"Still on the case sir? I see that you are breaking out all the old
toys. A Mr. Brownloe called for you earlier today.He said that he would
be in touch and left no number to b reached at."
"Brownloe? I wonder what the hell that old spook wants. Well I'm sure he
will find me if he needs to. "
Prowler waits until night and then leaves the way he came.
"If I'm not back in 24 hours, alert the Guardians. They will know where
I am, hopefully."
An hour later Prowler stands in an alleyway across the street from the
Ultratech building. " This should be a piece of cake, he thinks, just
like the old days.

[I am going to e-mail bryan privately to tell him what he finds out.
That way whenever he is able to post again he can fill in the rest of
the group. Hoefully it won't be too long. If it gets to a point that
Prowler should have contacted them and Bry still hasn't posted then I
will post for him.]