ROUGHNECK [Character Bio/Stats]

Strength: 14 (Brawling)
Agility: 13 (Martial Arts)
Intellect: 6 (Assessment, Computers)
Willpower: 10

Edge/Hand: 2/4(25)

Calling: Outcast/Animal Nature
Hindrances: Monstrous, Programmable, Frenzy

Comp Link 5 (I)
Limit: Must play cards to access own computer core

Regeneration 15 (S)

Endo-Skeleton: +1 damage w/ bare HTH attacks and +1 Defense (S)

Danger Sense 15 (W)

Enhanced Senses (sight only) 14 (W)
* telescopic
* microscopic
* energy detection
* protected sense

* infravision

Lightning Speed 1(A)

Laser Beam +1 to +5 (adjustable) (S/A)