Real name: Candace Chesterton
Occupation: Attorney
Identity: Public
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record
Place of Birth:Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group affiliation: Supers of Fortune
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: SOF #1
5' 9" Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Green Hair: Red

Recently [ Insert your hero's name here], had been seeing a lot of commercials and print ads for an organization called SoF (Supers of Fortune)

Most of the ads say something similar to the following:
"Are you a metahuman? Want to use your powers for a good cause and increase your income at the same time? Then call Supers of Fortune at 555-HERO to setup up an appointment for an interview."

[Hero's name] interest is piqued and he decides to give them a call to see what it is all about. The secretary sets an interview for the following day.

The next day [your hero] reports to the Supers of Fortune office for his interview.

[Your hero] is greeted by an attractive female lawyer named Candace Chesterton dressed in a stylish looking business skirt and jacket. She has long red hair that she is wearing up, and green eyes behind her designer eyeglasses. She is fairly tall for a woman standing about 5'9", and an even 6' in her heels. She looks to be in her early 30's or late 20's.

She explains that. " Supers of Fortune is the brainchild of her client who wishes to remain anonymous. I'm in charge of handling all of the day to day business affairs of SoF. "

"SoF's mission is to utilize metahumans' powers for the benefit of society... for a fee of course. This could range all the way from the mundane to the miraculous. It could be something as simple as a someone with telekinesis lifting heavy loads without a crane or as dangerous as hunting down known metahuman fugitives and handing them over to the authorities or investigating metahuman related incidents."

"Given the nature of your powers, you would probably be called upon to perform the latter type of work. If hired you would be given a special investigator license akin to a private detective or bounty hunting license, provided you past all of the background checks. "

"My client has made it quit clear that no jobs are to be undertaken that seem dubious or questionable in nature. One of the goals is to promote acceptance of metahumans, while capitalizing on their unique abilities. My client has a vested interest that metahumans be utilized and seen in a positive manner and not as a threat."

"We are just starting up at the current time and have just recently opened for business." she says. " At the current time we only have a small handful of metas as employees and they probably aren't people you are familiar with as the majority of them are average citizens who only possess some minor metahuman ability. We have plans to establish a small group of costumed adventurers or 'superheroes' to take on our most difficult assignments. I'll be able to speak more freely about these things , should you become an employee. The city police and other law enforcement agencies have expressed an interest in utilizing our talent pool. "

"We start out with a base salary of 50 K a year, with bonuses for each completed case. Our fees are negotiable, we work with a sliding scale, so as not to be unaffordable to the average citizen. The bonuses are a percentage of the total fee paid our clients. "

"If you wish. your true identity can be kept secret from the general public, but it would have to be revealed to us at SoF as well as CAPE (Central Authority on Praeternormal Endeavors) in order to complete background checks as well as establishing your costumed identity as a legal alias. This would allow you to make citizen's arrests and testify in court without revealing your true identity. "

"So having said all of that, why don't you tell me all about yourself. Your background. What motivates you to be a hero? What special talents and abilities do you possess? Why would you be a valuable asset to our organization.?"

Powers and abilities: None known

Weapons and equipment: none

Weaknesses: normal human

Personality: Very business minded. Cuts to the chase on matters. Helpful, but shrewd. A bit conservative.

Description: Attractive businesswoman. She has long red hair that she is wears up, and green eyes behind her designer eyeglasses. She is fairly tall for a woman standing about 5'9", and an even 6' in her heels. She looks to be in her early 30's or late 20's.