From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sun Mar 24, 2002 2:09am
Subject: Recap:Turn 4.0

ADVERTISEMENTThe team and the researchers are  safely escorted back to
NYC the next morning. Mr. Oglethorpe is very grateful and proclaims that
he will tell all of his business associated about what a great job the
team did in their recovery.  Thor bids them all farewell and though he
is gracious of Master Menagero's invitation to join the group he
politely refuses, stating that his time in Midgard has passed, it was
under the protection of new heroes now such as the ones in the SoF.

Everyone is glad to be back home, and is given a few days off to
recuperate and attend to personal affairs.

With the exception of Zena who still can't find a comfortable spot in
her new life. No matter how hard she tries, or how hard the others try
and make her feel like she belongs, she just can't seem to feel at ease.
She constantly stays on her guard, she constantly draws her weapons on
her "teammates"  when they sneak up on her. Teammates. She still can't
get used to that concept. A tribe of her sisters is one thing, but most
of these people are just too  strange for her to comprehend.

A guy who looks as if his face has been torn off,  and other guy who
dresses all in black and draws pictures all day. It doesn't matter that
his drawings come to life. In her mind, her could be a better warrior.
The Captain, who Zena still hasn't heard a name for, just talks funny
all day long. He's good in a fight, but it takes forever to listen to
him talk. Julia seems to be the best warrior out of the bunch aside from
Zena herself, at least in her own warrior mind. Zena just feels that
Julia could be a little more reserved. The strangest of all the people
though, is Master Menagero. Zena can tell that he is a nervous man, but
he seems even more nervous around her. Perhaps he is frightened of Zena.
The thought makes her happy. Back home she used to intimidate everyone
that she came came into contact with, especially the few strangers that
came to her island. Her, no one seems to give her a second look. Tolwynn
scares them more, and Tolwynn is a pussycat.

So Zena finds herself, once again isolated from the rest of her "team".
She stays in her room with no one to keep her company except her
animals. Occasionally one of the other members of the team start to feel
sorry for her, being the fish out of the water that she is. They try to
get her to go to a restaraunt or out to a movie, whatever those things
are, but Zena always coldly shoots them down, closing her door in their
face She longs for her home, and for her friends. She knows deep down
that she will never see any of them. All she has left is her hatred for
the men who killed her friends and family. They took from her everything
that she knew. Now she's learning new things. She doesn't like this
"modern world of convienince" Hunting and gathering. . . . that's the
life for her. Once she finds the people who destroyed her life, she'll
have to build a new raft and find a new, quiet island to settle on for
the rest of her days. Until that day, she'll be content with staying in
her room with Tolwynn and Tancreed.


The Captain was ready to enjoy some time off. Read
some comics, go to a sci-fi convention, the normal
stuff he does on his off time.

Then he got this e-mail

>Sender Information:
Viacom Inc.
Sent by: [Attorney]
1515 Broadway
New York, NY, 10036-5794
Recipient Information:
"The Captain"
in care of
Supers of Fortune
5555 Park Avenue
New York NY
Sent via: Via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested

Re: Re: Infringements of STAR TREK Copyrights and

I write as attorney for Paramount Pictures Corporation

As you are, no doubt, aware, Paramount owns all of the
rights to the television series entitled STAR TREK,
SPACE NINE, STAR TREK: VOYAGER, and all theatrical
releases relating thereto including the upcoming
eighth movie in the STAR TREK motion picture series
(collectively the "STAR TREK Properties"). These
rights are protected by numerous copyrights trademarks
in both the programs themselves and the characters,
sets, and other elements appearing in those programs.

We have recently learned that you have assumed
various elements of the STAR TREK Properties in your
superheroic persona as "The Captain" . For example, we
refer to your derivitave Star Trek uniform and logo ,
as well as your use of devices resembling STAR TREK
elements. Your use of these items is an infringement
of Paramount's rights in the STAR TREK Properties.

Based upon the foregoing, we hereby demand that your
confirm to us in writing within ten days of receipt of
this letter that: (i) you have removed all infringing
materials from your superheroic persona, including the
aforementioned uniform and devices; and (ii) you will
refrain from using any similar infringing material in
the future.

The foregoing is without waiver of any and all rights
of Paramount Pictures Corporation, all of which are
expressly reserved herein.

Very truly yours,


This e-mail suprised him. He had assumed Paramount
wouldn't be angered at his costumed identity, after
all it's free publicity. He is going to have to ask
Ms. Chesterton for legal advice.


Julia stood nervously outside the door of her neighbor, wearing just a
loose trenchcoat over her uniform (and perpetual force field).
Her neighbor Brad finally opened the door.  He was a bony young man,
about a few years older than Julia.  he had dark brown hair with blond
highlights, and wore a Hawaian shirt and sunglasses, even in doors.
"What a tool", thought Julia.  She raised an eyebrow at him, "Do you
have it?"
Brad nodded, and invited her in.  Julia moved to kiss him on the cheek,
only to be twarted by her forcefield.
"It's on the counter, in the brown bag, just like you asked," said Brad,
as he sat down on the couch, unbuckling his belt, and removed his pants.

Julia sat down next to him, and carefully wrapped her hand around his
male reproductive organ, gently massaging it with her forcefield until
he was satisfied.  It wasn't like she had to actually touch it.
"Still, he was sorta cute for a computer nerd...," thought Julia.
With Brad satisfied, Julia smiled at him.  It was so easy to exploit the
crush her had on her, as she gathered up the bag, concealing under her
trench coat.
"See you tomorrow," she said, as she returned to her appartment.
Julia opened the bag, and hugrily gazed upon the vodka bottle within. 
She thirstly drank it down until she passed out on the floor.

Rupert must quickly make his first payment on the new
building he bought to be the team headquarters. Being
in Antartica almost made him late with his bills.
Rupert proudly looks up at the yet unveiled RensCorp
sign that is built into the front entrance of the
building. Soon,the team could move in here and the
Supers of Fortunes could have a base of operations
from where to coordinate their activites.

Rupert enters the front door and locks it behind

Meanwhile, across the street and four stories up, a
withered person spies down with binoculars on Rupert
as he enters the building. Through the beige overcoat
and knitted shawl wrapped around the figure's head,
one can here heavied breathing as if a long-time
chain-smoker was buried beneath the garb. The person
drops the binoculars from her eyes and begins a quiet
laugh that grows louder until it transforms into a
hacking cough. Now the face of Mrs. Kravitz, Rupert's
old neighbor and ex-tenant of the new RensCorp
building, can be seen. Her mustached lip snarls as she
turns towards the shadows.

Four costumed figures stand in a shadow cast from an
adjoining building. Mrs. Kravitz says to the
mysterious quartet, "Did you get a good look at him?
Did you? I sure to gosh hope so. Because THAT is the
vindictive, young whippersnapper that evicted me from
my home of sixty years just so that the ruffian forces
of technology could drive us honest-to-god retired
folks out onto the streets! But, thanks to our new
group, we will strike vengeance upon this horrible
generation that continually pushes us to our early
graves. My mind and plentiful life-savings (thanks to
good ol' Harry's pension, God rest his soul) matched
with your awesome powers will destroy Rupert...and
then the world!"

An old voice comes forth from the shadows, "Shall we
strike now?"

Mrs. Kravitz moves into the shadows where, from left
to right, she speaks to her elderly minions. The first
is a rainbow-garbed old coot whose costume is
reminiscent of an Elton John rejected costume. Next to
him stands another elderly gentleman in a full black
costume with a skull mask and battle scythe. Standing
beside him, an elderly woman in a high-tech,
levitiating wheelchair stocked with a seemingly
endless amount of weaponry and armor. Finally, another
severly obese, old man whose hands and feet are nearly
fully covered because of his extreme fat.

"NO!" Mrs. Kravitz replies. "Not yet. But, soon. Right
now the power of BEN-GAY, brilliant manipulator of
rainbow light; JERRY ATRICS, controller of the aging
process; HELL ON WHEELS, armored mistress of
destruction; and THE BULGE, World War II veteran who
won the original Battle of the Bulge only to lose a
later battle against bulge when his latent meta-human
powers surfaced. Together, we, the OLDTIMERS, will
strike. And together we shall prevail!!

In unison, all five villains laugh, a quiet laugh that
grows louder until it transforms into a group of
hacking coughs. They still themselves and slink into
the shadows of New York.


After their much too short respite, the SoF members are contacted by Ms.
Chesterton informing them they have a new case and they need to meet at
the offices for a briefing on  their new assignment.

When all all of the team members arrive at the office, Ms. Chesterton
introduces them to an Agent Stansberry. Stansberry is a representative
of the Secret Service.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you", he begins, "I've heard good
things about SoF. Normally, the Secret Service doesn't seek outside
assistance but we have a potential situation that may require your
assistance.  Five days from now Senator Thomas J. Blanding will be
arriving in town for a fund raising event. As you may well know, Senator
Blanding is a very vocal supporter of stricter laws dealing with
metahumans and has proposed that in the wake of Sept. 11th the Metahuman
Registration Act be reinstated. This has generated a lot of controversy
and the Senator has received some death threats over the past several
months. Normally this wouldn't be something that the Service couldn't
handle, but many of the threats have come from a militant metahuman
rights group  known as the Metahuman Liberation Front, or MLF. Our
sources indicate that the MLF has hired a freelance assassin  known as
the Knighthawk. The Knighthawk is one of the world's top freelance
assassins and it is believed that he is a metahuman himself, though no
one knows for sure since he has never been captured.   We believe that 
the Knighthawk may try to make his move against Senator Blanding during
his stay  here in NYC.  We'd like you to be on hand, as additional
security in case a metahuman crisis arises.

Zena sighs heavily as she learns that they will be assigned to yet
another security gig.

There is one catch to this however, Senator Blanding  doesn't want any
non-conventional security on hand. He is convinced that the death
threats are not serious and doesn't wish to be seen as fearful. The only
way we could get him to agree to your presence is if you remain out of
sight and undercover. He does not want it known that SoF has been hired
to protect him.

Here is the the Senator's schedule for his stay in the city. It is of
course classified."

Stansberry hands each of the team members a portfolio that contains a
schedule of the Senator's upcoming visit five days from now . [Listed

* 6:00 PM Senator arrives at JFK International Airport via Secret
Service aircraft.
* 6-7:30(8 PM) In transit from airport to Convention Center via
* 7:30 or 8:00 PM  Arrive at Convention Center.
* 8-11:30 PM Fundraising Dinner and Speaking engagement.
* 11:30 Depart for hotel. Retire for the night.
* 5:30 AM wake up
* 6:30 AM Depart for airport
* 8:30 AM Flight for Washington DC leaves.

"I can guarantee full cooperation of the Secret Service within
reasonable limits on how you would  like to handle this.  Does anyone 
have any questions or suggestions?"

"Perhaps I could get a position under him," suggested Julia, with a
wry smile. She raised her eyebrows up and down, flashing a smile at
Verve while doing so.

Zena stands idly by with her animal companions waiting for one of the
others to speak up. Master Menagero seems to have taken on the
leadership role of the team, or at least that's the way she's seen it.
In her mind he's the best to come up with whatever plans are necessary.
It's just her job to beat the hell out of anyone who gets in their way,
and that's the only part of this "team" thing that she actually enjoys.

Frank listens to Agent Stansberry and looks over his copy of the
portfolio and the senator's schedule. To Frank's surprise, when he
reads "JFK International Airport," a small bright dot appears in the
lower left of his vision. It is similar to the targeting grid that is
superimposed on his vision when he enters combat, like an overlay on
his real eyesight. When Frank tries to look directly at the dot, it
expands into a full image in his vision. To his surprise, the new
image is an architectural map of JFK Airport. As Frank pans left, the
map pans left, so he can see different areas of the map. He focuses
on one part of the map, and it enlarges, giving him more detailed
information. When Frank stops focusing on the map, it disappears,
once again reduced to a small dot in the corner of his vision.

"Huh," says Frank outloud. When the others look at him, he
says, "Nuthin', sorry, I'm listening."

Frank's "makers" must have endowed him with much information, all
stored in his data core. The problem was that Frank didn't have
voluntary access to it. Only when something else triggered a memory
did Frank get access. He looks at the rest of the schedule, and
learns that he has maps in his head of the Convention Center, the
hotel, and even a roadmap of New York City.

Just to see what happens, Frank thinks in his head what the best way
to kill the Senator would be. Immediately, a list of several options
pop up in his vision like a menu in a computer program. The top items
of the list are all times when the Senator is changing venues, when
he would be outside or otherwise exposed to public view—deboarding
the plane (listed as a hard target, too much security at the
airport), entering and exiting his motorcade (soft target and listed
as primary chance to kill the Senator, since he is exposed to the
public at that point and there are several tall buildings in the
vicinity in which an assassin could hide at range), during the fund
raiser (hard target, limited admission to the event), and so on,
throughout the Senator's itinerary. As Frank focuses on the option to
hit the Senator as he is leaving his motorcade, maps of the
surrounding buildings are generated before his eyes, along with
security personnel schedules for some, and even the security systems
used in some of the floors of the buildings.

Frank's brain involuntarily tries to grasp all this information at
once, and his mind reels. He begins to feel dizzy, and has to squeeze
his eyes shut and shake his head to clear his vision. When he looks
up again, the others are looking at him, and Ms. Chesterton
asks, "Roughneck, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm OK. Sorry. Just thinking about the mission. You know, this
guy's prob'ly gonna try to hit the Senator when he's most exposed to
the public view, like when he gets out of his car and before he
enters the building. The convention center's parking garage is across
the street, so he'll prob'ly have to get out of his car in front of
the building. Somebody with a rifle could get at'im then, that'd be
the easiest time. There's public access to at least seven different
floors in three different buildings that have a view of the
convention center entrance." As Frank rattles off these facts, the
others, including Agent Stansberry, look at him in amazement.

"You've done your homework, though I have no idea how. Roughneck is
it? Our agents have already figured all this out and those areas will
be locked down. You don't need to worry about every security detail,
our men will be all over the place and the perimeter will be as
secure as we can make it. What we need you for are the threats we
can't guard against. Meta-human attacks, teleporting in past
security, destroying the whole building, that sort of thing."

By this time, Frank is no longer listening again. His vision has
already been filled with more details about how to kill the senator.
More disturbing to Frank is the fact that he feels a very strong urge
to carry out these plans--like his job, his only mission in life, is
to accomplish this assassination. He sees himself killing the senator
in fifty different ways, each variation accounting for a different
security plan. Frank realizes, with absolute certainty, what he was
designed for.

Frank tries to clear his head and get these thoughts out of it. His
job is to protect the Senator, not kill him. Protect him, don't kill
him. The evil thoughts are gone as quickly as they appeared, and
Frank is himself again, the compulsion to kill the Senator out of his

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Mar 30, 2002 11:41pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.01

The team agrees to stay incognito per the Senator's wishes. Verve,
Master Menagero, the Captain, and Blitz will pass themselves off as
regular secret service agents, but Roughneck, Zena, and Kinetica pose a
problem. Zena could be disguised but she would stick out like a sore
thumb, due to her unfamiliarity with such events. Roughneck's extreme
scarring and Kinetica's forcefield are both beyond hiding. It is
decided that tthe three of them will remain inside a secret service
vehicle with tinted windows that will be in the Senator's caravan. A
regular Serviceman will drive the vehicle. All of the other vehicles
will have tinted windows as well so as not to draw attention. Zena,
Roughneck, and Kinetica will have to remain in the vehicle while the
others escort the senator inside the Convention Center along with the
regular entourage of Secret Serviceman.

"The plan sounds fine to me," Says the Captain to the
Secret Serivceman. The he turns to Ms. Chesterton,
"This doesn't have anything to do with the mission,
but when you have a moment I need to ask your adivce
about something."

"Check me out - I'm a MIB!" says Blitz
Blitz will wear his costume under his secret service suit, except for
the face
mask, of course. His face will be semi-concealed by the ultra-cool
secret-service issue sunglasses.

"Oh great, I get stuck with the amazon and the hackjob." says Kinetica.

Frank ignores Kinetica's comment. With his face, he doesn't expect
any slack from a young girl, especially one with her attitude.

"Look at it this way, Kinetica. The others get to play 'human shield'
while you get to raid the wetbar in the limo."

Frank will wear a trenchcoat and fedora and glasses to hide himself
in case he must exit the vehicle. (NOTE: law enforcement people
never "get outta the car", they ALWAYS "exit the vehicle.")

Julia perks up considerably at the mention of 'wetbar.'

Ms. Chesterton glares disapprovingly at Kinetica. " There is no 'wetbar'
Even if there were, no one is allowed to drink on the job...Especially
minors who are on probation for drug and alchohol related offenses."

Julia curls her lower lip.

"Is this going to be a problem?" asks Agent Stansberry "There will be
alchohol being served at the function. If that is going to compromise
security, then perhaps Ms. Kinetica should sit this one out."

"No. It won't be a problem. Will it Kinetica?" says Ms. Chesterton,
hoping that she hadn't scewed up by allowing Kinetica on the team.

"No, Ms. Chesterton, it will not be a problem."

Menagero asks Blitz, "What say we use your powers and
my powers in conjuction to perform a quick runaround
of the facilites. I can detect metahumans within a
one-mile radius. We may be able to pick up anomalies
to watch out for and have Zena, Julia and Frank
investigate. Its better then them sittign in a limo
waiting for some action, wouldn't you say?"

"If you can do that while remaining out of sight, then that is fine,"
Agent Stansberry "As i said earlier the Senator doesn't want any
drawn to the fact that you have been hired as extra security. It was
pulling teeth just to get him to agree with it. Other than that he plans
make a big entrance and get in a lot of good photo ops and PR for the
He really isn't the least bit concerned that these death threats are for

real. He says he has gotten them throghout his political career and
has ever happened. I'm not so certain."

"How much more 'out of sight' can you get than one
inch tall running at over 300 mph?" MM smiles at

Having settled on a plan the team makes the necessary preparations and 5

days later Senator Blanding arrives on schedule at the airport.
Master Menagero and Blitz have decided to not hang with the caravan,
choosing instead to do a shrunken down reconnaissance at superspeed
the caravan makes it's way through the city heading towards the
center. they remain in radio contact with the others, but far enough
and at fast enough speeds so a s not to draw attention to themselves.
plan to meet up with the others at the convention center, dressed as
Service agents already stationed at the center.

Master Menagero registers no superhuman powers, until he nears the
convention center, then there is a multitude of them,too many to keep
of. This is due to many metahuman protesters who have gathered out side
convention center to decry Seanator Blanding and his policies. MM makes
point to steer clear of the protesters, no telling what sort of powers
would end up with, the sheer influx of that many powers may make him
He decides to go in the back entrance, flashing the guard his
he is allowed entrance.

The trip from the airport to the convention goes off without a hitch and

the team gets out of the limos to escort the seantor in to the building
(except Kinetica, Roughneck and Zena), The fundraising benefit is
underway when the senator's caravan arrives at front.

The center is fairly crowded, filled with well to do members of the
Senator's political party. After the senator arrives to a standing
ovation ,
he takes his seat at the head table and dinner is served shortly
It is a thoroughly boring affair to watch for the team. Big business
hob nobbing with the politicians. The press is there as well, getting
the newsworthy footage they can tape.

After dinner at around 9:00 p.m. various dignitaries get up and give
fundraiser speeches. The Senator is the last to speak. As the applause
dies down, he begins his speech, detailing the need for extra security
these new times, yadda yadda yadda...

One of the waiters slips and falls, breaking all of the wine glasses he
carrying on his tray. The crowd all look to the sudden sound and the
gives an apologetic smile as he scrambles to pick up the pieces of
Everyone looks to the Senator in expectation of him resuming his speech.

What they see instead is the Senator clutching his throat with one hand,
frightened look on his face as he tries to make a sound, but nothing
out of his mouth except a milky white substance and a few gurgling
The same substance is seeping from between his fingers that are clutched
his throat. He falls down backwards, crashing into the curtain behind
and bringing it toppling down on top of him. The crowd lets out a
gasp of horror and several people scream panic stricken.

chaos ensues.

"Time to blow my cover" Blitz thinks to himself as he drops to his
height and zooms up to the senator at hyperspeed. Arriving several
before even the closest bystanders, he will use his top-notch assessment
paramedic skills to examine and hopefully stabilize Senator Blanding.

He pulls out his medical kit and starts cleaning the wound and tries to
establish an airway so Blanding can breath. If necessary, he'll create
using an airway tube through the mouth or nasal passage. This is
normally only
done to an unconscious patient because of the discomfort of having a
tube run down your throat into your bronchial tube. But this time, it
may be
the only choice. "Now where did I leave that tube of lubricating

He will also collect a sample of the white substance for later analysis.
examining, he's looking for the cause of the trauma and method of
(bullet hole, cut/slashed throat, poison dart, pill capsule, etc). He
relay any relevant info through the commlink.

Blitz uses the 6W for the attempt to save Senator Blanding. Maybe he'll
get to
use the defibrillator. He loves using the defibrillator! He always gets
a tiny
thrill from shouting "Clear!" and then delivering the electric shock. Oh
perverse joys of the paramedic!

The method of delivery looks to definitely be a bullet hole. It appears
as if
the bullet entered from the front of the Senator's throat and exited the
back of
his neck at the base of his skull. . The white milky substance is
leaking out
him in place of blood and has the consistency and look of skim milk. It
apparent to Blitz that the Senator is NOT human. There is high grade
tubing in place of veins and arteries and miniaturized servos in the
place of
bone and muscle. Without knowing any better, Blitz would guess that the
is some sort of sophisticated android. the press films all of this with
vulture-like glee.

"Get back! Make some room! Someone get the me some medical assistance
the security staff, NOW!"

Blitz is barking at the crowd of bystanders trying to keep them away
the Senator's body. Despite the artificial workings, Blitz tries his
to repair & stabilize the Senator. Afterall, androids are people too.
Besides, they will have many questions for him later, IF Blitz can keep
him alive.

If Blanding dies, Blitz will remain guard over the body to protect it
interested press-vultures until the real security personnel can take his

place. While standing guard, he will visually search the room for any
clues about the assassin, although by that time, the person(s) would be
long gone. But maybe he can spot something that would be helpful to the
others. He will only leave the body if summoned by a teammate or if
security personnel can relieve him.

ooc: MM uses the following card for the next move: 7W*
(Crisis of Faith)

Menagero stands up as beads of sweat start to pour
down his face. He taps on his commlink, "External
Team, have all security personel seal off all exits to
the building. We have a situation in here. No one
leaves the vicinity. Roughneck, you may want to
double-check all security personel while your at it.

"Let me offer a quick explanation: The Senator has
been shot yet he doesn't seem to be the Senator. He
looks like some sort of android.

"Xena, darling, perhaps your feline friend can prowl
the sewers for any strange occurances while Tancreed
flies overhead in aerial recon.

"And, everyone be careful. We have more paranormals
than we can shake a stick out looming around out

MM turns to Verve, "Here's the real question, my
friend. Where's the real Senator?"

[Assuming Blitz reports all these facts over the commlink...]

Frank thinks, "Android!" So the Senator wasn't a human. Maybe he's
been an android for a long time, thinks Frank.

Before he can consider the full implications of this, he jumps out of
the limo. Seeing the entrance to the center still crowded, he decides
to do some surveillance. "Kinetica, I'm gonna go try an' see what I
can see." He dashes off to get a better perspective.

Frank rushes across the street and down one building, to a highrise
apartment building. Frank leaps up as high as he can to a balcony,
grabbing the bottom rail and pulling himself up. He does this twice
(or however many times) until he has a view of the front of the
convention center, and the nearby streets.

He scans the streets to see if anyone is discretely leaving the
scene. Most people are crowding in toward the entrance of the center,
curious about the sudden commotion. Most of the people outside still
didn't know what had happened. Frank also scans nearby buildings.

Remembering Blitz's message that it looked like a bullet wound, Frank
closes his eyes and imagines where the Senator must have been
standing. A map of the convention center pops up into his head, and
he sees a virtual podium. Frank's computer core extrapolates vectors
from the podium in an attempt to figure out where an assassin might
have been hiding.

In the event that the assassin is invisible, Frank periodically scans
the streets (and everywhere else) in IR and UV ranges looking for
something that may not be visible to normal sight. Also, a recently
discharged gun barrel might hold more heat than its surroundings, so
Frank looks for something like this too (IR range)

Kinetica bursts from the car, looking for the assassin.  She hovers over
the crowd, looking for anyone with a gun.  Her eye fall on the bar
One drink wouldn't hurt, would it?

[Julia will play the 4W to resist her Addiction.]

The Captain, not wanting to cause more of a panic,
scans the crowd while keeping his eyes on the waiter
who dropped the tray, on the hunch that the waiter may
have set of a signal for the assassin. (I'll use the
6S to look for suspicious things and keeping an eye on
the waiter.) If I see something suspicious I'll go
for it, if the waiter seems suspicious I'll teleport
over to him and stun him, if someone else gives me an
order I'll follow it.

Zena sends Tolwynn and Tancreed off on their specified assignments and
then runs towards the back of the building to look for anyone who might
be out of place or fleeing the scene.

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Fri Apr 5, 2002 4:16pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.2

Try as he might Blitz is unable to save 'Senator Blanding" whose
android body gives a sickening gurgle for a death rattle and it's all
too human looking eyes begin to glaze over. The press moves in even
closer, despite Blitz's protests to the contrary. Regardless of being
full sized he is nearly crushed by their news gathering frenzy.

Roughneck scales the nearby apartment building up to the second floor in

two easy leaps. From his vantage point he scans the area looking for
anything strange. It is hard to filter everything out with all of the
commotion going on outside of the convention center. Everyone was
suspect and there was a whole throng of people pressed into a relatively

small area as the Secret Service moves in to contain the area. He
notices one person in the crowd suddenly shift electromagnetic energies.

The man was invisible now, but Frank could still see him making his way
past the Secret Servicemen who were completely unaware of the man's

Waiting until the man is nearly clear of the crowd (so Frank can
follow him more easily), Frank discretely drops back to street level,
keeping an eye on the invisible stranger. He is trying not to be too
obvious. (Remember, Frank has a coat and hat over his costume.) He
radios the others, including the secret service (whose channel I
assume we are using?): "Hey everboddy, I see an invisible person
outside in front of the building, making his way east away from the
Convention Center. U'm gonna follow. Zena, your animals might be
useful here, maybe they can sense this guy." 

Zena speaks through her communicator for the first time since recieving
it, "My animals will have to return to me before I can speak to them
again. I am around back confronting two scoundrel's stealing large sacks

of property. I will have then contained in a few seconds."

"Roger," says Roughneck, as he is positioning himself for the jump.
He scans the man to see if he can detect any kind of device that may
be generating the invisibility. If he sees such a device, he will try
to snatch it away from the man, or destroy it with a short laser
burst if he can't get it off.

Frank thinks about zapping the invisible man with his laser, but he
hesitates. This could be an innocent meta here, and Frank would be
asssaulting him with a deadly weapon. But then again, why would the
guy be invisible if he weren't guilty?

Frank makes his way around the outskirts of the crowd to cross the
invisible man's path between him and the convention center (i.e.,
behind the invisible man as he leaves the center). When Frank is
directly behind the invisible man, he watches his target, using his
telescopic vision to make sure the invisible man is not looking.
Frank then silenly leaps into the air, intending to land directly
behind the invisible man, using his arms to knock his target down.
Frank will use martial arts to get him in some devious thumblock that
his computer core knows about.

As Frank prepares to leap, his computer gauges the proper trajectory,
taking into account the invisible man's current speed and the wind
and the moon's gravity and....

Kinetica hovers over the crowd outside of the convention center, which
draws quite a bit of attention her way from the bystanders below. She
scans the crowd looking for anyone suspicious what she sees instead is a

metahuman protester, with one giant eye instead of two, taking a swig
out of a bottle with a brown paper bag wrapped around it. Her mouth
immediately begins to water, longing for the numbing comfort of the
booze. She tries to resist, tries to stay focused on the job at hand,
but it is no use. Things were too chaotic... she needed a drink. She
flies down and snatches the bottle out of the one eyed man's hands and
chugs it down. The whisky burns her throat and stomach as it goes down
but it settles her nerves. In fact she doesn't even care that the
paparazzi at the event are gleefully snapping damning pictures of her

Julia throws the empy bottle at one of the dopes taking pictures of
her.  She knew she was in serious sh*t.  All she needed was her parole
officer to see those photos and....
She did not want to think what would happen then.
But only if he say the film....
Julia, while under the influence, decides to destroy the cameras.  She
targets the nearest one with a forcebolt.
[OOC: Not her best idea, but well...she is intoxicated and therefore not
thinking too clearly.
To be appropriate, let's throw down that 3 of Agility--Rookie Mistake.]

Julia replies to Roughneck over the commlink. "I'm a little-*hick*--busy
taking care of PR at the moment."

Into the commlink Blitz says, ", Kinetica is handling PR?! We'll
just pick up our severance
checks on Wednesday."

Responding to Master Menagero's commands, Zena sends her animals off on
their reconnaissance missions while she runs to the back of the
building. In the alleyway she sees two men quickly loading bags into
the back of a white van.

It's times like these that I love being Naive]

Seeing the 'thieves' stealing large bags of money or other stolen goods
Zena springs into action. She sends her chakram through the air. It
[hopefully] slices through the bag being held by the man in the rear of
the van, ricochets off the van door and heads towards the other looter
in possession of a bag.

"Your plans of greed will not unfold this night!"

[7A for the action]

Master Menagero again tries to pick up any other
superhumans in the vicinity using his detection power.

[ooc: Using my 5I+]

The Captain keeps an eye on the waiter who spilled the tray. it was hard

to tell if he had anything to do with it or not. The waiter was probably

no more than 19 or 20, pimple faced and gangly. Everyone seemed
suspicious, but the waiter was the most logical participant. The
Captain sees the waiter scoop up the remains of the shattered glasses
and head toward the swinging doors that no doubt lead to the kitchen
area in the back of the building.

The Captain teleports infront of the doors, holding
his hand up to stop the waiter, "Please...wait sir.

Verve is uncertain what to do. The Secret Service is quickly moving in
to seal off the area and prevent anyone from leaving. The crowd however
is still understandably in a bit of a panic. He begins to sketch out an
opaque barrier that will surround the immediate area of the "senator",
hopefully giving Blitz some room to breathe and prevent the press from
further contaminating the crime scene.

Blitz feels like Indiana Jones when he was in the Well of Souls fending
off snakes with shaky torch. Despite all of the action going on outside,

he knows better than to leave the Senator's body unguarded for even a

Summoning all of his authoritive muster, he tries to quell the onslaught

of reporters and dignitaries with a commanding statement.

"Everyone please remain calm and give me some room. There will be an
official statement and press conference after --"

A stubborn reporter tries to use this as an opportunity to sneak in a
question, "But what of the allegations that Senator Blanding was really
robotic sex slave?"

Bitz continues undaunted, "-- AFTER this situation has been resolved.
Please return to your tables and the staff will serve a round of drinks
calm our nerves."

[I'll play the 4W for trump on the Willpower action to attempt some

Into his commlink, Blitz addresses the chief of security, "I'm sure it's

standard procedure, but once the smoke clears, try to get a head count
see if any of the invited guests are missing. Just in case."

Blitz covers the body with one of the curtains that originally fell on
of the senator. Once Verve's barrier is in place, Blitz will leave the
building via the rear exit to regroup with telling what the
powerful Amazon might do to someone putting up a fight.

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Apr 13, 2002 3:44am
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.3

Roughneck leaps onto the invisible man, knocking him down onto the
street. He quickly grabs the man's hand and puts him into a painful
nerve lock. The man screams in pain. "Somebody please help me!!!!"

Frank doesn't think that sounds like the cry of a villain, and he
suspects that he has the wrong man. He lets up on the nerve lock, but
not enough to let the person get away.

"Calm down. If you didn't do this, apologies right now. But I can't
letcha' go. You were fleeing a murder scene. I'm a sanctioned hero, I
won't hurt you. Stop struggling and turn visible and I might let you

Still holding onto the person (actually sitting on the guy's back
with both arms in chicken wings), Frank quickly scans the area again,
looking for anyone else fleeing the scene, or with a heat signature
resembling a weapon that has recently been fired (like the barrel of
a gun).

Frank uses his comm: "I've apprehended the invisible person outside,
but keep on the lookout, he might not have done this."

Frank tries to hurt the person he has as little as possible, but he
won't let him go yet.

As Frank looks around for any other suspects, he sees the brawl break
out where Kinetica shot her bolt.

"We're gonna get fired over this one," he thinks.

The man slowly starts to turn visible and stops most of his thrashing. "
didn't do anything. let me go you asshole." says the man.

Frank does not let the man up. "I told you, I'm a sanctioned hero.
You're being legally detained under suspicion of murder. Shouldn't've
gone invisible and fled the scene right after a Senator was shot,
that was really stupid. And calling me asshole won't help matters
either, got it?" Frank handcuffs the man. [Don't know if I actually
have handcuffs, but I do have a utility belt and this seems

Frank is annoyed at the whole situation now. This was quickly turning
into a clusterfuck. The Senator dead, Kinetica apparently attacking a
reporter. . . Yup, they were all gonna need new jobs before this was
over. Frank keeps scanning for another suspect, hoping the situation
can be salvaged.

Kinetica's force bolt knocks the camera out of the paparazzi's hands and

smashes it onto the street. The man is visibly upset., shouting up at
her. "You're going to pay for that you damn meta-freak!"

Julia sticks her tongue out at the man. "Blow me."

A man in the crowd next to him with goldfish looking scales covering his

body says, "You better watch your damn mouth, you g**damn Mere." and
pushes the cameraman. [ "Mere" is a derogatory term used by some
metahumans to refer to normal humans. It derives from the term "mere
mortal"] The two of them begin getting into a shouting match and a fist
fight breaks out between the two of them. In addition to this a Julia
hears someone calling for help in the distance.

Assuming there are no more poperatzi around, she'll head for the cry of

Julia heads in that direction and sees that the source of the cries
appears to
be Roughneck, but then upon closer inspection it is the man who is
turning vivble beneath him that is screaming fro help.

Julia flies over to Roughneck is and sees he's got the situation in
hand.  She then glances back towards the brawl before turning back to
She smiles and shrugs innocenty.

Zena unleashes her chakram at the two men loading the van. It slices
through the bags the men are holding, spilling white powder from within
them into the ground. Zena had been watching a lot of television to
familiarize herself with her new habitat. This was no doubt the drug
called cocaine and these men were no doubt drug smugglers.

"Surrender villains or I shall unleash upon you an everlasting supply of

pain, not unlike what you have unleashed upon this city with your foul
drugs!" Zena shouts as she catches her chakram as it returns.

Both of the them immediately put there hands up in the air. 'You got it
wrong lady." says the one on Zena's left.

Zena ignores their words as she looks for something she can use to
secure the captured villains.

The Captain teleports in front of the waiter, who lets out a surprised
gasp and begins running the other direction, back into the dining room.

The Captain fires a stun blast at the waiter (5S)

Who immediately falls unconcscious from the blast and falls into a table
hor d'vours (spelling? )

"I have secured the...waiter for...questioning.
When...he...wakes up that is."

Blitz gains a little respite from the reporters who back off of him
slightly allowing him to cover the Senator's body. Then Verve's barrier
snaps into place. Blitz exits the building at hyper speed to rendezvous
with Zena. He sees two frightened kitchen helpers holding their hands
above their head in surrender to Zena and they are both covered in

Master Menagero cannot detect any other metahumans in the crowd other
than the team members. there was a large number of them outside in the
crowd of protesters as well.

Master Menagero asks the security service over the
commlink, "Did you successfully seal all entrances?
Did anybody successfully exit the building?"

Paying attention to Zena, "Are you alright? I heard
the sounds of your chakram unleashing their deadly
might." MM gets a little excited at the thought and

"I am securing two cocaine traders at the moment. I lack anything to
bond their hands. Some assistance in that area could be necessary." says

Zena. She hates asking for help, but has no way of holding the felons.

"Excuse me. Did your animals detect anything,
below or above?"

"My friends have yet to return. I'm sure they will arrive shortly."

The Secret Service now has the convention center locked down , but there

are reports over the commlinks of a large brawl breaking out in front
of the center [ the same one that was started with Julia's help]

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Fri Apr 26, 2002 8:04pm
Subject: Recap:Turn 4.4

[I'm going to move things forward a bit here, since i put us behind
schedule ]

After much ado, the situation is controlled with the assistance of the
Secret Service. The assassin however, seems to have been able to slip
away in the chaos. The various suspects (the waiter, the "drug dealers"
in back and the invisible man) are all found to have reasonable alibis
for their actions but are taken into custody for questioning
nonetheless. The SoF members are the first to be cleared by security
and are allowed to leave the convention center. Everyone else inside
will be checked one by one before being allowed to leave. It would be a
long night for the Secret Service as well as though detained inside the
center. SOF is informed that they are to attend a strategy meeting the
10:00 am the next day at Secret Service HQ to discuss the situation.

The Next Day....
Everyone reports as ordered. Julia is a bit nervous, wondering if
reports of her exploits had reached the Secret service. So far nothing
had turned up about it on the news, though there was major coverage of
the "assassination" of Senator Blanding and allegations that he was some

sort of android.

A man wearing a CAPE uniform enters the room. He introduces himself as
Commander Hudson, he is the regional head of CAPE and is personally
overseeing the the "Blanding Affair" as he refers to it. CAPE has been
called in by the Secret Service as they feel that this may involve some
type of preternatural circumstances tat they aren't prepared to deal

He asks for the team's help in this matter. (the heroes of course
agree--and after consulting with Ms. Chesterton by phone a fee is agreed

upon. )

After this has been squared away. he informs the team that CAPE's R&D
department has determined that the Senator that was "assassinated" the
night before was in fact some form of advanced biological android.
Their opinion is that it was probably grown in some type of laboratory.
According to the CAPE science guys the only possible lead as to who
might t have created the replacement android is Dr. Alexander Zircher,
the world's foremost syntho-biologist.

Zircher is known to have been working for a corporation called
Syntho-Tek Inc. from which he resigned 4 months ago. His current
whereabouts are unknown, but he is known to have a summer home/ cabin
somewhere in the Rocky Mountains.

Commander Hudson wants the team to check out the cabin and see what if
any clues they can turn up. It is a long shot but it is the only lead
they have a t the moment.

[If anyone has any questions or comments they would like top add, put
them here]

[assuming they agree to this].....

The heroes arrive at the cabin late that night. It is a large "A" frame
house situated near the shore of a picturesque lake. There are no light
s on inside the cabin and no vehicles parked outside. If anyone knocks
there is no answer. Th doors are all locked. Through the windows they
can see that the furniture is all covered in sheets. Though the
building itself is in good shape, It looks as though no one has been
here in ages.

"I could bust in easily enough, but I think we may want to go with
something a little more subtle."
says Julia

"Allow me. " says the Captain. "Energize." He teleports just inside the
doorway and unlocks the door from the inside. He opens the door to
allow the others entrnce.

At the same timeZena throws her Chakram in through the window that the
heroes were
looking through, embedding it in the far wall. Her hope is to see if
anyone or thing responds to the intrusion. (using the 7I - Breakthrough

A fine layer of dust seems to coat everything, but for some reason it
doesn't seem to effect Master
Menagero's allergies.

Frank scans the whole house from the outside with his EM vision,
focusing on radio waves to see if there are any transmissions coming
from the house. (He could also probably tell if someone
were "tightbeaming" any comunications to the home too, but couldn't
tell if someone were inside receiving a general braodcast.) He also
looks for anything indicating a big power source inside (big
computers/equipment is often "noisy" in some EM ranges--any current
induces a magnetic field, which Frank could see if it is strong

Frank also looks at the lake near the house. He wonders if there
could be anything under the lake, like a lab. He uses his EM vision
to scan for emissions from the lake too. Next he does one circuit
around the cabin to look for tracks. (Would my EM vision help here?
if so, he uses it.) Frank also looks with IR vision to find anyone
spying on them from the woods or the lake.

(I use the "W" card from my hand for the scanning. If I have to use
more than one card, I use the intelligence one next, saving the dex
card for combat.)

Frank also thought of looking for a security system, but this is now

(If Frank sees anything, he will tell the others what he sees--you
can post that keith if you want.)

Frank wonders if, as heroes, they were allowed to enter private homes
without warrants. He knows cops aren't supposed to do that, but he
also knows (from TV) that cops did do it all the time. Must not
matter. Besides, it looks like no one is here.

Frank enters the home with the others, scanning as he goes.

Frank says, "Hey MM, you ain't sneezin'?" Frank scans the dust
with his highest power microscopic vision. He suspects that it is

If it is, that means this is a ...


MM says, "Did you say TRAP?" THough the dust does not
affect MM's allergies, the sudden stress does. He sneezes.

[I am going to continue this turn # into this week since I got it out
late and not much has happened so far. ]

Frank's examination of the dust reveals that it doesn't look like
"regular" dust under his microscopic scruitiny. It has a more
uniform look in the microscopic patterns than those occuring
naturally. [Frank doesn't really know what he is looking for--he
doesn't have the scientific background to make much sense of
what he is viewing].

His examination of the perimeter and other EM scans reveal
nothing out of the ordinary.

Everyone is on guard as they wait for somethingf to
happen..some trap to be sprung..but it never happens.

Slowly , one by one they begin to spread out throughout the
cabin..looking for clues.

Nearly an hour later the others hear Verve say "Aha!.. I've got
something. " When everyone has gathered around, he shows
them a bill he found in a stack of papers on the dust covered
desk. "This bill is for dinner at the Key West Yacht Club in
Florida. It is dated 12 days ago....there is no way that this much
dust could have accumaulated in just 12 days time. Something
fishy is going on here."

[Fast Forward....]

The heroes check out the Key West Yacht Club the next day. The meet the
owner ,Raphael DeSantos, "friend to the stars". The club walls are full
photographs of Desantos standing arm in arm with various clebrities...
Captain notices taht in one of them with DeSantos shaking hands with
Crowe outside in front of a yacht called the San Marquel. Alexander
Zircher,the world's foremost syntho-biologist is seen in the background
sitting in a chair aboard teh yacht. The date on the picture is 6 days

When asked about the yacht, Desantos reveals that it is regisatered to
President Calvione, President of the Republic of Chinilaya ( a powertful

non-aligned Central American country). The records show that the yacht
the marina the same day theat the photo was taken; the destination was
to be
a place known as Delamrion Cove in Chinilaya.

[Common Knowledge about Chinilaya:

Up until 6 years ago, Chinalaya could be called a "banana republic" .
for nearly 100 years by a single ;long stagnant "royal" family. Six
ago the massacre of a large number of Chinalyan mountain villagers by
overzealous government troops sparked off heavy rioting that quickly
became a full scale revolution. Led in the "peoples revolution" by
defecting army general Alfred Delchevos., the oppressed citizens took
control of the government before any Eastern or western power were able
lift a finger to aid or hinder them.

That same year Delchevos was elected "El Presidente:. " he remained
president of Chinalaya until two years ago, when he stepped down due to
illness. Named a his successor was his right hand man, Carlos Clavione.
Calvione quickly began to modernize an expand the small nation and the
economy. It is now one of the most powerful and politically stable
in the region. Also of note is that the Chinalaya rose to its place of
without a single dollar of foreign aide, a fact that some economic
fin intriguing.

Common Knowledge about Delmarion Cove:

Delamarion Cove was the site of one of the climatic battles of the
Chinalyan Revolution. Rebel forces surrounded and outgunned by
troops, rallied and defeated the superior government army. However in
process the leader of that part of the rebel army, Hector Delamrion was
killed. Since the revolution, the area was converted from jungle to a
retreat for the Chinlayan President. It is used only when the president
on truly non working vacations.

The Cove itself is virtually flat, except for a slight rise in the
on one side. According to information compiled , it contains a good
boat dock and a large house (on the higher ground).

I need to know how the characters want to approach this situation. Any
, suggestions, etc., would be appreciated. Keep in mind this could blow
into a major international incident if handled incorrecly. If the
wish to consult with CAPE , they have a number whee the Commanfer udson
be reached.

For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, I am using the old V&V
module "Assassin" for this adventure, but I am changing things
throughout to
make it different enough. ]

Menagero expresses his concern to the team aboard the
Fortune's Fury (Conveniently located behind a building
near the Yacht Club.) "If we go about this the wrong
way, we're looking at a possible international
incident. This is going to take an unprecedented
amount of stealth and subterfuge, not our usual rock
'em, sock 'em ways. I suggest a two-prong tactic to
find Zircher...Anyone interested?"

Julia frowns. "Drat, and I was hoping for some fun. That whole
Senator thing was a major bust. The cloest thing to a supervillain I
say was the damn poperatzi."

[Flashback: Julia after the assassination:

Julia slumped on her favorite chair, stairing at the bottle of vodka
on the counter. She couldn't believe how badly she blew it earlier
that day. Luckily, it hadn't made the news. At least not yet.

Still, perhaps she did have a problem. I mean, having a drink now
and then in her own home was one thing--even for an underaged minor
on probation--but in front of the press while on the job was
something else entirely. She couldn't help herself.

Boy, did she blow it.

Her eyes drifted back towards the bottle. One drink wouldn't hurt.
She needed something to help her forget what she did earlier that
day, and it was only one drink.

And then another...

And another...


Julia awoke the next morning on the floor with the empty bottle
clutched in her hands.

[End Flashback]

"I like it, we need subtle. What is
your...plan." says the Captain

Roughneck has no idea how to tackle this situation, he has never been
out of the country (to his knowledge--not counting the few years of
his memory that are missing). He is thankful that MM has a plan,
because going to a foreign country to look for a suspect sounds like
a recipe for disaster.

"What's yer plan, MM?"

"Okey-dokey," MM says, preparing for his plan. He goes
to the holo-projector table at the rear of the ship's
cockpit and toggles through to a map of the country
they will need to invade

ooc:(I forgot the name of the country and deleted my
past emails, sorry.)

"I suggest a three-pronged force for this mission.
Verve, we will need your powerful abilities to create
a separate disguise for each of the N-YOUR-FACE
infiltrators. I have been giving serious consideration
to your powers and I believe we could channel your
metahuman artistic abilites into creating life-like
masks and body suits for the N-YOUR-FACE band.THese
will have the look and feel of real flesh. Geez,
they'll even bleed once a add a chemical supplement.

"THe N-YOUR-FACE band will include myself
impersonating Secretary of State Enriquez Marquez,
Verve (available for quick fixes on our disguises)
impersonating Foreign Minister Alvaro Gonzalez, and
Blitz impersonating Mr. GOnzalez' executive assistant
Roman Lopez. We will get up close and personal as the
main extraction team for Zircher. CAPE also has voice
impersonation technology along with linguisitc
translators which will take care of the language
problem. I am sure we can beg a few of them from CAPE.

"You're all wondering, I'm sure, what about the real
Marquez, Gonzalez and Lopez? THat is where our
GUERILLA SQUAD consisting of Roughneck and Zena comes
in. Your first mission will be to kidnap the three
aforementioned politicians from Gonzalez' suburban
retreat and place them in unconscious custody with a
small band of democratic loyal rebels called the
Esperanza de la Mundo or Hope for the WOrld brigade.
Some preliminary research I have suggests that we can
work a deal with them to keep the three abductees in
safe custody in exhange for some arms which our grand
governemnt would be most happy to provide. In
addition, they will lend support to the GUERILLA
SQUAD's operations during our mission.

"THe final role GUERILLA SQUAD will need to perform is
creating a distraction for the N-YOUR-FACE crew while
our third prong moves in. Once we've successfully
nabbed Zircher, the OUT-OF-SIGHT band, consisting of
only Kinetica, will pilot the Fortune's Fury to the
borders of (insert country's name here) their sea
territory. Using Marquez's personal helicopter,
N-YOUR-FACE will rendevous with OUT-OF-SIGHT, dumping
the copter mid-air."

"Wait a minute!" says Julia. "I have to babysit the helicopter while the

rest of you hog all the fun?"

TUrning to ROughneck and Zena, "I am sure that the
GUERILLA SQUAD will be able to easily evade government
forces once we give the all clear signal flare. Once
outside the main city, you'll have about a thirty-mile
trek through rough jungles to get to the country's
border, where a contingent of CAPE troops will
facilitate your return to the USA."

MM looks at everyone and tunrs off the holo-projector.
"How's that sound?"
"One problem" says Verve, "my animated sketches, don't look 'real' ,
they look like animated pencil drawings with 3-d form. I could try to do
what you suggested but it is a huge risk and woudl put us in a lot of
danger if it failed.  I could use colored pencils to increase my chances
but even then it will probably still look like animated pencil drawings
in color.   Also they do not last very long [ aura duration] and I have
no way of telling when they will vanish.  Not trying to shoot down your
plan, just that it is a pretty big gamble if my powers can't be used in
this way [If the power stunt fails].  

Blitz answers, "MM seems pretty confident in you,
Verve. I'm confident too.

MM adds, "Your powers seem to be baed on your
imagination. I am surethat we have not seen the limits
of your powers. But, if you feel unsure about this we
can defer to CAPE's espionage division to see what
type of MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE get-ups they can supply us

Blitx adds,"Sure, this is a life-and-death situation."
Patting Verve on the back, "But, maybe on our down
time we can work on improving your powers, eh, buddy?"

Frank says, "Lemme get this straight. You want me and Zena to kidnap
three innocent government officials, and hand'em over to rebels
who'll guarantee their safety in exchange for weapons? Then you want
to impersonate these officials so as to kidnap Zircher, who's an
American citizen and has committed no crime as far as we know?"

Frank was once kidnapped. He lost nearly three years of his life
because of it, and was now a freak-show cyborg, welded to a computer.
When he had awakened during his captivity and realized what was
happening to him, he had felt like a trapped animal, and had killed
his captors to escape. And he had felt completely justified in
killing them, because they had kidnapped him, taken him against his
will and made him a prisoner.

"I'm not kidnappin' anyboddy, 'specially people who got nothin' to do
with this." Frank is beginning to wonder about MM. This idea of his,
coupled with other facts, like embezzling 10 million dollars in the
process of "accidentally" obtaining his powers, set off klaxons in
Franks head, and he doesn't even need his computer core to warn him.

"Whoa! I didn't mean any offense, Roughneck!" MM is
taken aback by Frank's reaction. "I thought ouro rders
were clear, to find Zircher. I didn't say any harm
would come to him but I take it we're all assuming
that ZIrcher is there agaisnt his will. Maybe someone
needs to refresh me on our mission orders. It's not as
if any intrusion into their country will not be
perceived as an act of war anyways."

Frank says, "Yer right, Zircher might be there against his will. But
that picture of him and Russel Crowe on the yacht didn't exactly look
like he'd been abducted. He may be in on it. He may be completely
innocent too.

"But my real problem is with kidnapping these unrelated government
officials and handin'em over to rebels, plus giving these rebels
weapons. The dossier on Chinalaya said their old leader "Delchevos"
was elected. If these rebels are democratic, why aren't they just
voting? I don't like the idea of handing innocent people over to
outlaws, and bribing the outlaws to not harm'em by giving the outlaws

"We're government agents, aren't we? I mean, we work for Ms.
Chesterton, but we're deputies, we're more like cops than normal
citizens. It just don't seem right." Frank runs out of steam here,
forgetting what his point was.

Frank feels foolish now, wondering if he is overreacting.

Blitz responds, "Well, I'm not an elected official
myself. I'm only a member of this band. I defer to
Frank's opinion on this matter. But, I see that in the
future, we really need to decide who makes the final
decision. We need an elected leader to make the tough
choices when we all don't agree. I nominate Frank. He
seems pretty experienced in battle."

"I'm willing, but I'm not a good day-to-day leader. I'm no good at
givin' orders. MM's best at makin' plans, I just had a little problem
with this one I guess."

[OOC: Frank would have voted for Blitz to be team leader, since he is
a paramedic and is most experienced (highest edge and assessment
skill). But now it looks like Blitz may not be around much? Michael,
are you going to keep playing Blitz for good? If so let me know, I
can repost.]

Of course! The CAPTAIN should be team leader! after all, he IS the

"I believe that Tolwynn, Tancreed and I are aptly capable of capturing
these men. Perhaps Frank would prefer to join Julia in the helicopter."
says Zena as she polishes and cleans her chakram and bracelets.

MM weighs Zena's words carefully and habitually winks
at her. "THanks for the vote of confidence, my
beaut...I mean, Zena. Though I agree that the Captain
may be a natural born leader, I must defer to
thosewith actual battle experience outside of SoF.
I'll swing my vote Blitz's way if needed and I thank
any who may give me consideration. My knowledge fo
metahumans IS extensive but in such an
espionage-ridden case, I amy not be the best suited
for the job."

"Despite my...codename I do not...feel...I am ready lead the team. I support...MM or...Blitz" says the Captain

Blitz adds, "Well make a decision, will ya?"

"Before we decide anything I think we should get in contact with
Hudson and Ms. Chesterton to see what they think. She is a lawyer after
and he is the regional head of CAPE. Neither one of them may want us to
even go to Chinalaya. I think that is probably where Zircher is, but we
can't be sure that he was kidnapped or if he is there willingly. Even
fact that he "may" be involved in the pseudo assassination of Senator
Blanding doesn't give us the right to go into a foreign country and
taking prisoners....Maybe if we were military, but even then it would be
dicey situation at best. But then again, what the hell do I know...I'm
an artist. " says Verve, lighting up two cigarettes at once and tossing
to Julia. "The whole situation stinks if you ask me. I'm not too keen on

doing the governments dirty work for them if that is waht they expect us
do. I'm sure they have metahuman Covert Ops teams for just this sort of
thing. Acting as bodyguards for public officials is one thing, but
infiltrating a foreign country is quite another. "

As the team debates what to do the Furtune Fury is plunged into
then the entire ship is jerked about as if an earthquake is happening,
a spinning sensation as they are all tossed about th ecabin , the
stops with a sudden impact and a loud splash of water. This all occurs
quickly, a few seconds at beast. Everyone is shaken up but no one is
serioulsly injured...minor bumps and bruises. If anyone looks out the
cockpit windows they see that the Fury is now in the ocean about a mile
shore and is beginning to slowly sink benath the waves.

On shore, Requiem, the team leader smiles to himself. That was too easy
thinks. "Nightfall, Ferro! Good work. But stay on guard.. Halflife, fly
out to where Ferro threw their ship and blast anyone who tries to
escape. "

"Roger." says Halflife a burst of radiation enveloping his body, as he
takes to the air waiting for anyone to surface. A few hard rads would
care of any survivors.

A grotesgue wiry little man scampers near Requiem, his nose twitching
excitedly "The master will be pleased Requiem? " he asks almost

"It is too early to tell at this point Vermin. We need to make sure
are no survivors. The boss wants these idiots punished for their
incompetence. If they'd done what they were supposed too and protected
Senator, then none of this would be necessary. All loose ends are being
taken care of and examples are being made. These aren't the only ones. "

"Yes I know, " says Vermiin gleeefully stroking his three foot long
tail. "The Master let me feast on some other 'exampes' last night. "

Requiem shakes his head in disgust and waves the rodent man away. He
to concentrate on the mission at hand.

[I should remind everyone not to confuse player knowledge with character

knowledge here. I added the supervillain comments for flavor, not as
information to be used by the characters.]

  Frank recovers from the tossing about and immediately looks out the
window. Realizing (from the sound and impact) that the plane is
sinking, he uses his laser to cut a hole in the top of the fuselage
so everyone can escape--big enough for multiple people to exit at
once. He then leaps at the cut out piece, intending to use his
momentum to burst out of the plane and remove the section he cut out
at the same time. He will do this at an angle so he will land on the

As Frank does this, his danger sense goes wild, though he can't see
any attackers.

"Everboddy, incoming! More attacks on the way! Get ready!"

Frank then scans the whole area (using his wideband EM vision)
looking for what caused this. If he cannot see anything (i.e., if the
plane has darkness cast on it that blocks all EM wavelengths) then he
will leap into the air straight up, hoping to get out of the radius
of whatever darkness is on the plane. He intends to land on the plane
when he does this.

If at any time Frank is knocked off the plane, he will sink like a
rock, so he takes care and will try to grab anything to prevent being
tossed into the water.

If Frank sees any attackers, he will shoot his laser at them.

MM immediately states, "What the heck was that?
Roughneck, Kinetica, Zena, Blitz, Captain...Get on top
of the Fury ASAP and defned anymore possible attacks.
Verve, I'll need you to stay with me and whip up a
quick fix. How about a huge flotilla to get this baby
out of the sea while I start up the water pumps and
main engine. It's like a tornado hit us!" MM starts up
Fortune Fury's engines and begins scanning the area for metahumans.
OOC: 9D+ (Pyrrric Victory) for the detection

Blitz immediately zips outside the hole Roughneck made
and takes a with look at his surroundings.

OOC: For blitz: using 8A*(Dramatic Entrance) to get a
visual on any incoming.

Tolwynn and Tancreed quickly follow Roughneck out of the Fortune's Fury,

Zena looks around the jet for something that she can stand on to access
the newly made hole.

"Get to shore my friends" Zena says to her two companions. If she were
anyone else aboard the Fortune's Fury she might suspect the foul play
that awaits the team outside the jet, but for her this is simply one of
the many troubles that comes with modern technology. Her only concern is

escaping this man made coffin before it takes her into the depths of the


Julia, who was not wearing her seatbelt, is promptly thrown into the
side of the Fury. Fortunately, her force field protected her from
injury, but it would not help her in the depths of the ocean. With
her life on the line, adrenelin surged through her body, and a slight
smile cusped her lips. This was just the sort of excitement needed
to put an end to the monotony of life.

"One sunroof coming up," she declared, propelling herself towards
(and hopefully through) the roof of the Fury. (Roof meaning
whichever side happens to be facing up from the ocean).

[Playing the 5 to create an exit.]

As soon as the ship settles down The Captain will
begin teleporting team members on to the top of the
ship, starting with non-flyers (who will have a harder
time getting to Roughneck and Kinetica's impromptu
doors) I use the 5S for this.

If an attack come while the Captain is on top he will
fire his stun blast at the attackers, 8D for that.

MM informs the team, "I detect 5 other metahumans in
the area. One is very near the ship, he has some sort
of radiation based powers. Kinetica, take that
assailant! The other 4 are on shore. Here are their
powers and best possible match-ups. One has sonic
based powers; Blitz can outmaneaver sound, I hope.
Another has superstrength and heightened defenses;
Captain, take Roughneck with you and put the kibosh on
that thug. The last seems to possesss some sort of
animal based powers, something quick and mean; Zena,
tag along with the Captain then you and your friends
can tame that beast."

"Aye aye," says the Captain, "Energize"

I will use the 3S to teleport and the 8D to fire my
stun blast at the Super strength guy

"You got it, M&M," says Julia. Nothing like an adrenaline rush to take
mind off of things. Once out of the plane, she will hurl herself at the
nearest metahuman, perferably one not on the team :-)

OOC: She'll play one of her 6's for this.

Blitz shrinks down to his smallest size and check-in,
"You got it, MM! But, since I don't know who's who
yet, do you mind if I soften them up for us all?"

Blitz speeds across the water to deliver a devestating
blow on the attacking horde.

ooc: Edge 1S*(Scent of Prey) + 8A*(Dramatic Entrance)
and the use of the event on the card. (trump please)

If successful:

Blitz moves in at superspeed. He sees the band of bad
guys on the shore and pinballs off of each one of
them, trying to seperate them into opposite
directions. (He will utilize his body armor for
protection from refracted charges.) He taunts the bad
guys, "I don't think we've properly met, seeing how
you planned to drown us and all. Let me makes an
introduction. I'm the brave-hearted Blitz and the rest
of the folk who'll be joining us shortly are the rest
of my team, the Supers of Fortune. I'll assume you
didn't know who you were messing with or else you'd
know we're the new, titanic team in town and would've
avoided us like your fathers avoided your mothers."

Verve begins sketching up a giant flotation device for the ship. "Hey
Zena, I'm not sure if this will work or not, How about calling up some
help from any aquatic animals in the area. Assuming you can contol them
as well as you can Tolwynnn and Tancreed, that is...I'd rather not have
to deal with any hungry sharks or giant squids at the moment. " says

"I have never tried to gain the assistance of aquatic life before. But I

think I can do what you ask." states Zena.

"If my sketchpad gets wet, my powers won't work. " he adds to no
one in particular.

"Perhaps you could conjure yourself a protective case to put your book
into until you can get to dry land." she adds. She then begins
concentrating, reaching out with her power over the znimal kingdom,
trying to gain control over any aquatic OR land based animal in the

[Okay, now this is totally up to you Keith, and it sorta depends on how
animalistic Vermin actually is, but if it is within the scope of my
powers, I'd like to have the animal based life -- possibly including
Vermin -- to swarm and attack those who oppose us. 6I for the attempt]

"Be careful out there, people," MM says waiting for
Verve to complete his drawing so that he can get
airborne. He checks the radar again to see if he can
lock on to the radiation-emitting individual.
"Kinetica, hit-and-run your opponent. After striking,
get some clearance each round of sparring. I plan to
give this joker a piece of the Fury's weapons systems."

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Fri May 3, 2002 1:51am
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.5

As soon as Roughneck bursts out of the plane he is under attack. Blast
after blast of radioactive energy is sent raining down upon him. He
evades several of the blasts but the last one catches him in the
shoulder, singing his flesh. His regeneration should start any second
, but Frank is alarmed when he realizes that it isn't working, there
was some sort of complication going on with his cybernetics, perhaps
caused by the radiation.

Gritting his teeth in pain, Roughneck takes aim at his assailant and
fires his laser. It catches the man, who is bathed in a greenish flame,
in the side and lets out a small grunt of pain.

[Pat, please try to start posting what cards you are playing with your

Kinetica busts out of her own hole in the side of the ship and
immediately makes a beeline towards the flying green man. The man does
a rollover technique Kinetica had seen a jet perform on Top Gun and
evades her easily. "You'll half to do better than that Sweetie! They
call me Halflife, which is more life than your gonna have left when I'm
through with ya!" He says and begins blasting away at Julia with his
radioactive blasts.

"I just hope that if I get hit by that !@#$, something weird doesn't
happen like growing a second head," Julia says softly to herself as she
swerves to avoid the attack, as she turns around in attempt to slam into
him once more.

OOC: Julia will play the 6A on defense, and the 9 on offense.

Blitz zooms to the shore, running so fast that he skips along the top of

the water like a thrown rock. He sees the oddly garbed villains on the
shore: One looks like some sort of Island of Dr. Moreu reject with rat
like features, the other is a imposing muscular man who looks to be made

of iron, and the last is wearing a black body suit with red trim, his
mask covers his face , except for his mouth and long brown hair. Blitz
slams into the the iron man and the long hair, but the rat man evades ,
he was damn quick. The attack seem to have no effect on the iron man,
but the long hair was clutching his side. "Wait a minute " says
Blitz, "I thought there was supposed to be 4 bad guys on shore."

"There are." says an ominous voice as a wall of darkness falls over
Blitz and he feels a chill come into the air.

The Captain and Zena make there way to the top of the ship, and the
Captain teleports himself along with Roughneck, Zena, and her animals to

shore. They materialize extremely close to one of the storage sheds
near the yacht club. The Captain realizes that he had almost killed them

all by teleporting into solid matter....he'd have to be more careful
about that , he thinks as he steps out from behind the building and
fires a stun blast at the big iron guy. The iron man, staggers about,
visibly dazed but he does not go down. He was a tough one.

Frank, badly injured, is further disoriented by the teleportation--
his first experience of the Captain's powers. But he is thankful to
be off the Fortune Fury and away from the water.

The shot from the radiation villian smolders on Frank's shoulder, the
green fire still dissolving his flesh in a widening area. Frank
collapses against the storage shed, his face white with pain and

"My regeneration...ain't workin'." He grits his teeth and tries to

[Frank will try to shoot Requiem, who seems to be the leader of the
enemy. He will try to use the corner of the shed as cover against
enemy fire, keeping lookout for anyone trying to flank his position.
I only have the one card to play.]

Zena concentrates her will and calls upon any animals in the area to
come to her aide. A swarm of seagulls swoop down upon the four
villains pecking at their eyes and causing a general nuisance. . [the
three of you can see the fourth one. He is dressed in long black cape,
creepy looking, sort of like Spawn] She tries control the mind of the
rat like looking man, but his will is too strong, he was like an animal,

but different enough to not make controlling him an easy task.

Having been alerted to their presence by the Captain's attack, the long
haired villain says, " Vermin, Ferro, take care of our newly arrived
guests. I'll dispatch these damn birds. Nightfall keep the midget
occupied. "

"Yes Requiem" hisses the one called Vermin as he and Ferro charge
towards the trio.

Requiem begins screeching at an ear piercing level, birds begin falling
dead from the sky.

The Captain fires another stun blast at Ferro (The big
guy) (6S)

For deffense I will use the 5S and trump it.

Verve finishes his drawing and a giant flotation device springs into
existence underneath the fortune Fury, causing the submerged sections to

come above sea level. "Fire up those engines, MM! " says Verve jumping
into the co-pilot seat. Master menagero gives up on trying to locate
the flying man on the radar, he was probably too small to show up.

MM is not too happy with their response attack,
"Captain, handle the dark-matter manipulating villain.
I'm sure Roughneck can handle the brute. Bltiz, stay
on the sonic screaming menace. Kinetica, forget your
current opponent and focus on their leader with Blitz.
Verve and I will wrap up the radiation man. Zena, keep
up your assault on the animal-man."

"Roger wilco, mein Kaptain." Julia departs from Halflife, glad to be rid
of the radiation freak, and heads to render assistance to Blitz.

"No thanks. I'd rather handle the metal man!" exclaims Zena. She didn't
like the fact that Menagero kept announcing their attacks. It gave the
enemy too big of an advantage. Somehow she had to regain the element of
surprise, even if it was through deceit.

She speeds her chakram towards Ferro with ferrocity. But Ferro is not
her target. She knows there is little she could do to effect him.
Instead, her target is Vermin, and if the gods guide her hand, her
chakram will ricochet right into the animalistic bastard.

[Sorry, Couldn't check or send out mail all day yesterday, something was

wrong with my Server. Use the 4A for the Ricochet attack (off the
nearest object -- directed at Vermin);

8 D for Dodge]

"But...very well." The Captains attack is now focused
on the dark-matter guy, same card play.

Same card, I'm using my only higher card to attack,
and if I don't get trump then I will stick with the 5S
still rather than the 3I

[ Both Zena and the Captain can see that Roughneck looks like major
check out his Hand. He is down to one card , from three total , and the
card that he has left is a 1. So you would both realizre that he is in
condoition at the moment to be taking on Ferro, or anyone ellse at the
moment. halflife didi a number on him. ]

"Belay that team. not up to full
combat...right now. Kintetica...take the...Dark
Matter...villian. Roughneck...back her up. My...stun
blasts...can take down supprisingly strong...targets.
As soon as...anyone...finishes with Blitz."

So I'm still shooting Ferro.t (The big
guy) (6S)

For deffense I will use the 5S .

MM sets the Fortune's Fury on a intercept courtse for
the radiation man. He intends to ram into him full
speed and take on his powers. "Back up, Verve, I need
to gain as much space between myself and yourself and
this glowing metahuman!"

5D- (Hazmat Leak)

"Um...sure thing." says Verve. The back of the Fury is like a wind
due to the two holes punched through it's exterior by Kinetica and
Roughneck. Verve clutches his sketchpad protectively and begins drawing
something to seal the holes with, at least temporarily.

On shore, Blitz uses his 5A+ trump to dodge any
assault from the shadowmancer and decides to go for an
old fashion KO punch to Requim's face; using 6S*
(Emergency) + trump.

[ It would make it much easier if everyone could post what cards they
plan to play for defense as well as their attack actions. If not, I
have to guess as to what cards you would play for defense.

I also attached a very rough map of the yacht club area. I just used the

first initials of thecharcter's name to represent where they stnd. the
good guys are in green, bad guys are red. The marks over Blitz's
position are to indicate the darkness surrounding him. ]

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Fri May 17, 2002 10:43pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.6

Roughneck fires his laser at Requiem, but the long haired villain is
able to dodge the attack. Though his attack is unsuccessful, Frank e
finally feels his regeneration start to kick in , slowly restoring some
of the damage that was done to him.

Blitz runs out from beneath the cover of darkness surrounding him and
lands a powerful TKO punch on Requiem [double Trump!] that send the
villain sprawling backward unconscious.

Kinetica, who was on her way to help Blitz targets, the creepy looking
shadow guy. She slams into him, as he fires off a bolt of dark energy at

her. The attack gets through her forcefield and she feels a cold
sensation as the shadowy missile strikes her. Her forcefield dims a
little, weakened by the attack. "My darkenss shall consume your light,
child," Nightfall says in a voice that sends chills down Julia's spine.

[ I am going to be using Steve Kenson's rules for Forcefields here:
Force Fields: Force Fields serve to absorb damage from attacks. Unlike
other forms of defense, force fields can also be damaged by attacks.
When a force field takes damage in excess of it's intensity, the
protected characters suffers the excess damage normally (applying his or

her Strength). The force field's intensity is then reduced by the amount

of the excess damage. A force field reduced to 0 intensity collapses. A
hero can restore his or her force field to full strength by spending an
action or counteraction to do so.

Example: Aegis is fighting the Hulk and ol' greenskin lands a punch
against the acrobatic hero for 20 damage points. His intensity 14 Force
Field soaks up most of the damage, but 6 points get through. Aegis'
Strength handles it, so he takes no damage. His force field, however, is

reduced by 6 points, to intensity 8. "Man, he nearly shattered my field
with that punch!" Aegis thinks. Unless Aegis spends an action to
reinforce his field, the Hulk's next punch is sure to collapse it, and
do some damage to Aegis in the process.

So by this 9 points got through your forcefield, reducing it down to 3.
You can restore it by using a n action or counteraction to do so]

Julia crashes into the ground after the attack and assumes the fetal
position, shivering horribly from the strange dark energy.  She's not
about to let the creep get away with this though.  Forcing herself to
her feet, she takes to the air on a collision course with Nightfall, not
certain whether or not she could, with her force field weakened, survive
a second blast.
A devilish smile forms on her face.  She wouldn't have it any other way.

Playing the 5I for attack with trump, and playing the 5W for defense.

Tolwynn and Tancreed both attack Nightfall, trying to distract the
villain to allow Kinetica a better attack.

The Captain blasts Ferro yet again. His synapses overloaded from the
Captain's, the brawny villain falls into an unconscious stupor,

Zena's Chakram bounces off of a nearby yacht and catches Vermin in the
back of the head. It was a solid blow, but not enough to incapacitate
the beastly little man, who charges onward and leaps at Zena, slashing
with his talon like fingernails. Vermin is incredibly quick and Zena is
unable to block the attack with her bracers. Vermin's talons cut a large

gash in Zena's thigh.

Master Menagero takes aim at Halflife with the Fortune Fury. The
radioactive villain is able to outmaneuver the ship and MM is unable to
ram him. However, he does feel his powers beginning to change and his
vision takes on a greenish tinge as radioactive energy begins to glow
around him.

A millisecond later Halflife, rips the rudder off of the Fortune Fury
causing it to spin out of control. [Of course verve and MM areunaware
of the cause of this] Verve screams over the commlink " what the
hells i going on MM? " as he tightens his safety harness of the seat
he is in.

[So basicallly thre are 3 of the 5 villains still left awake: Vermin,
who ois attacking Zena, Halflife, who is near teh Fortune Fury, and
Nightfall who is fighting with Kinetica. Both Ferro and Requiem are
down for the count.

" Zena. Roughneck you...and I will
aid...Kinetica." Says tha Captain as he fires a stun
blast at Nightfall
(3I with trump to hit, 4A with trump to dodge any

"Got it," says Roughneck. Roughneck feels much better now that his
enhanced healing is working. He can feel the rejuvenation taking
place. He leaps atop the storage shed and takes aim with his laser at

He then notices that the Fortune Fury is in trouble. "Captain, I
gotta help MM and Verve, they look like they're in trouble." [I am
assuming Frank can see that the radiation guy is attacking the plane;
if he can't, please let me know.]

Roughneck aborts his attack on Nightfall and shoots his laser at the
green radiation man. He uses a short pulse so as to make it less
likely he will accidentally hit the Fortune Fury. [Use the 4I for
this attack.]

[O GM, if Roughneck can't take this action for any reason (Plane out
of range, whatever) then Roughneck will go ahead and attack

MM screams, "YAAAAAAHHHHH!" as the Fortune's Fury
begins a wicked rollover. "H-hold tight, V-verve,
w-while I t-try t-to s-stablize t-the c-craft!"

[ooc: Tossing my 4A + trump and push with my 6D to
stanblize the jet and set it parralel to the horizen
to prevent a crashlanding and dodge any of Halflife's
coming attacks. This should cancel my powers from
Halflife because of the distance being shorter between
Verve and I)

Zena grasps her thigh as blood begins to spray out. Vermin had only
barely missed a major artery that could have ended her life. She grits
her teeth instead of screaming in pain. Not willing to fall to this
animalistic adversary, she turns her pain into rage.

Blitz responds to the Captain, "You got it!" Trying to
catch Vermin's attention while purposely angering
Zena, "Hey, Ratface, lay off the lady. Don't you know
that our Zena is afraid of rodents."

[Blitz will deliver a karate chop to Vermin's
knee-cap, 3S + trump, while dodging any atacks with
his 4A + trump. And if I need a willpower to egg Zena
on, I'll toss my 4W + trump.]

This comment only throws more fuel on the fire, "I FEAR NOTHING!" she
shouts as her fingers jet out towards Vermin's neck. All it will take is

to hit the right pressure point and the fight will be taken right out of


[7I push into Stun Touch -- 6W trump for my Stun Touch. I will use
whatever my replacement card is for my dodge.]




From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Fri May 24, 2002 3:05pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.7

Tolwynn and Tancreed both begin attacking Nightfall , who curses at them

angrily. Kinetica uses this distraction to her advantage slamming full
force into the villain. Nightfall is sent flying backwards through the
air, slamming into the side of the yacht club. As he slides down the
wall, the Captain makes sure that he remains incapacitated with the help

of a stun blast. Nightfall is quite unconscious by the time he hits the

Blitz karate chops Vermin's knee as Zena lets out a ferocious amazonian
battle cry and strikes the rodent man in a bundled nerve cluster at
the side of his neck. The sudden overload to his nervous system causes
Vermin to twitch uncontrollably as he falls to the ground in an
epileptic-like fit before falling unconscious. Zena is badly wounded,
pushing her limits while already injured was taking it's toll. Blitz
notices that she appears a bit pale and a little clammy...the signs of
shock and blood loss manifesting themselves. He'd seen it many times
before as a paramedic.

Roughneck fires off a pulse laser at Half-life, who is laughing
maniacally as the Fortune Fury spins towards the waves below. The laser
hits it's mark, but seems to do little or no damage, merely causing
half-life to take notice of Frank. Half-life seems to consider flying
inland for a direct attack upon Roughneck, but when he realizes that he
is the only villain left standing he simply flips Roughneck the bird and

flies off to sea. Roughneck is able to see the radioactive trail left
in the villain's wake. It would be no problem to track it, it glowed in
Frank's sensor's like Day-Glo paint.

Frank radios to Kinetica, "I can see his radiation trail, but I can't
fly. I don't know how long it'll stay visible, but if you lose him we
can try to track him to wherever he goes."

Frank is glad his regeneration is working again, he is nearly
entirely healed. He will have to watch out for radiation powers in
the future. They apparently mess with his cybernetics.
Meanwhile.. MM is giving it everything he has to prevent the Fortune
Fury from crashing, yanking so hard on the controls that he actually
strains several muscles in his back and arms. His effort pays off , as
he is able to do an emergency landing into the harbor, The Fury comes to

rest in the shallow water of the beach about a quarter of a mile south
of the yacht club docks.

"Nice flying, Ace!" says Verve unstrapping himself from his seat belt
and slapping MM on the back cheerfully. MM winces at the touch upon his
strained muscles.

Blitz moves toward Zena and begins first aid on her
leg, "Hold still, warrior. Let me get a patch on this
wound. Vermin took a nice chunk out of you."
5I* (Strong Evidence)

Zena grudgingly accepts his aide knowing that she has little choice.
Still, she would rather have one of the shamanic warriors from her tribe

present instead. Seeing that Half-Life has fled and all others have been

stopped, she calls her animals to her side and resecures her weapons.

[Sorry, not much for me to add at the moment. . . . ]

MM cries over the loudspeaker. "Kinetica, we shouldn't
let one of these miscreants getaway! Have Roughneck
patch his telemetry into your Commcard and pursue that
bugger. Pretend he's a bottle of vodka. That should
keep you on his tail all night." MM's pain transforms
into a harsh sarcasm. The little man does not take
pain too well. In addition, he feels like a complete
doofus for not pulling a detection stunt sooner. It
could have saved his team, and his Zena, much pain and

"I'm on it," replies Julia.  "But if you talk to me that way again, I'll
shove that bottle of vodka down your throat, bottle and all."
Julia flies after him, closing for melee if possible.  More likely, she
will lob a kinetic bolt towards him.
Cardplay: She will play the 5W- for offense, using the all-out-offense
option in RRGtE (assuming you allow it).  If she needs to make an action
to close, she will play the 5W*, pushing the 4 if he seems faster than

MM begins system checks on the Fortune Fury and
intructs the team, "The rest of you bundle up these
creeps and make sure they're KO'd. I suggest we get
them back to my labs for interrogation. We need to
find out what their link is to our current mystery."

The Captain retieves what ever we have in the Fortune
Fury for this sort of situation (I assume, being well
supplied enough to have a cool transport vehicle we
have some kind of super-retraining devices on board).

 On the short walk back from the downed Fortune fury to the yacht Club,
Verve makes a call to Ms. Chesterton on his cellphone (on a secure
scrambled line) to explain the current situation. Ms. Chesterton
patches through Commander Hudson on three way calling as Verve expalins
it all to them.

" souonds like it could be a sticky situation", says Hudson
recalling all of the heat the feds had taken in the Elian Gonzales
affair. "I cannot officially sanction the team to enter a foreign
country. However I also cannot forbid you from doing so, if you get my
meaning. CAPE has pausible denaibility at that point and will deny any
involvement in the affair if it should go sour. That is assuming that
you do in fact enter Chinalya, which as I said earlier I cannot
'officially' condone."

Verve sighs at the bureaucratic doubletalk.

Ms Chesterton puts Verve on hold as she and Commander Hudson speak

A few moments later she clicks back on without the Commander. "Verve,
the team is to go to Chinalya and retrieve Professor Zircher. Do not
draw attention to yourselves in this matter, it requires a great deal of

subterfuge. The cover story is that the team was hired by a distant
relative to find Zircher after he disappeared a few months ago. CAPE is
no longer officially involved in this matter."

"But, " Verve begins to protest.

"No buts. These are satnding orders from the team's owner himself.
Besides, the money we will earn from this is just to good to pass up. "
"Keep me posted. Ciao." says Ms. Chesterton as she hangs up.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" curses Verve. He didn't like this at all.
Plausible denaibility? Cover stories? Those type of terms bothered him
a great deal. Granted Zircher held valuable information into the how and

why of Seantor Blanding's 'assassination' and perhaps where the real
senator was as well, but this seemed a bit shady to Verve. Why should
they risk their neck's for Blanidng anyway, he was an vehement
antri-metahuman deamagogue who campigned for several civil rights
violating bills against metahumans.

When he finally reached the others, he informs them of the conversation
and all that was said.

" I may sit this one out." says Verve. "for ethical reasons."

Frank says, "I don't like this either, but I'm in, for personal
reasons." Frank still hopes that the people who created these
androids were somehow connected to his own past. How many secret
organizations creating cyborgs/androids could there be in the world?
Maybe several, but Frank thinks this is his best chance to find out
who was behind his transformation into a cyborg.

"And now that we actually have some kinda "sanctioning" for invadin'
Chinilaya, MM, exactly how did that plan of yours go? Can we do it
without risking people who aren't already involved?" Frank was
disturbed at MM's previous suggestion to ransom innocent Chinalayan
civil servants with a rebel group, even if the rebels were
legitimate. But they also needed a plan, and MM was the only one
coming up with one. Frank is not a planner.

"Well, Frank, I value your ethical guidelines.
Sometimes the scientist in me takes over." MM flies
the Fortune's Fury over to his group. "But before we
decide a new course of action, why don't you all load
the villains into the craft and we'll all go provide
back-up for Julia." MM wipes his nose on his cape.
"She may need our help."

MM will stand next to Verve and draw in the needed
pieces to repair the rudder. If it works, we're off.

4W*(Sudden transformation)
An animated rudder pops into place.

Verve sighs heavily. "That thing won' t last all the way to
Chinalaya, assuming that is where Half-life is headed. I guess
I'll have to come along to redraw the rudder everytime it starts to
fizzle out. Don't say I never did anything for you guys. " he says
sarcastically as he boards the Fortune Fury

Once the team is onboard, MM will punch the
accelerator and follow Julia's commlink.

Blitz, with his small stature, picks up Vermin after
securing him with the Nega-bands and jumps into the
ship. "Let's go, team. We'll bad the last baddie and
then figure out how to tackle this complex situation.
One other issue we're having: We need a leader and a
deputy leader. I still think Frank has the best
tactical abilities."

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sun Jun 2, 2002 2:04am
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.8

As the others secure the defeated villains, Kinetica is hot on the
trail of Half-Life pushing herself to the limit to close with the
villain. She unleashes a volley of Kinetic bolts, which pound against
the villain, battering him about the sky, but he is able to maintain his

flight pattern due to the radioactive energy field which surrounds him.

Half-life looks back over his shoulder and shouts, "You should've
learned yer lesson the first time kid. Now you are gonna pay. " He
flips onto his back, while still maintaining his flight pattern and
fires off a blast of sickening green radiation ot Julia. Julia , who
was completely focused on attacking Half-Life cannot evade the attack
and slams right into it. She feels her already weakened forcefield give
way under the attack as the darkness of unconsciousness overtakes her.

This occurs just as the Fortune Fury gains fight and the other watch
helplessly as they see Julia plummet into the murky waters below.

Reaching the spot where they saw her hit, they are able to recover her
unconscious form, which was just about to sink beneath the waves. As
they pull her out of the ocean they notice that her normally blue-tinted

forcefield is mixed with swirls of green , then it disappears
completely. With her forcefield down Blitz is able to perform CPR on
Kinetica .

Julia coughs and spits out sea water as she slowly recovers

"Did I get him?"

She feels strange. She can't put her finger on it at
first, but something is different. There was no blue-tint to her vision
and she could actually feel the floor benaeth her. She looks at her
hand and it is not surrounded by the familiar bue-glow of her
forcefield. Her eyes widen in shock as the revelation sets in.

"My force field!"

"Is it...permanent?"

Julia moans slightly as she runs her hands over her skin tight outfit.
had been a long time since she felt anything touching her body beyond
and liquid, and felt so good to feel a caress again, even if it was only

her own.

Slowly, she stands up, and grabs Blitz and kisses him. "God, I missed
that," she says calmly.

"Hey M&M, what's the prognosis? Is my force field going to turn itself
back on automatically in a while? Can I turn it back on, and if I do,
I be able to deactivate it?"

"Without my powers, I won't be able to remain on the team."

"Not that I care, mind you," she adds a little to quickly, "But if I
complete my term of service, the feds are going to stick me in

Zena is still hurt badly from her melee with Vermin. Blitz's first aid
helped stop the bleeding and take away some of the pain, but it would be

awhile before she was up to her old amazon self again.

With Frank's guidance, the team is able to follow Half-Life's radiation
trail, without the villain being aware of it. It becomes obvious from
his flight path that he is headed for Chinalaya.

Several hours later they are about 50 miles from the shores of the
island nation of Chinalaya when a high power scanning wave is detected.
The wave is too powerful to jam. A short time after this, the radar
picks up three fighter aircraft closing quickly, The computer target
identification system identifies these aircraft as as American made F-53

Tiger II's. The database also adds that these aircraft were sold to
the Chinalyan government prior to the revolution.

'I got a bad feeling about this. " says Verve.

"I hate to sound like a wimp," MM utters while wiping
his nose, "But I suggest we do NOT cross over into
theri airspace until we formulate a plan. I can set up
a jamming frequnecy which will prevent them from
scanning us and we can high-tail it out of here before
none's the wiser. Plus, we need to get both Zena and
Kinetica taken care of."

"I am fine. I have fought with worse injuries." Zena states trying to
stand . She grimaces with pain and then returns to a resting position.
"The time to strike is now. The more time we plan, the more time they
have to plan."

"I must agree with...MM...they are...currently
more...organized that...we are. We must...know what
we...are doing."

Blitz mutters, "I feel like we're running blind here.
We need to get into their playing field. We've been
ambushed and don't know squat why!"

MM begins to turn the ship around after setting up a
jamming frequency.

Frank doesn't like this either. "If they're already closin' on us,
they gotta know we're here. I like the part where we get the hell
outta here. Can we outrun fighter jets? How old are they?"

Frank doesn't know much of anything about fighter aircraft. But his
computer core might. He tries to focus, to connect to the core. He
pictures a fighter airplane in his head.

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Jun 8, 2002 10:54pm
Subject: Recap:Turn 4.9

ADVERTISEMENT[I am going to intersperse some additional info throughout
the previous
Turn which I copied below, since not much occured last Turn and there
some questions that went unanswered. ]

> As the others secure the defeated villains, Kinetica is hot on the
> trail of Half-Life pushing herself to the limit to close with the
> villain. She unleashes a volley of Kinetic bolts, which pound against
> the villain, battering him about the sky, but he is able to maintain
> flight pattern due to the radioactive energy field which surrounds
> Half-life looks back over his shoulder and shouts, "You should've
> learned yer lesson the first time kid. Now you are gonna pay. " He
> flips onto his back, while still maintaining his flight pattern and
> fires off a blast of sickening green radiation ot Julia. Julia , who
> was completely focused on attacking Half-Life cannot evade the attack
> and slams right into it. She feels her already weakened forcefield
> way under the attack as the darkness of unconsciousness overtakes her.

> This occurs just as the Fortune Fury gains fight and the other watch
> helplessly as they see Julia plummet into the murky waters below.
> Reaching the spot where they saw her hit, they are able to recover her

> unconscious form, which was just about to sink beneath the waves. As
> they pull her out of the ocean they notice that her normally
> forcefield is mixed with swirls of green , then it disappears
> completely. With her forcefield down Blitz is able to perform CPR on
> Kinetica .
> Julia coughs and spits out sea water as she slowly recovers
> consciousness.
> "Did I get him?"
> She feels strange. She can't put her finger on it at
> first, but something is different. There was no blue-tint to her
> and she could actually feel the floor benaeth her. She looks at her
> hand and it is not surrounded by the familiar bue-glow of her
> forcefield. Her eyes widen in shock as the revelation sets in.
> "My force field!"
> "Is it...permanent?"
> Julia moans slightly as she runs her hands over her skin tight outfit.

> It
> had been a long time since she felt anything touching her body beyond
> air
> and liquid, and felt so good to feel a caress again, even if it was
> her own.
Slowly, she stands up, and grabs Verve and kisses him. "God, I missed
that," she says calmly.

Verve's eyes widen at the unexpected kiss and he blushes shyly,
muttering something about not mixing business with pleasure. He returns
back to the refuge his drawing to escape the awkwardness he feels.

> "Hey M&M, what's the prognosis? Is my force field going to turn itself

> back on automatically in a while? Can I turn it back on, and if I do,
> will
> I be able to deactivate it?"
> "Without my powers, I won't be able to remain on the team."
> "Not that I care, mind you," she adds a little to quickly, "But if I
> don't
> complete my term of service, the feds are going to stick me in
> rehab...or
> worse."

MM walks closer to Julia and feels himself assuming her powers despite
lack of her ever-present forcefield. A bluish forcefield springs up
him. He concentrates and it turns off. He concentrates again and it
back on. "It would seem that the radioactive powers of Half-Life have
somehow furthered your metahuman mutation Julia. It appears to be
allowing you to activate and deactivate you power at will. Whether this
permanent of not remains to be seen. We can do a more detailed analysis
my labs when we return home. "

"Congatulations, Julia" says Verve. " I know it must have been hard
trapped inside your forcefield. "

Julia bites her lip a bit, and then tries to activate her force
field. A familiar blue glow emerges around her, and then she
concentrates and it ceases once more.

Julia begins to cry, obviously tears of joy and not sorrow.

"Thank you," she mouths to MM.

> Zena is still hurt badly from her melee with Vermin. Blitz's first aid

> helped stop the bleeding and take away some of the pain, but it would
> awhile before she was up to her old amazon self again.
> With Frank's guidance, the team is able to follow Half-Life's
> trail, without the villain being aware of it. It becomes obvious from
> his flight path that he is headed for Chinalaya.

[This next part occurs several hours later than the above. as such,
Kinetica, Zena and any others who were injured will have recovered
than the cards i sent with the last Turn indicated. I apologize for the
confusion . The cards below reflect the accurate health of the team

> Several hours later they are about 50 miles from the shores of the
> island nation of Chinalaya when a high power scanning wave is
> The wave is too powerful to jam. A short time after this, the radar
> picks up three fighter aircraft closing quickly, The computer target
> identification system identifies these aircraft as as American made
> Tiger II's. The database also adds that these aircraft were sold to
> the Chinalyan government prior to the revolution.
> 'I got a bad feeling about this. " says Verve.
> "I hate to sound like a wimp," MM utters while wiping
> his nose, "But I suggest we do NOT cross over into
> theri airspace until we formulate a plan. I can set up
> a jamming frequnecy which will prevent them from
> scanning us and we can high-tail it out of here before
> none's the wiser. Plus, we need to get both Zena and
> Kinetica taken care of."
> "I am fine. I have fought with worse injuries." Zena states trying to
> stand . She grimaces with pain and then returns to a resting position.

> "The time to strike is now. The more time we plan, the more time they
> have to plan."
> "I must agree with...MM...they are...currently
> more...organized that...we are. We must...know what
> we...are doing."
> Blitz mutters, "I feel like we're running blind here.
> We need to get into their playing field. We've been
> ambushed and don't know squat why!"
> MM begins to turn the ship around after setting up a
> jamming frequency.
> Frank doesn't like this either. "If they're already closin' on us,
> they gotta know we're here. I like the part where we get the hell
> outta here. Can we outrun fighter jets? How old are they?"

Frank is unsure if they can outrun the jets or not. He knew the Fury
reach speeds of up to Mach 2, but had no idea how fast or maneuverable
jets were. The Fury wasn't really designed for was more of a

transport, plus it was already damaged, being made flightworthy by
animation powers. The jets were at least six years old since they were
to the Chinalyan government prior to the revolution (which occurred 6

> Frank doesn't know much of anything about fighter aircraft. But his
> computer core might. He tries to focus, to connect to the core. He
> pictures a fighter airplane in his head.

and it is a pretty picture, but his computer core doesn't help him.

As MM turns the Fortune Fury around, the fighter planes move to
The fighter pilots were obvioulsly already aware of the Furys presence
had visual lock on them.

Requiem, sitting with the rest of his captured team-mates in the back of
ship shouts to the front. " You idiots are going to get us all killed.
me hail them on the radio. They won't open fire if they know that we are

aboard. " indicating hinself and the other captured villains.

"I can try to get us safe passage to the island." he says. "I don't want

to get shot down any more than you guys do, and if I have to dupe the
Chainalyans to do it, then so be it."

"I don't know if we should trust this guy", says Verve. "But waht other
choices do we have right now? " he asks looking to the others for

Zena approaches the bound man and grabs his face firmly, "If this is a
ruse, and you try to get us killed I will rip your throat out with my
bare hands before I die."

Blitxz is going to use his plot point this round with
the following card. 4W* (New Disciples)

"Zena, calm yourself please. We don't know under what
circumstances these men came under the control of our
enemies. I want to make them an offer. Requiem, you
and your friends here can defect to our side. We
promise you asylum, exoneration from your crimes and a
pretty paycheck to be arranged from the United States
governement if you order the jets to stand down and
share with us some information we're trying to get a
hold of. What do you say?"

Use my 4W and trump and push with 5A.

'Your offer sounds intriguing. We have a pretty hefty salary and
package now as it is. We can disscuss it in more detail after this
has been taken care of, I can't order the jets to do anything. They are
under my command. I am hoping hpwever that once they know that we are
onboard it will get back to the leader. Hopefully he will order them to
stand down. Who knows? It depends on how valuable we are to him i

Perhaps if I radio that we are in command of the plane and that we have
all as hostages , rather tahn the other way around, it willl get them to

back off and allow safe passage.

Exactly what information were you interested in finding out?" he adds as
heads toward the front of the plane for the readio,

In the meanwhile, MM tries to push the pedal to the
metal ant put some sdistance between the Fortune's
Fury and the enemy planes.
6A- and trump.

Zena stares on, very dissapointed in her teammates willingness to trust
the villains. She looks down at her trusted lioness companion, "If he
tries anything. . . kill him. . . " she says speaking in the animal's

She then scowls at Blitz, the man who is allowing this atrocity to
happen. After her angry stare, she turns and watches over the other
prisoners, expecting some sort of deception.

Requiem hails the fighter pilots over the radio. "Attention pilots, this
Requiem. My security code is 3X7901. We are returning with prisoners and

request safe passage to the Cove. Over."

"Message received. " replies one of the pilots over the radio. "Please
stand by
while we confirm your code and inform HQ of the situation. "

A few minutes later, the fighter pilot radios "permission granted. You
are free
to land in Delmarion Cove. "

The Fury sets down next to the 200 foot long concrete dock in the Cove.
docks appear deserted save for five dock workers who are milling about
the area.

Blitz thanks Requim. "Good job. And don't worry about
that hefty salary. Whatever this small country is
paying you, the good ol' US of A can easily match if
not beat."

"Well certainly hope so." says Requiem.

MM is nervous. He stands next to Requim to gain his
powers while also seeing if he detects any additional
powers in the vicinity. "I pray that money is your
only motivation, Requim, and that your heart is not
hopelessly inclined toward evil. For if any harm comes
to my team mates, no one will be able to stop the
fabled fury of Master Menagero!" The team seems
impressed with MM's boldness, a boldness which drifts
away with MM's sudden, nervous sneeze.
"AAAAHHHHCCCCHHOOOO! Oh. Beg your pardon. You're
wearing some aftershave which seems to irritate my
nasal passages..."

Blitz asks, "We are searching for a certain American
scientist who specializes in creating near-human
androids. Would you know of his whereabouts?"

"Yes I beleive I know the man you are talking about. A Dr. Zircher I
believe. I can take you to him. But we have to figure out a way past
dock workers...they are no doubt armed and can raise an alarm if they
anything suspicious. They are expecting us to have hostages not the
way around. We can't very well be wearing these", indicating the
power-cuffs, " and be your captors now can we?"

Frank says, "Yer right about that. That's why yer gonna trade clothes
with us. Zena, if they try anything while we're tradin' clothes, have
yer animals kill'em." He winks to Zena, not knowing if she will
actually have her animals kill or not, but suspecting she would not

Frank proceeds to exchange clothes with one of them who is about his
size. He says to MM, "Better tell'em we're getting the prisoners
ready and it'll be a few minutes, MM."

[If removing the power cuffs are absolutely necessary to change
clothes, then we do that ONE AT A TIME so that only one of the
villains has his cuffs off at any one time. During this process, the
other team members should be made aware that someone's cuffs are
coming off and to be ready.]

[Frank won't reveal his face to any of them, and he makes sure to get
a good look at all their faces whether they like it or not. He also
scans them each for any hidden devices (he should be able to see any
electrical circuitry on any of them with his vision). I also can't
remember exactly how many of them there are, so if there aren't
enough for us to all dress as they do, then we will have to make some
of our own team pretend to be prisoners along with our actual
prisoners. If so, Frank suggests that the actual team members of
course not be really handcuffed.]

Frank says, "These guys may not look much like
us, but hell, do ya think the guys on this dock know what our
prisoners look like anyway? Unless this is a familiar place for you
guys," Frank says, looking at Requium, "then these dock workers won't
know you from Adam." Frank hopes that the dockworkers are Rookies,
and not seasoned veterans. If they were Rookies and they made this
one Mistake, the plan just might work.

"So, Requium, why don't you tell us whether you or your friends have
ever been to this dock before?" Frank uses his IR vision and
microscopic vision combined to try to detect any lies that Requium
tells. [I use a plot point if I can--Rookie Mistake. I know its
unrelated to this action, but I did try to work it into the post
reasonably. I don't blame you if you don't allow it.]

"Sure we have, This is the only major dock on the island. It is where
President Calvione usually keeps the San Marquel moored. [For those that

don't remember..the San Marquel was the ship we saw in the photograph at
yacht club. In the background of the picture Professor Zircher was seen
aboard the San Marquel]. I'm not sure if I know these dock hands or not.
tend not to pay attention to the hired help. " says Requiem.

"MM what if you absorbed Ferro or Vermin's power. Would you take on
physical characteristics to an extent? You'd have to be made of iron to
mimic Ferro right? " offers Verve.

"Another possibility I just thought of...This dock is surrounded by
on nearly every side. Where there are jungles there are wild
who better to tame these beasts than our very own queen of the jungle,
Zena. I bet a bunch of hungry looking jungle cats would scare these dock

hands off. Or at least distract them long enough for us to get past them

without raising undue attention. So waht do you say, Big Red?"

MM is proud og his team's inititiative. "All of you
have splendid ideas! Let's get into action. Zena,
master control of some jungle beasts and create a
distraction AWAY from our craft. This will allow
ROughneck and the Captain an opportunity to high-tail
it over to the San Marquel wherin they can search the
ship for any clues as to Zircher's whereabouts. Verve,
your idea is stupendous! I can easily copy Vermin's
'look'." MM stands next to Vermin and assumes his
feral guise.

"We'll stall as long as possible. No reason to exit
our craft just yet. We'll make the outsiders believe
that Requim's team is prepping his captors for
transport. Let's kee pin mind that Half-life is still
on the loose and will undoubtedly return. If so, I
will pursonally be responsible for subduing him if he
tries to mess up our plan."

Blitz replies, "I'll do a miniturized recon of the
area while the dockhands are distracted. Since our
previus opponents are tied-up, I'm sure that Verve, MM
and Kinetica can handle them...not to mention Tolwyn
and Tancreed. Well, what are we waiting for? I'm
itching to get this mission over with."

Zena looks to Requiem. "Answer with the truth, do any of these dockhands

have weapons? Guns?" She pauses for a moment, "I will not endanger an
animal by sending them against armed men."

"I have no idea whether thay are armed or not. But, my guess is yes,
considering that this is the only major port used by the President of
Chinalaya for his vacation home. The dirt road that opens into the dock
area, takes you directly to the President's hillside vacation house. But

unknown to the locales, ia vast underground complex is hideen inside the

hillside itself. I am sure that professor Zircher is inside the secret
compund somewhere.There is a secret entrnce inside the vacation house."

"Can you controll...insects? Guns would
be...useless...against a swarm of...wasps or
of ants," says the Captain as he looks out a window of
the Flyer, after the last near miss he dosen't want to
risk teleporting into solid matter. "I didn't see the
ship when we were coming in to land MM, were else
would you like us to teleport to?"

"I have never attempted to talk with insects. . . . but I will try. . .
. " says Zena [2Will Edge and 6I for cardplay].

Frank looks out a window carefully and looks at all the buildings. He
is scanning for any radio transmissions going on. He also looks for
antennas on any of the buildings, indicating radio capability. If he
sees anything, he remembers it.

Since the team is debating the plan, Frank offers this
idea: "How 'bout Blitz and I dress as Requiem and [insert whichever
villain is most appropriate for the other of us to dress as--I don't
know what size they are or which it would be easiest to impersonate].
We'll go outside and approach the guys on the dock. Meanwhile, Zena
try to summon some insects. Then once Blitz and I are in position,
and hopefully some insects are on the way, the Captain can teleport
everboddy else outside, on the other side of the dock workers by the
HUM-V, keep'em from escaping up the dirt road."

[If Frank saw any radio-capable buildings, either by antenna or by
seeing the radio waves themselves:] "The building to the _____ looks
like there's a radio in there. Blitz, you're fastest, how about once
the shit hits the fan, you go prevent them from radioing out what's
going down. If we can keep'em from warning the house on the hill, we
can keep the element of surprise."

Blitz is itching for action. "Good idea, Roughneck.
I'm itching for action anyhow."

" a good plan. think
you're...not a...leader." Says the Captain

MM looks out of the Fortune's Fury's starboard window
and talks to himself, "…I could have sworn I saw a
boat docked there…must be getting old…"

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"Sure we got to do this know?  I might not be able shut my force field
down permanently, if not, I wouldn't mind having a little fun before I
get trapped inside it again."

Ferro , who up until now has remained silent, says "Tell ya what toots.
You take these power cuffs offa me and I'll show ya more fun than you
can handle. " and smiles both lewdly and dangerously  at Kinetica.

Vewrmin snickers nervoulsly in the corner at the comment.

Julia licks her lips.  "Tempting."  She flashes Ferro her most seductive
smile.  "But alas, duty calls."  She blows him a kiss.  "Have fun boys."

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Mon Jun 17, 2002 3:19am
Subject: Recap:Turn 4.10

Frank dresses as Requiem and Blitz dresses as Nightfall.  they depart
the Fortune Fury and make their way towards the dockhand's, who look
with interest at the strangely garbed duo.

The one closest to them nods his head in greeting and says something in
spanish to them. Neither of them are sure what he said, but it sounded
cheerful and friendly.

Meanwhile, Zena reaches out with her consciousness, asking the insect
world to come to her aide. She had never tried to control the insects
before, but they were a part of the Circle as was every other living
thing, so hopefully she would find a way to communicate her desires to
them. She communes with the multitude of flying insects, a million tiny

minds all sharing the same hive-like consciousness. They understood....

they would help.

As Roughneck and Blitz near the dockhands, they hear a sound unlike any
they had heard before, Countless flying insects all buzzing, chirping,
and clicking at once. A black cloud composed of these bugs emerges from
the jungle and swarms towards the dockhands. The bugs are so dense,
that they literally block out most of the sunlight. The dockhands flee
in terror at the sight of this , screaming prayers to their patron
saints, as they run into the jungle to escape.

The Captain takes his queue, and teleports himself and the others to
the far side of the land rover. Blitz shrinks down and hotfoots it to
the building that Roughneck had indicted contained a radio. Inside the
building he quickly sabotages the communication equipment he finds

Zena leaves Tancreed and Tolwynn to watch over Vermin, Ferro, and
Nightfall who are still secured inside the Fury. [I hope this is OK,
but I didn't figure you'd want the extra villains tagging along] . The
rest of the team, along with Requiem pile into the land rover and make
their way to the vacation house.

The house is built on the side of a large hill and is up on stilts
[Think Lethal Weapon 2]. It is strangely quite and appears deserted.
Roughneck scans for any signs of trouble but detects none.

Requiem leads them inside and shows them the secret wall that opens up
into an elevator.

"This will take you to an underground tram station, that leads to the
hidden complex." he says.

They all file in, and after exiting the elevator at the bottom , they
see tracks with a futuristic mag-lev tram-car attached to it. The
tracks disappear off onto a winding and dark tunnel.

After everyone gets into into the tram car, it takes off at astonishing


"We'll be there in no time" assures Requiem in the pale green glow from

the console lights of the tram control board.

A few minutes later, Frank breaks th eeerie silence of the tunnel and
screams "It's a trap!" A split second later, the all to familiar
sound of machine gunfire erupts in front of them. The muzzle flashes
illuminate the darkened tunnel with a strobe light effect as bullets
punch through the glass and metal of the tram car and it slides to a
stop on the tracks. A familair greenish glow emamnates from behind the
gunmen, and Half-Life shouts "Don't spare the ammunition boys, the Boss

wants SOF DOA ASAP!" and he laughs obnoxioulsy at his lame joke.

[The tunnel itself is about 10 feet wide and about 10 feet high. The
tram car 12 feet in lenghth. About as large as a luxury van. The tunnel

is pitch black except for the muzzle flashes and the greenish glow of
Half-Life. No one has been hit yet, but you should definitely tell me
what cards you are playing for defense, as well as offense. ]

MM starts letting out orders, "DO NOT REACT! Requim do
something. Order those goons down now. I doubt
Half-life knows you've captured us." MM takes on
Kinetica's force field after standing next to her. He
protects Zena with his body and cape. 4S+ (Wild Ride)
and trump.

Blitz shrinks donw to 6 inch height, hops off the tram
and begins running behind it. "And make it quick will
you, Requim. I hate running blind."
defense 5A and trump.
If Half-Life doesn't react to Requim's stand down
order, Blitz will grab a piece of random lead pipe
(invulnerable to radiation) that is laying around in
secret villain HQ's and bat Half-life's head with it.
5S* (Commanding Presence) and trump.
Blitz is using his plot point of 6A* Accidental
revalation to stumble across a crate that reads,
"Lead Pipes".

"I'll take care of Captain Uranium. I've been itching for a rematch
since our last tango."

Julia will power up her force field (playing the 9), then try to slam
Half-Life with a forcefield aided fist (playing the 5 of Int, with a
trump). She will use the 2
for any dodges she should make (also with trump).

Frank gets out of the car as quickly as possible. [You didn't say we
were trapped in there, but in case we have trouble getting out Frank
will cut a hole in the back side of teh car.]

Once everyone is out of the car, Frank says, "Clear out, I'm gonna
run this car down their throats!" Frank grabs the car, lifts it off
its track, and charges the gunmen. When he is close enough to them,
he throws the car at them. {I use the 7 for the attack, and the 5 for
any defense.] Frank tries not to hit julia, but he figures her force
field will protect her anyway. He is happy if half life is in the way.

If this action is not possible, like if other heros get between the
car and the thugs, then Frank will instead shoot his laser at as many
gunmen as he can, not aiming to kill or anything (for this attack i
use the 4, not the 7.]

The Captain first teleports out of the imediate line
of fire and get ready to blast Half-Life with a stun

2D for the teleport

4A for deffense

6s for the stun blast attack

Zena knew that this wasn't going to work out. She grabs Requiem. Using
him as a shield she leaps through a window [6 Will for the Agility check
on this.
. . . if I need to make a strength check against Requim for grabbing him
up -- then I'll use one of my 5 Strength cards]. She immediately stands
pulling Requiem up with her. She continues to use him as a shield as she
loosens her chakram. Once she can make out a target in the dark she
looses her weapon at the nearest marksman.

[2 Str & 5 Str for the attack]

MM lights up his forcefield to protect Zena, bullets ricochet
harmlessly off of his blue colored barrier.

Before Requiem can mutter a word Zena, grabs him up, smashes through the

front window of the tramcar with his body and begins using him as a
shield from the incoming bullets. Bullets smack dully into Requiem's
body as he screams in pain. Zena pays no mind to the villains death
cries as she unleashes her chakram at the nearest gunman. It strikes
him on the forehead, opening a bloody gash and knocking him
unconscious. The chakram ricochets gracefully back into Zena's hand.
The gunman falls with his finger still held on the trigger of his
automatic weapon unleashing an erratic spray of gunfire that takes out
two other gunmen.

Half-Life prepares to attack but he is hit with a massive 1-2-3 combo
attack from Blitz, the Captain, then Kinetica. He staggers from the
assault, then collapses, his greenish glow fading with his

"Wohaa! Whose got half a life now, b**ch!" Julia kicks the unconscious

half-life for good measure.

Roughneck picks up the tram-car and throws it in the direction of the
remaining muzzle flashes. With his IR vision he could see that there
were only two gunmen left. The tram-car lands on the two of them with a

loud metallic boom that echoes throughout , the tunnel.

As quickly as it began, the battle was over. Zena releases Requiem's
lifeless body and it falls to the floor with a wet, bloody split. She
is completely covered with the dead villain's blood. The two gunmen,
trapped beneath the tram-car scream and moan in agony, their bodies
crushed beyond repair.

Verve, who had been sketching up a protective barrier, stops drawing
when he realizes the danger has passed.

The coppery smell of blood quickly fills the corridor and Zena can
sense the scavenging rodents nearby emerging hungrily from their dens
eager to feed on a fresh kill.

Blitz does a super quick relay down the remainder of the tunnel and
back. He reports, "The tunnel dead ends about a half mile up. It opens

up into another tram-car loading platform. Beyond that is a deserted
hallway that seemed to open up into another room I didn't go all of the

way down the hall, because I heard a ton of noise, like a large group
of people all hurrying about coming from the room that it opened into, I

couldn't see the room but just from the acoustics, it sounded like it
was quite large like a hangar or warehouse, lots of echoes....there was
also the distinct smell of salt water and I thought I saw water-like
reflections coming from inside. "

"Requim!" MM runs over to the bullet-ridden body of
the sonic-generating villain. He picks up no metahuman
signature, signifying that the villain is truly dead.
MM's face turns from sorrow to scorn as he turns

Julia shrugs. "Don't look at me. I didn't use him as a bullet shield.
And if you think that radioactive maniac was planning on letting any of
out of here
alive, you're more naive then I thought."

MM flails his cape and turns toward Requim's body. He
gets on one knee and shuts the villlains eyes. Bowing
his head, he lets silence fall over the group.

Blitz stutters, ", maybe a can help...". He
rushes over to Requim and tries to administer first
aid. 9I and trump.

Frank runs to the tram car and lifts it off the maimed gunmen, making
sure they can't do any further harm. He stays well away from the
radioactive form of half-life.

He then returns to where MM is yelling.

"Jeez," he says looking at Requim's cadaver. He then says, "Get a
grip Managero. Those guys were usin' real bullets against us. Ever
heard of self defense? And that's a pretty high horse you're ridin'
for someone who embezzles millions from the taxpayers and suggests we
kidnap innocent Chinalayan people, so you may want to climb down.
Besides, it was their bullets that did the killing. Would you rather
it was Zena lying there? I wouldn't.

"As for Requim bein' converted, don't be a fool. Who do ya think led
us into this ambush?"

Frank is not happy about the villain's death, but Managero was being

"If you want a leader, I'll do it. And I say we should high-tail it
down this tunnel to where Blitz heard'em makin' all that noise.
Sounds like they're evacuating the compound by water, probably with
Zircher if he was even here to begin with. It's half a mile, so let's

Unless the others object, Frank sets off at a trot down the hall.

MM does have a problem with Roughneck's opinion. The
scrawny hero flips around, grabs Roughneck by the arm
and, using Zena's strength, flips him around.

Frank feels an incredibly powerful grip flip him around, much
stronger than MM should be. But even with Zena's strength, MM is only
half as strong as Roughneck. Frank knocks MM's hands off him and
says, "Touch me again and you'll regret it." He glares at MM with his
artificial yellow eyes. Then, as his computer core begins suggesting
ways to eviscerate MM, Frank fights to resume control and calm
himself. It's stupid to fight amongst ourselves.

think that just because I look like a pantywaist that
I'm going to take what you said lying down, Big Guy. I
don't care if we are in the middle of a war between
resurrected Nazi soldeirs and bomb-strapped Al Queda
fanatics, we with power have a responsibility to use
it wisely. Condemn my actions as you may, but the
reason I 'extorted' the money was so that my
technology wouldn't be used to hunt down and kill
metahumans. As for this kidnapping idea, I never
claimed to be perfect. I just know I'm not a wanton
murderer! If you're running down that corridor to
engage in some out of control killing spree, you can
count MM out of the Supers of Fortune! I'm going to
take Requim and Half-Life back to the Fortune Fury for
medical aid. Perhaps we can save them both. Blitz,
your first aid skills would be much appreciated,
unless, of course, you plan on following our new team
leader's lead." MM looks at Zena, wondering what the
beautiful Amazonian will do. He realizes he may have
squashed any hopes of her ever liking him, but his
stance of killing was unbreakable.

There is a serious look in her eyes which does not show shame or remorse

for her actions.

Blitz hesitates, trying to see if Requim can be
revived. (Any result from my paramedic attempt?
Remember, he has Medicine skill.) "I've spent my life
helping people. It's just my calling in life, I guess.
Don't take this as disobeying and order, Frank, but
Half-Life can definitely be helped. Requim, I don't
know, but I have GOT to give it a shot. I may be a
hero now, but first and foremost I'm a licensed
paramedic. I have a responsibility to life."

MM adds, picking up Half-Life, "Unfortunately, some
people don't feel they have that responsibility UNLESS
their licensed." He ignores his team and begins
flying back up the corridor towards the original
exit. He uses Half-Life's flight.

Frank says to everyone else still there, "I know I said I'd be team
leader, but no one has to follow that doesn't wanna. I'm not really
the "order givin'" kinda guy. But Blitz, I think you should go with
MM to make sure he doesn't get into trouble, he's still part of the
team; and take this with you if you go," he says, nudging Reqium with
his foot. "There's still villains on the Fortune Fury, and if they
get loose, we won't have a ride home." Frank is also worried that MM
might decide to take the plane back to the states without them, but
he doesn't say this outloud. Judging from MM's outburst and
vehemence, Frank believes MM could justify taking the Fortune Fury
back to the states by himself and leaving all the "murderers" here to
rot. Frank likes the Chinalayan weather, but not enough to move here

Zena watches the two heroes leave and turns to Roughneck. "You will make

a fine leader." She had liked the way Frank dealt with the Master's
overreaction. "He would have died if I hadn't acted. When Kinetica left

the train, he lost his powers. I don't think he even noticed, but I did.

I used Requiem to shield us both. I acted on instinct. . . was I wrong?"

Her question to Frank isn't really to ease any guilt she may or may not
feel. It is more to learn just how she should react to certain

"No. You weren't wrong. You saved his life, whether he realizes it or
not. Zena, some people have a serious aversion to killing, and it
looks like MM is one of those people. It ain't wrong to value human
life; I kinda understand why he's upset. He's probably never seen
anyone die. Me, I've seen men chewed up by machinery on the rig, and
even kill each other over spilled beer, so it don't affect me like
that. I wish the guys with the guns woulda valued life as much as MM
does; Requim'd still be alive. But the fact is they were trying to
kill us, and it was Requium's life or yours. I don't think you were

This mission is quickly turning to shit, thinks Frank.

"Life,...any precious. But
sometimes...sacrifices...must be...made for
the...greater good. The needs...of the many...out
weigh the needs...of the few...or the one. We
should...strive to that
of...our enemies. But...we...must understand
others...don't see things...the way"

"But...using a...human shield...may
be...crossing the line. I...I don't know."

*What would Kirk do?" thinks The Captain as he
finished his speech.

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sun Jun 23, 2002 1:06am
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.11

"Well this is turning out much better than I expected," says Verve
sarcastically. He lights two cigarettes at once with his silver zippo
and tosses one to Julia.

Julia nods her thanks.

"These guys work for VORTEX. They make
Al-Queda look like the Girl Scouts..they have been blowing things up
and threatening to take over the world ever since I can remember. " he
takes a long drag on his smoke. "careful Julia, they are unfiltered and
you don't have the forcefield to filter out all of the nicotine and

Julia shrugs. "Who want's to live forever anyways.  Besides, in this
line of work, I'll be long dead by the time I have to worry about such

The group makes its way down the tunnel to where Blitz said it came to
an end. They see and hear all of the things Blitz had told him about:
the salt water smell, the sound of water and people in booted feet
rushing about. All of this coming from a hallway that appears to open
into a much larger room.

Verve sketches out a miniature periscope attached to a video display.
It allows them to use the periscope to peer into the room without
calling attention to themselves. The others can see the inside of the
room on the monitor. " i saw something like this on that AIr Force One
movie," explains Verve in a whisper.

The monitor reveals what appears to be an underwater docking bay .
There is a 300 foot submarine docked in the water . there is a metal
catwalk 20' off the ground surrounding the the submarine on three
sides. There are 4 stairways that grant access to the catwalk. On the
catwalk are the controls of the overhead crane that is being used to
load weapons and equipment onto the submarine. the crane is currently
loading a rather large looking missile into the missile hatch of the
sub. The missile has the unmistakable icon of nuclear energy stenciled
on it's side. Frank's sensor's confirm that the missile is in fact

A large force of VORTEX goons are busily loading equipment, supplies,
and rations aboard the submarine. On the catwalk, towards the front of
the sub, is a menacing looking man in VORTEX officer uniform who is
barking orders at everyone. He looks like an Aryan poster boy...blonde
hair, blue eyes, heavily muscled with a jagged scar across his face.

"To bad MM flipped out. He could tell us if there were any metahumans
in there." says Verve.

"Whatever.  I've got dibs on the uber-nazi."says Julia

Frank says, "OK, still no sign of the good Doctor Zircher, but now we
got even worse problems. We can't let that nuke get loaded on the
sub. We gotta stop that at any cost.

"So I think first thing we oughta do is take out that crane, stop'em
from loadin'. Next we disable the sub so they can't escape. Doc
Zircher is on there for all we know, so let's try not to sink it.
Cap'n, think you can port you and Zena up to the crane operators and
take'em out? The rest of us'll create a distraction so they don't
converge on you. I'll try to use my laser to mess up the sub's prop,
maybe that'll keep'em from escaping. If anybody has any other ideas,
I'm all ears. I don't see any way to avoid a fight here."

"If the Captain can get us there, then I will happily bludgeon the
soldiers and destroy the controls." states Zena as she makes sure that
her Chakram is secure.

"Any idea how much space there is up there? I've
recently realized I could accidentally teleport myself
or others into solid matter, which I'm sure would be
really painful if not lethal. I don't want to risk
fusing myself and Zena with the crane or the workmen
up there." (note: The Captain obviously is concerned
about this. He dropped out of Shattnermode)

"Very well. If...Zena is...ready. Two to beam
up...energize" (7 of Agility to beam us up, and I'll
stun the guard when we get there, 5W for that, all
appropriate trumps)"

[Once we arrive, if The Captain successfully takes out the guard Zena
smash the crane controls with my fist. If the guard doesn't fall, I'll
punch him instead. 5S Trump for either action or both 5S cards if I have

time to do both]

Julia will burst in heading for the uber-nazi and fire a k-bolt at the
uber-nazi.  She will then fly away from the group, hopefully drawing
Play 7I for attack, 8W for defense.

Blitz pauses as he exits the tunnel and meets up with
the glowing MM. "Why don't we deposit these guys in
the shed, MM. I'm sorry to tell you, but Requiem is
past helping and if his team mates see that, they may
go ballistic."

"Sorrowful...but agreed. Can you give Half-Life
something to keep him out cold?" MM asks.

"Easily." Blitz takes a hypodermic needle from his
supply pouch and inoculates Half-Life's unconscious
body. "C'mon, let's put them in the shed and get
going. We can pay our respects to Requim later."

MM heads toward the Fortune Fury and puts on a happy
face as he enters the cabin. "Hello, boys. You'll be
happy to know that our team has met with resounding
success and are currently in negotiations with your
former employee about restructuring a pension plan for
you fellows. However, Zena has requested Tolwynn and
Tancreed's presence. Apparently, your boss loves
animals and these two critters know some neat tricks."
MM trusts that the two animals will recongnize him. He
tries to leads them out of the ship after making triple-sure
that the villains are secure.

Blitz, "What are you doing, MM?"

"We need all the help we can get. These two are as
much members of SoF as anyone of us."

"Shyeah, right. You're just trying to get in good with
Zena." Blitz elbows MM on the ribs.

"Am I that obvious?" MM smiles as he and Blitz begin
running back up the tunnel to meet up with the team.
He, of course, sneezes from being in such close
contact to the beasts.

[Zena's last order was for them to watch over the prisoners. So I don't
think they'd follow MM's orders. Especially since that would leave the
villains unguarded.]

Tolwynn and Tancreed ignore Master Menagero's pleas and continue thier
vigilant watch on the villains, ready to attack at the slightests
inkling of intended violence.


From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Jun 29, 2002 4:14am
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.12]

Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 04:13:28 -0400
From: Keith Harper maxxlingo@m...
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.12
The Captain and Zena successfully teleport up to the section of the
catwalk where the crane controls are located. The Captain sighs in
relief that he didn't materialized them into solid matter. The VORTEX
goon, running the controls does a double take as the duo suddenly
appears next to him. It is the last thing he sees before the Captain
blasts him into unconsciousness with a stun bolt. At the same time Zena
slams her fist into the control board with an Amazonian batttlecry.
Molded plastic and light metal give way beneath her mighty blow. Sparks
shoot out the sides of the conrtol panel, and the crane comes to a halt
with the missile swaying above the sub some twenty feet above it.

While this is going on above, the three below are also taking action.
Kinetica takes to the air on a beeline for the VORTEX leader. firing
K-Bolts as she draws near. One hits him in the chest, slamming him
against the wall a few feet behind him. He appears more angry than
hurt by the blast. In fact he looks furious. He clenches his teeth
angrily and a large vein begins protruding from his forehead.

Kinetica, seeing her attack being seemingly absorbed, goes for her plan
strategy. Just like she did with Ymir, she will attempt to take out the
floor underneath the uber-nazi.

Playing 7D attack, 8W defense

Roughneck dashes in and begins cutting through the sub's rear
> with his laser. He is wide open out there so, Verve draws a small
> two-man sized bunker near the waterline that provides Frank
> protection while cutting through he prop. Once the bunker pops into
> existence, Verve runs and jumps into it as well.

All of this has taken VORTEX by surprise. Amazingly no shots are fired
as the team makes it's dramatic entrance

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU FOOLS?????!!!!!!!" screams the leader.
"KILL THEM ALL!!!" he then jumps over the railing of the catwalk. and
lands nimbly on front section of the sub. he seems to be headed for the
ladder that will allow him to enter the sub.

The guards all do as instructed and open fire.

Zena rushes over and smashes her fist into the face of the soldier near

5S for the hit.              

1D Edge + 6W for Dodge (Substitute the 6W for an Agil card if I get one
to replace the 5S. Or, if the replacement card is under my edge I'll
include that with my dodge).

The Captain start fireing stun blasts at the three
goons on the catwalk on his side of the crane.

6S for attack, 9A with trump for dodging.

Frank says, "Thanks Verve," indicating the bunker they are both
hiding in. Frank, satisfied that the sub can't escape now that its
prop is severely damaged, begins firing at the individual soldiers
who seem quickest to respond to their leader's order to attack. Frank
will use the laser on a low setting (intending NOT to kill anyone).
His choice of targets is (1) guards attacking him and Verve (2)
guards attacking Zena and Captain IF the heros don't see the attacks
coming or appear to need help (3) anyone attacking the flying

[If the sub's prop is still functional, Frank will attack that FIRST.]

Frank says over the comm link: "Try not to sink that sub, Zircher
might be on it."

Sorry, forgot my cardplay--4 on the attack, 5 on defense. (they are
all the same suit--Int.)

[I am treating this as a surprise attack. Therefore VORTEX did not get
an attack of last round, this round however they will, so be sure to
state what cards you are using for defense as well as offense. ]

MM and Blitz finally give up on trying to convince Tolwynn and Tancreed
to escort them back to the others. MM assumes Blitz's powers and the
two of them head back the way the had come at hyper speed. As the take
the elevator down to the tram car tunnels they can hear the distant
sounds of automatic machine-gun fire in the distance.

"It sounds like the rest of the group is in trouble, says Blitz, Lets
move!" he says taking off in the blink of an eye.

[Michael due to logistics of MM and Blitz having traveled all of the
way back to the Fortune Fury , talk to the prisoners, and then back
again, I'll say that even traveling at hyper speed, the two of you
arrive at the very end of this Turn. So you can act, but the actions
will be contingent. You won't be able to tell what has already
occurred,, it will basically be just like walking into a chaotic gun
battle. There will not be any time to assess the situation if you still
want to get an action in for MM and Blitz. ]

MM tells BlitZ, "Well, it sounds like they've started
without us."

The duo hears Frank's information about not damaging
the sub. Blitz says, "Well, let's hope they left a
hatch open for us. Let's get inside that sub, MM!"

Blitz and MM will come in on a contingent attack and
rush into the sub with all-out defense, hyper-speed

Plot Points 1: Using ('target of opportunity' to make
sure a hatch is open that gets us inside)

EDGE 2I+ (target of oppportunity)
ALL-OUT DODGE TRUMP 9I+ (new Discovery)

MASTER MENAGERO Powers Duplicated: Blitz
Using plot point (collateral damage) to have goons
that shoot at us accidentally hit the Uber-Nazi.

ALL OUT DODGE TRUMP 6A- (Xenophobic Hysteria)
PUSH 3D- collateral damage

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Thu Jul 4, 2002 4:48pm
Subject: Recap: 4.13

Four guards on the northern section of the room, open fire on Kinetica.
The impacts from the machine-gun fire do nothing more than strengthen
the heroine's forcefield as she goes into a power dive aimed at the
sub's surface near the leader's feet. The impact echoes throughput the
chamber, it sounds like a large hammer striking a giant steel trashcan,
but it has no effect. Kinetica, glances off the hull of the sub,
skittering along it's surface, She comes to a stop near the nose of the

Zena feels the guard's nose give way with a satisfying crunch. The
powerful blow knocks the man off his feet and he is unconscious before
he lands limply on the hard metal of the catwalk. The other guard near
her opens fire with his machine gun, and Zena, blocks the bullets in a
dizzying display of speed with her golden bracelets. Two other guards,
at the bottom of the stairwell begin running up towards her position to
assist their comrade in the fight against the amazon.

The Captain fires a volley off stun bolts at the three guards nearest
him , but his aim is thrown off as he dodges the machine-gun fire aimed
at him. Luckily he isn't hit, but neither are the three guards. Two
others near the stairwell below rush up to assist their cohorts bringing

the enemy forces from three to five.

Three guards on the sub on the side closest to Roughneck and Verve open
fore on them along with four others on the walkway surrounding the
water. Verve ducks down inside the bunker hoping not to get hit by a
stray bullet.,. It seemed to be protecting them very well for now, but
there was no way to tell how long the construct would remain in
existence. Roughneck pops up and blasts the closest guard to them on the

walkway. he falls down incapacitated.

MM and Blitz zoom in to the room at hyper speed, the are able to bridge
the short length of water in one velocity enhanced leap. They zoom
about the top of the sub drawing the fire of four gunmen, but as fate
would have it, the leader is caught up in the crossfire. Spotting an
open hatch, the diminutive duo bolt inside the sub, just as the VORTEX
commander falls to the ground.

Riddled with bullets and gasping for air, the commander pulls out a
small black box and pushes a red button on it's surface... He begins
laughing maniacally as a soothing female computer voice says, "Nuclear
missile armed. Launch sequence to begin in 30 seconds, 29, 28, 27, 26. "

"See you all in hell!" the commander screams with his dying breath and
the missile thrusters begin to slowly heat up as the countdown sequence

Kinetica will plow through the goons (Playing 6), and try to grab the
box, throwing it at MM.  She will not make any defensive actions.
  Message 1992 of 1995  |  Previou

[I am using the goon rules from RRGTE, so Move Through attacks are
allowed and the Trashhead inversion rule is in effect.

On the map the x with the circle around it, indicates the hatch theat MM

and Verve went into. I erased any unconscious or dead opponents from
the map. As before those people with ciircles around them indicate that
they are on the upper level of the room (catwalk) ]

"Hoooolyyyyyy SHIT!" says Roughneck to Verve. "If that nuke tries to
launch in here, we're all fried." Roughneck doesn't know if the nuke
will detonate or what, but the thrust from the rockets would
doubtless fill the entire room and kill them all, even if the missile
doesn't detonate. Into his commlink he says, "Blintz, MM, did you
hear that? This nuke's about to launch. If you can find any kinda
failsafe in that sub, hit it!"

Frank tries to use his EM vision to detect any signal still
communicating with the nuke's control circuits. He first thinks he
will destroy the receiver on the nuke, but then realizes that would
stop any chance of MM and Blintz stopping the launch from inside the

So Frank does the only thing he can think of: defend the team from
the immediate threat of the guards and hope MM can figure out how to
stop the nuke. Seeing Zena and the Captain outnumbered, he decides to
take one of their attackers out. He relies on Verve's bunker to
protect the two of them.

"Someday, kid, we'll look back on this-- and shit our pants all over

[Frank shoots at one of the attackers of Zena or the Captain, which
ever looks most in danger. He uses the 3I. He uses 5I to defend.]

While Zena doesn't fully understand the danger that has just sank upon
them, she knows it's not good or the leader wouldn't be laughing. She
notices that the Captain is doing poorly against his opponents. he will
need help or he will be overwhelmed.

"Captain! Get off the walkway and see what you can do about the weapon.
I will handle the minions!" Zena shouts, hoping that the Captain will
see that she is capable of handling a mere 8 adversaries on her own.

She attempts to quickly reduce the number of attackers. She throws her
chakram towards the guards attacking the Captain. At the same time she
moves closer to the guards near her and quickly attacks various pressure
points around the base of the neck. If she hits them right she will
knock him out.

[Using Contingent Attack - For my  main action I am trying to knock or
break as many of the weapons that are held by the guards attacking The
Captain. Pushing 3 S for this action and playing the 4I. For my
contingent action I am going for a Stunning Touch on one of the guards -
8I.    3D to dodge/block shots unless I get a better card to replace the
other two.]

"I...can handle...myself" says the Captain as he fires
his stun blasts at the guards again (5A for attack, 4A
to dodge)

The effect of all this combat and energy blasts
(especially The Captain's stray blasts from his
previous attack) causes enough strain on the walkway
to trigger a 'structual collapse' on the section of
the gang way holding the guards attacking the Captain
(I'm playing my plot point, 5D+ Structural Collapse)

MM shrieks in a girly, high-pitched voice, "Yikes!
He's going to blow us to bits. I have no idea how to
disarm this thing. Blitz I have an idea!" MM quickly
relates his plan to his partner.

Blitz likes the idea but frowns on the potential
danger to himself. "You got it, MM. I hope this works.
Meet you back at the bomb."

Blitz exits the sub and with all of his top speed goes
to retrieve Half-Life from the storage shed.
[Using 5A+ (Unlikeley Heroism) +trump + pushing with
the 6S]

If Blitz can make it in time, he will run back through
the tunnel, grab Half-Life from the shed, and head
back to meet MM at the bomb.

Inside the sub MASTER MENAGERO will dodge any attacks
made on him with BLtiz's superspeed before his
teammates zips away. His goal is to get near the bomb.
If he gets the opportunity, he will run through some
goons like a bowling ball through pins.

4A + trump for dodge.
4S* + trump for bowling ball charge attack.

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Thu Jul 11, 2002 4:00pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 4.14

Zena throws her chakram at the guards approaching the Captain and it
knocks the gun from the hand of the one nearest him. In the process of
throwing the chakram Zena, exposes her flank to the guards nearest her ,
a well placed shot by Roughneck takes out one of them just as he was
about to shoot her from behind. The other two open fire and she whirls
about blocking the bullets on her bracelets with Amazonian grace. She
moves in to nerve strike the nearest one.

The Captain fires off more stun blasts at he guards approaching him, the
blasts cause a strain on the walkway causing a structural collapse of
the section of the catwalk that the 5 guards were on. they fall 20 feet
to the hard concrete below, and are in no condition to continue to

Blitz takes off at hyper speed, pushing himself hard to cover the
necessary distance to retrieve Half-Life and bring him back to the
current location.

MM exits the sub as well, assisting Kinetica in clearing the deck of the
remaining goons. Between the tow of them they successfully knock eight
guards off of the sub and into the water.

Kinetica grabs the black box that the VORTEX commander triggered the
countdown with and tosses it to MM. MM studies it for a second and can
discern no way to use the device to stop the countdown process.

Luckily, Blitz arrives back in the nick of time, with the still sleeping
Half-Life. Blitz appears heavily winded and is sweating profusely from
having pushed himself so hard.

"Good work, Blitz" says MM as he moves towards the sleeping villain,
absorbing his radioactive powers.

He flies up towards the missile and the greenish fire surrounding him
quickly to surrounds the missile. MM strains with the effort as he
slowly depletes the uranium of it's radioactive properties.

Despite disabling the nuclear capacity of the missile, the countdown
still continues... 5...4...

MM will shouts to his teammates, "The nuclear properties of the bomb
have been negated but there is still going to be one doozy of an
explosion. I suggest immediate evacuation."


"They'll never make it in time." thinks Blitz

1.... KA-BOOM!!!!!

Everyone on the team suddenly feels a wave of heat, a burst of
indescribable acceleration, then a millisecond later, they find
themselves on a grassy field outside of the elevated house that gave
them entrance to the underground VORTEX base. All of the guards that
they had been in combat with, both conscious and unconscious are located
a few feet away as well (sans weaponry). Next to them is a puzzled
looking man whom the team recognizesas professor Zircher from the photos
they had seen of him.

The aftershock of the underground explosion can be felt beneath their
feet and the elevated house's supports give way and it crashes into
debris on the hillside it was located on.

Blitz falls to his knees , gasping for breath..his eyes glaze over and
he falls on his side, clutching his chest.
He appears old and haggard, and even smaller than normal.

MM runs to Blitz's side.

"Is everyone safe?" Blitz asks in a forced whisper.

"yes. yes. Everyone is safe from harm, " says MM.

"Good. That's all I ever wanted. " says Blitz with a smile and then he
goes still as what little life he has left leaves him.

"ohmygoodness...ohmygoodness. OH MY GOODNESS!" MM
shrieks, turning Blitz over and beginning CPR. "OH MY GOODNESS!!"

The Captain, feeling a profound sense of deja vu,
finds himself muttering under his breath, "the needs
of the many...out way the needs of the few...or the
one...I have been...and always will be...your prosper..." This goes on
for some time. The Captain has never lost a friend
like this before and doesn't seem to be copeing well.

[There are 5 guards that remain conscious, 15 are Ko'd. Half-Life is
also still incapacitated. The body of the VORTEX commander is there as

Zena immediately advances towards the still standing soldiers. "I
suggest you surrender now. You are without weapons and I WILL severly
hurt you if you try to do anything but lay face down on the ground."

She has her Chakram ready to throw again. She quickly scans the area for
any other possible threats. [6W for Observation. If the guards try to
attack or run, 8I to hit them, 4I to dodge]

The soldiers quickly weigh their choices and do as Zena commands.

A quick scan of the area reveals no further threats.

"Keep an eye on them , Zena, whiel I sketch up a paddy wagon to put them in.
" says Verve. Verve is very concerned about Blitz, as well as the Captain's
reaction, but he needs to make sure that the VORTEX goons aren't going to
cause them any more trouble.

" I knew this was a bad idea", he says to himself. He fidgets with his free
hand trying to light a cigarette to calm his frazzled nerves.

MM sees that Blitz is beyond his help when he can't
emulate his powers. He is horrified by the shriveled,
visage of his former team mate.

Soon, his distress
turns to anger as MM stands up, walks over to Verve
and knocks the cigarette from his mouth, "Bad idea?
Bad idea? Maybe this happened because we took such a
light-hearted view toward life! What makes Blitz's
life more valuable than Requim's, or mine, or yours,
or any of us pitiable souls!" MM stares hard into
Verve's face.

He then gets weak in the knees, develops
a nose bleed and passes out landing squarely on his
back on the ground. "Oh, tragedy..." he mumbles in his
semi-conscious state.

Julia looks solemnly at Blitz. "It's not fair."

She mutters softly, "It should have been me."

 Zena huffs as she hears Julia, Verve and Menagero, " Listen well. . ..
all of you. Death happens. It is a part of life. Your civilization does
not deal well with death. Sometimes a sacrifice must be made. Blitz saw
this. He gave his life to protect the lot of us. Julia. . . . you
tarnish his sacrifice by wishing you had died in his place. Verve, you
have done nothing but whine since the start of this. And menagero. . . .
get off your pedastal. I am sick of your babbling about who is right in
their actions. You should all quit complaing and start thanking. What
Blitz did took a lot of bravery. He gave up his life for people he
barely knew. He was a true warrior and deserves nothing but praise. . .
and the next one of you who has anything negative to say will face me.
Accept his death and move on. Honor him in your hearts. If you can't do
that then you are not heroes. . . you are children."

Once Verve finishes his drawing and the VORTEX agents are safely herded into
the paddy wagon, Verve responds to Zena,
"Your'e right . I have been bitching about this mission since the beginning.
I care about the people on this team , but I feel like out talents are
being squandered to serve corporate and government interests. Blitz gave
his life to save us all, for that he is a hero. However, If we hadn't
agreed to this shady 'Mission Impossible'-type scenario then that sacrifice
probably wouldn't have been necessary.

To me, being a hero is about helping as many people as you can, not just
those who can afford it. Once we get back home I need to serious think
about whether or not I want to continue on as a member of SoF.""

Frank says, "Blitz did save us, but we all saved a lot of people from
that nuke. Not just the ones who paid us. Gettin' paid don't make it
wrong, and it's not like we're just doin' it for money. Would you be
workin' for Vortex if they offered to pay you? I know I wouldn't.
That's the difference. And without SoF, where would that nuke be
headed right now? Blitz would be alive, but at what cost? I think my
time with SoF is well spent."

Frank kneels beside MM and Blitz's body. He closes Blitz's eyes and
mutters something under his breath. "Thank you for my life, Blitz.
Godspeed, wherever you're headed.

Verve continues "Again, I mean no disrespect to Blitz, we all owe our lives to him. I will be
forever grateful and mindful of that fact, but do you think he was worried
about the profit margin when he did waht he did? I don't think so,,,and
that is what makes him a true hero. What he did what a selfless act. Caring
more about the welfare of others than that of his own. Putting the needs of
the many, (looking at theCaptain) before those of the few."

Zena continues to watch the VORTEX soldiers without looking at her
teammates. A rage is building in her. She has seen too many of her own
people fight over another's death. It's never worth it. Friends should
support each other no matter what. . . . but that would mean that Zena
has accepted them as friends. Wouldn't it?

She feels badly for the Captain. He isn't taking this well and wonders
if he'll ever truly recover from this loss.

"Now aren't we all high-and-mighty, priss-ess! Blitz was a good man,
too good to die saving the likes of me." says Julia to Zena

Zena strides towards Kinetica, "Still your tongue, woman."

"Why?" replies Julia defiantly. "Do you think Blitz deserved to die?"

"Blitz deserved to die a hero, which is exactly what he did! You soil
his sacrifice with your words. We are warriors. Warriors die. We will
all die, and with good graces it will be in battle.
"What a charming outlook on life," snorts Julia.

Now still your tongue or I WILL test the limits of your protective glow!"
Zena shouts raing her voice with each word. his is the first time that
anyone has seen her become visibly angry and lose her cool.

Julia bits her tongue for a minute, and then once Zena turns away, sticks
it out and wiggles it at her.

The Captain has been watching the exchange
dispassionatly. He is wracked with guilt. He could
have helped, he could have teleported people out, he
could have teleported the bomb out. He was wrong,
they had gone to far, he should have stuck with MM and
not gone with Roughneck. Kirk would never have used a
captured enemy as a sheild, and he wouldn't have
deffened someone who did.

Paramount has threatened to sue him if he continues to
call himself The Captain and dress like a Star Fleet
officer. They want him to stop. They just might get
there wish. He no longer feels worthy of the uniform.

Frank tries to separate Zena and Kinetica.

"Hey, let's stay focused. No need to fight over this, it won't help
anything. And we still have a live nuke in that cave, on Chinalayan
soil. Unless we want Chinalaya to become the world's newest nook-ya-
ler power, we gotta do something about it."

Frank suggests the team move back to the jet and radio Ms. Chesterton
to report and ask for further guidance, particularly for what to do
about the nuke.

"Actually Roughneck, I belive Master Menagero used Half- life's power to
render the nuclear capacity of the bomb inert. We can ask him for sure when
he wakes up, but I'm fairly certain he said something to that effect before
Blitz got everyone out of there. . " says Verve.

"Maybe so, but that don't mean they can't get more plutonium or
whatever it is they use. We can't leave a nuke here. They could use
it to build another. I don't think Old Rumsfeld would appreciate us
leavin' toys like that lyin' around. 'Specially since we're only a
few miles from the border, as the missile flies."

"Yeah, well if Miss High-and-Mighty here would just leave me to my
self-loathing and not stick her nose in where it doesn't belong, we could
get to cleaning up after ourselves." says Julia

Seeing that Kinetica and Zena are about to get into it, Verve moves towards
Kinetica..." I can see that it is past time for your nicotine fix, " he says
trying to diffuse the situation. "Come with me for a smoke break, " he says
leading her away from Zena.

Frank steps between the two women.

"Zena, we're not warriors, at least not like you. Most of us ain't
never faced death. Don't be too hard on everboddy. We'll cope, and
honor Blitz in our own way." To both women, he says, "I don't he'd
appreciate seein' us fightin' amongst ourselves like this."

"No. . . . No he wouldn't." says Zena as she backs down. She glares at
Kinetica again before moving over to Blitz's Body.

She lifts him off the ground, "Let's go."



From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Thu Jul 11, 2002 5:01pm
Subject: Turn 4.14 Epilogue

The SoF radio back to Ms. Chesterton and Commander Hudson of CAPE, and
report their findings.

A few hours later the beach is swarming with US special forces units who
have been sent in by the President.

In a quickly prepared speech, the President proclaimed VORTEX a
"clear and present danger to freedom and democracy" and were branded
part of the "Axis of Evil". US forces have been sent in to liberate
Chinalaya from covert terrorist rule.

Professor Zircher is branded an enemy combatant and is shipped off to
Camp X-Ray for questioning, as are all of the other captured VORTEX

All government officials are now required to prove that they are not
androids. The President was the first to undergo testing.

HE'S THE REAL DEAL!!!" proclaimed press secretary Ari Fleischer
jubilantly after the results were in. .

Unfortunately Fleischer himself didn't pass the test. It was quickly
explained by the Bush administration that Fleischer isn't an android,
but an animatronic drone built by the Disney corporation, similar to the
ones seen in many of the rides at Disney World, though far more
advanced. Fleischer was paid for by campaign contributions. "He's not
considered a threat." said Tom Ridge, special advisor to the President
on Homeland Security.

After Blitz's funeral , the member SOF were all given some time off by
Ms. Chesterton to recuperate and to mourn the loss of their team mate

From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Jul 20, 2002 4:07am
Subject: Re: [Meta_Earth] Turn 4.10

A few minutes later, Frank breaks th eeerie silence of the tunnel  and
screams "It's a trap!"   A split second later,   the all to familiar
sound of machine gunfire erupts in front of them. The muzzle flashes
illuminate the darkened tunnel with a strobe light effect as bullets
punch through the glass and metal of the tram car and it slides to a
stop on the tracks.  A familair greenish glow emamnates from behind the
gunmen, and Half-Life shouts  "Don't spare the ammunition boys, the Boss
wants  SOF DOA ASAP!"  and he  laughs obnoxioulsy at his lame joke.
MM starts letting out orders, "DO NOT REACT! Requim do
something. Order those goons down now. I doubt
Half-life knows you've captured us." MM takes on
Kinetica's force field after standing next to her. He
protects Zena with his body and cape. 4S+ (Wild Ride)
and trump.
Blitz shrinks donw to 6 inch height, hops off the tram
and begins running behind it. "And make it quick will
you, Requim. I hate running blind."
defense 5A and trump.
If Half-Life doesn't react to Requim's stand down
order, Blitz will grab a piece of random lead pipe
(invulnerable to radiation) that is laying around in
secret villain HQ's and bat Half-life's head with it.
5S* (Commanding Presence) and trump.
Blitz is using his plot point of  6A* Accidental
revalation  to stumble across a crate that reads,
"Lead Pipes".

Zena knew that this wasn't going to work out. She grabs Requiem. Using him as a shield she leaps through a window [6 Will for the Agility check

on this. . . . if I need to make a strength check against Requim for grabbing him up -- then I'll use one of my 5 Strength cards]. She immediately
stands up, pulling Requiem up with her. She continues to use him as a shield as she loosens her chakram. Once she can make out a target in
the dark she looses her weapon at the nearest marksman.
[2 Str & 5 Str for the attack]

I'll take care of Captain Uranium.  I've been itching for a rematch since our last tango." says Julia
Julia will power up her force field (playing the 9), then try to slam Half-Life with a forcefield aided fist (playing the 5 of Int, with a trump).  She will use
the 2 for any dodges she should make (also with trump).
The Captain first teleports out of the imediate line
of fire and get ready to blast Half-Life with a stun
2D for the teleport
4A for deffense

6s for the stun blast attack

Frank gets out of the car as quickly as possible. [You didn't say we

were trapped in there, but in case we have trouble getting out Frank
will cut a hole in the back side of teh car.]
Once everyone is out of the car, Frank says, "Clear out, I'm gonna
run this car down their throats!" Frank grabs the car, lifts it off
its track, and charges the gunmen. When he is close enough to them,
he throws the car at them. {I use the 7 for the attack, and the 5 for
any defense.] Frank tries not to hit julia, but he figures her force
field will protect her anyway. He is happy if half life is in the way.
If this action is not possible, like if other heros get between the
car and the thugs, then Frank will instead shoot his laser at as many
gunmen as he can, not aiming to kill or anything (for this attack i
use the 4, not the 7.]

[The tunnel itself is about 10 feet wide and about 10 feet high.  The
tram car 12 feet in lenghth. About as large as a luxury van.  The tunnel
is pitch black except for the muzzle flashes and the greenish glow of
Half-Life. No one has been hit yet, but you should definitely tell me
what cards you are playing for defense, as well as offense. ]