From:  Keith Harper <>
Date:  Sat Oct 20, 2001  4:35 am
Subject:  Recap:Turn 2.0 (SoF)

After finishing up the caper at Ultratech Industries, Verve and Rough
neck are given a few days off. Ms Chesterton uses this time to conduct
several interviews
of costumed adventurers who wish to join SoF. There were many
applicants, but she finally narrowed it down to a handful who showed
potential.. Some were a bit
quirky, some naive, others shady, and some quit normal. But they all
passed the background checks and were approved as members of SoF. She
hoped that
they could all get along and function as a team, but even she had to
admit to herself that it was a motley crew. In addition to the two
previous members Verve, a
goth sketch artist who could bring his drawings to life and Roughneck,
an amazingly ugly cyborg. the group now included:

Kinetica, the poor little rich girl who had permanently surrounded
herself with her forcefield.
Master Menagero, an eccentric scientist who could mimic the powers of
any metahuman he was close to, though he couldn't control it.
and Zena, an honest to god amazon who could control animals.

They were all to report to the SoF office on Monday at 9 a.m. to meet
their fellow team members and become better acquainted with one another.

Verve and
Roughneck are unaware of this and are quit surprised when the enter Ms.
Chesterton's office Monday morning and see 3 other costumed individuals
on coffee and donuts.

[You can all describe what your character's appearance is here]

Verve is dressed in baggy pants and an oversized black T-shirt, he has
punked out black hair, white face paint with dark shadows around the
eyes and lips.
Very goth He is very slight of build and resembles Edward Scissorhands
or Robert Smith of the Cure. He has a book bag slung over his shoulder
with various
pouches on it that have art supplies overflowing from them

Ms. Chesterton says to them, "Ah I'm glad you have finally arrived .
Allow me to introduce your new team-mates. Everyone this is Verve and
Verve and Roughneck this is Kinetica, Master Menagero,
and Zena.

After everyone greets each other, Ms,. Chesterton says, " Since you are
all going to be working closely together perhaps each of you should tell

the others a bit
about yourself and your powers."

Verve sighs, obviously disdaining such formalized social interactions.
"I guess I'll go first." he says. "My real name is Steve Kirby. I'm an
artist. I grew up
reading comics and basically taught myself how to draw from them as
well, though I am in college as a Fine Art student. Recently I
discovered tat I could bring
my drawings to life for very short periods of time...anywhere from a
couple of second to several minutes. I saw the ads for SoF and I figured

what the hell? I'd
always idolized the comic book heroes as well as the real ones so I may
as well use my powers to try to become one myself. I'm not real
secretive about my
true identity, any notoriety I gain as a hero can only help bolster the
sales of my work as an artist. That's about it. Any questions? Who's

Curiously, the tall red-headed amazon sniffs at the round glazed pastry
that had been offered to her by Ms. Chesterson. Though it smelled good,
Zena wasn't sure if she should eat it. It didn't look like meat. Nor did

it look like any fruit or vegetable she had ever eaten before. Though
her stomach ached for food, she set it down and lifted the cup towards
her face. The strange dark brown liquid inside the mug was very hot. The

aroma was familiar. Zena had eaten roasted beans with a smell similar to

this once.

Taking a big drink, Zena quickly spits the coffee out onto the carpeted
floor. "It's poison!" she shouts as she sets the mug down.

Zena reaches down grabing her circular weapon, but not unfastening it
from her belt. The tight black leather armor, trimmed with a light gold
metal accents her curves as she slowly backs away from the desk. She
looks around the room at the assembled people, worried that one of them
was tring to finish off what the greedy industrialists had begun. . .
the genocide of her tribe.

"I wish to be reunited with my companions Tolwynn and Tancreed. That
was my arangement with you Ms. Chesterson. I don not trust these. . . .
men." she gestures to Verve, Roughneck and Master Menagero with her free

hand, still keeping her other one ready to wield her weapon of choice.
Oddly enough she doesn't indicate Kinetica as being one she doesn't
trust. "I will help you, but I wish to know my friends are safe."

"Zena, calm down," implores Ms. Chesterton. " I assure you that the
coffee is
not poison and that you can trust the men in this room. Everyonbe here
had to
go through thorough background chacks and none of them are a threat to
Your animals are safe..In fact they are in route right now from a local
animal shelter where they have been kept the past few days. No harm has
come to
them and they have been well cared for. We will help you find the
responsible for the death of your tribe, but it may take some time. You
have to
be patient. In the meantime, I can see that we'll have to spend some
educating you on some cultural differences between your tribe and life
in the

Ms. Chesterton then looks at the others in the group. " I guess I should

mention that two of our new recruits have had run ins with the law. In
case it was a misunderstnding....she didn't realize that wild animals
allowed to roam free in the city without special permission. All the
reason to help familiarize her with the civilized world and it's laws.

In Kinetica's case it was something quit different. She is on probation
alcohol and drug related charges. In addition to attending Narcotics
part of her probation is to serve as part of out team and stay on the
and narrow. I'm a friend with one of the judges downtown and that is
how I
became aware of both Kinetica and Zena. I hope that I didn't offend
either of
you," indicating Zena and Kinetica, "by mentioning this, but I felt we
have it out in the open."

Kinetica stands against the wall, one leg propped upwards, with her arms

crossed over her chest. The fair-skinned, young girl appears to be
twenty years old. Her light brown hair drapes the sides of her face
to her chin. She is dressed a skin-tight latex outfit that covers her
completely from the neck down. Her costume is mostly light blue with a

decorative wide "V"-shaped black section over her waist and lower
torso. The legs of the outfit flow seemingness into high-heeled black

She glares at Ms. Chesterson for a moment with her green eyes before
speaking. "Hi. My name is Julia. As Ms. Chesterson pointed out, I am
here as part of a *probation* program. As soon as that's over with, I
out of here."

Frank feels like he is back in high school, introducing himself to
his homeroom. He picks up the eclair that Zena discarded, removes his
mask, and eats the pastry as Kinetica introduces herself. He finishes
two more before she is done. Everyone looks at him, and he figures it
is his turn.

"Hi, I'm Frank. I used to work on an oil rig, that's why I call
myself Roughneck. I'm pretty new here myself, but I can tell you all
that Ms. Chesterton has been very helpful, and has gone out of her
way to help me deal with some, er, problems."

Frank notices that everyone is looking at him like they would look at
a horror movie. He remembers that his face and bald head are badly
scarred, and that he has bright yellow eyes, both products of his
cybernetic enhancements. Suddenly self conscious, Frank
stammers, "Yeah, and, uh, I had an operation that left me with these
scars. I'm what scientists call a CY-BORG." Frank says that last word
loudly, as though they would be unfamiliar with it. He has been out
of human society for several years, and doesn't realize that the word
is part of everyone's vocabulary now.

Anxious to be out of the spotlight, Frank says, "That's it. Who's

Frank wears an all black body suit with steel toe boots and leather
gloves. His black mask covers his entire head and face.

Master Menagero is gawking at Zena. She is no doubt
the most gorgeous piece of god's handiwork he has ever
laid eyes on. He then sneezes! Dropping his coffee on
the ground.

"Oh, I'm...terribly sorry. Ok. You asked me my
background." Rupert pops up violently, startling
all in the room.
" Rupert Renspottenick, founder of the unknown
satellite development company that I planned for the
world to know as RensCorp. You see, ma'am, I love to
study electronics, spectography, tracking systems and
the like. I'm a Doctor of Physics and I had received a
grant from the US Department of Defense to develop a
broad-band/interdimensional/subspace metahuman
tracking device. This was going to allow certain
agencies within our great nation..." the Doctor pauses
only to pull a handkerchief from his pocket and most
obnoxiously blow his nose. "Sorry, I have allergies.
Anyways, what was I saying..?"

"The US Department of Defense to develop a
broadband/something-something metahuman device.."
Kinetica responds.

"Oh, yes! This device was going to allow certain
agencies within our great nation to keep better track
of the metahumans among us. It could be installed on
various satellite units, both space-born and
hand-held. It was ingenious."

Roughneck bobs his head forward, "And...You said 'was'

"Well, this is the part the government doesn't know
yet. I destroyed it. One week ago, I
guess I had a pinprick of guilt as to the possible
misuses of such a device. But, my grant was for $10
million. I had already spent 95% of it on research and
development. I couldn't exactly tell the Dept. of
Defense that I was no longer interested in their
grant, if you know what I mean. I realized that I
would be burying my career forever by destroying my

"Do you mean it worked?" Verve questioned.

"Boy, did it! It worked amazingly. I was able to count
thousands of metahumans, millions if you include
various subspace, other-chronal, and interdimensional
positive tags. That's why I was so afraid. I decided
that I would take my prototype down to the incinerator
and just do the do. Maybe throw myself in while I was
committing career suicide. I'm too much of a coward
for suicide though and just ended up tossing in the

"And that's when it happened. I assume that some sort
of supspatial contusion propagated when the
incinerator's heat interacted with my time/space
reactant batteries. As far as I surmise, the energy
wave that followed inundated my body with multiversal
radiation,, altering my gene structure on the nth
level, perhaps fusing my soul, as it were, with the
very time/space/probability continuum along with a
heightened sense of self-awareness and a limited range
of cosmic awareness much as my devices metahuman
tracking nodes were designed to output."

Confused and trying to get to a point, ROughneck
lurches forward, "And, thus, your power is...?"

"Oh, I guess I should put in laymen's terms for you.
It seems that I now have the ability to simulate the
powers of whichever metahuman is in the closest
proximity of me. My quasi-genetic template creates an
invisible subspace link with the metahuman allowing me
to, I believe, find a dimensional counterpart for
myself in some other realm and make a brief connection
with this other-self so as to use those powers in this
reality. This power is completely random it seems and
only applies to metahumans who have gained their
abilities through genetic adaptation or alteration,
not the technologically enhanced cyborgs or such.

"In addition, any metahumans within a one-mile radius
seem to pop up on this mental radar in my head. I can
track them down and even tell you their powers if I
can get close enough to make them my closest 'target',
as it were.

"Why, on the way here I took off in flight, apparently
through gravimetric manipulation. As I was mere miles
away, my flight cancelled itself out. I thought for
sure I was a goner, until I became able to
telepathically order a flock of Canadian geese to
provide a cushion for me to be glided to the ground
on. Of course, ten feet from the ground, my link was
halted. I suppose that particular psionic went out of
range. The geese did NOT appreciate my mental
commandeering of their instincts. I received quite a
number of beak bites upon landing on the ground. I
soon grew ignorant of the beak bites, though, when my
consciousness was spirited away to the astral plane. I
saw you here looking at our appointment in your blue
suede appt. book that you keep in your left drawer
right next to your shirtless picture of Tony Danza..."
Candice blushed, "And the next thing I know, I was
jaunted back to reality in time to adapt the super
speed I needed to make our appointment only one minute
late. This super speed I currently have and I'm really
full of energy and I would love to just run around the
world except for the fact that by the time I make it
over the Atlantic my powers would probably convert to
that of Leadweight Man and I'd end up drowning in the
MidAtlantic ridge praying that Not-Need-To-Breath Girl
flies over soon..."

"Wow." Kinetica says.

"So, basically, I want to help and need help. The
government is going to want to have my butt for
breakfast, I'm sure. But, I need another research
grant to learn how to control my awesome abilities.
Until then, I am the master of menagerie or MASTER
MENAGERO! Anyways,
what do you think? I’m smart. I can be like a team
scientist or assistant scientist. But, I need to find
a way to control my powers too. Otherwise, I’m afraid
one day that I-Can’t Stop Exploding Man will pass by
while I am in church and..well, you get the picture,
don’t you?”

Frank scratches his ugly bald head and says, "So you can't control
your powers, and you basically embezzled a few million bucks from
Uncle Sam?" It sounds bad to Frank, but then, Frank's own story had
probably sounded ridiculous when he first met Candace needing help.
He decides to pay it forward: "Sounds fine to me, welcome aboard.
But, how you gonna get yer license without letting The Government
know where you are?" Frank asks, looking at Candace as though she
should know the answer.

Ms. Chesterton says, "Rupert isn't in trouble with the government. At
nor yet anyway. The way it was explained to me was that the deadline for
device was still a few months away and they are unanware of the current
state of affairs. I'm sure they won't be happy about it, but Rupert
has time to come up with another device, refund the money, or develop
something different that will appease them. That is one of the reasons I
inclined to hire him. It gives him a cashflow without having to resort
crime. I'm sure when the time comes he'll be able to work something out.

"If I were you." says Verve, "I'd buddy up to a telepath, learn the
lottery numbers , pay the government off and havce money to burn."

Ms. Chesterton stares icily at Verve. "That would most certainly be
as a criminal act in the eyes of the law. Not to mention unethical. Need
remind you that one of our objectives here at SoF is to promote a
image for metahumans?"

"Sorry...Jeesh it was just an idea. " says Verve.

"Exactly, Verve," Rupert interjects. "May I remind you
of a certain law regaridng super human INVASION OF
PRIVACY. ANd I quote, "Some powers which make it too
easy to invade someone's privacy such as Invisibility,
Mind Scan, and Telepathy are illegal to use in most
instances. A mental search warrant must be obtained
before Mind Scan can be used to find someone.
Warrantless Mind Scan is allowed only in case of an
emergency. Possible sentence of 1-4 years." Rupert
looks at Verve and adjusts his goggles, "I prefer to
stay out of prison, thank you, and go about legal
means of resolving my personal conflicts."

TUrning towards Ms. Chesterton, "If we are done here,
I would love to return to my lab so as to figure a way
out of this conundrum and perhaps cure myself. I would
also like to ask a personal favor to all paranormals
present, if it is not too much of an imposition. I
know it is common for humans to walk around a room and
shift position occasionally during the course of a
conversation. Seeing how my powers are quite volitile,
would you all mind not doing so in my presence. I feel
quite naseaus from the constant power fluxes I have
from my uncontrolled ability. WHich is, of course,
another reason I would like to take my leave."

"So, about that invasion of privacy, I guess Ms. Chesterton has a
legal claim against you for that peek into her scheduling book?" asks
Frank innocently, winking at Kirby.

"Oops, um, um," Rupert lets out a nervous sneeze. "Uh,
totally unintentional. I should really be going now."

Julia stood off to the side listening to the others spill their life
stories. Fools, all of them, revealing such sensitive information
about themselves. Especially that so-called genius. All it would
take is a call to the proper authorities to turn his life upside
down. Doesn't he realize the kind of power he handed over to people
he just met?

Ms. Chesterton replies, "Don't worry about it Rupert. It was an
and not a totally accurate on e at that. I don't have a picyure of Tony
Danza in my desk," Rupert knew she was lying, but he didn't say
anything. "
I understand how your powers can make you feel a bit anxious around
metahumans, but you need to try to deal with it, especially since you'll
spending a lot more time around everyone.

I'm still waiting on a few more new recruits to show up, before I get
the details of our first team mission." There was a knock at the door.
"Maybe that is them."
As Ms. Chesterton opens the door the group sees a man in a jungle safari

outfit along with a large lion and a hawk.

Zena instantly rushes over to them "Tolwynn! Tancreed!" she shouts as
hugs the lion around it's neck and the hawk alights on wrist. Ms.
sign the release forms for the animals and the man takes his leave.

Rupert looks at Zena's lion. "Oh, golly gee gosh,"
Rupert says, eyes reddening and a sneeze building up,
"I'm allergic - AAAAHCCHOO! - to cats. I...guess that
includes lions. AAAAAACCHHHOO!"

Julia cannot help but giggle.

Frank leaps away from the door as the lion and hawk enter, shock on
his face. As he sees Zena greet the animals, he realizes they are not
there to eat him and he calms down, trying to act natural.

This was going to take some getting used to. Frank had never before
seen a lion up close, and he had the distinct feeling that, were Zena
not there, the lion might consider him lunch. Frank was thankful he
had lost so much weight (mainly his beer gut) during his recent

After Zena finishes her hug, she looks into the eyes of the lioness. She

then begins to roar and chirp. Rupert, who had been headed towards the
door just seconds before, has suddenly attuned to Zena's powers. He
fully understands the conversation she is having in the animals'

"Tolwynn, have you been treated well?"

"Yes my queen. Though these savages did deny me the hunt and fed me dead

meat." replies the lioness, though to the others in the room it is
little more than roars and purrs.

"Be patient. These people are going to help us. . . . we will have to
adapt to thier jungle and their ways if we are to avenge the sisters. I
am unnerved by them all, especially the. . . . cy. . . cyborg. But they
are a means to an end." Zena stands upright again, turning her
attentions back to Ms. Chesterson and this motley tribe.

Master Menagero is totally confounded that he can
actually understand this primal language. Responding
in kind to the felne conversation, "Pardon my
linguistici intrusion into your, ha ha, cat-calling,
but I wanted to assure Tolwynn that my immunological
response to her epidermal particalia is in no way a
reflection of my disposition toward such a majestic
jungle creature. You and your master Zena are equally
stunning earthen offsprings and I look forward to
havng more dialogues such as this in the future,
perhaps after I develop a successful antibody
treatment for my innate allergies."

The rest of the team gawk at Menagero's feat.

Zena looks quickly to Master Menagero a surprised look gracing her face.

"Only those of noble blood can converse with animals! It is a gift
reserved only for those cherished by the animal spirits! What tribe are
you from that you bear this gift?" She approaches him quickly, though no

hostility is intended, her natural stance and demeanor is slightly

"Uh, well, I'm originally from Patawatomie, Kansas but
my family moved to Goober City, Iowa when I was
seven..." Rupert replies while flinching from Zena's
approach. He is too afraid of her reaction if she were
to discover that he is actually just copying her
powers. "Um, I may have picked up some animal talk
when I was in the NorthWestern CUb Scouts."

Zena's face twists in confusion.

"My tribe was called the Metenda. We are descendants of the lion's
spirit. Tell me, what animal spirit does your. . . . Cub Scouts descend
from? And is your dripping nose a cure upon you by an evil spirit?" Zena

says gesturing to the slime slowly protruding from Rupert's nose. Zena
finds herself confused, not just at Rupert's allergies, but at having a
conversation so indepth with a man. She had never thought it possible to

find a man gifted by the animal spirits before.

Julia watched Menagero make a fool of himself by speaking in feline
speak. That amazon woman seems very attached to those creatures, and he
fortunate she does not run him through for patronizing them like that.

Verve exhales loudly. "Things sure are getting strange around
here...even for
me. I need a smoke. " He walks toward wall where Kinetica is standing,
the window, props himself up in the window sill and lights up a Marlboro
making sure to blow the smoke outside . "Smoke?" he asks Kinetica,
his opened pack with his free hand.

"Uh, yes, thank you." Julia eagerly accepts his office.

"Just make sure you blow the smoke out
the window or Candace will get pissed. I had to beg and plead just to
get her
to let me smoke out the window. So are you in school? If so what are

"The usually stuff, you know--history, literature, psychology, etc."

As Verve and Kinetica stand near the window talking, a
purple blur bursts through the window, brushing past them.
As the blur settles on the floor, Verve realizes that his
Marlboros are gone. Meanwhile the lion ruffles its mane and
growls, being startled by the sudden movements.

Standing in the floor, just a few feet in front of the
lion's dripping fangs is a small man, at best 2-feet tall.
He rapidly grows to almost 6-feet as he turns back to Verve
and hands him his smokes.

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't smoke. Sorry I'm late,
but just as I arrived at the building, I realized that I
forgot to set the VCR to record Survivor, so I ran back
across town to set it. Hi, I'm, I mean Eric."

He looks around the room, nodding to everyone. His costume
is dark purple with a yellow boots, gloves, and belt. His
mask covers the upper half of his face, leaving his eyes,
nose, and mouth exposed. There is a yellow B on his
forehead and on his left shoulder is a patch of the
paramedic/EMT insignia. He backs away from the lion.

"Easy kitty! So, what's our first assignment? And did you
guys see that guy being carried by a flock of geese? I
think I've heard of him, he's the Spruce Goose, I think."

Master Menagero exits the room, "I guess I will see
> all of you later," and decides to go to the men's room
> to change into his civilian clothes.

Before he can leave, Ms Chesterton says, "Wait a minute Rupert. I need
fill you all in on our first case. I was waiting for the others to show
but apparently they are running late. There is a charity benefit for the
tragedy at Madison Square Gardens tonight featuring several high profile

celeebrities. A few of these celebrities possess minor metahumna
most notably Jim Carrey's limited stretching abilities and Dick Clark's
retarded aging ability.

Anyway, security is a high priority and there have been a few anti-meta
threats circulating in the rumour mill. We have been asked to provide
additional security for the benefit, just in case something happens. We
to let regular security and the police handle all of the routine
measures while we act as backup as needed. Does anyone have any

Blitz pipes up with a grin on his face, "Yeah, what's on
the menu? Sounds like it'll be cake for us. Security at
these type of gigs is usually pretty tight. Having us
around will be overkill. Especially judging from the looks
of this group. Still, we're gettin' paid AND fed, so I'm
in. Who's bringing the cat chow?"

Rupert is obviously unnerved by the revelation, "Well,
uh, don't you think that I am a bit unstable to be
thrown into any type of confrontational setting just
yet? Addedly, we have no type of team arrangement, an
organizational structure if something dreadful does
befall our upstart band of meta-humans. In addition,
we could end up upsetting the crowds if they see
numerous unknown costume-clad beings blazing into a
confusing fray. The sheer multitudinous array of
possible divergent issues is enough to drive this
mortal man insane with speculation!!!" Rupert grips
his mask and pulls it down tight around his face in

Everyone in the room is dumbfounded by Rupert's

Adjusting his mask, he concludes, "Ahem. That's
basically my only question, Ms Chesterton and team."

In the silence that follows Rupert's rant, Frank says, "Hey, guy,
calm down, it's OK," while looking at Candace questioningly. "Me and
the kid here," he gestures to Verve, "we done this kinda thing
before, it's gonna be alright." Holy shit, thinks Frank, if there
*are* any problems, this guy's gonna freak. "Just keep calm, that's
the main thing. Besides, you wanna get paid, doncha? Hell, this is an
easy gig. Why, just last night, me and Kirby had to take on a guy who
could kill ya just by lookin' atcha. . . . " Seeing Rupert's
reaction, Frank realizes he should not have said that. "All I mean
is, like Speedo here says, there'll be plenty of security without us.
You can be the backup backup, if anything happens."

Frank again looks at Candace. "So, when and exactly where do we go?"

Blitz steps up to Rupert. "That's right, listen to the
Terminator. We'll all be there together. Besides," pointing
at the patch on his shoulder, "I'm a paramedic. If anything
happens, I'll be there. Unless that big cat eats me when
I'm shrunk. If there's any problem, remember, it's all in
the reflexes. Just get out of the way."

Blitz turns his attention back to Candace after a quizical
look at Kinetica and Verve.

Julia sighs. "Whatever. Just tell me what you want me to do and get it

over with."

Blitz starts to say something, then catches himself and
settles into a big cheesy grin. "Well don't get all excited
on us now, Glow Girl. I'm sure you'll have a good time."

He gets himself some coffee and a doughnut. Then finds a seat.

Ms. Chesterton responds to Frank's earlier question. " The benefit
at 8 p.m. and will probably last until 10. You are all to report to the

back security gate at 7:00. Just show the guards these." Here Ms.
hands everyone a small lcard, very simimlar to a drivers license or ATM
card. "These are your Alias cards. They basucally prove that you are
a sanctioned hero and that you heroic persona is now a seperate legal
identity. It allows yopu to do things like testify in court without
revealing your true identity as well as proving that you are indeed who
say you are. Just slide the card in one of CAPE's identiboxes, state
hero name while placing your hand on the box as well as looking at a
red dot on the box. It verifies that you are the hero picyured on the
card by various biometric measurements that are taken when you do these
three things.

Your liason there will be Mr. Jeremiah Stonecutter, the chief of
for the event. He'll brief you on what he expects.

Frank takes his identicard and slips it into a pocket in his belt. As
he does so, he mutters to Candace, "SF is gonna stand for 'Super
Freaks' before you know it. I guess I'm one to talk, though, huh?" he
says looking at her with artificial yellow eyes. He then pulls his
dirty turquiose polyester warmup suit over his black tights, zipping
the front up. "Everbuddy, I'll see ya at the gig. Nice meetin ya." He

Frank picks up a sandwich at Jason's Deli and some cheap sunglasses
(to hide his eyes--he has become more self-conscious since meeting
the other heroes). He also goes to a costume shop and buys a cheap
wig (unruly black hair--the best thing he can find on his budget) to
hide his scarred bald head. He then heads to MSG and begins
surveillance. He has nothing else to do, so he walks around scanning
the area with his extended EM vision, looking for anything out of the
ordinary. If he can get inside, he will do so, going anywhere that is
legally open to him. He is just looking for signs of trouble or
suspicious people. He is careful not to go into restricted areas or
do anything else that will get him into trouble--unless he sees
something suspicious.

As the group starts to break up a shimmering sound can be heard, soon
followed by a glowing energy that coalsces into a human form.

A young man of medium build with brown hair and blue eyes. He is
wearing a black spandex jump suit with a feild of red covering his
shoulders. He is holding a pocket recorder.

"Captain's Log: Beam in successful After lossing track of time
watching TNG on TNN I have arrived at the designated cordinates.
Procedeing to make first contact."

The Captain then clicks of the recored and slips it into a
holster attached to his costume. He then approaces the members of the
team still present.

"Gene Smith, a.k.a. The Captain reporting as ordered. I'm sorry I'm
late, some how my...alarm...became dissabled. Have I...missed...the

Julia looks over from the window after exhaling some smoke.  What a
freak-job.  Well with him on the case, at least we won't have to worry
about security.  Anyone who tries anything will be too busy laughing. 
She pits out her ciggy, and waits for this meeting to get over so she
can get back to her life--such that it is.

"Hello Captain, I'm Blitz." Blitz offers the Captain a cup
of coffee and a jelly doughnut. "It looks like you're just
in time to say g'bye." Turning to the rest of the crowd,
"Well, I've got to run some errands. I guess I'll see you
guys at the gate!"

As he speeds down the street, Blitz thinks to himself,
putting together the details of the meeting.

What a strange group. A goth-punk artist. A depressive
chick with an oppressive chip on her shoulder. An Amazon
warrior that looks like she'd just as well skewer us all. A
frenetic scientist - maybe he should hang out with Julia
and they can stabilize each other, nah probably not. And
the bionic man gone awry - that guy looks like he's seen
some rough days. Could probably use a friend. And then
there's the Captain. Who knows what lurks there. The real
question is will Candace have dinner with me? I'd best
avoid jogging down that path for a while. I wonder if this
group will be able to pull together if there's any trouble
tonight. It looks like they can all handle themselves, but
I'll bring some extra smelling salts, just in case.

Blitz stops less than a minute later in an out of the way
alley on the other side of town - he took his time - and
changes his clothes before walking up the street to the
rescue squad headquarters. He has taken a leave of absence
to join SoF and earn a living as a superhero, rather than
doing it in his spare time. Still, he intends to keep an
eye on things in case they ever need a hand. He checks the
duty lists for the next few days to see if they will be
short handed. Nope, shift coverage looks good.

He returns to his apartment to get some rest before the big
night. In all of his 30 years, he's never been to the
Garden. Tonight, he'll be wearing tights.

Master menagero now exits the room after bidding
everyone, including Tolwynn a fond farewell until the

He changes clothes, places his costume in a briefcase
and takes a taxi home to his apt that is located on
Adams Street. His apartment is on the third floor of a
four story brick building.

Once inside, he settles in and checks his bank account
online from his secret computer lab located behind the
huge aquarium in his living room. He then makes a call
to the property owner of the apartment building,
Fetzer, St. Francis, and Ravenswood Residential
Enterprises. Rupert is aware that his area is zoned
for both commercial and residential used and local
zoning laws will allow his to purchase the property
and evict the current tenants as long as he uses the
building for purely commercial interests. He is
interested in purchasing the entire property with the
remainder of his cash if possible. He has approx/
$500,000 left which should make a good down payment
until he can find a way to generate the monthly
mortgage payment, perhaps through inventions,
collecting bounty hunter rewards or figuing out what
the team's skills are and putting them to financial

After the meeting, Julia returns to her apartment. The place was a mess

ever since the authorities searched it. The worst part is, they got her
stash and she couldn't very well find a new source with them while on
probation. Sighing, she decided to check the fridge. Damn, they didn't

even leave some whine cooler. But maybe...

Ah-hah! Cough syrup! She thirstily drank the whole bottle, then
into unconsciousness not two feet from the bathroom door.

Julia awakens on the floor of her apartment to the blairing sound of
her alarm. Her whole body ached from the awkward position in which
she slept. Her force field might protect her from physical blows,
but it did nothing to prevent her from discontorting herself.

Crawling over to her still made bed and nightstand, she smashed the
alarm with a hand sheathed in blue energy. She sat there for five
minutes reveling in the silence before standing up.

She disrobed from her uniform, which she was still wearing from the
day before. Filling the tub with water, she sat down in the warm
water. She missed taking showers, but although her forcefield was
permeable to water, it still managed to deflect it when traveling at
her at high velocities. For now, she was content to just lie there.
Closing her eyes, she fell asleep.

When she awoke, she immediately realized that she was late. She
hastily dryed herself as best she could through her force field and
carefully styled her hair using nothing but her fingers. She donned
her custom made uniform made of special fibers that allowed it to
pass through her force field as easily as the air she breathed. She
grabed a protein shake from the fridge, and flew to the rendeavous as
fast as she could. She only arrived fifteen minutes late.

The members of  SoF show up at the back security gates at the designated
time. They are greeted by Jeremiah Stonecutter, a hulking black man with
a no nonsense manner. After verifying everyone's identicards he says,

"I'm chief of security at this gig. It's a high profile event with lots
of celebrities and rock stars to raise money for the families of the WTC
tragedy. Security is extremely tight, but there have naturally been some
apprehension by all involved.  You are all to serve as backup in the
event that something occurs beyond the means of conventional security to
handle. You are to stay out of sight in the backstage area at all times,
unless we need you. Is that clear?  Good. "

Stonecutter passes out headsets to everyone. "These are our security
commlinks. maintain radio silence unless absolutely necessry. Now come
with me."

He leads all of them into the backstage area of the production.
Technicians are hurridly running about trying to get everything ready
for the show. "From here you'll be able to keep an eye on the stage, as
well as the front section of the crowd. We will have additional security
protecting the stars, as well as keeping an eye on the crowd and the
perimeter. Basically what I'm telling you is to stay out of our way. It
wasn't my idea to have you here, but the mayor thought it would be a
good idea to have some metahuman backup just in case. " With that he
turns and leaves.  [For those not in the know...The WTC terrorists are
rumoured to have been metahumans, thus fanning the flames of anti-meta
sentiment. ]

"Nice guy," Verve says sarcastically.
With very little to do, the team mills about backstage and tries to stay
out of the way of the stagehands as they set everything up. The show
begins a few hours later without any hitches. It is a sold out show.
there are thousands of people in the crowd and everyone seems to be
enjoying the show. There are hundreds of big name celebrities and stars
there who pull out all of the stops in their performances.  It lasts for
three hours, then at the end Mayor Guiliani takes the stage. He delivers
a speech to the crowd and asks all of the firemen, police, and
superheroes who helped out after the tragedy to please stand up.  The
first five rows of people all stand. These seats had been specially
reseved for them. The crowd gives them all a standing ovation and
applauds so loud it is deafening. After several minutes of non-stop
applause, everyone eventually returns to their seats.  This is when the
unthinkable happens.

All of the superheroes being honored,  suddenly begin attacking the
police and fireman they are situated among.

Americana judo throws one fireman into another...
Shockwave slams his fist into the ground, sending civil servants flying
in all directions...
The Huntress fires off two tear gas bolts into the crowd from her
handheld crossbows...
Samson hurls two policeman at the mayor, slammimg him to the ground...
Dynamo begins hurling lightning at the crowd...
Paladin slams the exit doors shut with telikinetic force...

Needless to say, the crowd goes into a panic. The SoF team hears
Stonecutter come over the comm-link "STOP THOSE SUPER-FREAKS! NOW!"

[Here is common knowledge about the heroes:

Americana: great niece of the Unknown Soldier, resides in Boston.
Pinnacle of human perfection. Accomplished martial artist and uses stun
discs as missile weaopons

Shockwave:  Former Guardian. Your basic brick. Known for the Shockwave
special, which he just demonstrated. He is also a wrestler in the MWF
(Meta Wrestling Federation). "Can you smell what the Shock is cookin'?"

The Huntress (II): Daughter of Dynamo and the Huntress (I). Former
leader of the Teen Force. Re-established the  "New" Gaurdians (who are
still MIA) with the help of the Unknown Soldier. Accomplished archer and
martial artist. Uses trick bolts.

 Samson: (formerly Kid Samson) former member of the Teen Force. Yet
another brick. No, his long hair doesn't give him his strength.

Dynamo: father of the Huntress (II). One of the founding members of the
original Guardians. Electrical powers. He has been in retirement for
years but came out to help after the tragedy.

Paladin: One of the original Guardians. Wears armor that enhances the
wearers latent psionic abilities. powerful telekinetic. Retired.
Zena, who has spent the last three hours pouting because she wasn't
allowed to bring her animals to this assignment, suddenly speaks up at
the ruckus starting amongst the super-powered guests. "You Americans
have a strange idea of entertainment." She crosses her arms, still not
realizing that the brawl isn't part of the show.

Master Menagero places his face in his hands, aware
that his worst nightmare has come true. Yet, he finds
this far more than coincidental. Addedly, having
studied paranormals extensively, from their DNA to
their psychological profiles, the chance possibility
that these renowned heroes would go renegade at such
an honorific event would be nearly impossible to

Shoving his personal concerns aside, Menagero bolts
toward Verve and Blitz. "Protect the innocents! Blitz,
I hate to be so pushy but you must do a speedy recon
of the immediate vicinity for any psionic

Sliding as close to Verve as possible, Menagero swipes
a pad and pencil from the meta-artist's art pack. "I
hope your powers work the way they say they do, young

OOc: Utilizing "Cunning Scheme" dramatic event

Delving into his past memory, Master Menagero begins
to sketch out the DNA-tracking Quasi-Accelerated
Mento-Detecto Nth Transistor Node Battery-Charged Hand
Held originally designed in schematic #P-346 of his
first successful prototype invention, an early
development that enabled him to track psionics with
his meta-human detector. Using artistic liberty, the
nerdy, sweat-drenched scientist added an Attachable
Battery Amplifier Unit made of Non-Conductive
materials that could augment the scanning capability
of his Hand Held tractor ten fold, a previously
impossible feat for the lack of a truly resistant
non-conductive amplification material that would not
interrupt the multiphasic energy flow through the
electromagnetic connectors.

Activating Verve's powers, Menagero crossed his
fingers and hoped to have contributed to this battle
before it got any worse.

Julia looked up when the comm-link sprang to life. It wasn't fair.
Why should she be forced to sit in boredom back stage while the party
of the century took place just ten feet away. At least now she would
not have to wait any longer. Kinetica was ready for action.

Without hesitation, she flung herself at Shockwave. She had no idea
just how much punishment her forcefield could take, nor did she
care. Afterall, all she had to lose was her life.

"Those...maniacs. How could they...attack those
brave...rescue workers? This...can't be allowed to
continue." Says the Captain as teleports down into the

Frank sees the super heroes attack those around them. Realizing this
is not part of the show, he runs toward the battle, scanning up and
down the EM spectrum (all frequencies, below radio to x-ray) for any
kind of transmissions that are directed to or from the hopefully mind
controlled heroes. He is also on the lookout for anything that might
do the same to him.

Frank's computer core places the now familiar targeting grid before
Frank's vision, analyzing the movements of the combatants. The core
informs Frank subconsciously of its estimations, hinting to him what
a target's next move will be or opportunities for Frank to attack.

[If Frank can see any signals passing to or from the heroes, he
informs the other SoF people via commlink. If he sees a source for
such emanations, like a transmitter or a person, he goes straight for
it and blasts it with his laser as soon as possible. If none of
this, then he leaps on top of Paladin. Frank intends to land on top
of him with both feet and take him out hard.]

Blitz immediately shrinks into action, kicking in his
ionically-powered hyperspeed. Apparently on the same
wavelength as some of his teammates, he assesses that there
must be a reasonable explanation for this deviant behavior
from the city's protectors.

He takes a quick run around the auditorium searching for
anything out of place, especially a mental control type
thingy or personage. He also investigates the stage area
thinking that a roadie - mayhap the evil scourge
Mento-Grip, the man responsible for most of the empty-eyed
hollow acting plaguing Hollywood today - could have hidden
a device during the preshow work. If he finds something,
he'll report it over the commlink and move in to eliminate

[If he doesn't discover anything, then he will return to
the stage area for a contingent powerslam attack on Dynamo.
If this occurs...]

Blitz races for Dynamo and attempts to slam into him at
hyperspeed, leaping into the air a few yards away to hit
him in the chest like a stinger missile. Dynamo may have
time to notice the happy faces carved on the soles of
Blitz's boots before the wind in his lungs departs for

Seeing the other members of her new 'tribe' moving towards the crowd,
Zena suddenly realizes that this isn't part of the show after all. She
hurriedly rushes towards the battle, unlossing her chakram along the
way. She gets just outside of the hand to hand range and flicks her
wrist. Her chakram speeds from her hand towards the head of Dynamo.

[Okay, All-Out Attack, so no dodge. I am hoping for a ricochet maneuver
for my next actions,. Basically I'd be aiming it to ricochet off of
Dynamo, then towards Samson and then to Shockwave, then returning to
myself. All-Out Attack every round (you did say plan for three moves
ahead right?), basically she feels safe outside of the hand to hand
combat at the moment. Shes not used to fighting people with ranged
powers and won't be looking out for attacks like that due to her Naive


From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:24am
Subject: [Fwd: [Meta_Earth] Recap: Turn 2.2]
To: Meta Earth
From: Keith Harper maxxlingo@m...
Mailing-List: list; contact
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 01:23:42 -0500
Subject: [Meta_Earth] Recap: Turn 2.2

Master Menagero finishes the schematic drawing in Verve's sketchbook. A
split second later the image fades from the paper and reappears next to
Menagero as a physical object, though it looks as if it is an animated
drawing--all squiggly lines and smudge marks [Remember the A-Ha video
for "Take on Me". If so, that is what it looks like].
His psionic detecto device registers a powerful psionic presence near
the back of the auditorium.

Verve snatche sback his sketchbook with an admonishing look on his face
and beginds drawing something in it.

Master Menagero informs his team-mates of his discovery over the
comm-link and begins heading in the direction of the psionic signal in
the hopes of duplicating the psionic's power and using it to
telepathically jam his powers.  As he starts out he can tell that it is
going a long time to get to the psionic. he had thousands of people to
wade through. All of them in a panic.

"My god, this crowd is impossible." Menagero is
beginning to be overwhelmed by the crowd. Via the
commlink, he yells to Kinetica and the Captain, "You
two have transport powers that can expedite your
arrival to the area wherein the psionic manipulator
lies! Get there asap!"

When the Captain gets a visual on Menagero, Menagero
will toss his tracking device to Captain and say,
"Here. You probably can understand this technology,
Captain. In addition," obviously lying, "I believe the
perpatrator to be some sort of Romulan! But, don't you
worry about these females you are about to spar with.
I'll (gulp) handle them."

Menagero will rush past Captain to take on the two
females, Americana and Huntress, with (hopefully) a
surprise attack [charge]. He informs Roughneck, "Try
and swap Kinetica's sparring partner while she bolts
for the psionic manipulator."

OOC: Whatever powers I absorb while charging the
females will be used in the most logical way to knock
them down. Otherwise, I just tackle 'em.

The Captain appears next to Americana and the Huntress who are still
busy attacking the fireman and policeman. They are so focused on their
attacks that they do not even notice his appearnce.

The Captain will take the tracking device when tossed
to him, but warns Menagero, "I'm a Captain not an

The Captain will then teleport to the back of the
auditorium (after a short disapointed look at the
women he won't get to...fight) and attempt to figure
out the tracking device to find the exact location of
the psionic manipulators. While doing so he will say,
"I didn't think any Romulans had made contact with
Earth in this century. Prehappes they are time
travelers? I wonder are these 22nd, 23rd or 24th
Century Romulans?"

[If something unfortold happens, say I'm attack by an
enemy or the tracker is dropped I will take the
logical steps, i.e. dodge or pick up the tracker or
whatever, if the psionic manipulators are immediatly
obvious when I get there I'll prepare to attack them
on my next turn.]

Kinetica slams into Shockwave with everything she's got, and it feels
like hitting a brick wall. The burly crimefighter/wrestler hadn't even
budged.  Her attack does howevr draw his attention. He slams his huge
meaty hands square into her face, but her forcefiel s absorbs the impact
and glows a bit brighter as the kinetic energy is shunted to the field
that permanently surrounds her. It appears to be a stalemate.

Kinetica concentrates on strengthening her field around her fists and
attempts to punch Shockwave again.

OOC: Force Shapes

Kinetica will keep trying this till she either hits or is hit. If
she takes him down, she will turn to Sampson or whoever is the most
intimdating hero-pawn still standing.

Roughneck, after hearing Master Menagero's announcement about the
psionic presence in the crowd begins scanning in that direction. He
detects a scrambled radio waves in that vicinity that are quite
different than the ones being utilized by the security teams in place
throughot the Garden. He immediately begins running in that direction,
but like Master Menagero finds the crowd a formidable obstacle.

Frank hears Menagero's statements, and also sees Kinetica continue
her attack on the Pot-bellied MWF wrestler. (Frank had seen Shockwave
on the cover of a magazine the other day, brandishing his middle
finger at the camera after a particularly bloody match with the meta
wrestler StompGut. He looked tough, but Kinetica seemed to be doing

Unable to get through the crowd, but clearly seeing the source of the
mind control, Frank tries to aim with his laser. Panicked civilians
are milling around, interfering with his line of fire. He doesn't
want to fire, for fear of hitting a civilian.

However, Frank finds his hand raising and taking final aim, and
he "feels" the computer core measuring his chances of hitting his
target without hitting any civilians. To his horror, the core
concludes that the laser's maximum intensity must be used, so that
any intervening people will be easily pierced by the laser.

Shaking his head, Frank causes the core to abort its attack. What he
needs is a better vantage point. Seeing the scaffolding next to the
stage, Frank leaps up onto it, high enough that he will have a
clearer shot at the source of the mind control. Hanging on by one
hand, Frank now has a clear shot. He takes aim and fires a single
invisible pulse at his target.

Blitz, who is searching the crowd at hyper speed , hears Menagero's
announcement also. He quickly kicks it into overdrive and arrives in the
area Menagero indicated. What to look for? There were so many people it
is hard to make out anything in the near darkness of the auditorium.
People are screaming. Getting pushed and trampled against the exit
doors, which are being held shut by Paladin's telekinis powers. Blitz
himself was now in danger of being trampled by the mob, especially at
his size.

"Man, if I don't do something quick, this crowd will be
scraping me off its shoes. The chaos in this arena is
boiling like a pressure cooker - and it needs a relief
valve! Looks like I'm in for a Wild Ride"

[Using the Wild Ride Dramatic Event]
Blitz's plan is to live up to his namesake and make his way
to the nearest set of exit doors. When he finds or makes an
opening in the crowd, he puts on the 'blitz' and Power
Slams the door at full speed, *Pushing* himself beyond his
limits. Upon hitting the doors, he will attempt to bounce
off of them, leaping upward and backward, propelling
himself toward a clear spot or, preferably, a higher
vantage point, such as an overhead rafter. Obviously, he'll
have to hit the doors pretty hard to be able burst the
field AND still bounce off of them.

His plan is two-fold: get out of the Trample Zone and open
the doors. He will push his action if necessary to hit the
doors hard enough to burst the telekinetic field. He
recognizes that he could fail in both objectives, but in
the heat of the moment, it seems like his best option. If
he does not create an opening, then he focuses on getting
out of harm's way.


Zena lets her Chakram fly and strikes Dynamo in the temple. The aging
crimefighter lets out a moan as he falls into unconsciousness. The
pefectly aimed weapom richochets off of Dyanamo's head in the direction
of Samson.

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From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Wed Oct 31, 2001 2:24am
Subject: [Fwd: [Meta_Earth] Recap: Turn 2.2]
To: Meta Earth
From: Keith Harper maxxlingo@m...
Mailing-List: list; contact
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 01:23:42 -0500
Subject: [Meta_Earth] Recap: Turn 2.2

Master Menagero finishes the schematic drawing in Verve's sketchbook. A
split second later the image fades from the paper and reappears next to
Menagero as a physical object, though it looks as if it is an animated
drawing--all squiggly lines and smudge marks [Remember the A-Ha video
for "Take on Me". If so, that is what it looks like].
His psionic detecto device registers a powerful psionic presence near
the back of the auditorium.

Verve snatche sback his sketchbook with an admonishing look on his face
and beginds drawing something in it.

Master Menagero informs his team-mates of his discovery over the
comm-link and begins heading in the direction of the psionic signal in
the hopes of duplicating the psionic's power and using it to
telepathically jam his powers.  As he starts out he can tell that it is
going a long time to get to the psionic. he had thousands of people to
wade through. All of them in a panic.

"My god, this crowd is impossible." Menagero is
beginning to be overwhelmed by the crowd. Via the
commlink, he yells to Kinetica and the Captain, "You
two have transport powers that can expedite your
arrival to the area wherein the psionic manipulator
lies! Get there asap!"

When the Captain gets a visual on Menagero, Menagero
will toss his tracking device to Captain and say,
"Here. You probably can understand this technology,
Captain. In addition," obviously lying, "I believe the
perpatrator to be some sort of Romulan! But, don't you
worry about these females you are about to spar with.
I'll (gulp) handle them."

Menagero will rush past Captain to take on the two
females, Americana and Huntress, with (hopefully) a
surprise attack [charge]. He informs Roughneck, "Try
and swap Kinetica's sparring partner while she bolts
for the psionic manipulator."

OOC: Whatever powers I absorb while charging the
females will be used in the most logical way to knock
them down. Otherwise, I just tackle 'em.

The Captain appears next to Americana and the Huntress who are still
busy attacking the fireman and policeman. They are so focused on their
attacks that they do not even notice his appearnce.

The Captain will take the tracking device when tossed
to him, but warns Menagero, "I'm a Captain not an

The Captain will then teleport to the back of the
auditorium (after a short disapointed look at the
women he won't get to...fight) and attempt to figure
out the tracking device to find the exact location of
the psionic manipulators. While doing so he will say,
"I didn't think any Romulans had made contact with
Earth in this century. Prehappes they are time
travelers? I wonder are these 22nd, 23rd or 24th
Century Romulans?"

[If something unfortold happens, say I'm attack by an
enemy or the tracker is dropped I will take the
logical steps, i.e. dodge or pick up the tracker or
whatever, if the psionic manipulators are immediatly
obvious when I get there I'll prepare to attack them
on my next turn.]

Kinetica slams into Shockwave with everything she's got, and it feels
like hitting a brick wall. The burly crimefighter/wrestler hadn't even
budged.  Her attack does howevr draw his attention. He slams his huge
meaty hands square into her face, but her forcefiel s absorbs the impact
and glows a bit brighter as the kinetic energy is shunted to the field
that permanently surrounds her. It appears to be a stalemate.

Kinetica concentrates on strengthening her field around her fists and
attempts to punch Shockwave again.

OOC: Force Shapes

Kinetica will keep trying this till she either hits or is hit. If
she takes him down, she will turn to Sampson or whoever is the most
intimdating hero-pawn still standing.

Roughneck, after hearing Master Menagero's announcement about the
psionic presence in the crowd begins scanning in that direction. He
detects a scrambled radio waves in that vicinity that are quite
different than the ones being utilized by the security teams in place
throughot the Garden. He immediately begins running in that direction,
but like Master Menagero finds the crowd a formidable obstacle.

Frank hears Menagero's statements, and also sees Kinetica continue
her attack on the Pot-bellied MWF wrestler. (Frank had seen Shockwave
on the cover of a magazine the other day, brandishing his middle
finger at the camera after a particularly bloody match with the meta
wrestler StompGut. He looked tough, but Kinetica seemed to be doing

Unable to get through the crowd, but clearly seeing the source of the
mind control, Frank tries to aim with his laser. Panicked civilians
are milling around, interfering with his line of fire. He doesn't
want to fire, for fear of hitting a civilian.

However, Frank finds his hand raising and taking final aim, and
he "feels" the computer core measuring his chances of hitting his
target without hitting any civilians. To his horror, the core
concludes that the laser's maximum intensity must be used, so that
any intervening people will be easily pierced by the laser.

Shaking his head, Frank causes the core to abort its attack. What he
needs is a better vantage point. Seeing the scaffolding next to the
stage, Frank leaps up onto it, high enough that he will have a
clearer shot at the source of the mind control. Hanging on by one
hand, Frank now has a clear shot. He takes aim and fires a single
invisible pulse at his target.

Blitz, who is searching the crowd at hyper speed , hears Menagero's
announcement also. He quickly kicks it into overdrive and arrives in the
area Menagero indicated. What to look for? There were so many people it
is hard to make out anything in the near darkness of the auditorium.
People are screaming. Getting pushed and trampled against the exit
doors, which are being held shut by Paladin's telekinis powers. Blitz
himself was now in danger of being trampled by the mob, especially at
his size.

"Man, if I don't do something quick, this crowd will be
scraping me off its shoes. The chaos in this arena is
boiling like a pressure cooker - and it needs a relief
valve! Looks like I'm in for a Wild Ride"

[Using the Wild Ride Dramatic Event]
Blitz's plan is to live up to his namesake and make his way
to the nearest set of exit doors. When he finds or makes an
opening in the crowd, he puts on the 'blitz' and Power
Slams the door at full speed, *Pushing* himself beyond his
limits. Upon hitting the doors, he will attempt to bounce
off of them, leaping upward and backward, propelling
himself toward a clear spot or, preferably, a higher
vantage point, such as an overhead rafter. Obviously, he'll
have to hit the doors pretty hard to be able burst the
field AND still bounce off of them.

His plan is two-fold: get out of the Trample Zone and open
the doors. He will push his action if necessary to hit the
doors hard enough to burst the telekinetic field. He
recognizes that he could fail in both objectives, but in
the heat of the moment, it seems like his best option. If
he does not create an opening, then he focuses on getting
out of harm's way.


Zena lets her Chakram fly and strikes Dynamo in the temple. The aging
crimefighter lets out a moan as he falls into unconsciousness. The
pefectly aimed weapom richochets off of Dyanamo's head in the direction
of Samson.

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From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Thu Nov 1, 2001 10:36pm
Subject: Recap:Turn 2.3
    The Captain grabs the tossed locator device and teleports in a glow of
shimmering light to the back of the auditorium. The press of the crowd
is immediately upon him, He was damn lucky he hadn't teleported into
someone. The psionic detector immediately begins beeping loudly.  The
Captain looks at it in the hopes of figuring it out. It looked simple
enough. A small digital schematic on the view screen showed electronic
dots that apparently represented the crowd in his immediate vicinity.
One of the dots was blinking. The beeping of the dot corresponded with
the beeping of the device. "That must be the psi", thinks the Captain
and prepares to attack the sweat drenched man with bloodshot eyes the
device indicates.

Master Menagero, after tossing the device to the Captain charges past
Samson on his way towards the Huntress and Americana. He feels his
physique becoming more powerful, his muscles growing, a sense of power
and invulnerability coursing through his veins. he takes the two women
unaware and tackles them both the three of them falling to the ground.
the Huntress and Americana both seem dazed by the attack, but are still

"Excuse me, ladies, but you do not seem to ber yourselves today."
Menagero states while picking up a woman in each hand. "My goodness, the
power coursing through my veins is intoxicating. But no matter how
euphoric this power boon is I must tend to the needs of my

Master Menagero aims for Kinetica and her captor, Shockwave. "Hark, dear
Miss Kinetica, this should add some umph to your oomph, should it not."
Using all of his raw power, Menagero hurls Americana at the entwined
Kinetica and Shockwave while putting Huntress in a headlock. "I could
get used to this, hehe."

Other things he will do: Menagero looks around to see how his other
teammates are fairing, especially Zena. He scans the floor to see if
there are any trampled citizens in need of immediate help. DO a detailed
power scan of the opponents in the vicinity. He asks the Captain if the
psionic has been located. If I need a defense, I will absorb any attack
with my tough body.

"I belive I have found our quary," the Captain
reports, "And I am moving to incapacitate him."

The Captain the unleashing a stun blast at the man
with the bloodshot eyes, and knowing that this may
well end the danger The Captain 'PUSH'es himself in
this action.

[So I'm pushing my Stun Blast attack, I will also
dodge any attack coming at me. If the man with the
Bloodshot eyes dodges I'll get ready to shot at him

Zena's Charkram bounces harmlessly off of Samson's head, who seems not
to even notice it. It continues on it's intended path for Shockwave.
Suddenly a large animated drawing of a weight with the words "100 tons"
stenciled on the side appears above Samson's head. The weight falls down
upon upon him, and he crumbles beneath the unexpected load. Verve can be
heard snickering over the commlink.

Blitz takes off running at a speed that he has never reached before,
dodging in between peoples legs on his way towards the sealed doors. He
ducks his shoulder and slams into it with all of his might. A thunderous
boom is heard throughout the stadium as the door explode outward into
the corridor and Blitz is thrown backwards from the impact. While flying
backwards through the air, he manages to grab a nearby support column,
where he comes to a stop. He is  20 feet above the crowd now, and he can
see that his plan succeeded and the people now have a way out of the
building. Apparently his attack caused some sort of backlash on Paladin
since all of the doors in the building are now open.

Kinetica  adds more power to the forcefield surrounding her fists and
punches Shockwave again. A solid roundhouse punch square in the nose. A
look of astonishment comes over Shockwave's face as his nose begins to
bleed. "Hey. " he says. "That hurt!"  and grabs Kinetica up in a bearhug
and begins to squeeze.  Kinetica can feel her forcefield weakening in
the behemoth's vice-like grip. [correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't
think that your absorption would work against squeezing/constriction
type attacks since it isn't kinetic, which to me implies some type of

That was stupid. She shouldn't have stayed so still in combat,
should have devoted more energy to dodging and weaving. It was a
typical rookie mistake, or was it? Maybe she wanted him to catch
her, break her field, and injure her, perhaps even killing her. That
would surely get the Feds off her back. How could they convict
somebody that was gravely injured in service to her country?

This was exciting. It had been difficult to find something that got
her adrenaline running. Sky diving loses something to one who can
fly on her own power, and even if she didn't, she was reasonable
certain she could walk away from an impact with the ground relatively
unarmed. One of these days she will have to test that theory.

Anyways, she should keep her head out of the clouds. Her life was in
danger, and despite her suicidal and self-drestructive tendancies,
whatever survivalist instint Julia had kicked in. She concentrated
on maintaining and strengthening her forcefield. If he wanted to
crack her shell, she was not going to make it easy for him.

Assuming that Kinetica is in trouble, Zena begins to move from her last
location, catching her Chakram after it (hopefully) ricochets off of
Shockwave's skull. She quickly replaces the weapon on her belt and moves

in attempting to grab Shockwave at his neck (Stunning Touch power). she
gets ready to dodge a possible attack from this foe if her attack fails
or she is otherwise assaulted.

Roughneck starts to fire his laser, but looses a clean shot when the
crowd surges toward the now open doors. His computer brain again urges
him to use it at full intensity to cut through the intervening

"Damn!" says Roughneck. He can't seem to get a clear shot no matter
what he does. So, suspecting the fickle fates do not want him to
shoot the mentalist, he leaps from his perch to land on whoever is in

Dramatic Events

Unstable ground
Rookie Mistake
Structural collapse

Natural disaster
Cry forhelp
Flight of Fancy

Too many crises
Misguided soul
Uncontrolled power

Team Unity
Xenophobic Hysteria
Retributive Strike
Weapons Cache

The Captain(1)
Out of Control
Something in the Sewewrs
Strong Evidence

Master Menagero(0)
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Thu Nov 1, 2001 10:43pm
Subject: Re: [Meta_Earth] Recap:Turn 2.3
    [I forgot Blitz's post in the prior post]

Keith Harper wrote:

> The Captain grabs the tossed locator device and teleports in a glow of
> shimmering light to the back of the auditorium. The press of the crowd
> is immediately upon him, He was damn lucky he hadn't teleported into
> someone. The psionic detector immediately begins beeping loudly.  The
> Captain looks at it in the hopes of figuring it out. It looked simple
> enough. A small digital schematic on the view screen showed electronic
> dots that apparently represented the crowd in his immediate vicinity.
> One of the dots was blinking. The beeping of the dot corresponded with
> the beeping of the device. "That must be the psi", thinks the Captain
> and prepares to attack the sweat drenched man with bloodshot eyes the
> device indicates.
> Master Menagero, after tossing the device to the Captain charges past
> Samson on his way towards the Huntress and Americana. He feels his
> physique becoming more powerful, his muscles growing, a sense of power
> and invulnerability coursing through his veins. he takes the two women
> unaware and tackles them both the three of them falling to the ground.
> the Huntress and Americana both seem dazed by the attack, but are still
> conscious.
> "Excuse me, ladies, but you do not seem to ber yourselves today."
> Menagero states while picking up a woman in each hand. "My goodness, the
> power coursing through my veins is intoxicating. But no matter how
> euphoric this power boon is I must tend to the needs of my
> comrades-in-arms."
> Master Menagero aims for Kinetica and her captor, Shockwave. "Hark, dear
> Miss Kinetica, this should add some umph to your oomph, should it not."
> Using all of his raw power, Menagero hurls Americana at the entwined
> Kinetica and Shockwave while putting Huntress in a headlock. "I could
> get used to this, hehe."
> Other things he will do: Menagero looks around to see how his other
> teammates are fairing, especially Zena. He scans the floor to see if
> there are any trampled citizens in need of immediate help. DO a detailed
> power scan of the opponents in the vicinity. He asks the Captain if the
> psionic has been located. If I need a defense, I will absorb any attack
> with my tough body.
> "I belive I have found our quary," the Captain
> reports, "And I am moving to incapacitate him."
> The Captain the unleashing a stun blast at the man
> with the bloodshot eyes, and knowing that this may
> well end the danger The Captain 'PUSH'es himself in
> this action.
> [So I'm pushing my Stun Blast attack, I will also
> dodge any attack coming at me. If the man with the
> Bloodshot eyes dodges I'll get ready to shot at him
> again]
> Zena's Charkram bounces harmlessly off of Samson's head, who seems not
> to even notice it. It continues on it's intended path for Shockwave.
> Suddenly a large animated drawing of a weight with the words "100 tons"
> stenciled on the side appears above Samson's head. The weight falls down
> upon upon him, and he crumbles beneath the unexpected load. Verve can be
> heard snickering over the commlink.
> Blitz takes off running at a speed that he has never reached before,
> dodging in between peoples legs on his way towards the sealed doors. He
> ducks his shoulder and slams into it with all of his might. A thunderous
> boom is heard throughout the stadium as the door explode outward into
> the corridor and Blitz is thrown backwards from the impact. While flying
> backwards through the air, he manages to grab a nearby support column,
> where he comes to a stop. He is  20 feet above the crowd now, and he can
> see that his plan succeeded and the people now have a way out of the
> building. Apparently his attack caused some sort of backlash on Paladin
> since all of the doors in the building are now open.

"Holy battering ram! I can't believe I just pulled that
off!" Blitz takes a moment to catch his breath and survey
the situation. From his vantage point, he will spend his
action to ASSESS the scene.

He will keep a close eye on the Captain and his opponent.
If the Captain needs help, Blitz Leaps down and attempts to
Power Slam the bleary-eyed sweaty man. No, not the Captain,
the other guy!

Also, he's looking for anything else out of the ordinary,
such as suspicious people, other baddies, funny-looking
devices with digital counters, that sort of thing. He's
worried that the Sweaty Psion may not be alone.


> Kinetica  adds more power to the forcefield surrounding her fists and
> punches Shockwave again. A solid roundhouse punch square in the nose. A
> look of astonishment comes over Shockwave's face as his nose begins to
> bleed. "Hey. " he says. "That hurt!"  and grabs Kinetica up in a bearhug
> and begins to squeeze.  Kinetica can feel her forcefield weakening in
> the behemoth's vice-like grip. [correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't
> think that your absorption would work against squeezing/constriction
> type attacks since it isn't kinetic, which to me implies some type of
> impact]
> That was stupid. She shouldn't have stayed so still in combat,
> should have devoted more energy to dodging and weaving. It was a
> typical rookie mistake, or was it? Maybe she wanted him to catch
> her, break her field, and injure her, perhaps even killing her. That
> would surely get the Feds off her back. How could they convict
> somebody that was gravely injured in service to her country?
> This was exciting. It had been difficult to find something that got
> her adrenaline running. Sky diving loses something to one who can
> fly on her own power, and even if she didn't, she was reasonable
> certain she could walk away from an impact with the ground relatively
> unarmed. One of these days she will have to test that theory.
> Anyways, she should keep her head out of the clouds. Her life was in
> danger, and despite her suicidal and self-drestructive tendancies,
> whatever survivalist instint Julia had kicked in. She concentrated
> on maintaining and strengthening her forcefield. If he wanted to
> crack her shell, she was not going to make it easy for him.
> Assuming that Kinetica is in trouble, Zena begins to move from her last
> location, catching her Chakram after it (hopefully) ricochets off of
> Shockwave's skull. She quickly replaces the weapon on her belt and moves
> in attempting to grab Shockwave at his neck (Stunning Touch power). she
> gets ready to dodge a possible attack from this foe if her attack fails
> or she is otherwise assaulted.
> Roughneck starts to fire his laser, but looses a clean shot when the
> crowd surges toward the now open doors. His computer brain again urges
> him to use it at full intensity to cut through the intervening
> "barriers".
> "Damn!" says Roughneck. He can't seem to get a clear shot no matter
> what he does. So, suspecting the fickle fates do not want him to
> shoot the mentalist, he leaps from his perch to land on whoever is in
> range.
> Dramatic Events
> Kinetica(1)
> Unstable ground
> Rookie Mistake
> Structural collapse
> Blitz(1)
> Natural disaster
> Worthlessness
> Cry forhelp
> Flight of Fancy
> Roughneck(1)
> Too many crises
> Misguided soul
> Uncontrolled power
> Zena(2)
> Team Unity
> Xenophobic Hysteria
> Retributive Strike
> Weapons Cache
> The Captain(1)
> Out of Control
> Something in the Sewewrs
> Strong Evidence
> Master Menagero(0)
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Shortcut URL to this page:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sun Nov 4, 2001 4:40pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 2.4
    Kinetica can feel the pressure on her ribs as Shockwave squeezes even
harder. Americana comes hurtling through the air and slams into
Kinetica's forcefield, The kinetic energy of the impact is absorbed and
redirected to her forcefield. Kinetica immediately feels the pressure of

Shockwave's grip eases slightly. Americana slumps to the ground

Zena's chakram bounces off of Shockwave's head and returns to her grip,
as she sprints forward to attack Shockwave bare handed. She grabs him
around the neck and squeezes. It is like trying to choke a tree.

Master Menagero puts the Huntress in a headlock and begins scanning the
crowd and his opponents. The crowd is in a panic as they stampede toward

the doors. He couldn't see anyone being trampled , but it would seem
almost impossible for someone not to be in the massive human exodus. He

scans his opponent's powers. Dynamo and Samson, unconscious--no good,
Paladin--tech based no good, shockwave even more powerful than Samson,
Huntress and Americana don't register apparently not being metas.

Roughneck gives up on trying to hit the psion and jumps off the
scaffolding onto Paladin, who was still dazed from the backlash of
Blitz's maneuver. Paladin is taken unaware and he grunts loudly as the
air is knocked out of him. The two of them fall to the floor from the
impact. Roughneck suddenly finds it hard to breathe as a telekinetic
noose begins constricting around his neck.

Blitz is scanning the crowd. It is total mayhem. Everyone scrambling to
escape from the danger of the superhuman battle taking place. He doesn't

notice any suspicious looking characters in the crowd other than the
psion, but it is very hard to tell in the chaos. He looks back to the
Captain and prepares to assist if need be.

The Captain blasts the psion with his phaser like attack, putting
everything he's got into it. He strikes a dramatic Kirk-like stance as
he does so, sweat beading on his forehead.

The bleary eyed psion begins convulsing in what looks like an epileptic
fit. He's frothing at the mouth, his eyes rolling back in his head, and
shaking all over the floor. he passes out, face down on the ground. The

Captain notices an odd looking metallic black node revealed at the
bottom of the man's hairline,just at the base of the skull.

When the psion passes out. all of SoF's opponents immediately come to
their senses.
Shockwave immediately releases Kinetica and Paladin releases Roughneck.
the Huntress, still in a headlock says, "Let me go you dweeb!" to Master

Menagero, "we were being mind-controlled."

Master Menagero lets the Huntress go, "My apologies,
but you must understand my need to keep you
immobilized while under evil psionic influence."
Menagero radios The Captain, "Could you please bring
that psionic to me, ASAP. I believe Verve and I should
be able to construnct a suitable device that call
restrict his meta-human abilites."

Master Menagero smiles as he looks around at the crowd
of meta-humans, policemen, politicians and ordinary
bystanders. The totality of the situation catches up
to him.

Master Menagero faints.

Zena looks down upon the unconscious 'hero' and shrugs her shoulders.
She sighs as she moves away from the crowd.

The weight vanishes off of Samson, who appears none the worse for wear,
though he still remains unconscious, and is replaced by an animated cage

that surrounds the psion courtesy of Verve.

The security forces begin to restore order and the crowd is quickly
calmed as the fight ceases.

The mayor comes back to the podium and orders that Paladin, Americana,
Shockwave, Dynamo, Samson and the Huntress be placed under arrest.

The police who had just been attacked by these heroes are all to happy
to oblige. "You heard the man," says one of them to the Huntress, "You
six are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent...etc. etc..."

the Huntress begins to protest, but the cop cuts her off, "Tell it to
the judge lady!"

The Captain, seeing what is up, teleports himself and
the unconsiouse psion to the stage next to the mayor.
He will attempt to CHANGE THE MAYOR'S HEART about the
manipulated heroes. [Change of Heart Dramatic event]
"Mayor belay that order," says the Captain as he
materializes. "These meta's wern't responsible for
their actions. This man," motioning to the sleeping
psion, "was responsible, he had control of thier
minds. They were as much victim here as those they
attacked. Some one was trying to turn the American
Peopel aginst their greatest deffenders in this time
of National Crisis. We must stand together, not fight
amongst ourselves. We must all...hang...together or
we...will...surely hang sepreatly."

[Thats assuming they let me get that all out, if I'm
interrupted I'll still try to point out the psion was
the bad guy here]

"What you say may well be true. " says the Mayor, "but it will have to
proven in a court of law. No one...not even the Gaurdians are above the
Take 'em away boys."

The Huntress indicates to her comrades not to put up a fight. It would
make matters worse. The only battle they would be facing would be a
one. As the police take the handcuffed heroes towatrds the back exit,
Huntress looks at the psion and a look of shock comes over her face.
"Omigod! That node! Not again. " she tries to move closer for a better
but the police prevent her from doing so and keep leading her towards
exit. She frantically peers over the policemmen's heads and shouts out
SoF "Contact the Unknown Soldier at the Guardtower. Tell him about the
on that guys neck! Tell him you were hired by the Guardians under my
authority. Also talk to Desmond Miller, CEO of Ultratech Industries. If
thing is what I think it is then we are all in a lot of trouble!"

Keep it movin sister." says one of the cops as he moves her out of

Julia stays out of the way. She's in enough trouble with the law the
it is and isn't about to risk her neck for some goodie-two-shoes she
just met

Blitz speeds up to the front of the auditorium and resumes
normal size. As the police lead the Guardians away, he
looks around at his new teammates. He feels pretty good
about the way things worked out. "We just may make a good
team, before it's over! Nice work gang. Now, who's buyin'
the first round?"

Julia's ears perk up. Somebody knows how to speak her language.

"I hate to rain on your parade Blitz, but this little caper is just
started. " says Verve. " in case you hadn't noticed the wrong culprits
been arrrested. This guy, " indicating the psion, "is the bad guy--not
Guardians. And if we don't do something before this guy wakes up, we all
end up as a bunch of mind-controlled zomboids just like the Guardians
We still don't even know who this guy is or if he was working for
whatever the answers are I'm guessing they aren't good, judging from
Huntress' reaction when she saw this black thingamabob attached to the

Verve lights up a cigarette and pulls outr his cell phone. "I'm calling
Chesterton to give her the 411. Someone try to wake up M&M and see if he
figure out anything about that gadget on psi-guy's neck."
Verve wasn't used to giving orders, but his anxiety level was high. He
just been in combat and seen the very same supertheroes who had inspired
to become one, arrersted for crimes they weren't responsible for.
BIG was behinid all of this, he was sure of that. Not just some no name
Lone gunman? Yeah, Right.

Julia looks towards him.  "So, we'll prove it court.  That's what they
are for.  Just because they were arrested, doesn't mean they'll be
convicted.  We won here today, so let's kick back and enjoy ourselves."

"As much as I'd like to, now is not the time. We have to find out who
was responsible for this. I'm sure the psion will be able to provide
some answers, as well as the leads the Huntress gave us. We may have to
split up." says Verve.

Frank says nothing, but he looks at the box on the psi's neck and
rubs the base of his own skull, feeling the familiar lump beneath
scar tissue. His computer core. He wonders if the two are connected.
Maybe this "Unknown Soldier" that Huntress mentioned can give Frank
some answers.

Zena kicks Menagero awake. "Huh? Wha' happened?"

Master menagero looks around then stand up with a
feeble wobble.

OOC: What power do I have right now? I'll stand next
to Zena I suppose.

"I'm sorry about that. THe stress...SO, what
transpired while I was unconscious?" After a breif
update from Verve, Menagero responds, "Understood. If
we could move this psionic assailant to my secret lab
in Brooklyn Heights, I could start some research on
him." Menagero moves forward to absorb the unconscious
man's powers.

"Or perhaps a more permanent action needs to be taken if he is that
dangerous. . . "says Zena as she reaches for her chakram. It's obvious
that there is no joke intended as she looks over the unconscious

"Hold on there Zena. You can't kill peopel like that
here. Don't worry, if he starts to come around I'll
stun him again." says The Captain

"Good Idea, Verve." Master Menagero says while leaning
close to the unconscious villain. "Roughneck, since
you have some familiarity with this Miller guy why
don't you take Team A consisting of Zena and Verve to
check it out. Meanwhile, Kinetica and The Captain can
head back to my lab; we'll be team B. I have adapted
this psionic's powers (let's call him Agent X for now)
and will attempt to telepathically communicate with
him under a controlled lab environment (NOT A MIND
PROBE, mind you)" Menagero states while looking at
Verve. He then shifts his gaze to Blitz, "And, Blitz,
since you're the fastest one here, why don't you see
if we can get a positive ID on this headstrong
hoodlum. You may want to match it up with any recent
escapees from Stronghold Prison. When you done, meet
up at my lab." Menagero informs Blitz how to get there
and about the secret basement elevator to his

"That way," he continues, "If we find something, we
can immediately report in to Team A at Ultratech,
compare notes and get further then clumping up in one

OOC: If we can proceed, Master Menagero will hold the
psionic close while allowing Kinetica to fly them to
is lab. I take it the Captain can teleport to the
location on his own power. Once at the lab, I will
strap the Agent X to my research table and begin...>

"Sounds like a good plan. Lets make it so."says the Captain

Kinetica grumbles something about being stuck with the lab rat and
the Trekkie nut.

We also need some people to talk with the Unknown Soldier at the
(the Guardian's base). They would definately have access to criminal
at the guardtower, assuming of course that the Soldier would allow it.
Blitz, why don't you try to get in contact with him, explain the
and sse what he has to say about Agent X. Don't forget to mention that
on his neck. " says Verve. He holds up a finger as he listens to Candace
the phoone, " Candace says, she'll get in contact with the Unknown
by phone so that he will be expecting you."

Dramatic Events

Accidental Revelation

Blow for Freedom
Hero Worship
Blind Obediance

Reckless Leap

Compromising Information
Aliens Exposed
Glimmer of Compassion

The Captain(1)
The Press Arrives
Change of Heart
Huamnity Loss

Master Menagero(0)
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Tue Nov 13, 2001 2:45am
Subject: REcap:Turn 2.5
    In the blink of an eye and with a nod of his head to Verve
& Menagero, Blitz has left the building, but not before
depositing two sloshy beers from the concession stand in
the hands of Kinetica and Roughneck. He arrives at the
Guardtower as Candice is finishing her conversation with
the Unknown Soldier.

*Knock knock*

The Unknown Soldier opens the door. "Don't get smart , kid. Nobody likes

a smartass. " says the Unknown Soldier.

The Soldier (who has been crimefighting since WWII, and now acts as a
trainer and mentor for the Guardians), still cuts an impressive figure
even at his advanced age. He is well over six feet tall. Big and barrel
chested, like John Wayne. He is wearing black combat fatigues and his
mask looks like an american flag that hangs loose in front of his face
(Like Grifter's mask in the Wild Cats).

"Well don't just stand there all day. The lady from SoF said you were on

your way. It sounds like there's been some trouble. What's the

"Thank you for receiving me and hopefully giving us a hand.
It's an honor to meet you, sir. "

[Blitz recounts the events at the Garden, finishing with
Huntress's request to seek out Unknown Soldier. While
talking to the legend, Blitz is professional and concise in
his presentation and interaction. He realizes that the
'Soldier is not interested in having his time wasted.]

"So, we're not quite sure what we've stumbled into, but
we're working on it. Once we get to the bottom of the mind
control situation, we'll be able to clear the Guardians of
all charges. I get the feeling that this goes well beyond
just ruining the Guardians' reputation and spoiling a
social event. Do you have any ideas about what's going on, U.S.?"

"This ain't good. We had a situation involving something like the device
described on the psions neck. I can't go into the details due to
reasons, but lets just say that the people responsible weren't from
here. If your teammates still have access to the device, I'd like to
take a
look at it, just to make sure we are talking about the same thing.

As far as clearing the Guardians name, I'm not overly concerned about
accomplishing that. There are court appointed telepaths who exist soley
this purpose...otherwise every criminal in America would be screaming 'I
mind-controlled'. They will be cleared I'm sure, but the will probably
some time in the cooler until their trial date, unledd of course they
can be
bailed out. That is doubtful though considering the circumstances. What

bothers me more is why someone went to the trouble of trying to
them and at the same time put them out of commission, at least
One of our former members had some pretty outlandish theories about
such as this, but he's not an active meber anymore. We had something of
falling out.

Blitz assumes that the Unknown Soldier is referring to Captain Marvel.
exact details of Marvel's departure were never made public, but
ran wild in the tabloids. Something to do with the bastard child of
Marvel and Pamela Anderson. Blitz knew that Marvel was being sued by
Anderson's representatives for mental and physical trauma. Apparently
Anderson had become pregant by Captain Marvel and experienced a
hyper-accelerated pregnacy...taking only 9 hours, rather than 9 months.
physical trauma nearly killed her.

This person's theory...and that is all it is mind you. We never had any
of proof to verify this, was that events were being manipulated to turn
public agaunst metahumans. According to him ,superheroes are a natural
target due to their high visibility. This is all being done to get
metahumans out of the way, so that whoever is behind it all can unleah
world-domination scheme without any metahuman interference. There is
more to
it than that, but like I said it's just a theory. But like all
theories, if you start believing in them, you start seeing connections
everywhere. "

"Thanks for the details. I hope the implant that we have is
completely different from what you are thinking of, but
life doesn't usually work out that easily. Let's see if I
can get us some transportation to Master Menagero's lair."

Blitz calls Ms. Chesterton (or just uses his commlink, if
it has a long enough range) to contact the Captain. If the
Captain is available, he asks to have the Unknown Soldier &
himself teleported to the psion.

The commlinks are out of range, so Blitz puts in a call to Ms.
who has been busily relaying messages back and forth between all of the
different team members. I'm going to have to invest in some decent
communication devices for the team she thinks as she transfers yet

In the meantime, he tells US about the current team of SoF
and how he thinks they have what it takes for success. He's
been in the trenches of tense situations as a paramedic and
he's pretty astute when it comes to assessing the
effectiveness of others. He asks if US has any advice for
the group.

"IF this turns out to be what you fear, we would gladly
accept any advice or suggestions based on your experience. "

"If it is what I fear , then I hope you newcomers aren't getting in over

your heads. The hero business isn't all the glitz and glamor you see on
and read in the hero magazines. More often than not, it is facing life
death situations with little or no thanks. But you have my word that
help out in any way I can." say s the Soldier.


Kinetica chugs down her beer in one gulp and her body instantly cries
out for more. "Give me that" she says to Roughneck, indicating his

"You need to lay off the sauce, kid" says the cyborg, "we've got a case
to work on."

Kinetica starts to retort, but bites her tongue. The sooner they got
this over with the sooner she could go back home and get really trashed.

"Whatever. Let's go.." she says, grabbing Master Menagero and the psion

and flying off towards the exit.

The Captain says, "Beam me up Scotty," and disappears in cascade of
shimmering light.

Soon they all arrive at Master Menagero's laboratory. the psion is
strapped onto the research table and master menagero prepares to
communicate telepathically with the psion.

Master Menagero turns on his genetic origin scanning
beam which hangs over the exam bed attached to a
robotic arm. He wants to know whether this being is
mutant or altered human.

"Please, relax Captain, Kinetica. This beam will aid
us in figuring out who this Agent X is. Oh, and we are
in my super-physiological research lab, by the way.
Captain, would you mind grabbing that double-pronged
shaped device, with metallic tips and the blue and
amber bleeping diode?" Menagero asks while touching
his hands to Agent X's temples, "You will find it in
the drawer marked implant extractors Z45-A next to
the oblong blue database and under the locked security
lid. You will need to punch in 6574-3434-0001 to
access the secured lid.

The Captain procedes to do as instructed, hopefully
getting everthing right. [If anything goes wrong
Captain will just ask MM to repeate himself]

Thank you. Kinetica, since you
are currently under the influence of alcohol, I'd
prefer if you keep back from this sensitive equipment.
Please, feel free to exit via the secret door. It will
lead you to my living room wherein you may partake in
watching television, crusing the Internet, listening
to the radio, making yourself a cup of sobering coffee
or avoiding scouring my abode for any trace of
alcholic beverage since you will find none; I'm
allergic (AH-CHOO!)."

"One beer hardly can be called alcohol," mumbles Julia as she makes her
way to the living room.  She begins snooping around, seeing what dirt
she can dig up on this guy.  He's already ripping off the government,
their must be something else he's involved in that is

Kinetica begins snooping around the apartment. Apparently Rupert is a
total bore. He has various magazine subscription to Omni, Science
Digest, MetaGenics Quarterly, and Superhype!.  His musical taste leaves
something to be desired also...Yanni, David Tesh, and Enya..,,Bleech!
Kinetica does find something very interresting in MM's bathroom.
Specifiaclly in his medicine cabinet. Virtually every kind of
prescription and non-prescription medication you could think
of...apparently he is extremely sickly or a hypochondriac. Either way it
is party time for Kinetca as she reaches for the pill bottles.

Kinetica looks for anything marked codine or other types of pain
killers. She finds a bottle of Tylonol5 with codeine in it. It is nearly
full. It
is her luck day. She helps herself to double the recommended dosage.

Master Menegero smiles at the Captain, "I am going to
do a little mind melding, eh, Cap? Once you have
extractor Z45-A scan his implant and tell me what you
find. A readout will pop up on the third monitor to
the left along my viewcreen wall." Captain can turn
left to see a wall with various size viewscreens and
computer monitors.

"Check, good luck MM."

OOC: The extractor Z45-A (being a piece of neccessary
equipment in my lab) has Computer Link 10 (Limit:
Mengero's lab computers), Cybernetic Detection 10,
Microscopic Detection 10, Mechanical Empathy 10 (that
helps me figure out how this baby was constructed and
how to turn it on and off.)

Menegero proceeds with the telepathic contact while
relying on the Captain to decipher the computer
read-out. Mengero simply wants to contact this Agent X
and begin conversing.

As Master Menagero begins his teleptahic communication he is bombarded
a flash of images, apparently from the psions point of view. He is being

chased through some back alleys by a group of men n paramilitary
with heavy weaponry. He takes a wrong turn and winds up in a culde sac.
men close in on him. He tries to lash out with his mind powers, but he
reacts to slowly. Thousands of volts are sent coursing through his body
by a
taser gun. When he awakes he is in a laboratory. He feels something
on the back of his neck. he touches it and a searing pain shots down his

spinal column. The men in the lab coats and surgical masks explain that
now works for them, whether he likes it or not. If he tries to resist,
pain will follow. It will increase exponentially ultimately resulting in
complete nervous system burnout and death. They also explain that the
device has increased his psionic abilities tenfold. He will need the
power for his firt mission. That mission is what occured at the Garden.

The Captain begins to scan the device, A lot of the readout he can't
understnd, but apparently it is some sort behavior modification device
also functions as a psionic enhancer. The computer printout says that
of the technology is derivative of Ultratech schematics, though they
been heavily modified. Other parts of the design originate from the
Department of Defense and still more cannot be identified.

"Tragic. Truly tragic," Master Menagero states.
Explaining the situation to the Captain, he quits the
telepathic link, briefly glances at the entrie
computer monitor read-out of his team mate's scan and
fully understands the dire situation.

He grabs a small hypodermic needle and sedates Agent
X, whose name he learned to be (insert name gained
through telpthic link here). "This will make sure he
doesn't wake up for a few hours while I try and find a
way to extract this amazing piece of technology."

Sitting down at his computer console, Master Menagero
states, "This is exactly the reason I am afraid to
turn my technology over to the government. Some of the
technology is derivative of Ultratech schematics,
though they have been heavily modified. Other parts of
the design originate from the Department of Defense
and still more cannot be identified, probably another
private firm or researcher like myself." Turning to
the Captain, "Well, I think I found a way to get clear
of my $10 million debt. Usually, I wouldn't resort to
bribery's not like their exactly saints you,
you know.

"But, first we need to take this information,"
Menagero transfers it to a secured encrypted CD ROM
and puts it in a sturdy case. He then makes 10
copies., "and keep it out of government hands.
Captain, I am sure you must have some place you can
teleport these discs that would not be easily found.
They will be our team's insurance when the hammer
comes down on our little discovery. It may protect us
from backlash from UltraTech or the government."

Menagero heads to his telephone, "Menawhile, I'll
contact Miss Chesterton and see what Team A or Blitz
has discovered. I am eager to reports our findngs and
compare notes."

The Captain accepts the disks from Menagero, silently
wondering from were he was going to hide this disks.
His parent's house? His apartment? He doesn't actually
have a starship at his comand after all... In the
meantime he put the disks in his belt holster.


Verve, Roughneck, and Zena make their way to Ultratech industries in an
animated muscle car that Verve sketched up, before leaving the Madison
Square Garden.
Verve blares the radio as the screech around corners and weave in and
out of traffic. Zena feels carsick.

Soon they arrive at Ultratech Industries.

Though they do not have an appointment to see, Desmond Miller, his
secretary informs them that he is working late and that he will make
time to see them.

About 15 minutes later, the secretary leads them into Miller's office.
The handsome billionare, stands up from his desk with a smile and greets

them, "Verve and Roughneck! Good to see you again. I never had a chance
to thank you for your excellent work at capturing Spectre." He shakes
their hands vigorously, then looks at Zena. " And just who is this
lovely creature? I don't believe we have met. I'm Desmond Miller. He
takes her hand and kisses it lightly. [Unless of course Zena doesn't
allow him]

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this surprise visit?" asks Miller.

"Hello Desmond," says Frank. "You may have already heard about the
scuffle down at the Garden this evening." If he hasn't, then Frank
briefly fills him in.

"Anyway, the device we found on the perp seems to have controlled his
mind. Now, that wouldn't make me think of you for any particular
reason, but it sure made Huntress think you could help out. As soon
as she saw it, she told us to come and see you.

"We haven't gotten a good look at the device yet, but some of our
best lab boys are on it. I'm sure it won't take'em long to figure out
all they can. From this end, though, can you tell us if your company
or anyone who works here has dabbled in any of this of mind control
technology? Barring that, can you figure why Huntress would think you
might be helpful in this? I mean, she's one serious lady, she doesn't
usually say things without a reason." Actually, Frank has never
formally met Huntress, he is making this up based on what he has read
in the Meta Enquirer.

Frank is not really comfortable being the front man, but with the
slightly anti-social Verve and the asocial Zena with him, he figures
he is the best person to do the talking.

Desmond Miller looks visibly shaken. He sits down in his chair and
loudly. "I was hoping all of those were destroyed. What I'm about to
you is strictly off the record. Ever since I was a small child I have
incredibly good at all things technological, almost too good. It just
naturally to me. ALso throughout my life I have been plagued by erratic
blackouts that last for several hours. When I come around, I discover
that I
have either designed or constructed some amazing new technological

A few months ago, I apparently created one of these devices, and it flew
under it's own power and attached itself to Shockwave of the Guardians.
was completely unaware that I had even created the device , as it flew
when I was still in my blackout stage. The security tapes here at
proved otherwise though. The Guardians let me off the hook, and I think
investigated the matter further, but I'm not sure what ever became of

I can assure though that I have nothing to do with the goings on at the
Garden tonight. Since the previous incident I have made a habit of
immediately watching the security tapes whenever I experience a
blackout. I
have created nothing during one of my spells that can't be accounted
for. "

Zena watches the movements of Desmond Miller, not quite sure what to
expect from the suave man. She is wary of an attack from him, seeing a
possible connection between him and the psion.

Frank, seeing Desmond's face drain of all color, offers him a chair.

"Relax, we only thought you'd be able to help out 'cuzza what
Huntress said. And it sounds like you can. If this device is really
something similar to what you made, then someone musta gotten ahold
of one of yours and copied it.

"That could be a definaite possibility, but I thought the Guardians had
destroyed it."

Can you tell us how they work, or give
us schematics to help our lab boys out? And can you tell us a little
more about the last time these things got loose? I mean, I've sort of
missed the news the last few years, been away.

"I'm not really sure how it works. It just does. That is the problem
many of the devices I create, they can't be mass produced because I'm
even sure of the intricacies of their workings many times. It is more
a gut feeling of what to put where, than planning out any logical
or diagreams."

"Was Shockeave the only
one attacked by the devices? Who was behind all that? How did you
find all this out, if you were passed out while you made it?"

"The only one that I'm aware of was the one created by me. It flew off
it's own power and embedded itself in Shockwave's neck. I became awre of

this when the Guardians traced the device back to me."

Frank is definitely suspicious of this guy but hides it as best he
can. Blackouts? Yeah, right. And Frank is not convinced that this guy
doesn't have anything to do with Frank's own "problem." The best high
tech company in the world sure sounds like a good candidate for
whoever "created" Frank. Frank is covertly scanning the office,
looking for security, recording devices, wires leading to a safe
where top secret documents might be kept, etc.

[Sorry for the string of questions, he would probably ask them one at
a time, waiting for answers for each one before asking the next, but
that doesn't work well in pbem, so just break'em up if he ansswers
any of them. Thanks.]

Frank thanks Desmond with a "We'll be in touch" and leaves with Zena
and Verve. On the way out, he notices that Zena is taller than he is.
A real beauty.

When they are outside he speaks to her: "Well, what did you think of
Mr. Desmond Miller? Do you think this is related?"

"I don not know what to think, but I do not trust him. "

"So, where exactly are you from anyway? And what was it you mentioned
in Ms. Chesteron's office about your tribe being hurt?"

Zena walks silently next to them for several moments, not sure if she
wants to answer. Finally she gives in, "We have never felt the need to
name our island, but some of the amazons who left to breed went to a
nearby island they called Australia. There are several tribes on our
island, all amazonian. I was the new leader of my tribe when a
corporation approached us. I did not pay close enough attention to them,

and do not recall their name. They wanted our island but would not tell
us why. I refused and sent them away. I then went on a journey to a near

by tribe to speak with them on the matter. When I arrived the tribe had
been mercilessly slaughtered. Faering the worst I ran back through the
jungle towards my own tribe. I was too late. They had already been
slaughtered as well. I spent one of your weeks searching the island, but

found no other living person. I knew that they had come from your island

of America, so I took a hunting ship and headed here with Tolwynn and
Tancreed. I have come for vengeance and do not wish to be stuck playing
these games."
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Tue Nov 20, 2001 0:29am
Subject: Recap:Turn 2.6
    Master Menagero contacts Ms. Chesterton and informs her of the
situation. She informs them that Blitz requests the Captain to teleport
the Unknown Soldier and himself to the lab, so that the Unknown Soldier
can have a look at the implant for himself.  The Captain teleports away.
He was aware of the location of the Guardtower (the Guardian's base) and
figured it would probably take him a few 'ports to cover the distance.

Master Menagero busies himself by looking over the devices schematics
again to see if there was something he ahd missed.

Meanwhile upstairs, Kinetica slumps back on the couch as the codeine
kicks in. A small smile appearing upon her lips as the familiar numbing
sensation overtakes her body. It was like an old familiar friend. She
had missed it.

She hers a sound coming from the front door, and sees the handle slowly
turning. The door was locked , but someone was trying to get in.
She stands to go look out of the peephole, but looses her balance and
falls back onto the couch. Apparently her tolerance had gone down a bit
since her incarceration.

As she prepares to stand again, the door to the apartment is blasted off
of it's hinges by the distinctive sound of a plasma rifle. As the smoke
clears she sees, five men dressed in heavily armored battle fatigues
with some impressive looking hardware storm into the apartment. One of
them sticks a plasma rifle in her face. "Where is the psion, Freak?! We
know he is here somewhere. If you cooperate, I promise to kill you

The others fan out around the apartment, ransacking the place.

Julia struggles to comprehend what's going on. She can make out some
figure in the light--why was it so bright. She placed her hand up to
out the sunlight coming in from outside. Was that a gun in his head?
noise throbbed at her skull. What were they doing here? One way to

"Huh?" Julia managed to say.

"Don't play stupid with me you damn gene-freak bitch!" screams the man
the business end of his rifle up against her forehead. Kinetica's
shimmers slightly where the barrel makes contact with it. "Waste
anymore of
my time and your toast!"

Julia winces at the sound of his words. "Please, not so loud." Was
he threatening to kill her? Ha, what a joke. He'd be better off
treatening to kill fly. Besides, it's not like he was going to be
able to hurt her--not through her force field. At least, Julia
thinks he can't.

Best to play along for now, at least until her head clears. "Now,
what do you want..."

[I'll say that MM is able to hear the blast, but I'm not sure how you
want to handle this]


Verve, Zena, and Roughneck head back to SoF headquarters and relay  the
info they gained from Desmond Miller to Ms. Chesterton.
Zena is happy to be reunited with her animal companions again.

Verve props himself up in the window seal and lights up a smoke. It was
the first quiet moment they had had since being introduced to the new

Just then the phone rings. Ms. Chesterton looks at the three of them and
says urgently. "It's Menagero, they are under attack at his apartment!"

"We're on our way", says Verve sketching up yet another sports car as
they ride down in the express elevator.

He notices that Zena has her pets with her and scraps the sports car
drawing. It looked like they would be going in a truck.  A big monster
truck Bigfoot.

[It will probably take a few minutes for them to arrive. so the combat
will already be underway, or done by the time they get there, but I
figured Zena needed her animals]

As they are riding down the elevator, Frank has an idea:

"Hey, why don't we get the captain to transport us there?" he says to
his companions in the elevator. He radios up to Ms. Chesterton and
asks her if she can coordinate it.

Frank is uneasy around the large carniverous animal (the tiger), but
he can see tha Zena has control over it, or that it is at least not

"Can I pet your tiger?" he asks Zena. A hundred dirty jokes fly
through his mind, but he bites them back. "I've never even seen one,
not in a zoo or anywhere. Think he'd (or is it a she? Frank checks
for balls) mind?"

"Lion. Tigers have stripes, and SHE just might mind. Ask her first."
states Zena coldly.

Frank feels a slight kinship with Zena. They had both been screwed by
somebody, probably big tech companies. Or maybe loggers or someone
searching for natural resources in Zena's case. Frank asks her, "Do
you know why the company men wanted your land? Is there any gold or
anything there that they might want? Whatever it was, they must have
wanted it pretty bad to kill your family. And if we can find out what
they were after, it might give us a clue as to who yer looking for."

"No I don not know. . . . but I will." Frank notices that she's not much

of a people person. Her answers are almost always short and to the
point. The only form of passion she's displayed so far is anger except
towards her animals which she seems to treat better than she has any of

Frank feels like an idiot. Of COURSE that was a lion, not a tiger.
But Zena's laconic manner doesn't bother him. He knows what it is
like to be out of place--that's how he's felt since his return to
the "real world" as a cyborg.

As they are awaiting Ms. Chesterton's response about the Captain
teleporting them to MM's hideout, Frank decides to take a chance.

"Nice kitty," he says. Looking at Zena for any warning signs, he puts
his hand on the lioness's head and scratches her ears. The fur is
much thicker and softer than he had expected. . . . He looks at Verve
and grins stupidly. [his mask is usually pulled back--like a hood--
while he is in the office.]

The Captain, Blitz, and the Unknown Soldier reintegrate in Master
Menagero's laboratory just as  he hangs up the phone with Ms.

[Master Menagero, still has the psions power unless he chooses to stand
near one of the new arrivals.]
Master Menagero sighs with great relief as the three heroes telport into
the room. "This isn't good, boys! Captain, did you hide those CD's? If
not, get out of here and spread them throughout 10 different locations
now!!!! Blitz, US (nice to meet you by-the-way given the circumstances)
please circle around and engage them from the front door of my
apartment. I prefer to keep this lab secret. Meanwhile, I will do what
Agent X does best!"

The Captain teleports away to his own apartment to
start hiding CD's.

Menagero emulates the heightened powers of Agent X and attempts to mind
control two of the assailants, forcing them to fire on the knees of
their armored brethren.
"You got it, MM!" Blitz speeds out through the secret
entrance and then back up to the apartment's front door. He
rushes into the living room and attempts to zip around the
room and grab all the guns away from the troopers. He's
counting on the element of surprise - he's running in
unannounced through the open doorway.

If this doesn't look feasable, then he'll grab as many guns
as he can (even if it's just one) and then try to draw some
of the troopers out of the apartment.

As he's running around the room, a quip is obviously
necessary. "I didn't know we were having guests for tea! I
guess I didn't hear you boys knock when you tore down the
door. Well as long as you're here, let me take these heavy
guns for you. I'll just put them away while we have our
tea. Kinetica, why don't you help these gentlemen get more

He will take any appropriated guns outside and stash them
in the shrubs below. While he's running about like a ferret
hopped up on speed, can he see where the troopers came from
- whether they came from the street or from the rooftop?
He's looking for an obvious trail and if they came from
ground-level, any vehicles that look like theirs.

Meanwhile, back in the elevator...

Frank and Zena and Verve stand silently, looking up at the lights
that indicate what floor they are on. They occasionally smile
uncomfortably at one another, like strangers in an elevator often do.
The elevator ride seems amazingly slow for some reason. [insert
cheesy elevator music version of jeopardy theme!]


Dramatic Entrance
Never say Die

Cunning Scheme
Sudden Transformation
Pyrrhic Victory

Mass Panic

Change of heart
Weapons Cache
Retributive Strike
Team Unity

The Captain(1)
Misguided Soull
Too Many Crises

Master Menagero(0)
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Mon Nov 26, 2001 4:36pm
Subject: Recap:Turn 2.7
    Julia winces at the sound of his words. "Please, not so loud." Was
he threatening to kill her? Ha, what a joke. He'd be better off
threatening to kill fly. Besides, it's not like he was going to be
able to hurt her--not through her force field. At least, Julia
thinks he can't.

Best to play along for now, at least until her head clears. "Now,
what do you want..."

"I want to know were the psion is you Freak!" shouts the man. He fires
off a round from his plasma rifle into the couch next to Kinetica's head

as a warning shot. The superheated blast sears through the couch easily,

leaving a smoldering half dollar size hole.

Just then Blitz bursts into the room, grabbing tf the guns away from the

two agents closest to the apartment door. As he bolts outside with
them, stashing them in the shrubs he makes a quick recon of the area. it

doesn't ;look like any of the goons followed him. He doesn't notice any
suspicious looking automobiles outside, but he does hear the sound of a
helicopter in the distance. He can't get a visual on it.

Master Menagero and the Unknown Soldier burst into the apartment.
Menagero tries to seize the mind of one of the agents, but fails to do
so. There is some sort of interference from their armor.

Menagero is perplexed after failing at his mind
control action. "Listen up, team," Menagero states
while looking through a black and white video screen
into his living room., "These men are wearing somw
sort of psi-shielded helmets. Blitz, get that gear off
of them and onto your partners immediately. The rest
of you restrain our assailants!"

The Unknown Soldier trains his Desert Eagle handgun at the man standing

over Kinetica. "Drop the rifle, Now!" For a second it looks as if the
man is actually going to drop the weapon rather than disobey the
Soldier, then at the last second he spins it toward the Soldier. Before
the man can get a shot off from the plasma rifle, the Unknown Soldier
opens fire. The Desert Eagle sounds like thunder in the confines of the
apartment , and the plasma rifle goes spinning across the room having
been shot out of the man's hands by the Soldier.

Kinetica slams into the goon that was threatening her with her kinetic
field, at least as best she can. She is still rather disoriented from

Zena, Roughneck, and Verve hear the gunshot just as the elevator doors
open on the third floor of Master Menagero's apartment building

Zena and her two companions begin to move slowly down the hallway. Zena
unlatches her Chakram. She looks down to her best friend, "What do you

Blitz runs back up to the apartment - he always uses the
stairs, of course. He meets up with Verve, Roughneck, &
Xena and gives them the headcount on the goons. (5 heavily
armored men, 2 now unarmed - he doesn't know about the
3rd). He then speeds ahead of them and bursts into the
living room.

Having heard MM's exclamation, Blitz leaps at a goon that
is still holding a plasma rifle and attempts to rip his
helmet off.

Roughneck moves off the elevator toward the sound of the conflict. [I
am not familiar with MM's hideout, so I will leave it vague.] While
he is moving there, he uses his EM vision to look for unusual things,
like hidden enemies, transmitting devices, etc. [Are these guys in
communication with ayone? I can "see" radio waves, and could detect a
nearby transmitter even through walls since walls are pretty much
transparent to RF....]

He tries to be stealthy in his approach, but quick. As soon as he
finds an enemy, he does the following:

1) if the enemy has NOT seen him, then he leaps forward and does a
champions style movethrough (whatever that is in saga rules) (if
these guys are armored, he does not pull his attack at all).

2) if the enemy has seen him, he uses his laser to disarm the guy at
a distance. He will not use his laser if there is a danger of hurting
innocents or teammates. He is careful not to let the laser kill his
target, but he isn't afraid of wounding one of these guys.

2a) if he succeeds in disarming, he will do the same to another
enemy. If he fails to disarm, and is presumably being shot at, he
will take evasive moves (he doesnt waste any attacks on evading
however--again, dont know the rules on that) and try to disarm the
guy again with another laser pulse.

[Note, I don't know if I have specified this, but his laser pulses
are not visible, becasue it is higher frequency (and energy) than
visible light. Even visible wavelength lasers are not normally
visible except for when they strike and illuminate matter, but his is
not even visible then--except maybe as a burn-hole.]

The Captain teleports back to his place and begins stashing the CD's

[To recap, there are 5 agents. Three of which are now unarmed (at least
of their rifles) in the apartment]

[Note to everyone: Joseph (the Captain) emailed my privately letting me
know that he will be unable to post this week due to Thanksgiving break
from school and not having an internet connection at home, so he will be

unable to post. I'll post for him if need be, but since the Captain is
stashing CD's right now that nay serve as a good in story reason for the

lack of a post on Joseph's part

I will also be on break starting Wednesday all the way through the week
after New Year's, so I should be able to post a lot more than I have of
late. 2 More days. woo hoo!]


Team Unity
Xenophobic Hysteria

Attraction of Attention
Targrt of Opputunity
Achilles heel

never say die

Change of heartLack of Soppurt
help from above
Costume damage

The Captain(1)

Master Menagero(0)
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Dec 1, 2001 5:39pm
Subject: Recap: Turn 2.8
    Kinetica slams into the man standing over her (the one who just had the
gun shot out of his hand by the Unknown Soldier) he is sent flying
backwards into Master Menagero's home entertainment center, sending
sparks and glass everywhere. The CD player kicks on and "Dancing Queen"
by Abba begins playing.

Zena's lionness informs her that there are 5 men, other than her
companions in the apartment. They have the stink of civilization and
death about them.

Blitz rushes into the apartment at superspeed and jumps upon one of the
remaining goons with a gun. He grabs hold of the man's helmet and tries
to yank it off, but it seems to be fastened on.  A surge of electricity
is sent coursing through his body as the intrusion countermeasures on
the man's armor kicks in. Blitz falls to the floor his hands smoking
from the shock (he is still conscious)

Roughneck scans the area for energy transmissions. The 5 men are
definitely connected by communication devices and are also in contact
with an outside source.
He rushes in and slams into a goon near the door. (this one had been
previously disarmed by Blitz) the man flies across the room hitting a
control panel on the far wall. A disco ball drops from the ceiling and
colored lights begin pulsing to the beat of the Abba song.

"I think I'm gonna puke," says Verve as he pulls out his sketchpad and
begins scribbling away.

The last (armed) agent touches a button on his armored forearm sending a
blinding flash of light  throughout the room.
Blitz, the Unknown Soldier, Kinetica and Zena cannot see a thing after
this. Roughneck's cybernetic eyes compensate for the sudden change in
lighting and he is unaffected. Zena and verve are also spared since they
were not yet in the apartment. Master Menagero is also safe from the
effects safely hidden away in his laboratory.

Blitz feels something like a net drop over him as he struggles to regain
his feet. Roughneck sees that the agent that Blitz just attacked has
dropped some sort of electromagnetic net over the pint sized speedster.

"Ouch, that smarts! Don't touch these guys, they bite!"

Blitz staggers around trying to get the net off and cover
his ears at the same time! "It's bad enough that they're
trying to kill us, but this music is torture! No offense,

Blitz isn't too concerned about the net at this point.
Removing it won't help him avoid getting blown up. With
MM's telepathic aid, he attempts to Leap at the goon that
netted him, aiming to headbutt the guy under the chin.

If on the other hand, the net won't allow him even that
much freedom of movement, then he'll spend the turn trying
to free himself, still making use of MM's "vision".

In either case, he uses the 7D for the action.
[Do you use the optional rule from RRGTE about discarding
Doom cards for health?]

The other  two agents begin throwing what appears to be explosives with
timers on them around the apartment.

The Captain [assuming Joseph is back and can post] ports back into MM's
lab just after these events unfold.

( 2 agents down. 3 still up, one of them armed with a plasma rifle, but
as you can see there is more to their suits than just the guns.)
Master Menagero does not like the way this is going
for his new teammates. He orders Captain, "I hate to
be pushy, you being the Captain and all, but I suggest
you stay here. We may need to make a quick exit with
Agent X."

Noticing that Blitz, the Unknown Soldier, and Kinetica cannot see a
thing after the light flash attack,
Menagero focuses on their images in the view screen
and will telepathically become their eyes to remove
the blindness penalty. [6 (Willpower) and trump.] He
speaks to his teammates, "This is Menagero
telepathically contacting you so as to 'remove' your
blindness. Pay careful attention since this is very
taxing for me. Zena, quickly free Blitz. Blitz,
quickly remove the two mysterious grenades that I am
directing you to. Toss them out the open bathroom
window. They should fall harmlessly into the courtyard
pond. Unknown Soldier, I am downloading (for lack of a
better term) the location of the last three goons.
Have at them! Kinetica, pardon my French, BUT COULD

"Huh? Heh, uh...don't look I didn't invite these jerk-

Roughneck sees that most of his teammates are blinded by the flash,
while two of the enemy agents toss several small devices about the
room. Frank's computer core instantly zeros in on the devices,
magnifying them then classifying them. C4 explosives, with 438E class
timed detonators. Frank has no idea what that means, but he knows
that C4 is an explosive. These guys mean business. [O Great and
Powerful GM, if these bombs are radio controlled, Frank can see it. I
am assuming they are timers and not radio controlled, but if I am
wrong, please say so.]

Frank radios everyone, "Hey, these goons just tossed a buncha bombs
around the room!"

Kinetica hurls herself at where she last saw the man who fired the
flare. Hopefully he's still there, but if not her force field will
protect her. Hope MM has insurance...
She will go through whatever she hits, walls, etc. so that she can get
clear of the bombs.

Frank levels his laser at the only enemy who still has a rifle and
fires it, full blast (+5) [Keith, I am using the 9 Doom card]. He
will then try to grab at least one of the devices and run to a
window. He can't throw it out without knowing exactly what is
outside. If he can see anything from the window he chooses
(preferably not the front face of the building if he can help it)
that should not be blown up (like people, for instance) then he looks
at the timer to try and discern how much time is left. If it is about
to detonate, he waits till literally the last second then throws it
as high into the air as he can (out the window of course), away from
all people and buildings. If there is enough time left on it, he
tries to gather more of the devices before he throws any of them. If
he sees a safe place to throw them, he does so.

Zena hangs back just outside of the room with her chakram in hand. She
decides to play for the defense this round. Zena observers the armored
warriors trying to anticipate their actions. She readies herself for a
dodge, but is also ready to attack. She motions for her lioness
companion to attack the nearest unarmed enemy.

[5 Agility to dodge, If I become involved in hand to hand combat I'll
use my 5 Str to attack back. If I don't get into hand to hand combat
then I'll use my attack to defend a blinded hero (or my lion - lion
comes first) with my chakram. I'll use the other 5 Agility for that. If
neither event occurs then I'll use my chakram to try and disarm the last

armed soldier. Using the 5 Agil for the disarm. Depending on my
replacement cards, I will use my highest non-doom and any edge cards I
have for the ricochet to bring my chakram back to me (of course if I
have an Agility card I'll use that)]

The Captain, who just arrived on the scene after
stashing the disks (at his apartment, his parnet's
house, and his old High School) decides to follow
Menagero's lead for now, till he gets a better grip on
what is going on.

(That is to say, the Captain is going to just stand
around for now ready to teleport Menagero, Agent X,
and himself at a moments notice. He will hold back
like this until either a) it is time to teleport, b)
some new attackers arrive on the scene and he is
needed to fight, or c) Menagero's plan for acting as
the eyes for the rest of the group fails and he needs
to take on the goons)
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Fri Dec 7, 2001 5:22am
Subject: [Fwd: Recap:Turn 2.9]
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 05:16:11 -0500
From: Keith Harper maxxlingo@m...
To: Meta Earth, ""
Subject: Recap:Turn 2.9

Blitz struggles to get free of the net that has been placed over him,
but he finds it to be futile. It seems the more he struggles the more
entangled he becomes. he looks nervously at the bombs ticking away.

Roughneck fires a laser blast at full intensity at the last armed goon.
The laser punches a hole in the man's armor and he can be heard
screaming in pain from underneath his helmet. Immediately after this,
Kinetica, guided with help form MM, slams full force into the man. The
two of them crash through the window. The man falls like a rag doll and
lands in the swimming pool below. Kinetica is held aloft by her Kinetic
Control, though now she can no longer "see" her surrooundings--she is
still picking up the telepathic image of the interior of the apartment
beamed to her by MM. On the positive side, the codeine seemed to be
wearing off, or maybe that was a negative.
[I used a 6 I for this attack, since you didn't specify]

Kinetica tries to get her bearings, no longer able to see her position. 
Wasn't something supposed to explode?  Her head was startinig to clear,
but her vision was useless.  Best to remain on her toes until it clears
as well.
[Total defensive until her vision clears or she can otherwise locate an

Frank sees the man he shot fall, and looking like he might be dead.
Frank leaps out the window after him into the pool (after waiting to
see that he does not electrify the pool on contact).

the two remaining goons make a beeline for the window in an effort to
get out of the building before the bombs detonate. Zena's lioness takes
one of them down just as he reaches the window, the beast is surprised
by the electric shock that is delivered to her when she makes contact
with the man's armor.

Zena's chakram hits the other man in the back of the legs causing him to

fall to the ground.

Zena quickly rushes to her friend's side to ensure that she is alright.

Tolwynn assures Zena that she is alright. "I was more of a surprise than

anything else your highness. This new land is full of many strange new
both intriguing and dangerous. " she
growls softly.

Poor kitty, Blitz thinks to himself, that had to hurt.

"Damn these fibrous bonds! Can someone give me a hand with
this net? I can't seem to get free and I didn't bring my
R2-unit to cut the ropes."

Blitz will continue to try to disentangle himself. [Using
the 6I]

If attacked, although the goons should have their hands
full, he will dodge with the 3D, hoping to get a better

A large animated Pac Man (courtsy of Verve) appears in the middle of the

apartment and begins gobbling up the time bombs like power pills. After
it eats the last one the Unknown Soldier picks it up and throws it out
the window. It lands in the pool and a large explosion is heard along
with the electronic sounds of the dying Pac Man.

The Abba CD begins playing "The Winner takes it all" . A well placed
shot by the Unknown Soldier's Desert Eagle puts an end to the musical
hell they had all ben exposed to.

A moment later Master Menagero is horrified to see his elderly 89 year
old neighbor Mrs. Kravitz banging angrily on the broken down doorway to
his apartment with her cane. "What in the name of Sam Hill is going on
over here? What's all this racket? Where's Rupert? He knows he's not
allowed to have any wild parties here. I'm calling the police."

"Uh oh" thinks The Captain, "Menagero, would you like
me to stun your neighebor? She will only suffer a
minor headach on awakining?"
Zikes!" Menagero exclaims, "I'll need a little
inventiveness for this one."

Menagero implants a telepathic illusion into Mrs.
Kravitz mind so that she percieves Ed McMahon and the
Publisher's Clearinghouse Prize Patrol having just
knocked on her door and, finding the busybody not
home, heading away down the rear stairway of Rupert's
building. Like any Ed McMahon, drooling, aged fan,
Rupert hopes this speeds the old coot away from the
dangerous situation.

ooc: Using my 2 W - And even though I know my event
card is gone, you MUST admit that the event is totally
appropriate in respect to my power feat - Fractured
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Tue Dec 11, 2001 2:51am
Subject: Recap:Turn 2.10
    Kinetica remains floating aloft, she "sees" the remaining goons being
taking out in the apartment, Roughneck diving after the agent she just
attacked, followed shortly thereafter by the Pac-Man that swallowed all
of the bombs, via, MM's telepathic projection, but when his nosy
neighbor shows up, everything goes black again .[he can't maintain the
link with the rest of the group, since he is performing another action
on the neighbor] After a few moments, She realizes that her vision is
coming back into focus now. The effects of the flash attack, seem to be
receeding. [As well as everyone else who was blinded]

Frank hauls the unconscious man out of the water just as the Pac Man
falls into the pool and explodes. That was a close one he thinks as he
begins stripping the armor off of the man.

As he does so, Frank looks for anything that might be familiar to him-
-symbols on the armor, anything. He is not totally broken of the idea
that this whole thing could be linked to his own situation. The
position of the device at the base of Agent x's skull could be
coincidence, but Frank has to be sure. Frank feels at the base of the
unconscious man's skull for such a device. He also scans to see if
any of the attackers' armor suits are transmitting any longer.

Frank doesn't feel anything at the base of the agent's skull [I assume
are talking about the agent you just pulled from the pool and not the

He doesn't notice any sort of transmissions coming from the armor that
worn by th eagents. Try as he might, he cannot find anything about the
agents or their armor that reminds him of his past.

Blitz finally frees himself of his bonds as Zena and Tolwynn stand
guard over the two foes they incapacitated.

Mrs. Kravitz, influenced by Master menagero's illusion quickly hobbles
away after the non-existant prize van. "Mr. McMahhon!Mr. McMahon! Wait!
Come back!"

"I guess you don't need me to stun her now. " says the Captain.

Verve quickly sketches up a temprary holding pin for their vanquished
foes after they have been releived of their armor at Zena and Tolwynn's

"Who the hell are these guys?" wonders Verve aloud.

"Judging from their demeanor and some of their armament, I'd put money
on them being memebers of PURGE. PURGE is a small paramilitary group of
anti-metahuman zeaots." says the Unknown Soldier. "How they got their
hands on the implanted device you describe is a mystery. Speaking of
which I still need to take a look at that. The rest of you keep on eye
on the prisoners and see if you can learn anything from them until the
authorities arrive. I'm sure they will be on there way shortly,
regardless of Mrs. Kravitz or not."

The Unknown Soldier returns back to Master Menagero's lab and examines
the device implanted in the psion's neck. "This looks different than
the devices the Guardian's encountered before. It looks similar, but not

exactly the same. Almost as if modifications were made to the design. We

need to find out where the hell PURGE got hold of this technology, what
they are planning and where they are located. If they have more of these

devices, then there is no telling what kind of damge they can cause."

Police sirens can be heard in the distance, perhaps notified by Mrs.
Kravitz or some other concertned citizen.

ooc: MM is using the 3 D card to perform this action.

MAster Menagero allows the team into his lab while he
asks Blitz to bring one of the hi-tech troopers close
to him and Agent X. After a good round of
hyper-tension induced sneezing, he says, "Well, I hate
to run around like a chicken with my head cut off so
let's cut to the chase. Obviously, these goons had
some way of tracking the device in our unconscious
psion's neck. I will scavenge that frequency
localizing tracking code from Goon X's head and then
we can reverse triangulate their Base of Operation. I
am tired of being jumped every which way we turn. I am
sure you will all agree with me that it is time to
take the offensive." Meneagero delves deep into the
psyche of the captured Goon and asks, "Where is your
base of operations and your band's leader? What is the
tracking code for the device in the psion's neck?"

Master Menagero can feel the man resisting his psionic probing, but he
eventually cracks. "Our base of operations is a secrtet underground
off of the 45th street subway terminal. I don't know anything about any
tracking code. I'm a soldier not an engineer. We used equipment in our
to track the homing device to this location." Then he defiantly adds, "I

Menagero relays the information to his team mates.
"Well, we've got quite the situation here. Agent X
still needs our protection. We can't just leave him. I
know that all of you are itching to get into the
action, but a small band of us should stay here and
protect this man. I think that Zena, Tolwynn, Tancreed
and Kinetica (who is currently under-the-influence and
is safer not mingling in a group battle) and I can
hold the fort. I apologize, Zena, I realize that your
blood boils for action but I hope you will not be
angry at me for my suggestion."

Menagero points to the Unknown Soldier, "You, no
doubt, are the most qualified to lead this group right
now, having the most familiarity with our assailants.
Between Verve's ingenuity, Blitz's lightning fast
speed, Roughneck's battle-savvy and the Captain's
enterprising abilities you should all be more than a
match for our enemies. And if anything ill shall
befall the five of you, we can act as back-up."

"I appreciate the compliment, "says the Soldier, "but this old war horse
far too old to be leading any battle charges into enemy terrotory. I'd
slow them down." indicating his right leg, which has a meachnanical
around it due to injuries from battles fought long ago.

Frank accompanies Soldier into the lab, saying, "I wanna see this
thing under a microscope too." Though he won't know what he is
looking at, some part of Frank's computer core may be triggered by
seeing the technology. It is a stretch, but Frank is curious.

"Soldier, we contacted Morris before we came here. He didn't seem to
know anything about this particular device, but he turned white when
we told him about it. Said you guys had investigated a similar thing
a while back with an implant in Shockwave, the wrestler, but didn't
elaborate. Care to enlighten us, since this obviously concerns us
now?" Frank is trying to sound professional. The soldier is obviously
a serious hero. But if he is holding information about Frank's past
or this case, Frank wants to know. He looks at the desert eagle .50
caliber, easily the biggest pistol Frank has ever seen.

The Unknown Soldier thinks long and hard about whether to tell these
heroes the whole story. They were involved now and not telling them what

they might be up against could jeopardize their mission as well as the
safety of the Huntress and the other heroes that had been taken into

"What I'm about to tell you is classified info. Since you were hired by
Huntress I needen't remind you that it is priveledged information
by client confidentiality laws.
So to answer your question, yes, we have encounted these things before,
at least similar looking ones. The ones we encountered were used by an
alien race called the Xargothians, to mind control Shockwave and other
metahumans, as well as an entire secret military compound in Area 51.

The Guardians were able to eventually free then all of their servitude
destroying the Xargothian spaceship that was transmitting the commands.

Captain Marvel (a former Guardian) had a conspiracy theory that the
xargothians were secretly manipulating events to turn the public against

metahumans. according to his theory, once the metahumans were taken out
the picture by fear and hatred driven humans, then the Xargothians
invade earth without having to deal with any superhuman threats to their


I don't know if Captain Marvel's story is true or not, but the
do exist and they were trying to manipulate things here on Earth. So
begs the question of how did PURGE come by these devices? As I said,
are similar to the oines we encountered before, but not as "alien"
for lack of a better term. PURGE could be in cohorts with the
which I doubt, if they hate metahumans for being different then I can't
imagine them working with extraterrestrails, or maybe they somehow got
their hands on some of the older implants and modified them. Whose to
say? "

"One thing I do know is these things are fairly easy to detach." he says
he yanks the implanted device out of the psions neck. It comes out with
sickening wet suction sound and the unconscis psion moans in his sleep.
There is about an inch long metal spike on the underside of the device
covered in blood), that apparently kept the device imbedded in the
neck. "nasty little buggers"

Frank laughs at the "enterprise" joke (being a sci-fi fan), trying to
stifle his humor. He straightens his face, and says, "Shouldn't we
call CAPE or the police or somebody? I mean, if this is a base for
these guys, they probably have lots more of these armored guards, and
who knows what else. No telling how many will be there. If we don't
want them running out past us like a buncha rats from a sinking ship,
we might could use some backup. Those CAPE guys usually show up
pretty fast, and the people at that base prob'ly know we captured
their men, and they also gotta know we have their telepath. It ain't
a stretch to think we maybe found out where they are. They could be
evacuating right now for all we know, or planning to detonate a nuke!"

Frank realizes he sounds paranoid. "Not that I'm afraid or anything,"
he quickly adds, "but they did almost blow this place up. (By the
way, thanks Verve and Soldier, you saved us all.) Anyway, it just
seems to me we oughtta get some help. This ain't yer average
bankrobber we're after here. Won't the super-cops wanna know what
we've found out?"

"Yes, CAPE should be notified. They are excellent at this sort of thing
have no problen working with superheroes such as yourselves. Generally
act as backup for superhuman teams in situations such as this, taking
into custody, and allowing the hero teams to handle the larger threats.
can contact them if you need me to and explain the situation.

Now that I've removed the implant from the psion, they won't be able to
track him, just the device.
My advice is that this man be taken to a hospital, I can keep the
with me at the Guardtower for further study. I'm not worried about them
attacking the Guardtower, we've got some of the best defenses money can
But I do think that all of you need to be involved in the assault on the

PURGE compund. You have no idea what you will be facing and there is
strength in numbers. I can maintain radio contact with you if need be
this." he says pulling out a Guardian issue comm-link.

"That all makes sense to me," Menagero agrees. "Well,
then, we'll be doing this as our first officiial team
strike. Well, Supers of Fortune, Let's Go Earn Our

Menagero walks out of the lab and grabs his keys off
of the key ring. "We can take my caravan if you like."


Blitz has just finished cleaning the scorch marks off of
his gloves and considers asking Unknown Soldier if, along
with the commlink, maybe they can borrow his Desert Eagles.
Thinking better of such a suicidal question, he looks over
his companions and says,
"I agree, I don't want to wait for another attack from
those walking defibrilators [he's a paramedic, remember].
Let's take this trouble home to it's mama!"

As he heads for the Menagero Mobile, he realizes that he
doesn't feel as confident as he tried to sound.

The Captain pulls out his microrecorder as he follows
Blitz and Menagero to the door, "Captain's Log, We
have recived our first mission. It, but the fate...of many lives
may...lay in our hands and deppend on our...actions.
May we serve equal to the task."
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Tue Dec 18, 2001 5:19am
Subject: Recap: Turn 2.11
    Verve stays behind to contain the PURGE agents until the authorities can

arrive. The Unknown Soldier says that he will contact CAPE and explain
the situation. He will also be in radio contact with the SOF team by
commlink if they need asssitance.

The others all pile into Master Menagero's van and head out for the
subway terminal the PURGE agent indicated. It takes them awhile of
fighting traffic, and they arrive about a half an hour later. CAPE has
already arrived on the scene and closed down the subway tunnel as well
as clearing the area of civilians.

They meet a CAPE officer who identifies himself as Sgt. Hawkins. "We've
been waiting on you. So far we haven't seen anything unusual. My guess
is there is some sort of secret entryway into the PURGE base, but so far

we haven't been able to locate it. Any suggestions from you hero

Frank looks at the building we suspect them to be in, trying to
detect any transmissions coming from it--indicating that PURGE might
still be inside and active. If there are signals coming from the
base, Frank says, "Looks like somebody is transmitting from inside,
we just need to figure out how to get in." If there are no signals
coming from inside, he says, "I don't see any radio communications
coming from the building. They are either gone or maintaining radio

Frank will then suggest, "Why don't some of us try the tunnel to find
an entrance. Hey Zena, think your tiger can track the scent of those
agents? Maybe she can find a way in. If there are no objections, I'll
go down into the tunnel. I can see in the dark. Who's with me?"

Frank intends to look for an entrance to the hideout in the subway
tunnel. He uses his IR vision to see by if it is too dark. He
periodically scans the whole EM spectrum to see what else he can see,
particularly radio frequency (to see communication signals).

Zena grumbles under her breath as Frank once again calls her lioness a

"Perhaps Tolwynn can be of assistance." says Zena as she kneels doen by
her female companion, "Tolwynn, do you think you can find the scent of
those armored men?"

"My nose is still tingling from the shock I took, but I can try. . . "
responds Tolwynn as she begins sniffing around.

[7 Str Card for Tolwynn's tracking]

Kinetica shakes the last of the codine off.  "So, uh, what's going on?"

After some sniffing around the tracks at the subway termiinal, Tolwynn
locates a familiar scent. "The enemy is this way. " she says to Zena,
into the darkened subway tunnel. About 100 yards down the track she
stops and
puts her front paw against the side of the tunnel. "The trail ends

[ Replacement card: 5W (-) Humanity Loss]

Roughneck scans the EM frequency of the area and can see a variety of
differnt patterns that seem out of place in comparison to the rest of
tunnel. This was no doubt the hideden entrance the PURGE agent had
Now they just had to figure out how to get into the place.

Frank intensifies his EM vision, using his microscopic vision as
well, looking very closely at the area Tolwynn pawed. He is trying to
see the magnetic fields of any circuitry located within the wall
itself--mechanisms that control a door, or wires bringing power to a
locking mechanism, or servos used to open the door automatically,
things like that. [Electric current produces a magnetic field, so he
could detect the circuitry if his vision is intense enough. Up to
you, O GM of Power. Frank does have microscopic and telescopic
vision, right?]

If he is successful, he will tell the others, "This is definitely the
entrance, I can see the controlling circuitry." If he can determine,
from the position of the control circuitry, where the door's edges
are, then he will use his laser (max power) to cut through any locks
or hinges, ready to kick the door in.

"Get ready," says Roughneck.

Blitz hangs back, waiting for the entrance to be found. He
can't shake the uneasy feeling he's had since leaving
Menagero's lair. He's never liked the subway, for some
reason. It's a panic reaction, the way some people feel
about roller coasters or motorcycles, although he's never
been bothered by either of those.

He gathers his courage and puts the queasiness out of his
mind. "We're going into the dragon's lair, and it probably
knows we're here by now. We should stay in contact and stay
alert once we're in."

Once entrance has been gained, Blitz shrinks down, powering
up his hyperspeed, and heads into the base with his

Menagero thinks to himself that it would be better to
be Blitz right now in case someone is going to jump
them. Sidesteeping away from Zena, MM takes on Blitz
speed and miniture size and takes the point with him
going into the secret entrance.

The Captain speaks up, "Roughneck, I don't suppose
your scanners could tell you if their is an open area
on the other side of this wall. If there is I could
attempt a beam in and see if I could open the door
from there."

Frank is able to see an outline of a door approximately 10'by 10'
created by
the magnetic locking devices that seal the door shut. It appears that
whole door moves either outward or inward, no visible hinges.

As the group stands around trying to figure out a way to get in, two
metallic plates jetison up out of the ground on either side of them. The

plates completely seal them off from the rest of the tunnel, effectively

trapping the group between the plates, the secret door in front of them,
the subway tunnel wall behind them. They reach all the way from the
to the sealing.

A second later a loud metallic rumbling can be heard as the secret door
starts to slowly push towrds them. There is no gap beteen the metal
and the secret door. If something isn't done quickly, they will all be
smashed into jelly against the subway wall behind them.

"Oh great, the subway just got even smaller! Captain, do
you think you can beam us out of this trash compactor?"

Blitz shrinks so that he can take up less room. Other than
that, there's not much he can do at the moment.

Frank is standing looking at the door as it begins to grind toward
him. Using his EM vision, he immediately tries to find a wire or
power connector (or any other working part of the crusher/door that
his laser can reach). I play the card you just gave me, 7A "Rescue."
I am using a dramatic event, the one listed on that card.

If you allow the dramatic event, here it is:

Frank's EM vision picks a current near the right side of the door,
what he suspects is a control cable or a power cable for the door's
servos. He aims his laser at full power (+5) and begins drilling a
hole straight through the brick at the cable.

"I'm trying to drill through to the door's power cable! Somebody come
up with another plan in case this doesn't work!" he says to the

[If this is utterly not possible, like there is no power cable for
him to even see, then I will repost at your request. By the way, does

Menagero lets out a feminine scream when the doors
appear. Embarassed as his outburst, he tries to regain
some of his dignity, "Verve, perhaps whipping up an
invulnerable brace would be appropriate right now.
Blitx, perhaps you an I can superspeed vibrate the
doors off of the hinges here once we shrink down.
[Menagero uses his A5 card and trump] Captain, if you
would be so kind to transport through the door and
implement a second way to rescue us."

Menagero shrinks down with a "WHOOPIE!", places his
hands on the door and begins to shake violently.

"I don't think i can do that, MM, but see what you can do."
[I don't have the cards to be attempting a new stunt!]

"Verve ain't here, brainiac," chides Kinetica.
Kinetica will try to use herself (and her forcefield) to brace the

Frank's laser punches a hole through the door ands shorts out some
on the other side of the door. The steel plates return to their housings
the floor freeing the team. The secrtet door is still extended, but no
longer moving forward. This allows them entrance into the compound. AS
look into it they can see that behind the secrte door is an antechamber
about 10 feet by 10 feet long that leads to a steel plated door with
appears to be several identification devices (retinal scanners, palm
devices, etc) to allow entrance through the door. Franks danger sense is

going off as it has been since they entered the subway tunnel. He wishes
could turn it off, it was a loud beeping in his head like an incessant

[Replacement card for Frank: 5I (+) Redemption]

[For future reerence when using dramatic events try to use the actual
wording of the event in you post. For example, "In an attempt to RESCUE,
team, Frank etc, etc."]

"Hey everboddy, somethin ain't right here. Look out for traps in this

Frank tries to use his EM vision, coupled with danger sense, to
detect any potential traps. [I play the 5I card I just got (trump for
perception?).] He does not enter the room just yet, until he sees all
he can see from the doorway.

Strangely, Frank feels like he is in his element. This is impossible,
since Frank's only possible element would be on an offshore oil rig.
Another thought comes to his mind: Maybe he was made to do this kind
of thing--infiltration, get past security, that kind of thing. His
makers had certainly equiped him for such actions.

Does my computer core tell me anything? Any of this familiar?
From: Keith Harper  <>
Date: Sat Jan 5, 2002 1:54am
Subject: Recap:Turn 2.12
    Subject:  Turn: 2.12

As the team searches for possible traps in the antechamber a
computerized voice voice comes over a loud speaker, "COMPOUND
INITIATIVE ENGAGED...10....9....8....7....6...."

"I take it THAT is a bad thing. . . ." mutters Zena as she crosses her
arms. Tolwynn roars.

OOC:I need to have Menagero do a check for what super
powers are in a one-mile radius. USe his 5S card to do
this check.

Menagero says, "Team, I think it best we get out of
here." Menagero jumps into Kinetica arms, assuming her
powers while clinging to her.

"Just watch where you stick those hands of yours."
Kinetica flies out of there top speed.

"I agree," says Frank. "Let's bolt. Everybody, OUT!" Frank will leave
via the tunnel. If anyone from the group needs help for some reason,
he will help them. He is the last one out (since he was the farthest
into the compound).

Blitz doesn't need a clue to hit him over the head more
than once. He makes sure everyone else is able to get out
(there's always someone who gets their foot stuck in a
rabbit hole or sleeve stuck in the door) and then speeds
out at the last second.

Zena and her two animal companions do their best to keep up with the
others and escape in time.

The heroes all manage to escape the subway tunnel just as the PURGE
self distracts. It feels like an Earthquake beneath their feet as the
underground base is destroyed by explosive charges. It would seem that
was indeed aware of SOF learning the location of their compound and set
trap for them. No PURGE members were spotted by CAPE or SoF.

Though they didn't gain entry into the compound the heroes accomplished
they were hired by the Huntress to do. They found out who was
for framing the Guardians and collected enough proof (the psion and the
captured PURGE agents) to successfully get them cleared in a court of
PURGE, would no doubt, rear its ugly head again in the future.
Until then, this little caper is closed and the SOF members are given a
deserved break as well as their pay of their first successful mission.