((Frank sits in front of the camera, his mask off, exposing his
rather hideous scars and artificial yellow eyes. By looking at the
camera he can tell when it starts taping. His hair has never grown
out, though patches of stubble can be seen between the scars that
criss cross his skull. Frank says, "Hi I'm Frank." He clearly doesn't
know what to say, then appears to pay brief attention to someone off
camera. He then says, "Welp, I guess I thought them guys that saved
us--well, they didn't really save us, we was still doin' OK--them
guys was pretty rude. Said they saved us, spreadin' it around the
press and all like it was their operation to begin with. Guess that
kinda irked me, yeah. So what?" Frank sits silent for another few
seconds, as if listening, then says, "Oh yeah, that guy." Frank
becomes serious, and says, "Mr. Whoever-you-are, the one behind the
scenes at Geo-Corp that tried to blow us all up, I got a message fer
ya." Frank's yellow eyes narrow, and his face constricts into a
fierce grimace. "We're on yer trail. You'd best set yer things in
order, cuz' when I find ya, I'm gonna shove yer <edited out> up yer
<edited out> and then pull it straight out yer <edited out>!" Frank
is clearly growing agitated talking about this man. "You picked the
wrong feller to f--<edited out> around with, Bub!" This is the most
belligerent the others have seen Frank. "OK, I'm done Guy... No, I'm

After several days, Electra and Sci-Fi have healed well enough to be
discharged from the Horizon Institute. Their metahuman metabolism
allowing them to recover from wounds that would have taken weeks for
a normal person to recover from. Upon their return to Meta-Force HQ,
they are briefed on what occured on the tanker after they were
teleported away from the action.
Verve is there as well, his powers having returned to normal, he is
no longer stuck in an animated form and is in his proper body. He
explains that the Horizon's Institute's best guess as to what
happened is that there was an unusual amount of radiation striking
the earth from solar flare activity the week that his powers went
awry. They theorized that this could have caused both his and MM's
powers to temporarily malfunction and/or mutate.

Kinetica, has been struggling with her inner demons, after the
inadvertent deaths of the cyborgs. She has been unable to shut off
her forcefield since the event and has come dangerously close to
falling off the wagon several times. Her counselor seems to think her
natural defensive mechanisms are trying to re-assert themselves.

The rest of the group, except Master Menagero who has taken a leave
of absence, has been busy analyzing the data from the Geo-Corp
computers. After several days of study, they discern several things:
the tanker was headed to an unknown island in the the Bermuda
Triangle called Amazonia, Zena's homeland. According to the data,
The secret island of Amazonia is located in the Bermuda Triangle.
Once a month it acts as a dimensional gateway between Earth and a
parallel world dubbed the Lost World. For one week a month (three
days prior to, the day of, and three days following the full moon)
Amazonia exists in our world, the rest of the time it exists solely
in the Lost World. The tanker was to arrive in the Triangle during
this one week period.

The Lost World is a world in which dinosaurs never died out and
continue to exist . It is also home to mastodons, saber-toothed
tigers, and a wild variety of pre-historic beast that should not
share the same time period or climate as dinosaurs. Various tribes of
primitive humans live in the jungles, surviving as best they can in
the savage environment. The tribes have been able to domesticate
some of the beasts for food and mounts, thus helping them from being
driven out of existence by dinosaurs and other threats.

In addition to Amazonia's natural resources, Geo-Corp seeks a magical
artifact known as the Serpent Helm. Apparently Geo-Corp learned of
the Helm's existence through Titania when she was in their employ.
Zena grimaces heavily at this news, this was a very bad thing.
According to Amazonian legend, the Serpent Helm grants the wearer
control over the dinosaurs.

Despite initial reports, all of the Amazons were not destroyed by the
cyborg attack and the Amazons are engaging in guerilla tactics
against Geo-Corp, both to protect themselves and prevent Geo-Corp
from gaining possession of the Serpent Helm.

Geo-Corp has had no contact with any of their personnel stationed
there for nearly a month. Once in the Lost World, radio contact is
impossible and once the gateway is closed, no physical contact can be
made for three weeks. The stolen cyber-zons were to be repaired
while in route to Amazonia. The cyborgs and cyber-zons were to be
used to route out pockets of resistance being encountered on the
Island, deal with any dinosaur threats, and gain possession of the
Serpent Helm. There were also detailed schematics of plans to add
cybernetic enhancements to a variety of dinosaurs.

"This sounds great!" exclaims Guy." as he paces around excitedly,
gesturing wildly with his hands as he imagines the forthcoming
adventure. "It will be like The Land That Time Forgot meets the
Terminator. Jurassic Park with a dash of Robocop. It will be HUGE!
MONUMENTAL! The folks at home won't know what hit 'em. They 'll be
to their seats and Spielberg will be wishing he had the cohoonas to
off something this epic! " he sniffles bit and rubs his nose.

Ms. Chesterton rolls her eyes at Guy's behavior, and says. " It looks
like we have enough evidence to cause some major damage to Geo-Corp.
Their lawyers and spin doctors are some of the best, but I'm not sure
they'll be able to come out of this without some negative backlash on
the stock market, not to mention criminal proceedings. "

The mention of the Serpent Helm, fills Zena with dread. What Titania
apparently failed to tell them, and Zena knows, is that the Serpent
Helm houses a spirit of ancient evil within it that possesses anyone
who tries to use the Helm. Unable to destroy it for fear of
releasing the evil spirit within, the Amazons hid it away and put it
under guard to prevent anyone from ever using it. If Geo-Corp has
managed to gain control of it, it spells bad news for not only the
remaining amazons, but for all of the Lost World and this World as

In addition, Zena has the added anxiety of turning 25, this week. It
will mark the beginning of her mating year. Normally this would be a
time of celebration. A time of joy. For Zena, it's coming too soon.
She had yet to complete her quest, but it looks like now she'll get
that chance. Word that there are still surviving amazons fills her
with hope. Once this mission is over she can return home and unite
the people of her lands under one tribe. Her Amazonian heritage can
still be restored. This week she'll start to get the heat.... when it
sets in she'll be forced, biologically, to find a mate. In her
culture when the women leave and come to earth, they search out a
strong man, both of will and body. Zena already has her candidate in

Zena looks over and catches Frank's eyes. He's not the most
physically attractive man she has ever seen, but it is not his looks
she is interested in. She wants him for his raw power. Still looking
at Frank, she does something fairly uncharacteristic for her -- she

Frank, sitting with the rest of the group in Meta-Forces's conference
poring over the evidence from the tanker, is eating a sandwich. He
had just taken a very large bite when he sees Zena smile. He tries to
smile back, without thinking, more embarrassed with having stuffed
half a sandwich in his mouth than he is aware of the potential
meaning of Zena's smile. He nearly chokes, gulps the sandwich down,
does his best to suppress a burp, and tries to smile back, aware he
must look like a slob. He assumes Zena is laughing at his poor
manners, and he smiles back sheepishly. He quickly pretends to study
whatever document is before him, embarrassed. Later (after he's wiped
the mayo from his mouth) he steals a glance at Zena to see if she is
still amused with his lack of manners. It does not occur to Frank
that Zena has any amorous intent.

((Zena stares ahead at the camera. She was asked by Guy and Ari to do
these confessionals. Before now she has refused, but now they are
insisting that she does it or she won't be allowed to go with the team
on their mission to her homeland. She isn't sure that they are serious
in their threats but isn't willing to chance it. "Before we head out I
have been asked to let the viewers know what we face. We are venturing
to my homeland to rid the presence of Geo-Corp and regain control of
an ancient artifact known as the Serpent Helm. it is too dangerous to
be in the hands of any man, and I wouldn't even trust many women with
it's powers including myself." She is talked to off camera for a
second. "I have no comment as to my recent... interest, in Roughneck.
And I'd like to make it known now that if we do find survivng Amazons
in my homeland, I will not be returnning with the others. I will stay
behind to lead as I was born to do."))

Realizing that there are only three days left before the dimensional
gateway to the lost World closes the group decides to wet under way.
They board Meta-Force One , and Sci-Fi punches in the coordinates
gleaned from the Geo-Corp info. It takes them several hours to make it
from New york to Miami. Zena spends a portion of this time explaining
to the others just what the Serpent Helm is, though she does not tell
them everything. While she trusts them more than most, she does not
want to risk one of them becoming power hungry if they get their hands
on the Helm before she can get to it. She warns them that under no
circumstances are they to don the Helm. She also tells them that the
Helm must be protected at all costs. No harm can befal the Serpent
Helm, though she doesn't say why it must be preserved.

As they head seaward and near the area known as the Bermuda Triangle,
Meta-Force One's readouts and dials begin to go completely haywire. A
huge wall of fog totally obscures normal vision
through the cockpit and there is no way to tell where exactly they
are. Sci-Fi, who is piloting the craft , keeps the plane as straight
as possible, hoping they don't crash into any unseen objects.

After a few moments, the fog disappears as suddenly as it appeared and
the readouts return to normal functioning. Ahead in the distance, they
see a large, tropical island, dotted with volcanic mountain ranges.

"There it is! That is my homeland, Amazonia!" says Zena excitedly.

Sci-Fi flies makes a wide spin around the island. Several different
types of prehistoric animals and dinosaurs are seen as well as exotic
birds and animals found in their home dimension.

"There is where my village was located. " she says indicating an a
circular mountain formation, with a large open field within. Sci -Fi
flies in low for a closer look. Burned out huts are all that remain of
the former dwellings. "the mountains form a natural defense, but that
did not help. "

Suddenly the ship comes under fire. Flaming arrows bounce off the
outer shell. A company of amazons in chain mail bikini armor, stand at
the entry way of a cave launching their attack on the perceived
invaders. Zena recognizes a few of them from her tribe. They had been
gone to man's world to find a mate when the attacks came. That must be
why they now survive.

"Okay, I'm setting her down," says Sci-Fi, "Zena, do you think if
you head out first you could calm them down, let them know were here
to help?" (3 of doom to land the jet safely)

Once the ship lands, Frank unbuckles himself from his seat and
shoulders his pack [I
assume we are bringing camping and survival equipment?] and prepares
to deboard, though he is definitely waiting for Zena to make first
contact with these hostile Amazons. If they see Frank first, their
suspicion of the SoF team would only be confirmed.

As the doors open, Zena prepares to address her fellow amazons. Ready
to knock away any arrows that are unleashed at her, she steps through
the doors of Meta-Force One.

[Zena will use her 10 Doom to deflect arrows fired at her. She will
wait to speak until she sees if the amazons have any reaction to
seeing her.]

As the doors open, Zena prepares to address her fellow amazons. Ready
to knock away any arrows that are unleashed at her, she steps through
the doors of Meta-Force One. Upon seeing her, the five amazons gasp in
astonishment and fall to the
ground with their heads bowed in honor of their queen.

"Forgive us your highness. We saw the flying craft and thought it was
more of the enemies from Man's world." says one of the amazons. "We
thought you had been killed with the others. "

Everyone immediately notices how thick the air seems . Much hotter and
vaporous, than the air they were accustomed to. The slight stench of
sulfur is in the air. Strange animals and birds can be heard in the

Tolwynn and Tancreed, are delighted to be back in their homeland. The
lioness roars loudly in appreciation. "It is good to see you alive...
even if you are so few in number." Zena says solemnly looking at he

"I thought all your people got turned into robots or something," says
Julia to Zena, only half-expecting an answer.

"I had too... I left my world to seek help too hastily. I should have
searched for survivors, but when I saw what had become of my tribe.... I
knew I didn't have long to leave the island." states Zena as she begins
to move towards her friends and family.

"Get a tight shot on those chicks in the metal bikinis." Guy commands
Calvin as they deboard the plane and he sees Zena approach them. "and
keep an eye out for dinosaurs. We definitely need shots of them.
Preferably attacking something and
ripping it to shreds. Lots of closeups and dutch angles"

Zena sneers at Guy's insensitivity, she has has a mind to run him through.

"Run!" cries Julia to t! he amazons. "Those black rocks steal your

Verve seems awestruck by the primordial sights and sounds. "It' like we
just walked onto the set of Jurassic Park." he says.

"If that's true, then Guy and Calvin don't have a chance. Neither will
the amazons, or at least half of us for that matter.
That's how those movies always go."

"I'd say it's more like Planet O' Women," says Roughneck to Verve. As
Roughneck deboards, he scans the area with his EM vision, particularly
checking the jungle with his IR and telescopic vision for anyone
watching them. He also looks at the amazons themselves. They have all
seen tiny, almost microscopic devices that can sieze control of
someone's mind, and he uses his microscopic/telescopic vision to check
them over (wihtout being obvious about it).

On his way off the plane, Frank moves next to Calvin briefly and says,
"I know you gotta do yer job, but Cal' ain't 'zackly the most sensible
guy I know. Keep a sharp watch out fer danger. I hope they're payin' ya
hazard pay fer this."

Zena watches the other amazons closely, worried that they might react
poorly to seeing Roughneck. Most likely they themselves have fought some
cyborgs. She only hopes that they haven't had to face any of the

"Sci-Fi's Log:" says Sci-Fi as he speaks into his personal recorded,
"We've set foot on a strange tropical island which exists between
worlds, and seemingly out of time. Creatures that never met in the
wider world share spa! ce on this island. Dinosaurs, mastadons, humans,
and other prehistoric beasts. Not only is the existance of survivng
dinosaurses suprising, but the fact they seeming haven't evolved in over
65 million years is frankly inexplicable. Sci-Fi out."

(Sci-Fi Testimonial: I really can;t belive Guy and Calvin came along
again, you would hace thought they learned their lesson on the
tanker...okay fine I'll talk about the island. It was kinda like Eden,
except the serpent still has limbs, is two stories tall and eats flesh.)

"Are there others who made it, Serra?" asks Zena, hugging one of her
survivng sisters from her tribe. She barely recognizes the other women
here, but will soon rectify that. "What happened to Jhen?" she asks,
curious to know what happened to her old mentor and druid.

"Are there others who made it, Serra?" asks Zena, hugging one of her
surviving sisters from her tribe. She barely recognizes the other
here, but will soon rectify that. "What happened to Jhen?" she asks,
curious to know what happened to her old mentor and druid.

Serra looks ruefully at the ground. "I am sorry your highness, but we
are all that remain. There were more but we have been at war with the
invaders. We managed to sink their giant metal boat, but paid for it
dearly. Jhen had stayed behind, to maintain guard over the Serpent
when a second invader force attacked. The others died defending the
and it was about to be taken by the invaders when Jhen donned the
She thought she could use it's power against the invaders, to turn the
tide against them. That she did, but in doing so she created a new
more powerful enemy. Jhen has become the Serpent Queen!"

"We five retreated to the safety of the caves surrounding your former
village. As you know, the mountain walls provide
a natural safeguard against many of the dinosaurs. Once she eradicates
us, she plans to move on to man's world and reclaim it for the giant
reptiles who once ruled there. " Serra pauses to let the gravity of
situation sink in.

"Damn you Titania...." Zena mutters under her breath. "You have
not only the amazons, but man's world as well."

Serra continues "We have all
resolved to fight to the death your Highness. With your return we may
yet stand a chance. Who are these small strangers you bring? Are they
to fight alongside us? "

Julia hovers a bit so that she is on par in height with the amazons.

"Yes. I went to man's world to find companions and information when I
thought you all destroyed. I have found some formidable warriors."
gestures to each person as she mentions their name. "This is
Verve, Electra and Sci-Fi."

Zena then walks over and puts her arm around Frank's waist. "This is
Roughneck. He has been a victim of the same men who ravaged our hands
the whim of Titania." She looks over to Guy and Calvin, having
momentarily forgotten they were there. "Ignore those two. They are

Frank is surprised at Zena's move, but doesn't try to remove her arm.
Behind his mask he can't help but grin stupidly, a little confused
but pleased at the feminine attention. He almost feels as if she is
claiming him as her property. He doesn't know if he should put his
arm around her or not, and settles for putting his hand on the small
of her back. He is suddenly very aware of Zena's female attributes,
and it almost makes him giddy. He is thankful the mask hides his wide

Guy seems about to retort when Tolwynn begins to growl. From the
jungle five bipedal man-sized dinosaurs erupt from the bushes.

"Raptors!" shouts Serra.

Guy and Calvin begin running for the entrance to the cave the amazons
were first seen. "Get the shot! Get the shot!" shouts Guy.

"That would sound so much more encouraging right now if he had a gun
instead of a camera," mutters Sci-Fi

Verve steps cautiously behind Kinetica and her forcefield as he pulls
out his sketchbook and begins to scribble away.

A loud screeching sound is heard from above and three pterodactyls
be seen circling about a mile above. A female figure rides on the
back of
one, who is wearing a golden helmet in the shape of a human sized T-
skull. Zena immediately recognizes it as the Serpent Helm and the
as Jhen. The sounds of her insane laughter carry to the heroes

"Well, this is interesting," says Sci-Fi looking up at the scantily
clad skull wearing woman on the flying beast.

"Let me guys, she's the bad guy." Julia takes to air, heading to
Jhen. (Play 5W defense. If she can attack this round, she'll slam
her with a forcefield-enhanced-fist with 4I for trump plus 1D edge).

[With a flight of 10, you will be able to reach her, but probably
won't get to atatck until the very end of the round]

"Thanks for the cover!" Verve shouts to Julia as she takes off
leaving him exposed to the charging raptors.

"Hide behind someone that doesn't fly next time!" Julia quips back.

"Down Dino!" shouts Sci-Fi as he fires a stun blast at the Rapot
charging Verve (6Int + trump) "Verve, maybe you should get back in
the jet, you can still see us from the cockpit. And take Guy and
Calvin with you, they may be annoying but we can't rixk letting them
becoming Dino-food." (9Str for dodge)

Electra takes Scifi's advice and zips over to Verve and takes him to
cover. She then brings up her new protective field.

Roughneck moves toward the raptors, though he occasionally looks up
to see what the flying dinos are doing. He says to Zena, "Can you
talk to dinosaurs?"

[If the flying dinos attack, Frank will try to grab hold of one and
mount it as it zips by. If they stay in the air, he will instead
attack a raptor, depending on what Zena replies.]

"I... I don't know." stammers out Zena. "But I will try."

Zena watches out for the approaching Velociraptors. She knows that
they are some of the more intelligent dinosaurs that she has ever
personally encountered. She stands a better chance of controlling the
flying reptiles. She knows that it will be a struggle to try and steal
control of a dinosaur away from the Serpent Queen. It's probably
impossible, but it's at least worth a try. She focuses her animal
influence upon a pterodactyl and tries to get the winged beast to
attack the Serpent Queen.

With any luck she'll be able to control it long enough to knock the
headgear off of Jhen.

[Dodge with 10 Doom; 6 Will to try and influence the flyer with my
Animal Control.]

Electra grabs Verve and whisks him away to the cockpit of Meta-Force
One. She then concentrates for a moment and her body crackles with an
electrical sheathe of energy. She had learned her lesson last time and
wasn't going to risk getting hurt if someone managed to make contact
with her. From the cockpit, Electra can see Guy and Calvin stumbling
hurridly towards teh mouth of a nearby cave, stopping every few secons
to film more of the action.

Verve restarts on his drawing.

"Down Dino!" shouts Sci-Fi as he fires a stun blast at a charging
raptor. The creature deftly ducks under the blast and charges forward
slashing him on the bicep with one of it's claws. Sci-Fi grimaces in
pain as the flesh on his arm is torn open.

Zena focuses her animal influence upon a pterodactyl and tries to get
the winged beast to attack the Serpent Queen. She concentrates as hard
as she can, but the Serpent Queen's hold over the beast is too strong.

[I had Zena do a power vs. power contest for this. It would be easier
on a dino not already under the Serpent Queen's control.]

Zena narrowly avoids being cut by a charging raptor.

Roughneck attacks the creature bare handed, landing a hammer fist blow
on a soft spot just behind the creatures eye. It yelps in pain as it
passes out.

The five amazons open fore on the remaining raptors with their bows.
Their arrows strike true. the one attacking Sci-Fi is struck twice ,
but it is not enough to bring it down. Tolwynn lets out a ferocious
roar as she leaps on the creatures back, biting through it's spinal
column and killing it instantly.

The other three continue their attacks

One raptor charges Roughneck, and his heuristic algorithms move him
out of the way just in time.

A second lashes out at zena with its birdlike beak snapping shut mere
inches from her face.

A third attacks Sera, narrowly clawing her as she dodges away.

Suddenly an animated pterodactyl shimmers into existence, one of
drawings come to life. It waits for someone to mount it.

Meanwhile, Kinetica flies towards the serpent Queen. the two unmanned
pterodactyls move to intercept her. They both slam into her with their
leathery reptilian claws, and her forcefield glows a bright blue as
kinetic energy is absorbed and shunted into her forcefield, she has
never felt it feel so powerful before as she blast through them on her
way toward the Queen.

the Serpent Queen scowls and opens her mouth as if to scream in anger.
instead she issues forth a greenish liquid spray that splatters all
Kinetica. Luckily, the poisonous venom is stopped by Kinetica's force

Kinetica zooms forward and slams the Serpent Queen with a lowing blue
fist surging with additional energy provided by the pterodactyl's
attack. the Serpent Queen is knocked backwards off of her flying mount
and is on a free fall towards the ground, when one of the other
pterodactyl's snatches her up in it's claws saving her. the Serpent
Queen shakes her head to clear it, climbing onto the back of the
flyingdinosaur. "Now you die, Outlander!" she screams as her hair suddenly
transforms into a writhing mass of serpents and she flies towards
Kinetica. Her snake-like hair lashes out toward s Kinetica, seeking to
entangle her.

Roughneck attacks the raptor closest to him [R5 on the map, I think],
using another knife-hand blow hoping to disable the creature without
killing it. [5W for the attack, 3I for dodging.] He also tries to
keep an eye out for any dive-bombing pterodactyls.

Zena dodges the jaws of the Velociraptor and quickly charges towards the
animated dinosaur. She leaps onto its back, hoping it will carry her up
to the Serpent Queen. [5 Agil for the Dodge]

The animated pterodactyl immediatelty takes to teh air , carrying Zena
towards teh Serpent Queen. "Hang on tight Zena, " says Verve over the

Sci-Fi puts one hand on his cut to try to stop the bleeding and fires a
stun blast with the other at the Velocirapot what sliced him. (3I +
trump for stun blast, 6S for dodge)

[attached battlemap: the green butterflies represent pterydactyls. the
blue one is verve's]

With her forcefield a strong as its ever been, Julia foroges and
defensive maneuvering and focuses on laying the slamming one of the
serpent queens flunkies with another force-field enhanced fist [Playing
8 AGI, all out attack].

Zena rides atop the animated pterodactyl towards the Serpent Queen.

Kinetica, vastly overconfident by her newfound power makes no attempt
evasive maneuvers and is quickly entangled by the Serpent Queen's
slithering snake-like hair. Kinetica is unable to launch an attack as
arms are pinned to her side.

Seeing Zena approaching, the Serpent Queen swings Kinetica toward her
like a human wrecking ball with her serpent hair.

The two unmanned pterodactyls dive towards the ground to make
on the others located there.

Verve watches the action above form inside the safety of Meta-Force
He hears a slight whimpering noise behind him and sees that Electra
apparently terrified by the current events. She stands motionless,
paralyzed by fear, surrounded by her new electrical sheath designed
protect her. A pterodactyl screeches nearby and a wet stain can be
forming in Electra's costume as her bladder releases its contents.
fear-induced urine makes contact with her electrical sheathe, she
screams in agony as a million volts suddenly feedback into her body.
convulses erratically in an epilectic-like seizure before falling to
ground, powerless and unmoving. Verve immediately rushes to her side
and finds that she is not breathing.

Roughneck knifehands one of the raptors near him and it falls to the
ground unconscious.

Sci-Fi, sees that the raptor that just attacked him is being mauled
tolwynn so he changes targets. Taking aim at yet another raptor about
pounce on roughneck. His stun bolt strikes home and the creature
immediately unconscious.

The amazons kill off teh raptor nearest them and take aim at teh two
pterodactyls taht are currenlty headed toward teh heroes on the

"Hey!" says Julia. "No fair!" Then a wicked smile crosses her lip,
as she attempts to take off away from the pterodactyl, dragging the
serpent queen with her. (Playing 8A. Ignore previous post).

Roughneck uses his laser to attack one of the pterodactyls, hoping to
drive it away rather than kill it. [3I for this attack, 6D if I need
to dodge.] He hears a sizzling sound and a loud "POP!" come from
inside the jet, where Electra and Verve are. "Hope that wasn't
anything important," he thinks. Without the jet, they could be
trapped on the island, or at best have to attempt a boat escape--
something Frank dreads since he can't swim with his added weight.

*I should have my head examined for this* thinks Sci-Fi to himself as he
teleports directly above one of the Pterodactyls, attempting to land
astride it. (4W to teleport, 6S to grab onto the pterodactyl.)

Zena avoids Kinetica (if dodging her is still necessary) as she is swung
at the amazon queen. Zena hefts herself up to stand on the back of the
animated dinosaur as she nears the Serpernt Queen. With a loud amazonian
battle cry, Zena leaps off her dinosaur and soars through the air to try
and land on the pteradactyl along with Jhen. [6w for dodge, 5A for the
acrobatic leap]

Kinetica strains as hard as she can to break fee of the Serpent
hair, but cannot succeed in doing so. She feels herself being swung
a flail through the air as Zena quickly approaches on an animated

With a loud amazonian battle cry, Zena leaps off her dinosaur and
through the air as Kinetica is swung towards her. They come so close
mid-air that Kinetica's force field brushes Zena's thigh as they zoom
past each other miles above the earth. Zena uses the forcefild as a
springboard to insure that she will make the distance to Jhen's
She lands just behind her old mentor on the back of the dinosaur.

Sci-Fi attempts something equally as daring, teleporting just above
another pterodactyl. He falls a short distance and lands abruptly on
back of the creature who lets out a loud shriek in disapproval and
immediately begins thrashing and rolling about in midair to buck the
unwelcome passenger of of its back.

Roughneck takes aim at the last pterodactyl with his laser, singing
of its wings. It shrieks in pain and pulls out of the dive maneuver
was performing towards him. It also takes a few arrows from the

Over the comm-link everyone hears Verve say. "I think Electra is
dad. "

Guy and Calvin immediately begin running back to Meta-Force One to
footage of the dead heroine.

"She's a dad?" grunts Julia. "Who's the mother, this she-male with
freaky helmet?"

Julia tries to yank her off the pterodactyl again. (Play 6W)

"Dead, not dad! " says Verve over the comm-link.

"Damn!" replies Kinetica.

("If we all came home safely from every mission, then this job
wouldn't be worth do," says Julia. "I tell you, you haven't lived
until you've been in a fight to the death.")

Roughneck, seeing that the diving pterodactyl has been temporarily
turned away, sprints to the jet where Electra and Verve are located.
He enters and smells the stink of urine. Incredibly, Electra's
lifeless form lies before the distraught Verve. "What happened?" asks
Frank of his friend.

[After Verve answers...]

Frank kneels down next to Electra's still smoking body and
concentrates on his core. He's had more success with it lately and
even some breakthroughs on accessing his computer's abilities. He
knows it has more powers which are denied him except in times of
stress. He hopes it is capable of transferring his stem cells into
Electra--and thereby healing her. As when Frank jacks into a
computer, a hair-thin wire erupts from the skin between his knuckles
and injects itself into Electra.

[I am trying a stunt, Damage Transfer, to try to take some of
Electra's damage on myself and heal her--draining Frank of his stem
cells will hurt him but might help, that is my reasoning. I will use
my 5A card, since all the others are Doom.]

Up in the sky, Zena steadies herself on the back of the flying thunder
lizard. She reaches out with her hands and tries to tear the Helm free
from Jhen. If she is unable to remove the artifact, then she will be
forced to kill the woman she has looked up to since she was a young
girl, and that knowledge sits like a painful ulcer in the pit of her
stomach. [6I to remove the Helm; 6A to dodge as best I can in my
current situation]

"WHAAOOOO!" shouts Sci Fi as he attempts to stear the thrashing beast
down to the ground. (7Int to try and guide the dino, 5Int to hold on
to it)

Zena grabs the Serpent Helm and pulls on it, just as Kinetica uses
her flight to try to yank free of the Serpent Queen's hair. The
Serpent Queen is suddenly yanked off of the pterodactyl and the Helm
comes off in Zena's hand. No longer possessing the magical
attributes granted by the Serpent Helm, Jhen's hair reverts to normal
and she begins falling towards the ground below.

The dinosaurs are also no longer under her control and those with
riders on them buck ferociously to throw off the human s on their
backs. Sci-Fi is thrown off of the dino he is riding and Zena is
thrown free of hers as well. They plummet towards the ground, only a
short distance above Jhen.

The amazons watch helplessly from below as their returned Queen is
apparently about to meet her demise.

[The animated dino is no longer there, it disappeared when Verve
announce d that Electra was dead. ]

Mea! nwhile inside Meta-Force One, Roughneck and Verve kneel over
Electra's lifeless body as a hair-thin wire erupts from the skin
between his knuckles and injects itself into Electra. Frank is trying
to make whatever mechanism speeds his healing processes work on
Electra, but apparently it is too late. Nothing happens.

Frank withdraws from Electra, then Julia's voice crackles over the

"I could use a little help up here!" Julia will attempt to grab Zena
hoping Sci-Fi can teleport to safety.

Frank runs outside, seeing bodies falling from the sky. Two of them
look like amazons, and the other must be Sci-fi. Seeing Julia fly
toward the amazon with the helm in her hands (which Frank assumes is
Jhen, but is actually Zena), he moves to where the other amazon looks
to be falling. Frank will try to leap into the air and try to meet
the falling amazon in the air, grab her, and land safely. [7A for
this attempt.! ] As he prepares to leap, he says over the
commlink, "Verve, we need yer help, but fast!"

Sci-Fi teleports to the ground (5Int), as Zena flails her arms wildly.
She hopes that the rapidly approaching Kinetica will catch her, but
fears for the worst. She clutches at the helm, holding it tight to her
chest. She thinks about trying to control one of the pterodactyls, but
remembers her failure a few moments before.

Sci-Fi safely teleports to the ground as Kinetica catches Zena in
air. Sci-Fi lands with a loud thud, maintaining the momentum he
acquired during his split second fall, though he is unhurt.

Roughneck rushes to try and catch Jhen as an animated stuntman airbag
appears before him directly beneath the falling amazon.
She hits the airbag and a loud WHOOSH of air is expelled as it breaks
her fall. It immediately deflates after catching her and Jhen lies
there in apparent shock moaning. The other amazons rush to her aide,
helping her to her feet as Kinetica and Zena land on the ground nearby

Jhen holds her head painfully, "Zena my child! I had thought you
dead."then suddenly realizing the horror she unleashed by donning the
Serpent Helm, she falls to her knees in shame, "Please your highness,
me! I sought only to protect those of us who remained from the
invaders. They had terrible weapons! . We had no defense against them."

As Kinetica lands Zena on the ground she approaches her mentor. She
her hand on the elder's face. Frank watches the scene, not
"It was a desperate and foolish act." starts Zena, smiling that her
?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-
com:office:smarttags" />Mentor is safe from harm. "But I fully
understand your intentions." Zena
stares at the helm wishing for the knowledge to safely destroy the
artifact along with the evil soul. "I most likely would have done the
same thing."

"Thank you your Highness. You are most gracious," says Jhen raising
her feet. "there a very few of us left. Perhaps a few dozen more
hidden away in various locales around the island. I'm afraid we are
danger of becoming extinct. We must mate in shifts, so that those
impregnated can be protected by the others." Jhen studies the men of
group! for a moment, obviously sizing them up.?xml:namespace prefix =
o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

"If you're looking to mate, it sometimes help to pretend your drunk,"
says Julia. "Or actually be drunk for that matter."

"So is that it? I mean, this bi-er, woman put on a hat the make her
crazy and kill people, including Electra, and you just give her a
slap on the wrist?"

"Oh who cares!" says Guy running up to join the group. "It's an
Amazon orgy for God's sake. It will be the hottest thing on TV.
Talked about for years. No one will even remember Madonna and Britney
after this or even Janet for that matter. Count me in!" he says
unbottoming his shirt

"Keep your shirt on Guy," says Sci-Fi. "I can't belive I'm
suggesting this," Sci-Fi says, "but we have a procedure in the
outside world called artificial fertilization. You could all have
kids with out having to have sex with! guys you don't really want
too." As Sci-Fi says this he seriously starts to blush. The idea
of "mateing" with this warrior women would be a dream for him, but
the circumstaces are wrong. He'd feel like was taking advantage of
their tragedy. And Guy insensitive comments really angered him.

"Captain Kirk would be ashamed of you," adds Julia.

"Kirk might have slept around alot, but he never took advantage of
people trying to recover from genocide." replies Sci-Fi.

Frank says, "Yeah, but just cuz' you enjoy a good deed don't make it
bad." He can't help but look at Zena.

Zena's eyes dart towards Jhen. She looks at her for a moment to avoid
looking at Roughneck, not wanting to give away her intentions just yet.
Then her mind is drawn to the helmet. "Before we even consider our
societies repopulation, we must do something this this cursed artifact
once and for all... and deal with Electra. How did she die?" asks Zena.
She secretly wishes that Master Menagero were here. He would probably
able to come up with a way to deal with this helmet in a permanent way.

"There is no way to destroy the Serpent Helm without releasing the evil
spirit contained within, the same that possessed me, when I donned the
helm." says Jhen. "if nothing else we can, place it somewhere were no
one will find it. Perhaps your new friends could cause a cave to
collapse on it, burying it forever. We amazons have guarded the helm
millenia, I was the first to succomb to the temptation of using it. "

Verve answers the question about Electra. "I'm not sure how she died.
Some type of electrical feedback i think."

Guy paing no attention to the others, continues disrobing as he talks
excitedly to Calvin. "We could do a whole spin-off show--'Amazons Gone
Wild!' Put it on pay per view and make a small fortune. "

Calvin tries to avert his eyes! , as Guy is now wearing nothing more than
a pair of silk thong underwear and his ever present green tinted
sunglasses. His pasty white body shines in the sun.

"Ugh, Guy." Frank tries not to look at Guy and goes back aboard the
nearby plane to Electra, trying to discover all he can about how she
died. She and Verve went into the plane together, and when Frank came
in, she was dead. He doesn't think Verve would ever do anything like
that; of all the members of the team, Frank had known Verve the
longest. But members of the team had been recently mind controlled.
That changed things.

Frank now remembers that he himself had once felt an urge to kill
Electra, almost a compulsion that at the time he thought was his
computer core attempting to assert control. Now he reconsiders that
judgment, and from inside the plane he looks at Verve while Guy talks
loudly about his favorite lube and positions. Frank scans Verve
looking for any microscopic robots on him, like the ones they'd
investigated many months ago. He looks for anything out of the
ordinary among the whole group. When he is done, he returns to his
investigation into what killed Electra.

Frank notices no mind control devices. Electra has several wounds
consisitent with being electrocuted. Frank had seen a man get struck by
lightnig once while working on an oikl rig and the wounds look very

"Oh geez, Guy," says Sci-Fi, "That's it, I can't take this any more,
these people have been through hell, Elektra's dead, and you can think
about is money and sex. You disgust me." And with that he fires a stun
blast at Guy. (I'm not sure what my hand is, I'll use my largest card)

Guy falls to teh ground unconscious. Calvin looks releived.

"Had you not done it, I would have." states Zena as Guy collapses to the

"I have an idea about the Helm," states Verve. If we can't destroy it
maybe we can make it disappear...forever. Do you know the mechanics of
how you teleport Sci-Fi? My guess is that you either momentarily shift
into another dimension and then reappear in this one, or you deconstruct
your molecules then reintegrate them elsewhere. Either way would work
for what I have in mind. Do you think it would be possible for you to
take the Helm, teleport yourself holding it, but let go of it, for lack
of a better term, before you reappear? Have you ever tried anything like

"No I've never tried that before; I don't even know if I could let go of
something while teleporting." says Sci-Fi, "But unless there are any
other suggestions I could give it a shot" says Sci-Fi. He grabs the Helm
and teleports an short distnce away. When he reappears, the Helm is gone.

"Cool. " says Verve. "Hopefully that takes care of the Helm for good. "

With the Helm no longer posing a threat Meta Force decides to head back
to civilization before the rift closes and traps them on the Isle for an
entire month. Zena stays behind with her people to coordinate the
repopulation of teh Amazons. [Unless of course Garry has other plans
for her..I just glossed over this part. If anyone wants or add anythng
feel free to do so]

A private funeral service is held for Electra shortly after the team's
return to Manhatten. The entire team is there, inclusing Master
Menagero, Ms. Chesterton, Guy and Calvin (minus the camera), Ari
Goldman as well as several members of the Guardians.

After everyone pays their respects, Ari approaches the team. " In light
of recent events, I've decided to pull the plug on the show. It's just
too dangerous. This is the second team member taht has been killed ,
not to mention the others that have been severly injured in the line of
duty. So effective immediately, Meta-Force is cancelled. You can keep
the team name if you want and carry on on your own, but I'm washing my
hands of any involvement. "

Rupert's flight has just landed in Boise,Idaho. He was on his way to
vist his Aunt Lily, who had left a message on his answering machine
saying she needed to see him about something very important and could
he please come right away. All subsequent attempts to contact her had
been fruitless, so Rupert booked the next flight to Boise. It may
have been a blessing in disguise. Rupert was irked by the lack of
teamwork Meta-Force had demonstrated on their last mission. He was
about to quit outright, when this came up, so he at least had the
excuse of a family emergency. This would give him time to cool down
and he would make his final desicion about whether to stay on the
team once this situation was dealt with. He had even left his comm-
link behind on purpose, so the team couldn't contact him.

As he claims his luggage and makes his way to rent a car, he sees an
elderly man, dressed in a driver's uniform holding a sign that
says "Rupert Renspotnick" on it. This is odd, since he hadn't
arranged for any limos or other chauffered vehicles to meet him at
the airport.

"H-Hello" Rupert says while sneezing.

"Right this way sir", says the driver as he picks up Rupert's luggage.
"You've been expected. Your Aunt Lily is quite eager to see you I'm
sure. " He begins heading for the front entrance of teh airport, where
Rupert can see a black limosine with tinted windows parked on the

Rupert grabs his bags back. "Excuse me for being a bit paranoid, sir,
but I rather not go along for this ride. It's not like Aunt Lily to have
the funds to dish out such a great present. And I'm much too much of a
humble simpleton to allow such a gift. I'll take a taxi. Thanks." Rupert
flags down a taxi while waiting to see the driver's reaction.

I think it is your Aunt Lily's best interest if you come with me, " says
the driver.

"Oh, I see." Rupert says. He begin to think of poor Aunt Lily duct taped
motionless in some sort of dank, rat-infested basement, her tattered
grey wig slipping slightly of her head obscuring her vision. He thinks
of how she could be shivering in fear, her old bones rattling like a
snakes tale as masked thugs taunt and poke her. But, what was all this
about. Was this coincidence or did someone know about his dual identity.
Rupert approaches the driver/ After blowing his nose and pushing his
glasses up onto his face, the nerd growls, "Don't think I am intimidated
in the least, sir. You won't beleive the year I've been having. THis is
just the icing on the cake. You may want to inform whoever is behind
this sham that Rupert Rettenspottick has many friends in high places and
they are making a big mistake." Rupert thinks to himself, *Wait a
second! This guy didn't really threaten me. Am I getting parnoid? Maybe
hanging around Meta-Force has blinded me to the fact that millions of
people live normal lives not fraught with constant adventure. Maybe I
just need to deprogram my heroic tendencies. THis is all probably

"Perhaps you'd like to them yourself sir, " says the driver, opening the
car door for Rupert and gesturing for him to enter the rear of teh limo.
"It's not far."

"FIne." Rupert gets in and folds his arms

As the car pulls out of te airport, Rupert hears a slight hissing noise
and a peculiar smell. he begins to feel very drowsy and cannot help but
fall asleep.

He wakes up an indeterminate time later. He is in a small room, that
reminds him very much of a hospital or retirement home setting. the
faint smell of stale urine and antiseptics lingers in the air. He is
lying na bed and the rails are in the upright position. His metahuman
radar alerts him tat there are metas nearby, though not close
enougtoassume their powers.

"It's about time you woke up, Renspottnik," says a haggard female old
voice taht he barely remembers. He sees taht it belongs to his old
nosy neighbor, Ms. Kravitz. She is setting in a chair across teh room
next to the elctric radiator with her cane ascrodss her knees. "We have
business to discuss. I want you and your damnable corporation out of the
building that was may home for over 50 years. If you are smart, then
you'll do as I say, and don't even think about getting that Master
Menagero fop involved. If I see even a hint taht you are trying to make
contact with that silly bodyguard of yours, you will regret it. Your
aunt is fine, but if you want her to stay taht way, then do the right
thing. I'm a reasonable woman Renspotnick. I tolerated your consatnt
noisemaking, your damn sneezing, that damn ABBA music, but when you
threw me and the rest of the building out on the street that was the
last straw. I had to take matters into my own hands. "

"You make me out to be some monster." Rupert replies. "Listen, Ms.
Kravitz. I know we didn't always get along admirably but *achoo!*.
Pardon me. My nose seems to be itching terribly. I think I must be
allergic to these sheets. *ACHOO* I think my skin is developing hives.
You did secure my medication, right?"

Rupert is trying to buy time. He scans the room for any surveillance
devices. He runs a scan to determine what super-powers he feels within
his power aura. (toss whatever appropriate cards since I seem to have
lost my card hand)
Rupert knows in his carry-on he has his cell phone. He could call for
help if needed. He didn't want to endanger his cherished aunt. So
calling the police would be the only option, unless her could use some
subterfuge. He refused to get Meta-Force involved. They'd end up turning
this simple situation into an international issue.

His costume was packed in his main luggage. He could only hope that the
villains wouldn't look through it and discover his duel identity.
Fortunately, Kravitz seemed more interested in revenge and getting her
old home back than looting his goods. "ACHOO! I could really use my
inhaler that is in my carry-on. And, while your getting that for me, you
should consider something: The property has been completely *sniffle*
renovated. It is no use to you now. In fact, *slurp* your apartment has
been coverted to a men's bathroom complete *sniff* with urinals and
showers. WHat would you do with that, dearheart?"

Rupert detects three metahumans with the following powers:
(Unfortunately they are not within 100 yards of him so he cannot
duplicate their powers at the moment.) he doesn't see any surveillance

Metahuman One
Agility 11
Light Control "Rainbow Power" 15
Stunts: Blinding, Energy Blast, Flight, Force Field, Hypnotism

Metahuman two
Strength 16
Bouncing 4
"The Huff-N-Tackle" - This special attack can bowl through several
opponents at once. The Bulge inhales while in motion and then exhales
before striking. His fat can elongate in directions of his choosing for
a devastating group assault.
ß Density Control 8.
Bulge can increase his weight to giNormous degrees, giving him added
strength and durability. His agility is reduced to 0 when he uses this
ß Elongation 8. Bulge can toss his cellulite around, striking his victim
with bulges of stinging fat.

Metahuman three
Willpower 15
Regeneration 18

Ms. Kravitz seesm slightly annoyed with rupert's response. "Everything
will have to be returned to its original stste. Otherwise your Aunt
Liliy will suffer for it. Then you can think about that everytim you use
your fancy new urinal " Seemingl;y didgusted by the incesant snot
running out of rupert's nose she pulls out a cell phoen with a built in
walki-talkie. "Bring me his carry on bag. " she says.

"I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail!" answers a flamboyanlty
gay voice with a severe lisp on the other end.

Rupert senses taht one of teh metahumans is coming towards the room. It
is the one with teh Light control powers. As the meta draws near, Rupert
feels himslef beginning to take on the meta's powers. he begins to glow
in multifaceted rainbow hues.
Rupert tries to shut off the power. No need to blow his secret. He grabs
a bed sheet. Wiping his nose after a stiff blow, he asks Kravtiz. "Why
are you so openly hostile? I've never met such a mean *sniff* old lady.
It's like you have some grudge against anything new. THe world can't
stay the same *sneeze* forever, you know?"
OOC: IS there a window nearby? Where is the smell of urine coming from?
Rupert will try to slyly tie his bed sheets together, hoping that the
aged vision of Ms. Kravitz dones't catch him. Using a sleight of hand
agility feet 5A+ trump.
OOC: I want to save my XP's to gain another card for my hand asap.
Rupert succeeds in turning off teh multi-colored glow and stealthily
ties his bed sheets together as Ms. Kravitz averts her eyes from
Rupert's running nose.
just as he finishes a man wearing a multi-colored rainbow outfit enters
teh room with Ruport's carry on bag. "Here you go , sweetie-pie. "he
says as he hands the bag to Rupert.

Rupert thinks to himself, "Pretty tough character, this guy here. Even
though he seems old, his power signature is strong enough to probably
bore a hole through titanium alloy." Rupert says, "Thank you. Who are
you?" to the old gay man.

Rupert waits for the perfect opportunity to reach into his bag, grab his
cell phone and press 1# (911) without being seen. 3A agility + trump

"Thank you for asking!" says th eman "I am Ben-Gay!" he says with a
flmboyant twirl on his toes. As he spins tiny lights dance aroujnd him
in a disco ball liki pattern. Rupert takes teh opportunuty to dial 9-11
on his cell phone as he seeminlgly looks for his medicine.

Rupert leaves the phone in the bag, hoping that the 911 operator can
hear him. Rupert speaks loudly. "Gee! I can't believe a refined man such
as yourself would allow Miss Kravitz to *WHACHOO* abduct me and threaten
to kill my Aunt Lily. If I knew where I was right now, I would tell the
police where to find you. I'm sure any officer of the *sniff* law would
love to put your weirdos away for the horrible crimes your committing!"

Rupert pulls his inhaler out, trying to act more and more frantic. "In
fact, I'm going to probably die *wheeze* from an asthma attack as we
speak from all this *wheeze* stress!"

Rupert glares into Ben-Gay's eyes. "And you! I'm sure Miss Kravitz
*wheeze* never told you what RensCorp does for business. My firm is
employed to *wheeze* figure out what makes super-humans like yourself
tick. I know all about the *wheeze* psychology of a creep like you. It's
all about *wheeze* MONEY! So, let me make this easy for you. I'm willing
to DOUBLE *wheeze* whatever this old sour promised you!"

OOC: Get ready for this slickness. I will give it to you in the full
plan detail..
Round 1: Using the light powers I now have, I want to control an
incoherent ball of light to float near Ben-Gay (what happened to
Ben-Gay?). The invisible light ball will then explode towards Kravtiz.
My goal is to blind her and shoot a hole in the ceiling above her. The
laser beam should arch into the sky and explode like fireworks. All-out
attack: Rainbow Power 15 + 2W and trump.

Round 2: Rupert exclaims while jumping on the opposite side of the bed
from Ben-Gay, "What did I tell you, Miss Kravitz. He'll do anything for
*wheeze* the almighty dollar. But, even though you threatened my life
and the life of my aunt Lily, Rupert Rettenspottick isn't going to let
you die. I'll protect you from this METAHUMAN miscreant *wheeze*. His
FIREWORKS are sure to tip the cops off."

My attack will be to diminish Rainbow Brite's powers by sucking all of
the photonic particles in the room into a Yoda-like ball in my hand. It
should become very dark except for the glow from my hand. Using 7I +
trump (do I have physics skill?). Defense: Force field with 6W.

Round 3: Using the ball of solid light in my hand, I send a photonic
force bolt at Ben-Gay's stomach. When it explodes on impact, more
fireworks should fly up into the air through the hole in the ceiling.
Offense: Best card available. Defense: Duck under bed and crawl toward
Kravitz. "I'm coming to rescue you, old evil Miss Kravitz. I REALLY,
*wheeze*, really do hope the cops see these amazing fireworks blowing up
directly above *wheeze*
where I am captured." Use best card available, preferably intellect
since I will be using Ben-Gay's flight power to get around quicker.

The above happens exactly as planned as Ben-Gay is knocked backwards
across teh room from teh photonic blast.

Rupert feels teh otehr metas quickly approaching the room , no doubt
alerted by the ruckus.

A few seconds later they arrive. One is an obesely fat elderly man,
wheezing from teh short run, teh other is dressed like a Grim Reaper,
holding a sythe. There is a third who registers no powers and appears to
be in some sort of advencd technological wheelchair.

They help ben-Gay to his feet, and immedialtely begin heading for Rupert
who is now nest to the chair taht teh blinded Ms. Kravitz is setting on.

"Miss Kravtiz!!! Their coming to finish us off!!!" Rupert tries a
dazzling flash of Ben-Gay's hypnotism power. "This should buy me some
time," he thinks.

Rainbow Power 15 + 6S = 21
Dodge any attack using my 4A + trump and acrobatics.

The villains suddenly stop their approach and quickly begin
re-decorating the hospital room. "We must get this place looking
Fab-U-Lous, " says Ben-Gay. "Come on ladies! you can do it, Put some ass
into it!"

Rupert hopes the distraction will give him time to escape. He flies
through the hole in the roof after grabbing his tote bag. He plans to
make a quick change into his costume and return as Master Menagero!!!
OOC: All-out defense, flying out 15 + 7W + trump

Rupert flies out of teh room unnoticed by the villains, they are all
very intent on making the room look fabulous. He is able to quickly
change into his costume Menagero costume in the skies above the nursing

In the distance he can hear police sirens and sees the flashing lights
of a police caravan approaching.

"Perfect timing!" MM says. Using his light powers, MM flies around the
building (is it a nursing home? WHat is it?) looking for innocent
civilians to evacuate. "Once I am sure the area is clear, I can let
loose with my powers. Even more important, I need to make sure AUnt Lily
is okay. I will scout the area that I first detected the meta-humans to
be grouped. Perhaps they *sneeze* were looking over Aunt Lily."

Searching area 4W + trump

As he quickly scouts teh building MM discrens that it is an abandoned
nursing home that the villains have been using as a hideout. Peering
into a window in teh area he first detected teh metahumans he sees his
Aunt Lily bound and gagged, tied to an old fashioned wheelchair. The
vilalins must have placed here in teh chair because Aunt Lily requires
no wheelchair, not even a cane. She is very spry for her 70+ years.

MM immediately flies in and freees his darling Aunt Liliy while teh
police apprehend teh villains who put up no fight whatsoever, other than
screaming about not getting to fininsh the makeover on the nursery home.

Once Rupert is sure that everything is alright with his Aunt Lily he
returns to Manhatten, where he learns that his old teamates are having
a funeral for one of the fallen. It seems Electra lost her life on the